blob: 62ecccbbcfbac8682a2bb6da632754e4810ed829 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef ModulePendingScript_h
#define ModulePendingScript_h
#include "core/dom/Modulator.h"
#include "core/dom/ModuleScript.h"
#include "core/dom/PendingScript.h"
namespace blink {
class ModulePendingScript;
// ModulePendingScriptTreeClient is used to connect from Modulator::FetchTree()
// to ModulePendingScript. Because ModulePendingScript is created after
// Modulator::FetchTree() is called, ModulePendingScriptTreeClient is
// registered as ModuleTreeClient to FetchTree() first, and later
// ModulePendingScript is supplied to ModulePendingScriptTreeClient via
// SetPendingScript() and is notified of module tree load finish.
class ModulePendingScriptTreeClient final
: public GarbageCollectedFinalized<ModulePendingScriptTreeClient>,
public ModuleTreeClient {
static ModulePendingScriptTreeClient* Create() {
return new ModulePendingScriptTreeClient();
virtual ~ModulePendingScriptTreeClient() = default;
void SetPendingScript(ModulePendingScript* client);
ModuleScript* GetModuleScript() const { return module_script_; }
// Implements ModuleTreeClient
void NotifyModuleTreeLoadFinished(ModuleScript*) override;
bool finished_ = false;
Member<ModuleScript> module_script_;
Member<ModulePendingScript> pending_script_;
// PendingScript for a module script
class CORE_EXPORT ModulePendingScript : public PendingScript {
static ModulePendingScript* Create(ScriptElementBase* element,
ModulePendingScriptTreeClient* client) {
return new ModulePendingScript(element, client);
~ModulePendingScript() override;
void NotifyModuleTreeLoadFinished();
ModuleScript* GetModuleScript() const {
return module_tree_client_->GetModuleScript();
ModulePendingScript(ScriptElementBase*, ModulePendingScriptTreeClient*);
// PendingScript
ScriptType GetScriptType() const override { return ScriptType::kModule; }
Script* GetSource(const KURL& document_url,
bool& error_occurred) const override;
bool IsReady() const override { return ready_; }
bool IsExternal() const override { return true; }
bool ErrorOccurred() const override;
bool WasCanceled() const override { return false; }
void StartStreamingIfPossible(Document*, ScriptStreamer::Type) override {}
KURL UrlForClassicScript() const override {
return KURL();
void RemoveFromMemoryCache() override { NOTREACHED(); }
void DisposeInternal() override;
void CheckState() const override {}
Member<ModulePendingScriptTreeClient> module_tree_client_;
bool ready_ = false;
} // namespace blink
#endif // ModulePendingScript_h