blob: 6729b2f7e039f9f01257f9a09df07f3445341be9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
// The minimum height for a TableViewHeaderFooterView.
extern const CGFloat kTableViewHeaderFooterViewHeight;
// The horizontal spacing between views and the container view of a cell.
extern const CGFloat kTableViewHorizontalSpacing;
// The vertical spacing between views and the container view of a cell.
extern const CGFloat kTableViewVerticalSpacing;
// The horizontal spacing between subviews within the container view.
extern const CGFloat kTableViewSubViewHorizontalSpacing;
// Animation duration for highlighting selected section header.
extern const CGFloat kTableViewCellSelectionAnimationDuration;
// Setting the font size to 0 for a custom preferred font lets iOS manage
// sizing.
extern const CGFloat kUseDefaultFontSize;
// Spacing between text label and cell contentView.
extern const CGFloat kTableViewLabelVerticalTopSpacing;
// Hex Value for light gray label text color.
extern const int kTableViewTextLabelColorLightGrey;
// Hex Value for the text color of the secondary labels (e.g. details, URL,
// metadata...).
extern const int kTableViewSecondaryLabelLightGrayTextColor;
// Hex Value for the tint color for switches.
extern const int kTableViewSwitchTintColor;
// A masked password string(e.g. "••••••••").
extern NSString* const kMaskedPassword;