Add UMA stats for which icon types are shown and clicked on the NTP.

This adds two new histograms (with suffixes):

  NewTabPage.TileType.<source> - Records the type of each most visited
      tile that's shown on the NTP. Valid values are IconReal, IconColor,
      IconDefault, ThumbnailLocal, ThumbnailServer, ThumbnailDefault.

  NewTabPage.TileTypeClicked.<source> - Records the type of each most
      visited tile that the user clicks on. Same values as above.

In both cases <source> can be one of "client", "server8", "popular", or
another value indicating the source of the most visited suggestions.

This CL also refactors a fair amount to support this change:
 - There's a new C++/Java shared enum called MostVisitedTileType, with
   the same values as the new histograms.
 - Each MostVisitedItem in Java stores its tile type.
 - NewTabPage.IconsGray and related histograms are now recorded in alongside NewTabPage.NumberOfGrayTiles, since
   these histograms are equivalent (one is for the icon NTP; one for the
   thumbnail NTP)


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Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#351869}
12 files changed