blob: c3c4b04d7b8b05ab1459c84352af4ee6ee9b1fb4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/stack_container.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted_memory.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/favicon_base/favicon_types.h"
#include "components/history/core/browser/history_context.h"
#include "components/history/core/browser/url_row.h"
#include "components/history/core/common/thumbnail_score.h"
#include "components/query_parser/query_parser.h"
#include "ui/base/page_transition_types.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace history {
// Forward declaration for friend statements.
class HistoryBackend;
class PageUsageData;
// Container for a list of URLs.
typedef std::vector<GURL> RedirectList;
typedef int64_t FaviconBitmapID; // Identifier for a bitmap in a favicon.
typedef int64_t SegmentID; // URL segments for the most visited view.
typedef int64_t IconMappingID; // For page url and icon mapping.
// The enumeration of all possible sources of visits is listed below.
// The source will be propagated along with a URL or a visit item
// and eventually be stored in the history database,
// visit_source table specifically.
// Different from page transition types, they describe the origins of visits.
// (Warning): Please don't change any existing values while it is ok to add
// new values when needed.
enum VisitSource {
SOURCE_SYNCED = 0, // Synchronized from somewhere else.
SOURCE_BROWSED = 1, // User browsed.
SOURCE_EXTENSION = 2, // Added by an extension.
typedef int64_t VisitID;
// Structure to hold the mapping between each visit's id and its source.
typedef std::map<VisitID, VisitSource> VisitSourceMap;
// VisitRow -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Holds all information associated with a specific visit. A visit holds time
// and referrer information for one time a URL is visited.
class VisitRow {
VisitRow(URLID arg_url_id,
base::Time arg_visit_time,
VisitID arg_referring_visit,
ui::PageTransition arg_transition,
SegmentID arg_segment_id,
bool arg_incremented_omnibox_typed_score);
// ID of this row (visit ID, used a a referrer for other visits).
VisitID visit_id = 0;
// Row ID into the URL table of the URL that this page is.
URLID url_id = 0;
base::Time visit_time;
// Indicates another visit that was the referring page for this one.
// 0 indicates no referrer.
VisitID referring_visit = 0;
// A combination of bits from PageTransition.
ui::PageTransition transition = ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK;
// The segment id (see visitsegment_database.*).
// If 0, the segment id is null in the table.
SegmentID segment_id = 0;
// Record how much time a user has this visit starting from the user
// opened this visit to the user closed or ended this visit.
// This includes both active and inactive time as long as
// the visit was present.
base::TimeDelta visit_duration;
// Records whether the visit incremented the omnibox typed score.
bool incremented_omnibox_typed_score = false;
// Compares two visits based on dates, for sorting.
bool operator<(const VisitRow& other) const {
return visit_time < other.visit_time;
// We allow the implicit copy constuctor and operator=.
// We pass around vectors of visits a lot
typedef std::vector<VisitRow> VisitVector;
// The basic information associated with a visit (timestamp, type of visit),
// used by HistoryBackend::AddVisits() to create new visits for a URL.
typedef std::pair<base::Time, ui::PageTransition> VisitInfo;
// PageVisit ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Represents a simplified version of a visit for external users. Normally,
// views are only interested in the time, and not the other information
// associated with a VisitRow.
struct PageVisit {
URLID page_id = 0;
base::Time visit_time;
// QueryResults ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Encapsulates the results of a history query. It supports an ordered list of
// URLResult objects, plus an efficient way of looking up the index of each time
// a given URL appears in those results.
class QueryResults {
typedef std::vector<URLResult> URLResultVector;
void set_reached_beginning(bool reached) { reached_beginning_ = reached; }
bool reached_beginning() { return reached_beginning_; }
size_t size() const { return results_.size(); }
bool empty() const { return results_.empty(); }
URLResult& back() { return results_.back(); }
const URLResult& back() const { return results_.back(); }
URLResult& operator[](size_t i) { return results_[i]; }
const URLResult& operator[](size_t i) const { return results_[i]; }
URLResultVector::const_iterator begin() const { return results_.begin(); }
URLResultVector::const_iterator end() const { return results_.end(); }
URLResultVector::const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const {
return results_.rbegin();
URLResultVector::const_reverse_iterator rend() const {
return results_.rend();
// Returns a pointer to the beginning of an array of all matching indices
// for entries with the given URL. The array will be |*num_matches| long.
// |num_matches| can be NULL if the caller is not interested in the number of
// results (commonly it will only be interested in the first one and can test
// the pointer for NULL).
// When there is no match, it will return NULL and |*num_matches| will be 0.
const size_t* MatchesForURL(const GURL& url, size_t* num_matches) const;
// Swaps the current result with another. This allows ownership to be
// efficiently transferred without copying.
void Swap(QueryResults* other);
// Set the result vector, the parameter vector will be moved to results_.
// It means the parameter vector will be empty after calling this method.
void SetURLResults(std::vector<URLResult>&& results);
// Removes all instances of the given URL from the result set.
void DeleteURL(const GURL& url);
// Deletes the given range of items in the result set.
void DeleteRange(size_t begin, size_t end);
// Maps the given URL to a list of indices into results_ which identify each
// time an entry with that URL appears. Normally, each URL will have one or
// very few indices after it, so we optimize this to use statically allocated
// memory when possible.
typedef std::map<GURL, base::StackVector<size_t, 4>> URLToResultIndices;
// Inserts an entry into the |url_to_results_| map saying that the given URL
// is at the given index in the results_.
void AddURLUsageAtIndex(const GURL& url, size_t index);
// Adds |delta| to each index in url_to_results_ in the range [begin,end]
// (this is inclusive). This is used when inserting or deleting.
void AdjustResultMap(size_t begin, size_t end, ptrdiff_t delta);
// Whether the query reaches the beginning of the database.
bool reached_beginning_;
// The ordered list of results. The pointers inside this are owned by this
// QueryResults object.
URLResultVector results_;
// Maps URLs to entries in results_.
URLToResultIndices url_to_results_;
// QueryOptions ----------------------------------------------------------------
struct QueryOptions {
// The time range to search for matches in. The beginning is inclusive and
// the ending is exclusive. Either one (or both) may be null.
// This will match only the one recent visit of a URL. For text search
// queries, if the URL was visited in the given time period, but has also
// been visited more recently than that, it will not be returned. When the
// text query is empty, this will return the most recent visit within the
// time range.
base::Time begin_time;
base::Time end_time;
// Sets the query time to the last |days_ago| days to the present time.
void SetRecentDayRange(int days_ago);
// The maximum number of results to return. The results will be sorted with
// the most recent first, so older results may not be returned if there is not
// enough room. When 0, this will return everything.
int max_count = 0;
enum DuplicateHandling {
// Omit visits for which there is a more recent visit to the same URL.
// Each URL in the results will appear only once.
// Omit visits for which there is a more recent visit to the same URL on
// the same day. Each URL will appear no more than once per day, where the
// day is defined by the local timezone.
// Return all visits without deduping.
// Allows the caller to specify how duplicate URLs in the result set should
// be handled.
DuplicateHandling duplicate_policy = REMOVE_ALL_DUPLICATES;
// Allows the caller to specify the matching algorithm for text queries.
query_parser::MatchingAlgorithm matching_algorithm =
// Helpers to get the effective parameters values, since a value of 0 means
// "unspecified".
int EffectiveMaxCount() const;
int64_t EffectiveBeginTime() const;
int64_t EffectiveEndTime() const;
// QueryURLResult -------------------------------------------------------------
// QueryURLResult encapsulates the result of a call to HistoryBackend::QueryURL.
struct QueryURLResult {
// Indicates whether the call to HistoryBackend::QueryURL was successfull
// or not. If false, then both |row| and |visits| fields are undefined.
bool success = false;
URLRow row;
VisitVector visits;
// VisibleVisitCountToHostResult ----------------------------------------------
// VisibleVisitCountToHostResult encapsulates the result of a call to
// HistoryBackend::GetVisibleVisitCountToHost.
struct VisibleVisitCountToHostResult {
// Indicates whether the call to HistoryBackend::GetVisibleVisitCountToHost
// was successful or not. If false, then both |count| and |first_visit| are
// undefined.
bool success = false;
int count = 0;
base::Time first_visit;
// MostVisitedURL --------------------------------------------------------------
// Holds the per-URL information of the most visited query.
struct MostVisitedURL {
MostVisitedURL(const GURL& url,
const base::string16& title,
base::Time last_forced_time = base::Time());
MostVisitedURL(const GURL& url,
const base::string16& title,
const RedirectList& preceding_redirects);
MostVisitedURL(const MostVisitedURL& other);
MostVisitedURL(MostVisitedURL&& other) noexcept;
// Initializes |redirects| from |preceding_redirects|, ensuring that |url| is
// always present as the last item.
void InitRedirects(const RedirectList& preceding_redirects);
GURL url;
base::string16 title;
// If this is a URL for which we want to force a thumbnail, records the last
// time it was forced so we can evict it when more recent URLs are requested.
// If it's not a forced thumbnail, keep a time of 0.
base::Time last_forced_time;
RedirectList redirects;
MostVisitedURL& operator=(const MostVisitedURL&);
bool operator==(const MostVisitedURL& other) const {
return url == other.url;
// FilteredURL -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Holds the per-URL information of the filterd url query.
struct FilteredURL {
struct ExtendedInfo {
// The absolute number of visits.
unsigned int total_visits = 0;
// The number of visits, as seen by the Most Visited NTP pane.
unsigned int visits = 0;
// The total number of seconds that the page was open.
int64_t duration_opened = 0;
// The time when the page was last visited.
base::Time last_visit_time;
explicit FilteredURL(const PageUsageData& data);
FilteredURL(FilteredURL&& other) noexcept;
GURL url;
base::string16 title;
double score = 0.0;
ExtendedInfo extended_info;
// Navigation -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Marshalling structure for AddPage.
struct HistoryAddPageArgs {
// The default constructor is equivalent to:
// HistoryAddPageArgs(
// GURL(), base::Time(), NULL, 0, GURL(),
// RedirectList(), ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK,
// false, SOURCE_BROWSED, false, true,
// base::nullopt)
// TODO(avi): Is ContextID needed, now that we have a globally-unique
// nav_entry_id?
HistoryAddPageArgs(const GURL& url,
base::Time time,
ContextID context_id,
int nav_entry_id,
const GURL& referrer,
const RedirectList& redirects,
ui::PageTransition transition,
bool hidden,
VisitSource source,
bool did_replace_entry,
bool consider_for_ntp_most_visited,
base::Optional<base::string16> title = base::nullopt);
HistoryAddPageArgs(const HistoryAddPageArgs& other);
GURL url;
base::Time time;
ContextID context_id;
int nav_entry_id;
GURL referrer;
RedirectList redirects;
ui::PageTransition transition;
bool hidden;
VisitSource visit_source;
bool did_replace_entry;
// Specifies whether a page visit should contribute to the Most Visited tiles
// in the New Tab Page. Note that setting this to true (most common case)
// doesn't guarantee it's relevant for Most Visited, since other requirements
// exist (e.g. certain page transition types).
bool consider_for_ntp_most_visited;
base::Optional<base::string16> title;
// TopSites -------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef std::vector<MostVisitedURL> MostVisitedURLList;
typedef std::vector<FilteredURL> FilteredURLList;
// Used by TopSites to store the thumbnails.
struct Images {
Images(const Images& other);
scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedMemory> thumbnail;
ThumbnailScore thumbnail_score;
// TODO(brettw): this will eventually store the favicon.
// scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedBytes> favicon;
struct MostVisitedURLWithRank {
MostVisitedURL url;
int rank;
typedef std::vector<MostVisitedURLWithRank> MostVisitedURLWithRankList;
struct TopSitesDelta {
TopSitesDelta(const TopSitesDelta& other);
MostVisitedURLList deleted;
MostVisitedURLWithRankList added;
MostVisitedURLWithRankList moved;
typedef std::map<GURL, scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedBytes>> URLToThumbnailMap;
// Used when migrating most visited thumbnails out of history and into topsites.
struct ThumbnailMigration {
MostVisitedURLList most_visited;
URLToThumbnailMap url_to_thumbnail_map;
typedef std::map<GURL, Images> URLToImagesMap;
class MostVisitedThumbnails
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<MostVisitedThumbnails> {
MostVisitedURLList most_visited;
URLToImagesMap url_to_images_map;
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<MostVisitedThumbnails>;
virtual ~MostVisitedThumbnails();
// Map from host to visit count, sorted by visit count descending.
typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int>> TopHostsList;
// Map from origins to a count of matching URLs and the last visited time to any
// URL under that origin.
typedef std::map<GURL, std::pair<int, base::Time>> OriginCountAndLastVisitMap;
// Statistics -----------------------------------------------------------------
// HistoryCountResult encapsulates the result of a call to
// HistoryBackend::GetHistoryCount or
// HistoryBackend::CountUniqueHostsVisitedLastMonth.
struct HistoryCountResult {
// Indicates whether the call was successful or not. If false, then |count|
// is undefined.
bool success = false;
int count = 0;
// Favicons -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Used for the mapping between the page and icon.
struct IconMapping {
IconMapping(const IconMapping&);
IconMapping(IconMapping&&) noexcept;
IconMapping& operator=(const IconMapping&);
// The unique id of the mapping.
IconMappingID mapping_id = 0;
// The url of a web page.
GURL page_url;
// The unique id of the icon.
favicon_base::FaviconID icon_id = 0;
// The url of the icon.
GURL icon_url;
// The type of icon.
favicon_base::IconType icon_type = favicon_base::IconType::kInvalid;
// Defines a favicon bitmap and its associated pixel size.
struct FaviconBitmapIDSize {
// The unique id of the favicon bitmap.
FaviconBitmapID bitmap_id = 0;
// The pixel dimensions of the associated bitmap.
gfx::Size pixel_size;
enum FaviconBitmapType {
// The bitmap gets downloaded while visiting its page. Their life-time is
// bound to the life-time of the corresponding visit in history.
// - These bitmaps are re-downloaded when visiting the page again and the
// last_updated timestamp is old enough.
// The bitmap gets downloaded because it is demanded by some Chrome UI (while
// not visiting its page). For this reason, their life-time cannot be bound to
// the life-time of the corresponding visit in history.
// - These bitmaps are evicted from the database based on the last time they
// were requested.
// - Furthermore, on-demand bitmaps are immediately marked as expired. Hence,
// they are always replaced by ON_VISIT favicons whenever their page gets
// visited.
// Defines all associated mappings of a given favicon.
struct IconMappingsForExpiry {
IconMappingsForExpiry(const IconMappingsForExpiry& other);
// URL of a given favicon.
GURL icon_url;
// URLs of all pages mapped to a given favicon
std::vector<GURL> page_urls;
// Defines a favicon bitmap stored in the history backend.
struct FaviconBitmap {
FaviconBitmap(const FaviconBitmap& other);
// The unique id of the bitmap.
FaviconBitmapID bitmap_id = 0;
// The id of the favicon to which the bitmap belongs to.
favicon_base::FaviconID icon_id = 0;
// Time at which |bitmap_data| was last updated.
base::Time last_updated;
// Time at which |bitmap_data| was last requested.
base::Time last_requested;
// The bits of the bitmap.
scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedMemory> bitmap_data;
// The pixel dimensions of bitmap_data.
gfx::Size pixel_size;
struct ExpireHistoryArgs {
ExpireHistoryArgs(const ExpireHistoryArgs& other);
// Sets |begin_time| and |end_time| to the beginning and end of the day (in
// local time) on which |time| occurs.
void SetTimeRangeForOneDay(base::Time time);
std::set<GURL> urls;
base::Time begin_time;
base::Time end_time;
// Represents the time range of a history deletion. If |IsValid()| is false,
// the time range doesn't apply to this deletion e.g. because only a list of
// urls was deleted.
class DeletionTimeRange {
static DeletionTimeRange Invalid();
static DeletionTimeRange AllTime();
DeletionTimeRange(base::Time begin, base::Time end)
: begin_(begin), end_(end) {
base::Time begin() const {
return begin_;
base::Time end() const {
return end_;
bool IsValid() const;
// Returns true if this time range covers history from the beginning of time.
bool IsAllTime() const;
// Creates an invalid time range by assigning impossible start and end times.
DeletionTimeRange() : begin_(base::Time::Max()), end_(base::Time::Min()) {}
// Begin of a history deletion.
base::Time begin_;
// End of a history deletion.
base::Time end_;
// Describes the urls that have been removed due to a history deletion.
// If |IsAllHistory()| returns true, all urls haven been deleted.
// In this case, |deleted_rows()| and |favicon_urls()| are undefined.
// Otherwise |deleted_rows()| contains the urls where all visits have been
// removed from history.
// If |expired()| returns true, this deletion is due to a regularly performed
// history expiration. Otherwise it is an explicit deletion due to a user
// action.
class DeletionInfo {
// Returns a DeletionInfo that covers all history.
static DeletionInfo ForAllHistory();
// Returns a DeletionInfo with invalid time range for the given urls.
static DeletionInfo ForUrls(URLRows deleted_rows,
std::set<GURL> favicon_urls);
DeletionInfo(const DeletionTimeRange& time_range,
bool is_from_expiration,
URLRows deleted_rows,
std::set<GURL> favicon_urls,
base::Optional<std::set<GURL>> restrict_urls);
// Move-only because of potentially large containers.
DeletionInfo(DeletionInfo&& other) noexcept;
DeletionInfo& operator=(DeletionInfo&& rhs) noexcept;
// If IsAllHistory() returns true, all URLs are deleted and |deleted_rows()|
// and |favicon_urls()| are undefined.
bool IsAllHistory() const { return time_range_.IsAllTime(); }
// If time_range.IsValid() is true, |restrict_urls| (or all URLs if empty)
// between time_range.begin() and time_range.end() have been removed.
const DeletionTimeRange& time_range() const { return time_range_; }
// Restricts deletions within |time_range()|.
const base::Optional<std::set<GURL>>& restrict_urls() const {
return restrict_urls_;
// Returns true, if the URL deletion is due to expiration.
bool is_from_expiration() const { return is_from_expiration_; }
// Returns the list of the deleted URLs.
// Undefined if |IsAllHistory()| returns true.
const URLRows& deleted_rows() const { return deleted_rows_; }
// Returns the list of favicon URLs that correspond to the deleted URLs.
// Undefined if |IsAllHistory()| returns true.
const std::set<GURL>& favicon_urls() const { return favicon_urls_; }
// Returns a map from origins with deleted urls to a count of remaining URLs
// and the last visited time.
const OriginCountAndLastVisitMap& deleted_urls_origin_map() const {
// The map should only be accessed after it has been populated.
DCHECK(deleted_rows_.empty() || !deleted_urls_origin_map_.empty());
return deleted_urls_origin_map_;
// Populates deleted_urls_origin_map.
void set_deleted_urls_origin_map(OriginCountAndLastVisitMap origin_map) {
deleted_urls_origin_map_ = std::move(origin_map);
DeletionTimeRange time_range_;
bool is_from_expiration_;
URLRows deleted_rows_;
std::set<GURL> favicon_urls_;
base::Optional<std::set<GURL>> restrict_urls_;
OriginCountAndLastVisitMap deleted_urls_origin_map_;
// Represents a visit to a domain.
class DomainVisit {
DomainVisit(const std::string& domain, base::Time visit_time)
: domain_(domain), visit_time_(visit_time) {}
const std::string& domain() const { return domain_; }
const base::Time visit_time() const { return visit_time_; }
std::string domain_;
base::Time visit_time_;
} // namespace history