blob: 866c319df58751164e3047b9fc304f6dbd21602d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Command queue is the only way to modify images.
* Supports undo/redo.
* Command execution is asynchronous (callback-based).
* @param {!Document} document Document to create canvases in.
* @param {!HTMLCanvasElement|!HTMLImageElement} image The canvas with the
* original image.
* @param {function(function())} saveFunction Function to save the image.
* @constructor
* @struct
function CommandQueue(document, image, saveFunction) {
this.document_ = document;
this.undo_ = [];
this.redo_ = [];
this.subscribers_ = [];
* @type {HTMLCanvasElement|HTMLImageElement}
* @private
this.currentImage_ = image;
* @type {HTMLCanvasElement|HTMLImageElement}
* @private
this.baselineImage_ = image;
* @type {HTMLCanvasElement|HTMLImageElement}
* @private
this.previousImage_ = null;
this.saveFunction_ = saveFunction;
this.busy_ = false;
this.UIContext_ = {};
* Attach the UI elements to the command queue.
* Once the UI is attached the results of image manipulations are displayed.
* @param {!ImageView} imageView The ImageView object to display the results.
* @param {!ImageEditor.Prompt} prompt Prompt to use with this CommandQueue.
* @param {!FilesToast} toast Toast.
* @param {function()} updateUndoRedo Function to update undo and redo buttons
* state.
* @param {function(boolean)} lock Function to enable/disable buttons etc.
CommandQueue.prototype.attachUI = function(
imageView, prompt, toast, updateUndoRedo, lock) {
this.UIContext_ = {
imageView: imageView,
prompt: prompt,
toast: toast,
updateUndoRedo: updateUndoRedo,
lock: lock
* Execute the action when the queue is not busy.
* @param {function()} callback Callback.
CommandQueue.prototype.executeWhenReady = function(callback) {
if (this.isBusy())
setTimeout(callback, 0);
* @return {boolean} True if the command queue is busy.
CommandQueue.prototype.isBusy = function() { return this.busy_ };
* Set the queue state to busy. Lock the UI.
* @private
CommandQueue.prototype.setBusy_ = function() {
if (this.busy_)
throw new Error('CommandQueue already busy');
this.busy_ = true;
if (this.UIContext_.lock)
* Set the queue state to not busy. Unlock the UI and execute pending actions.
* @private
CommandQueue.prototype.clearBusy_ = function() {
if (!this.busy_)
throw new Error('Inconsistent CommandQueue already not busy');
this.busy_ = false;
// Execute the actions requested while the queue was busy.
while (this.subscribers_.length)
if (this.UIContext_.lock)
* Commit the image change: save and unlock the UI.
* @param {boolean} showUndoAction True to show undo action in the toast.
* @param {number=} opt_delay Delay in ms (to avoid disrupting the animation).
* @private
CommandQueue.prototype.commit_ = function(showUndoAction, opt_delay) {
setTimeout(this.saveFunction_.bind(null, this.clearBusy_.bind(this)),
opt_delay || 0);
* Internal function to execute the command in a given context.
* @param {!Command} command The command to execute.
* @param {!Object} uiContext The UI context.
* @param {function(number=)} callback Completion callback.
* @private
CommandQueue.prototype.doExecute_ = function(command, uiContext, callback) {
if (!this.currentImage_)
throw new Error('Cannot operate on null image');
* @type {function(HTMLCanvasElement, number=)}
(function(result, opt_delay) {
this.previousImage_ = this.currentImage_;
this.currentImage_ = result;
* Executes the command.
* @param {!Command} command Command to execute.
* @param {boolean=} opt_keep_redo True if redo stack should not be cleared.
CommandQueue.prototype.execute = function(command, opt_keep_redo) {
if (!opt_keep_redo)
this.redo_ = [];
this.doExecute_(command, this.UIContext_,
this.commit_.bind(this, true /* Show undo action */));
* @return {boolean} True if Undo is applicable.
CommandQueue.prototype.canUndo = function() {
return this.undo_.length != 0;
* Undo the most recent command.
CommandQueue.prototype.undo = function() {
if (!this.canUndo())
throw new Error('Cannot undo');
var command = this.undo_.pop();
var self = this;
function complete() {
var delay = command.revertView(
self.currentImage_, self.UIContext_.imageView);
self.commit_(false /* Do not show undo action */, delay);
if (this.previousImage_) {
// First undo after an execute call.
this.currentImage_ = this.previousImage_;
this.previousImage_ = null;
// TODO(kaznacheev) Consider recalculating previousImage_ right here
// by replaying the commands in the background.
} else {
this.currentImage_ = this.baselineImage_;
var replay = function(index) {
if (index < self.undo_.length)
self.doExecute_(self.undo_[index], {}, replay.bind(null, index + 1));
else {
* @return {boolean} True if Redo is applicable.
CommandQueue.prototype.canRedo = function() {
return this.redo_.length != 0;
* Repeat the command that was recently un-done.
CommandQueue.prototype.redo = function() {
if (!this.canRedo())
throw new Error('Cannot redo');
this.execute(this.redo_.pop(), true);
* Closes internal buffers. Call to ensure, that internal buffers are freed
* as soon as possible.
CommandQueue.prototype.close = function() {
// Free memory used by the undo buffer.
this.currentImage_ = null;
this.previousImage_ = null;
this.baselineImage_ = null;
* Command object encapsulates an operation on an image and a way to visualize
* its result.
* @param {string} name Command name.
* @constructor
* @struct
function Command(name) {
this.name_ = name;
* @return {string} String representation of the command.
Command.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Command ' + this.name_;
* Execute the command and visualize its results.
* The two actions are combined into one method because sometimes it is nice
* to be able to show partial results for slower operations.
* @param {!Document} document Document on which to execute command.
* @param {!HTMLCanvasElement|!HTMLImageElement} srcImage Image to execute on.
* Do NOT modify this object.
* @param {function(HTMLCanvasElement, number=)} callback Callback to call on
* completion.
* @param {!Object} uiContext Context to work in.
Command.prototype.execute = function(document, srcImage, callback, uiContext) {
console.error('Command.prototype.execute not implemented');
* Visualize reversion of the operation.
* @param {!HTMLCanvasElement|!HTMLCanvasElement} image previous image.
* @param {!ImageView} imageView ImageView to revert.
* @return {number} Animation duration in ms.
Command.prototype.revertView = function(image, imageView) {
return 0;
* Creates canvas to render on.
* @param {!Document} document Document to create canvas in.
* @param {!HTMLCanvasElement|!HTMLImageElement} srcImage to copy optional
* dimensions from.
* @param {number=} opt_width new canvas width.
* @param {number=} opt_height new canvas height.
* @return {!HTMLCanvasElement} Newly created canvas.
* @private
Command.prototype.createCanvas_ = function(
document, srcImage, opt_width, opt_height) {
var result = assertInstanceof(document.createElement('canvas'),
result.width = opt_width || srcImage.width;
result.height = opt_height || srcImage.height;
return result;
* Rotate command
* @param {number} rotate90 Rotation angle in 90 degree increments (signed).
* @constructor
* @extends {Command}
* @struct
Command.Rotate = function(rotate90) {, 'rotate(' + rotate90 * 90 + 'deg)');
this.rotate90_ = rotate90;
Command.Rotate.prototype = { __proto__: Command.prototype };
/** @override */
Command.Rotate.prototype.execute = function(
document, srcImage, callback, uiContext) {
var result = this.createCanvas_(
(this.rotate90_ & 1) ? srcImage.height : srcImage.width,
(this.rotate90_ & 1) ? srcImage.width : srcImage.height);
result, srcImage, 1, 1, this.rotate90_ * Math.PI / 2);
var delay;
if (uiContext.imageView) {
delay = uiContext.imageView.replaceAndAnimate(result, null, this.rotate90_);
setTimeout(callback, 0, result, delay);
/** @override */
Command.Rotate.prototype.revertView = function(image, imageView) {
return imageView.replaceAndAnimate(image, null, -this.rotate90_);
* Crop command.
* @param {!ImageRect} imageRect Crop rectangle in image coordinates.
* @constructor
* @extends {Command}
* @struct
Command.Crop = function(imageRect) {, 'crop' + imageRect.toString());
this.imageRect_ = imageRect;
Command.Crop.prototype = { __proto__: Command.prototype };
/** @override */
Command.Crop.prototype.execute = function(
document, srcCanvas, callback, uiContext) {
var result = this.createCanvas_(
document, srcCanvas, this.imageRect_.width, this.imageRect_.height);
var ctx = assertInstanceof(result.getContext('2d'), CanvasRenderingContext2D);
ImageRect.drawImage(ctx, srcCanvas, null, this.imageRect_);
var delay;
if (uiContext.imageView) {
delay = uiContext.imageView.replaceAndAnimate(result, this.imageRect_, 0);
setTimeout(callback, 0, result, delay);
/** @override */
Command.Crop.prototype.revertView = function(image, imageView) {
return imageView.animateAndReplace(image, this.imageRect_);
* Filter command.
* @param {string} name Command name.
* @param {function(!ImageData,!ImageData,number,number)} filter Filter
* function.
* @param {?string} message Message to display when done.
* @constructor
* @extends {Command}
* @struct
Command.Filter = function(name, filter, message) {, name);
this.filter_ = filter;
this.message_ = message;
Command.Filter.prototype = { __proto__: Command.prototype };
/** @override */
Command.Filter.prototype.execute = function(
document, srcImage, callback, uiContext) {
var result = this.createCanvas_(document, srcImage);
var self = this;
var previousRow = 0;
function onProgressVisible(updatedRow, rowCount) {
if (updatedRow == rowCount) {
if (self.message_), 2000);
} else {
var viewport = uiContext.imageView.viewport_;
var imageStrip = ImageRect.createFromBounds(viewport.getImageBounds()); = previousRow;
imageStrip.height = updatedRow - previousRow;
var screenStrip = ImageRect.createFromBounds(
viewport.getImageBoundsOnScreen()); = Math.round(viewport.imageToScreenY(previousRow));
screenStrip.height =
Math.round(viewport.imageToScreenY(updatedRow)) -;
uiContext.imageView.paintDeviceRect(result, imageStrip);
previousRow = updatedRow;
function onProgressInvisible(updatedRow, rowCount) {
if (updatedRow == rowCount) {
filter.applyByStrips(result, srcImage, this.filter_,
uiContext.imageView ? onProgressVisible : onProgressInvisible);
* Resize Command
* @param {number} inputWidth width user input
* @param {number} inputHeight height user input
* @constructor
* @extends {Command}
* @struct
Command.Resize = function(inputWidth, inputHeight) {, 'resize(x:' + inputWidth + ',y:' + inputHeight + ')');
this.newWidth_ = inputWidth;
this.newHeight_ = inputHeight;
Command.Resize.prototype = {__proto__: Command.prototype};
/** @override */
Command.Resize.prototype.execute = function(
document, srcImage, callback, uiContext) {
var result = this.createCanvas_(
document, srcImage, this.newWidth_, this.newHeight_);
var scaleX = this.newWidth_ / srcImage.width;
var scaleY = this.newHeight_ / srcImage.height;
ImageUtil.drawImageTransformed(result, srcImage, scaleX, scaleY, 0);