Roll src/third_party/skia/ 05cfcff70..b9a1e688f (15 commits)

$ git log 05cfcff70..b9a1e688f --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2018-05-04 liyuqian Respect SkBitmapDeviceFilteredSurfaceProps in SkThreadedBMPDevice
2018-05-04 benjaminwagner [infra] Move GCE tasks to smaller/larger VMs.
2018-05-04 bungeman Allow finer rotation in Viewer app.
2018-05-04 robertphillips Revert "Fix a bug in SkGpuBlurUtils::GaussianBlur (take 2)"
2018-05-04 bsalomon Remove unused SK_DISABLE_ARC_TO_LINE_TO_CHECK build flag
2018-05-04 bsalomon Remove could not invert matrix SkDebugfs
2018-05-04 mtklein Don't use getDeviceClipBounds() to bound pic ops.
2018-05-02 herb Remove android specific code
2018-05-04 bungeman Avoid drawing BW clipped color glyphs many times.
2018-05-04 fmalita [skottie] Disable on Android Framework builds
2018-05-04 borenet [recipes] Remove core.setup()
2018-05-04 robertphillips Make degenerate kernel in fill_in_2D_gaussian_kernel sum to 1
2018-05-04 robertphillips Fix a bug in SkGpuBlurUtils::GaussianBlur (take 2)
2018-05-04 caryclark Revert "Reland "remove obsolete color defines""
2018-05-04 bsalomon Make RenderDoc work automatically with GLX viewer

Created with:
  roll-dep src/third_party/skia

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Change-Id: Ia3664eaddce0f59e7cb22413152bbe6375884eec
Commit-Queue: skia-chromium-autoroll <>
Reviewed-by: skia-chromium-autoroll <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#556184}
1 file changed