blob: 8f02008333c9ed50091fb6605c5d4432ff0a87b4 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html class="reftest-wait">
<link rel="help" href="">
<link rel="match" href="parse-input-arguments-ref.html">
.container {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
#canvas-geometry {
background-image: paint(geometry);
<script src="/common/reftest-wait.js"></script>
<script src="/common/worklet-reftest.js"></script>
<div id="canvas-geometry" class="container"></div>
<script id="code" type="text/worklet">
// Globals that must be prepended to this script:
// - debugLog: A function that logs errors.
// - props: Test data.
registerPaint('geometry', class {
static get inputProperties() { return =>; }
paint(ctx, geom, styleMap) {
ctx.strokeStyle = 'green';
for (let prop of props) {
// Read values using get, getAll and iterator:
let valueFromGet = styleMap.get(;
let valueFromGetAll = styleMap.getAll(;
let valueFromIterator = Array.from(styleMap).filter(e => e[0] ==[0][1];
// Serialize 'actual'-values for all three cases:
let serialize = v => + '=' + v.toString()
let actualFromGet = serialize(valueFromGet);
let actualFromGetAll =',');
let actualFromIterator =',');
// Create 'expected'-values for all three cases:
let expectedForGet = prop.expected[0];
let expectedForGetAll = prop.expected.join(',');
let expectedForIterator = expectedForGetAll;
let pass = true;
// Assertions:
if (actualFromGet !== expectedForGet) {
debugLog(`FAIL: StylePropertyMap.get: actual: ${actualFromGet} expected: ${expectedForGet}`);
pass = false;
if (actualFromGetAll !== expectedForGetAll) {
debugLog(`FAIL: StylePropertyMap.getAll: actual: ${actualFromGetAll} expected: ${expectedForGetAll}`);
pass = false;
if (actualFromIterator !== expectedForIterator) {
debugLog(`FAIL: StylePropertyMap iterator: actual: ${actualFromIterator} expected: ${expectedForIterator}`);
pass = false;
if (!pass)
ctx.strokeStyle = 'red';
debugLog('PASS', prop.syntax, actualFromGetAll, expectedForGetAll);
ctx.lineWidth = 4;
ctx.strokeRect(0, 0, geom.width, geom.height);
// A copy of this array (automatically enriched with 'name' and 'expected')
// is also available in the worklet.
let props = [
// Initial values.
{ syntax: '*', initialValue: 'if(){}' },
{ syntax: '<angle>', initialValue: '42deg' },
{ syntax: '<color>', initialValue: '#fefefe' },
{ syntax: '<custom-ident>', initialValue: 'none' },
{ syntax: '<image>', initialValue: 'linear-gradient(red, red)' },
{ syntax: '<image>', initialValue: 'url(' },
{ syntax: '<integer>', initialValue: '42' },
{ syntax: '<length-percentage>', initialValue: '10%' },
{ syntax: '<length-percentage>', initialValue: '10px' },
{ syntax: '<length-percentage>', initialValue: 'calc(10px + 10%)' },
{ syntax: '<length>', initialValue: '1337px' },
{ syntax: '<number>', initialValue: '42.5' },
{ syntax: '<percentage>', initialValue: '42%' },
{ syntax: '<resolution>', initialValue: '300dpi' },
{ syntax: '<time>', initialValue: '3600s' },
{ syntax: '<url>', initialValue: 'url(' },
{ syntax: 'thing', initialValue: 'thing' },
{ syntax: '<length> | <angle>', initialValue: '1337px' },
{ syntax: '<angle> | <image>', initialValue: '1turn' },
{ syntax: '<length>+', initialValue: '1337px' },
{ syntax: '<length>+', initialValue: '1337px 1338px', count: 2 },
{ syntax: '<length>#', initialValue: '1337px' },
{ syntax: '<length>#', initialValue: '1337px, 1338px', count: 2 },
// Non-initial values:
{ syntax: '*', initialValue: 'fail', value: 'if(){}' },
{ syntax: '<angle> | fail', initialValue: 'fail', value: '42deg' },
{ syntax: '<color> | fail', initialValue: 'fail', value: '#fefefe' },
{ syntax: '<custom-ident> | fail', initialValue: 'fail', value: 'none' },
{ syntax: '<image> | fail', initialValue: 'fail', value: 'linear-gradient(red, red)' },
{ syntax: '<image> | fail', initialValue: 'fail', value: 'url(' },
{ syntax: '<integer> | fail', initialValue: 'fail', value: '42' },
{ syntax: '<length-percentage> | fail', initialValue: 'fail', value: '10%' },
{ syntax: '<length-percentage> | fail', initialValue: 'fail', value: '10px' },
{ syntax: '<length-percentage> | fail', initialValue: 'fail', value: 'calc(10px + 10%)' },
{ syntax: '<length> | fail', initialValue: 'fail', value: '1337px' },
{ syntax: '<number> | fail', initialValue: 'fail', value: '42.5' },
{ syntax: '<percentage> | fail', initialValue: 'fail', value: '42%' },
{ syntax: '<resolution> | fail', initialValue: 'fail', value: '300dpi' },
{ syntax: '<time> | fail', initialValue: 'fail', value: '3600s' },
{ syntax: '<url> | fail', initialValue: 'fail', value: 'url(' },
{ syntax: 'thing | fail', initialValue: 'fail', value: 'thing' },
{ syntax: '<length>+ | fail', initialValue: 'fail', value: '1337px' },
{ syntax: '<length>+ | fail', initialValue: 'fail', value: '1337px 1338px', count: 2 },
{ syntax: '<length># | fail', initialValue: 'fail', value: '1337px' },
{ syntax: '<length># | fail', initialValue: 'fail', value: '1337px, 1338px', count: 2 },
try {
let target = document.getElementById('canvas-geometry');
let pid = 1;
for (let p of props) { = `--prop-${++pid}`;
syntax: p.syntax,
initialValue: p.initialValue,
inherits: (typeof p.inherits !== 'undefined') ? p.inherits : false
if (typeof p.value !== 'undefined'), p.value);
if (typeof p.count === 'undefined')
p.count = 1;
let getValue = p => (typeof p.value !== 'undefined') ? p.value : p.initialValue;
let serialize = v => + '=' + v.toString();
let parse = function (p) {
if (p.count == 1)
return [CSSStyleValue.parse(, getValue(p))];
return CSSStyleValue.parseAll(, getValue(p));
// Generate expected value. We assume that CSSStyleValue.parse/All
// returns the correct CSSStyleValue subclass and value.
p.expected = parse(p).map(serialize);
// Adding '?debug' to the URL will cause this test to emit
// test results to console.log.
let debugMode = document.location.href.endsWith('?debug');
let code = [
`const props = ${JSON.stringify(props)};`,
`const debugLog = ${debugMode ? 'console.log' : 'function(){}'};`,
importWorkletAndTerminateTestAfterAsyncPaint(CSS.paintWorklet, code);
} catch(e) {
document.body.textContent = e;