Import MathML WPT tests without running them

MathML is currently not supported by Chromium but implementation is in
progress in a downstream branch that is regularly rebased against
Chromium ToT. This downstream branch relies on MathML WPT tests. However
it is a bit tedious to manually run the import script each time new
tests are added ; or to deal with conflicts between test import commits
at each rebase. In order to facilitate the work of downstream
maintainers, this CL enables automatic import and update of MathML WPT
tests into Chromium ToT while excluding them from the list of executed
tests for now. That way one only has to perform a standard rebase
against Chromium ToT in order to synchronize MathML WPT tests.

Bug: 6606
Change-Id: I91fe90190d1934b5c111f89dde2f3a6fcd8bbfd7
Commit-Queue: Frédéric Wang <>
Reviewed-by: Philip Jägenstedt <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#628733}
2 files changed