blob: e5b70f736e45c19dd7c395c724e3aa29e60fc621 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2010. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2006 Apple Computer, Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "core/page/FrameTree.h"
#include "core/dom/Document.h"
#include "core/frame/FrameClient.h"
#include "core/frame/FrameView.h"
#include "core/frame/LocalFrame.h"
#include "core/frame/RemoteFrame.h"
#include "core/frame/RemoteFrameView.h"
#include "core/page/Page.h"
#include "wtf/Assertions.h"
#include "wtf/Vector.h"
#include "wtf/text/CString.h"
#include "wtf/text/StringBuilder.h"
using std::swap;
namespace blink {
namespace {
const unsigned invalidChildCount = ~0U;
} // namespace
FrameTree::FrameTree(Frame* thisFrame)
: m_thisFrame(thisFrame)
, m_scopedChildCount(invalidChildCount)
void FrameTree::setName(const AtomicString& name)
// This method should only be called for local frames
// (remote frames should be updated via setPrecalculatedName).
// When this method is called, m_uniqueName should be already initialized.
// This assert helps ensure that early return (a few lines below) won't
// result in an uninitialized m_uniqueName.
|| (m_uniqueName.isNull() && !parent()));
// Do not recalculate m_uniqueName if there is no real change of m_name.
// This is not just a performance optimization - other code relies on the
// assumption that unique name shouldn't change if the assigned name didn't
// change (i.e. code in content::FrameTreeNode::SetFrameName).
if (m_name == name)
m_name = name;
// Make sure m_uniqueName doesn't change after
// initial navigation - session history depends on this.
if (toLocalFrame(m_thisFrame)->loader().stateMachine()->committedFirstRealDocumentLoad())
// Remove our old frame name so it's not considered in calculateUniqueNameForChildFrame
// and appendUniqueSuffix calls below.
m_uniqueName = AtomicString();
// Calculate a new unique name based on inputs.
if (parent()) {
parent()->tree().calculateUniqueNameForChildFrame(m_thisFrame, name, nullAtom));
} else if (name.isEmpty() || !uniqueNameExists(name)) {
// Only main frame can have an empty unique name, so for main frames
// emptiness guarantees uniquness.
} else {
setUniqueName(appendUniqueSuffix(name, "<!--framePosition"));
void FrameTree::setPrecalculatedName(const AtomicString& name, const AtomicString& uniqueName)
m_name = name;
// Non-main frames should have a non-empty unique name.
DCHECK(!parent() || !uniqueName.isEmpty());
// TODO(lukasza): We would like to assert uniqueness below (i.e. by calling
// setUniqueName), but
// 1) uniqueness is currently violated by provisional/old frame pairs.
// 2) there is an unresolved race between 2 OOPIFs, that can result in a
// non-unique |uniqueName| - see
m_uniqueName = uniqueName;
Frame* FrameTree::parent() const
if (!m_thisFrame->client())
return nullptr;
return m_thisFrame->client()->parent();
Frame* FrameTree::top() const
// FIXME: top() should never return null, so here are some hacks to deal
// with EmptyFrameLoaderClient and cases where the frame is detached
// already...
if (!m_thisFrame->client())
return m_thisFrame;
Frame* candidate = m_thisFrame->client()->top();
return candidate ? candidate : m_thisFrame.get();
Frame* FrameTree::previousSibling() const
if (!m_thisFrame->client())
return nullptr;
return m_thisFrame->client()->previousSibling();
Frame* FrameTree::nextSibling() const
if (!m_thisFrame->client())
return nullptr;
return m_thisFrame->client()->nextSibling();
Frame* FrameTree::firstChild() const
if (!m_thisFrame->client())
return nullptr;
return m_thisFrame->client()->firstChild();
Frame* FrameTree::lastChild() const
if (!m_thisFrame->client())
return nullptr;
return m_thisFrame->client()->lastChild();
bool FrameTree::uniqueNameExists(const String& uniqueNameCandidate) const
// This method is currently O(N), where N = number of frames in the tree.
// Before recalculating or checking unique name, we set m_uniqueName
// to an empty string (so the soon-to-be-removed name does not count
// as a collision). This means that uniqueNameExists would return
// false positives when called with an empty |name|.
for (Frame* frame = top(); frame; frame = frame->tree().traverseNext()) {
if (frame->tree().uniqueName() == uniqueNameCandidate)
return true;
return false;
AtomicString FrameTree::calculateUniqueNameForNewChildFrame(
const AtomicString& name,
const AtomicString& fallbackName) const
AtomicString uniqueName = calculateUniqueNameForChildFrame(nullptr, name, fallbackName);
// Caller will likely set the name via setPrecalculatedName, which
// unfortunately cannot currently assert uniqueness of the name - let's
// therefore assert the uniqueness here.
return uniqueName;
String FrameTree::generateUniqueNameCandidate(bool existingChildFrame) const
const char framePathPrefix[] = "<!--framePath ";
const int framePathPrefixLength = 14;
const int framePathSuffixLength = 3;
// Find the nearest parent that has a frame with a path in it.
HeapVector<Member<Frame>, 16> chain;
Frame* frame;
for (frame = m_thisFrame; frame; frame = frame->tree().parent()) {
if (frame->tree().uniqueName().startsWith(framePathPrefix))
StringBuilder uniqueName;
if (frame) {
frame->tree().uniqueName().length() - framePathPrefixLength - framePathSuffixLength));
for (int i = chain.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
frame = chain[i];
uniqueName.appendNumber(childCount() - (existingChildFrame ? 1 : 0));
// NOTE: This name might not be unique - see
return uniqueName.toAtomicString();
String FrameTree::generateFramePosition(Frame* child) const
// This method is currently O(N), where N = number of frames in the tree.
StringBuilder framePositionBuilder;
if (!child) {
child = m_thisFrame;
while (child->tree().parent()) {
int numberOfSiblingsBeforeChild = 0;
Frame* sibling = child->tree().previousSibling();
while (sibling) {
sibling = sibling->tree().previousSibling();
child = child->tree().parent();
// NOTE: The generated string is not guaranteed to be unique, but should
// have a better chance of being unique than the string generated by
// generateUniqueNameCandidate, because we embed extra information into the
// string:
// 1) we walk the full chain of ancestors, all the way to the main frame
// 2) we use frame-position-within-parent (aka |numberOfSiblingsBeforeChild|)
// instead of sibling-count.
return framePositionBuilder.toString();
AtomicString FrameTree::appendUniqueSuffix(
const String& prefix,
const String& likelyUniqueSuffix) const
// Verify that we are not doing unnecessary work.
// We want unique name to be stable across page reloads - this is why
// we use a deterministic |numberOfTries| rather than a random number
// (a random number would be more likely to avoid a collision, but
// would change after every page reload).
int numberOfTries = 0;
// Keep trying |prefix| + |likelyUniqueSuffix| + |numberOfTries|
// concatenations until we get a truly unique name.
String candidate;
do {
StringBuilder uniqueNameBuilder;
candidate = uniqueNameBuilder.toString();
} while (uniqueNameExists(candidate));
return AtomicString(candidate);
AtomicString FrameTree::calculateUniqueNameForChildFrame(
Frame* child,
const AtomicString& assignedName,
const AtomicString& fallbackName) const
// Try to use |assignedName| (i.e. or or |fallbackName| if possible.
const AtomicString& requestedName = assignedName.isEmpty() ? fallbackName : assignedName;
if (!requestedName.isEmpty() && !uniqueNameExists(requestedName) && requestedName != "_blank")
return requestedName;
String candidate = generateUniqueNameCandidate(child);
if (!uniqueNameExists(candidate))
return AtomicString(candidate);
String likelyUniqueSuffix = generateFramePosition(child);
return appendUniqueSuffix(candidate, likelyUniqueSuffix);
// Description of the current unique name format
// ---------------------------------------------
// Changing the format of unique name is undesirable, because it breaks
// backcompatibility of session history (which stores unique names
// generated in the past on user's disk). This incremental,
// backcompatibility-aware approach has resulted so far in the following
// rather baroque format... :
// uniqueName ::= <assignedName> | <generatedName>
// (generatedName is used if assignedName is
// 1) non-unique / conflicts with other frame's unique name or
// 2) assignedName is empty for a non-main frame)
// assignedName ::= value of iframe's name attribute
// or value assigned to (*before* the first
// real commit - afterwards unique name stays immutable).
// generatedName ::= oldGeneratedName newUniqueSuffix?
// (newUniqueSuffix is only present if oldGeneratedName was
// not unique after all)
// oldGeneratedName ::= "<!--framePath //" ancestorChain "/<!--frame" childCount "-->-->"
// (main frame is special - oldGeneratedName for main frame
// is always the frame's assignedName; oldGeneratedName is
// generated by generateUniqueNameCandidate method).
// childCount ::= current number of siblings
// ancestorChain ::= concatenated unique names of ancestor chain,
// terminated on the first ancestor (if any) starting with "<!--framePath"
// each ancestor's unique name is separated by "/" character
// ancestorChain example1: "grandparent/parent"
// (ancestor's unique names : #1--^ | #2-^ )
// ancestorChain example2: "<!--framePath //foo/bar/<!--frame42-->-->/blah/foobar"
// (ancestor's unique names : ^--#1--^ | #2 | #3-^ )
// newUniqueSuffix ::= "<!--framePosition" framePosition "/" retryNumber "-->"
// framePosition ::= "-" numberOfSiblingsBeforeChild [ framePosition-forParent? ]
// | <empty string for main frame>
// retryNumber ::= smallest non-negative integer resulting in unique name
void FrameTree::setUniqueName(const AtomicString& uniqueName)
// Main frame is the only frame that can have an empty unique name.
if (parent()) {
DCHECK(!uniqueName.isEmpty() && !uniqueNameExists(uniqueName));
} else {
DCHECK(uniqueName.isEmpty() || !uniqueNameExists(uniqueName));
m_uniqueName = uniqueName;
Frame* FrameTree::scopedChild(unsigned index) const
unsigned scopedIndex = 0;
for (Frame* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->tree().nextSibling()) {
if (child->client()->inShadowTree())
if (scopedIndex == index)
return child;
return nullptr;
Frame* FrameTree::scopedChild(const AtomicString& name) const
for (Frame* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->tree().nextSibling()) {
if (child->client()->inShadowTree())
if (child->tree().name() == name)
return child;
return nullptr;
unsigned FrameTree::scopedChildCount() const
if (m_scopedChildCount == invalidChildCount) {
unsigned scopedCount = 0;
for (Frame* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->tree().nextSibling()) {
if (child->client()->inShadowTree())
m_scopedChildCount = scopedCount;
return m_scopedChildCount;
void FrameTree::invalidateScopedChildCount()
m_scopedChildCount = invalidChildCount;
unsigned FrameTree::childCount() const
unsigned count = 0;
for (Frame* result = firstChild(); result; result = result->tree().nextSibling())
return count;
Frame* FrameTree::child(const AtomicString& name) const
for (Frame* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->tree().nextSibling()) {
if (child->tree().name() == name)
return child;
return nullptr;
Frame* FrameTree::find(const AtomicString& name) const
if (name == "_self" || name == "_current" || name.isEmpty())
return m_thisFrame;
if (name == "_top")
return top();
if (name == "_parent")
return parent() ? parent() : m_thisFrame.get();
// Since "_blank" should never be any frame's name, the following just amounts to an optimization.
if (name == "_blank")
return nullptr;
// Search subtree starting with this frame first.
for (Frame* frame = m_thisFrame; frame; frame = frame->tree().traverseNext(m_thisFrame)) {
if (frame->tree().name() == name)
return frame;
// Search the entire tree for this page next.
Page* page = m_thisFrame->page();
// The frame could have been detached from the page, so check it.
if (!page)
return nullptr;
for (Frame* frame = page->mainFrame(); frame; frame = frame->tree().traverseNext()) {
if (frame->tree().name() == name)
return frame;
// Search the entire tree of each of the other pages in this namespace.
// FIXME: Is random order OK?
for (const Page* otherPage : Page::ordinaryPages()) {
if (otherPage == page)
for (Frame* frame = otherPage->mainFrame(); frame; frame = frame->tree().traverseNext()) {
if (frame->tree().name() == name)
return frame;
return nullptr;
bool FrameTree::isDescendantOf(const Frame* ancestor) const
if (!ancestor)
return false;
if (m_thisFrame->page() != ancestor->page())
return false;
for (Frame* frame = m_thisFrame; frame; frame = frame->tree().parent()) {
if (frame == ancestor)
return true;
return false;
Frame* FrameTree::traverseNext(const Frame* stayWithin) const
Frame* child = firstChild();
if (child) {
ASSERT(!stayWithin || child->tree().isDescendantOf(stayWithin));
return child;
if (m_thisFrame == stayWithin)
return nullptr;
Frame* sibling = nextSibling();
if (sibling) {
ASSERT(!stayWithin || sibling->tree().isDescendantOf(stayWithin));
return sibling;
Frame* frame = m_thisFrame;
while (!sibling && (!stayWithin || frame->tree().parent() != stayWithin)) {
frame = frame->tree().parent();
if (!frame)
return nullptr;
sibling = frame->tree().nextSibling();
if (frame) {
ASSERT(!stayWithin || !sibling || sibling->tree().isDescendantOf(stayWithin));
return sibling;
return nullptr;
Frame* FrameTree::traverseNextWithWrap(bool wrap) const
if (Frame* result = traverseNext())
return result;
if (wrap)
return m_thisFrame->page()->mainFrame();
return nullptr;
Frame* FrameTree::traversePreviousWithWrap(bool wrap) const
// FIXME: besides the wrap feature, this is just the traversePreviousNode algorithm
if (Frame* prevSibling = previousSibling())
return prevSibling->tree().deepLastChild();
if (Frame* parentFrame = parent())
return parentFrame;
// no siblings, no parent, self==top
if (wrap)
return deepLastChild();
// top view is always the last one in this ordering, so prev is nil without wrap
return nullptr;
Frame* FrameTree::deepLastChild() const
Frame* result = m_thisFrame;
for (Frame* last = lastChild(); last; last = last->tree().lastChild())
result = last;
return result;
} // namespace blink
#ifndef NDEBUG
static void printIndent(int indent)
for (int i = 0; i < indent; ++i)
printf(" ");
static void printFrames(const blink::Frame* frame, const blink::Frame* targetFrame, int indent)
if (frame == targetFrame) {
printf("--> ");
printIndent(indent - 1);
} else {
blink::FrameView* view = frame->isLocalFrame() ? toLocalFrame(frame)->view() : 0;
printf("Frame %p %dx%d\n", frame, view ? view->width() : 0, view ? view->height() : 0);
printf(" owner=%p\n", frame->owner());
printf(" frameView=%p\n", view);
printf(" document=%p\n", frame->isLocalFrame() ? toLocalFrame(frame)->document() : 0);
printf(" uri=%s\n\n", frame->isLocalFrame() ? toLocalFrame(frame)->document()->url().getString().utf8().data() : 0);
for (blink::Frame* child = frame->tree().firstChild(); child; child = child->tree().nextSibling())
printFrames(child, targetFrame, indent + 1);
void showFrameTree(const blink::Frame* frame)
if (!frame) {
printf("Null input frame\n");
printFrames(frame->tree().top(), frame, 0);