Revert 264780 "[fsp] Add FileSystemURLParser to the file system ..."

Dependent on 264778 which broke Linux ChromeOS ASan.

> [fsp] Add FileSystemURLParser to the file system provider.
> The FileSystemURLParser is a class which parses a cracked FileSystemURL to
> associate it with the proper ProvidedFileSystem class handling this URL.
> This will be necessary to route operations from AsyncFileUtil to a proper
> providing extension.
> Along the way, the Service class has been fixed. Now, the provided file systems
> are gracefully unmounted in destructor. As a result, the external mount points
> are cleared neatly.
> TEST=unit_tests: FileSystemProviderMountPathUtilTest*
> BUG=248427
> Review URL:

Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
7 files changed