blob: 11e405a9d7fdb2a018407d9cae79c2e27b41209f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Sends notifications after automatic imports (WIP).
Automatically file bugs for new failures caused by WPT imports for opted-in
Design doc:
During the implementation phase, we do not open bugs but log everything instead.
from collections import defaultdict
import logging
import re
from import LuciAuth
from blinkpy.common.path_finder import PathFinder
from blinkpy.w3c.common import WPT_GH_URL
from blinkpy.w3c.directory_owners_extractor import DirectoryOwnersExtractor
from blinkpy.w3c.monorail import MonorailAPI, MonorailIssue
from blinkpy.w3c.wpt_expectations_updater import UMBRELLA_BUG
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ImportNotifier(object):
def __init__(self, host, chromium_git, local_wpt): = host
self.git = chromium_git
self.local_wpt = local_wpt
self._monorail_api = MonorailAPI
self.default_port = host.port_factory.get()
self.finder = PathFinder(host.filesystem)
self.owners_extractor = DirectoryOwnersExtractor(host.filesystem)
self.new_failures_by_directory = defaultdict(list)
def main(self, wpt_revision_start, wpt_revision_end, rebaselined_tests, test_expectations, issue, patchset,
dry_run=True, service_account_key_json=None):
"""Files bug reports for new failures.
wpt_revision_start: The start of the imported WPT revision range
(exclusive), i.e. the last imported revision.
wpt_revision_end: The end of the imported WPT revision range
(inclusive), i.e. the current imported revision.
rebaselined_tests: A list of test names that have been rebaselined.
test_expectations: A dictionary mapping names of tests that cannot
be rebaselined to a list of new test expectation lines.
issue: The issue number of the import CL (a string).
patchset: The patchset number of the import CL (a string).
dry_run: If True, no bugs will be actually filed to
service_account_key_json: The path to a JSON private key of a
service account for accessing Monorail. If None, try to get an
access token from luci-auth.
Note: "test names" are paths of the tests relative to web_tests.
gerrit_url = SHORT_GERRIT_PREFIX + issue
gerrit_url_with_ps = gerrit_url + '/' + patchset + '/'
changed_test_baselines = self.find_changed_baselines_of_tests(rebaselined_tests)
self.examine_baseline_changes(changed_test_baselines, gerrit_url_with_ps)
bugs = self.create_bugs_from_new_failures(wpt_revision_start, wpt_revision_end, gerrit_url)
self.file_bugs(bugs, dry_run, service_account_key_json)
def find_changed_baselines_of_tests(self, rebaselined_tests):
"""Finds the corresponding changed baselines of each test.
rebaselined_tests: A list of test names that have been rebaselined.
A dictionary mapping test names to paths of their baselines changed
in this import CL (paths relative to the root of Chromium repo).
test_baselines = {}
changed_files = self.git.changed_files()
for test_name in rebaselined_tests:
test_without_ext, _ =
changed_baselines = []
# TODO(robertma): Refactor this into web_tests.port.base.
baseline_name = test_without_ext + '-expected.txt'
for changed_file in changed_files:
if changed_file.endswith(baseline_name):
if changed_baselines:
test_baselines[test_name] = changed_baselines
return test_baselines
def examine_baseline_changes(self, changed_test_baselines, gerrit_url_with_ps):
"""Examines all changed baselines to find new failures.
changed_test_baselines: A dictionary mapping test names to paths of
changed baselines.
gerrit_url_with_ps: Gerrit URL of this CL with the patchset number.
for test_name, changed_baselines in changed_test_baselines.iteritems():
directory = self.find_owned_directory(test_name)
if not directory:
_log.warning('Cannot find OWNERS of %s', test_name)
for baseline in changed_baselines:
if self.more_failures_in_baseline(baseline):
TestFailure(TestFailure.BASELINE_CHANGE, test_name,
baseline_path=baseline, gerrit_url_with_ps=gerrit_url_with_ps)
def more_failures_in_baseline(self, baseline):
diff =['diff', '-U0', 'origin/master', '--', baseline])
delta_failures = 0
for line in diff.splitlines():
if line.startswith('+FAIL'):
delta_failures += 1
if line.startswith('-FAIL'):
delta_failures -= 1
return delta_failures > 0
def examine_new_test_expectations(self, test_expectations):
"""Examines new test expectations to find new failures.
test_expectations: A dictionary mapping names of tests that cannot
be rebaselined to a list of new test expectation lines.
for test_name, expectation_lines in test_expectations.iteritems():
directory = self.find_owned_directory(test_name)
if not directory:
_log.warning('Cannot find OWNERS of %s', test_name)
for expectation_line in expectation_lines:
TestFailure(TestFailure.NEW_EXPECTATION, test_name,
def create_bugs_from_new_failures(self, wpt_revision_start, wpt_revision_end, gerrit_url):
"""Files bug reports for new failures.
wpt_revision_start: The start of the imported WPT revision range
(exclusive), i.e. the last imported revision.
wpt_revision_end: The end of the imported WPT revision range
(inclusive), i.e. the current imported revision.
gerrit_url: Gerrit URL of the CL.
A list of MonorailIssue objects that should be filed.
imported_commits = self.local_wpt.commits_in_range(wpt_revision_start, wpt_revision_end)
bugs = []
for directory, failures in self.new_failures_by_directory.iteritems():
summary = '[WPT] New failures introduced in {} by import {}'.format(directory, gerrit_url)
full_directory =, directory)
owners_file =, 'OWNERS')
is_wpt_notify_enabled = self.owners_extractor.is_wpt_notify_enabled(owners_file)
owners = self.owners_extractor.extract_owners(owners_file)
# owners may be empty but not None.
cc = owners + ['']
component = self.owners_extractor.extract_component(owners_file)
# component could be None.
components = [component] if component else None
prologue = ('WPT import {} introduced new failures in {}:\n\n'
'List of new failures:\n'.format(gerrit_url, directory))
failure_list = ''
for failure in failures:
failure_list += str(failure) + '\n'
epilogue = '\nThis import contains upstream changes from {} to {}:\n'.format(
wpt_revision_start, wpt_revision_end
commit_list = self.format_commit_list(imported_commits, full_directory)
description = prologue + failure_list + epilogue + commit_list
bug = MonorailIssue.new_chromium_issue(summary, description, cc, components)
if is_wpt_notify_enabled:"WPT-NOTIFY enabled in this directory; adding the bug to the pending list.")
else:"WPT-NOTIFY disabled in this directory; discarding the bug.")
return bugs
def format_commit_list(self, imported_commits, directory):
"""Formats the list of imported WPT commits.
Imports affecting the given directory will be highlighted.
imported_commits: A list of (SHA, commit subject) pairs.
directory: An absolute path of a directory in the Chromium repo, for
which the list is formatted.
A multi-line string.
path_from_wpt =
directory, self.finder.path_from_web_tests('external', 'wpt'))
commit_list = ''
for sha, subject in imported_commits:
# subject is a Unicode string and can contain non-ASCII characters.
line = u'{}: {}'.format(subject, GITHUB_COMMIT_PREFIX + sha)
if self.local_wpt.is_commit_affecting_directory(sha, path_from_wpt):
line += ' [affecting this directory]'
commit_list += line + '\n'
return commit_list
def find_owned_directory(self, test_name):
"""Finds the lowest directory that contains the test and has OWNERS.
The name of the test (a path relative to web_tests).
The path of the found directory relative to web_tests.
# Always use non-virtual test names when looking up OWNERS.
if self.default_port.lookup_virtual_test_base(test_name):
test_name = self.default_port.lookup_virtual_test_base(test_name)
# find_owners_file takes either a relative path from the *root* of the
# repository, or an absolute path.
abs_test_path = self.finder.path_from_web_tests(test_name)
owners_file = self.owners_extractor.find_owners_file(
if not owners_file:
return None
owned_directory =
short_directory =, self.finder.web_tests_dir())
return short_directory
def file_bugs(self, bugs, dry_run, service_account_key_json=None):
"""Files a list of bugs to Monorail.
bugs: A list of MonorailIssue objects.
dry_run: A boolean, whether we are in dry run mode.
service_account_key_json: Optional, see docs for main().
# TODO(robertma): Better error handling in this method.
if dry_run:'[dry_run] Would have filed the %d bugs in the pending list.', len(bugs))
return'Filing %d bugs in the pending list to Monorail', len(bugs))
api = self._get_monorail_api(service_account_key_json)
for index, bug in enumerate(bugs, start=1):
response = api.insert_issue(bug)'[%d] Filed bug: %s', index, MonorailIssue.crbug_link(response['id']))
def _get_monorail_api(self, service_account_key_json):
if service_account_key_json:
return self._monorail_api(service_account_key_json=service_account_key_json)
token = LuciAuth(
return self._monorail_api(access_token=token)
class TestFailure(object):
"""A simple abstraction of a new test failure for the notifier."""
# Failure types:
def __init__(self, failure_type, test_name, expectation_line='', baseline_path='', gerrit_url_with_ps=''):
if failure_type == self.BASELINE_CHANGE:
assert baseline_path and gerrit_url_with_ps
assert failure_type == self.NEW_EXPECTATION
assert expectation_line
self.failure_type = failure_type
self.test_name = test_name
self.expectation_line = expectation_line
self.baseline_path = baseline_path
self.gerrit_url_with_ps = gerrit_url_with_ps
def __str__(self):
if self.failure_type == self.BASELINE_CHANGE:
return self._format_baseline_change()
return self._format_new_expectation()
def __eq__(self, other):
return (
self.failure_type == other.failure_type and
self.test_name == other.test_name and
self.expectation_line == other.expectation_line and
self.baseline_path == other.baseline_path and
self.gerrit_url_with_ps == other.gerrit_url_with_ps
def _format_baseline_change(self):
assert self.failure_type == self.BASELINE_CHANGE
result = ''
# TODO(robertma): Is there any better way than using regexp?
platform ='/platform/([^/]+)/', self.baseline_path)
if platform:
result += '[ {} ] '.format(
result += '{} new failing tests: {}{}'.format(
self.test_name, self.gerrit_url_with_ps, self.baseline_path)
return result
def _format_new_expectation(self):
assert self.failure_type == self.NEW_EXPECTATION
# TODO(robertma): Are there saner ways to remove the link to the umbrella bug?
line = self.expectation_line
if line.startswith(UMBRELLA_BUG):
line = line[len(UMBRELLA_BUG):].lstrip()
return line