blob: 8cfa1cb4ff996dbb3f57558297255f4d798bc102 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/common/extensions/permissions/chrome_permission_message_provider.h"
#include <vector>
#include "base/metrics/field_trial.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "extensions/common/extensions_client.h"
#include "extensions/common/permissions/permission_message_util.h"
#include "extensions/common/permissions/permission_set.h"
#include "extensions/common/url_pattern.h"
#include "extensions/common/url_pattern_set.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace extensions {
namespace {
// Copyable wrapper to make PermissionMessages comparable.
class ComparablePermission {
explicit ComparablePermission(const PermissionMessage& msg) : msg_(&msg) {}
bool operator<(const ComparablePermission& rhs) const {
if (msg_->message() < rhs.msg_->message())
return true;
if (msg_->message() > rhs.msg_->message())
return false;
return msg_->submessages() < rhs.msg_->submessages();
bool operator==(const ComparablePermission& rhs) const {
return msg_->message() == rhs.msg_->message() &&
msg_->submessages() == rhs.msg_->submessages();
const PermissionMessage* msg_;
using ComparablePermissions = std::vector<ComparablePermission>;
} // namespace
typedef std::set<PermissionMessage> PermissionMsgSet;
ChromePermissionMessageProvider::ChromePermissionMessageProvider() {
ChromePermissionMessageProvider::~ChromePermissionMessageProvider() {
PermissionMessages ChromePermissionMessageProvider::GetPermissionMessages(
const PermissionIDSet& permissions) const {
const std::vector<ChromePermissionMessageRule> rules =
return GetPermissionMessagesHelper(permissions, rules);
bool ChromePermissionMessageProvider::IsPrivilegeIncrease(
const PermissionSet& granted_permissions,
const PermissionSet& requested_permissions,
Manifest::Type extension_type) const {
if (IsHostPrivilegeIncrease(granted_permissions, requested_permissions,
return true;
if (IsAPIOrManifestPrivilegeIncrease(granted_permissions,
return true;
return false;
PermissionIDSet ChromePermissionMessageProvider::GetAllPermissionIDs(
const PermissionSet& permissions,
Manifest::Type extension_type) const {
PermissionIDSet permission_ids;
AddAPIPermissions(permissions, &permission_ids);
AddManifestPermissions(permissions, &permission_ids);
AddHostPermissions(permissions, &permission_ids, extension_type);
return permission_ids;
const PermissionIDSet& permissions) const {
std::vector<ChromePermissionMessageRule> rules =
// TODO( Find a better way to get wanted rules. Maybe add a
// bool to each one telling if we should consider it here or not.
constexpr size_t rules_considered = 15;
rules.erase(rules.begin() + std::min(rules_considered, rules.size()),
return GetPermissionMessagesHelper(permissions, rules);
void ChromePermissionMessageProvider::AddAPIPermissions(
const PermissionSet& permissions,
PermissionIDSet* permission_ids) const {
for (const APIPermission* permission : permissions.apis())
// A special hack: The warning message for declarativeWebRequest
// permissions speaks about blocking parts of pages, which is a
// subset of what the "<all_urls>" access allows. Therefore we
// display only the "<all_urls>" warning message if both permissions
// are required.
// TODO(treib): The same should apply to other permissions that are implied by
// "<all_urls>" (aka APIPermission::kHostsAll), such as kTab. This would
// happen automatically if we didn't differentiate between API/Manifest/Host
// permissions here.
if (permissions.ShouldWarnAllHosts())
void ChromePermissionMessageProvider::AddManifestPermissions(
const PermissionSet& permissions,
PermissionIDSet* permission_ids) const {
for (const ManifestPermission* p : permissions.manifest_permissions())
void ChromePermissionMessageProvider::AddHostPermissions(
const PermissionSet& permissions,
PermissionIDSet* permission_ids,
Manifest::Type extension_type) const {
// Since platform apps always use isolated storage, they can't (silently)
// access user data on other domains, so there's no need to prompt.
// Note: this must remain consistent with IsHostPrivilegeIncrease.
// See
if (extension_type == Manifest::TYPE_PLATFORM_APP)
if (permissions.ShouldWarnAllHosts()) {
} else {
URLPatternSet regular_hosts;
permissions.effective_hosts(), &regular_hosts, permission_ids);
std::set<std::string> hosts =
permission_message_util::GetDistinctHosts(regular_hosts, true, true);
for (const auto& host : hosts) {
bool ChromePermissionMessageProvider::IsAPIOrManifestPrivilegeIncrease(
const PermissionSet& granted_permissions,
const PermissionSet& requested_permissions) const {
PermissionIDSet granted_ids;
AddAPIPermissions(granted_permissions, &granted_ids);
AddManifestPermissions(granted_permissions, &granted_ids);
// We compare |granted_ids| against the set of permissions that would be
// granted if the requested permissions are allowed.
PermissionIDSet potential_total_ids = granted_ids;
AddAPIPermissions(requested_permissions, &potential_total_ids);
AddManifestPermissions(requested_permissions, &potential_total_ids);
// For M62, we added a new permission ID for new tab page overrides. Consider
// the addition of this permission to not result in a privilege increase for
// the time being.
// TODO(robertshield): Remove this once most of the population is on M62+
// If all the IDs were already there, it's not a privilege increase.
if (granted_ids.Includes(potential_total_ids))
return false;
// Otherwise, check the actual messages - not all IDs result in a message,
// and some messages can suppress others.
PermissionMessages granted_messages = GetPermissionMessages(granted_ids);
PermissionMessages total_messages =
ComparablePermissions granted_strings(granted_messages.begin(),
ComparablePermissions total_strings(total_messages.begin(),
std::sort(granted_strings.begin(), granted_strings.end());
std::sort(total_strings.begin(), total_strings.end());
// TODO(devlin): I *think* we can just use strict-equals here, since we should
// never have more strings in granted than in total (unless there was a
// significant difference - e.g., going from two lower warnings to a single
// scarier warning because of adding a new permission). But let's be overly
// conservative for now.
return !base::STLIncludes(granted_strings, total_strings);
bool ChromePermissionMessageProvider::IsHostPrivilegeIncrease(
const PermissionSet& granted_permissions,
const PermissionSet& requested_permissions,
Manifest::Type extension_type) const {
// Platform apps host permission changes do not count as privilege increases.
// Note: this must remain consistent with AddHostPermissions.
if (extension_type == Manifest::TYPE_PLATFORM_APP)
return false;
// If the granted permission set can access any host, then it can't be
// elevated.
if (granted_permissions.HasEffectiveAccessToAllHosts())
return false;
// Likewise, if the requested permission set has full host access, then it
// must be a privilege increase.
if (requested_permissions.HasEffectiveAccessToAllHosts())
return true;
const URLPatternSet& granted_list = granted_permissions.effective_hosts();
const URLPatternSet& requested_list = requested_permissions.effective_hosts();
std::set<std::string> requested_hosts_set(
permission_message_util::GetDistinctHosts(requested_list, false, false));
std::set<std::string> granted_hosts_set(
permission_message_util::GetDistinctHosts(granted_list, false, false));
std::set<std::string> requested_hosts_only =
// Try to match any domain permissions against existing domain permissions
// that overlap, so that migrating from * ->
// does not constitute a permissions increase, even though the strings are
// not exactly the same.
for (const auto& requested : requested_hosts_only) {
bool host_matched = false;
const base::StringPiece unmatched(requested);
for (const auto& granted : granted_hosts_set) {
if (granted.size() > 2 && granted[0] == '*' && granted[1] == '.') {
const base::StringPiece stripped_granted( + 1,
granted.length() - 1);
// If the unmatched host ends with the the granted host,
// after removing the '*', then it's a match. In addition,
// because we consider having access to "*" as
// granting access to "" then compare the string
// with both the "*" and the "." removed.
if (unmatched.ends_with(stripped_granted) ||
unmatched == stripped_granted.substr(1)) {
host_matched = true;
if (!host_matched) {
return true;
return false;
PermissionMessages ChromePermissionMessageProvider::GetPermissionMessagesHelper(
const PermissionIDSet& permissions,
const std::vector<ChromePermissionMessageRule>& rules) const {
// Apply each of the rules, in order, to generate the messages for the given
// permissions. Once a permission is used in a rule, remove it from the set
// of available permissions so it cannot be applied to subsequent rules.
PermissionIDSet remaining_permissions = permissions;
PermissionMessages messages;
for (const auto& rule : rules) {
// Only apply the rule if we have all the required permission IDs.
if (remaining_permissions.ContainsAllIDs(rule.required_permissions())) {
// We can apply the rule. Add all the required permissions, and as many
// optional permissions as we can, to the new message.
PermissionIDSet used_permissions =
remaining_permissions =
PermissionIDSet::Difference(remaining_permissions, used_permissions);
return messages;
} // namespace extensions