blob: c9af826d04dbc71108e499c45fd85fd69cb25558 [file] [log] [blame]
{% from 'macros.tmpl' import license %}
{% from 'fields/field.tmpl' import getter_expression, setter_expression %}
#include "core/ComputedStyleBase.h"
#include "platform/wtf/SizeAssertions.h"
namespace blink {
struct SameSizeAsComputedStyleBase {
{% if computed_style.subgroups is defined %}
void* dataRefs[{{computed_style.subgroups|length}}];
{% endif %}
{% for field in computed_style.fields|rejectattr("is_bit_field") %}
{{field.type_name}} {{}}};
{% endfor %}
unsigned m_bit_fields[{{computed_style.num_32_bit_words_for_bit_fields}}];
// If this fails, the packing algorithm in has
// failed to produce the optimal packed size. To fix, update the algorithm to
// ensure that the buckets are placed so that each takes up at most 1 word.
ASSERT_SIZE(ComputedStyleBase, SameSizeAsComputedStyleBase);
void ComputedStyleBase::InheritFrom(const ComputedStyleBase& inheritParent,
IsAtShadowBoundary isAtShadowBoundary) {
{% for field in computed_style.all_fields if field.is_inherited %}
{{setter_expression(field)}} = inheritParent.{{getter_expression(field)}};
{% endfor %}
void ComputedStyleBase::CopyNonInheritedFromCached(
const ComputedStyleBase& other) {
{% for field in computed_style.all_fields if (field.is_property and not field.is_inherited) or field.is_inherited_flag %}
{{setter_expression(field)}} = other.{{getter_expression(field)}};
{% endfor %}
void ComputedStyleBase::PropagateIndependentInheritedProperties(
const ComputedStyleBase& parentStyle) {
{% for field in computed_style.all_fields if field.is_property and field.is_independent %}
if ({{field.is_inherited_method_name}}())
{{setter_expression(field)}} = parentStyle.{{getter_expression(field)}};
{% endfor %}
} // namespace blink