blob: 5f47d8eb3db19d5c6885473513900d9da2e5bccd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/services/app_service/public/cpp/app_update.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
namespace apps {
// static
void AppUpdate::Merge(apps::mojom::App* state,
const apps::mojom::AppPtr& delta) {
DCHECK(delta->app_type == state->app_type);
DCHECK(delta->app_id == state->app_id);
if (delta->readiness != apps::mojom::Readiness::kUnknown) {
state->readiness = delta->readiness;
if (delta->name.has_value()) {
state->name = delta->name;
if (delta->show_in_launcher != apps::mojom::OptionalBool::kUnknown) {
state->show_in_launcher = delta->show_in_launcher;
// When adding new fields to the App Mojo type, this function should also be
// updated.
AppUpdate::AppUpdate(const apps::mojom::AppPtr& state,
const apps::mojom::AppPtr& delta)
: state_(state), delta_(delta) {}
apps::mojom::AppType AppUpdate::AppType() const {
DCHECK(delta_->app_type == state_->app_type);
return delta_->app_type;
const std::string& AppUpdate::AppId() const {
DCHECK(delta_->app_id == state_->app_id);
return delta_->app_id;
apps::mojom::Readiness AppUpdate::Readiness() const {
return (delta_->readiness != apps::mojom::Readiness::kUnknown)
? delta_->readiness
: state_->readiness;
bool AppUpdate::ReadinessChanged() const {
return (delta_->readiness != apps::mojom::Readiness::kUnknown) &&
(delta_->readiness != state_->readiness);
const std::string& AppUpdate::Name() const {
if (delta_->name.has_value()) {
return delta_->name.value();
if (state_->name.has_value()) {
return state_->name.value();
return base::EmptyString();
bool AppUpdate::NameChanged() const {
return delta_->name.has_value() && (delta_->name != state_->name);
apps::mojom::OptionalBool AppUpdate::ShowInLauncher() const {
return (delta_->show_in_launcher != apps::mojom::OptionalBool::kUnknown)
? delta_->show_in_launcher
: state_->show_in_launcher;
bool AppUpdate::ShowInLauncherChanged() const {
return (delta_->show_in_launcher != apps::mojom::OptionalBool::kUnknown) &&
(delta_->show_in_launcher != state_->show_in_launcher);
} // namespace apps