blob: 786b82c2219fd2f1daccc5b3ffb7b76511ac1b22 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package deployer
import (
. ""
. ""
. ""
func mkTempDir() string {
tempDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "cipd_test")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Reset(func() { os.RemoveAll(tempDir) })
return tempDir
func withMemLogger() context.Context {
return memlogger.Use(context.Background())
func loggerWarnings(c context.Context) (out []string) {
for _, m := range logging.Get(c).(*memlogger.MemLogger).Messages() {
if m.Level >= logging.Warning {
out = append(out, m.Msg)
func TestUtilities(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
Convey("Given a temp directory", t, func() {
tempDir := mkTempDir()
// Wrappers that accept paths relative to tempDir.
touch := func(rel string) {
abs := filepath.Join(tempDir, filepath.FromSlash(rel))
err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(abs), 0777)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
f, err := os.Create(abs)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
ensureLink := func(symlinkRel string, target string) {
err := os.Symlink(target, filepath.Join(tempDir, symlinkRel))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("scanPackageDir works with empty dir", func() {
err := os.Mkdir(filepath.Join(tempDir, "dir"), 0777)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
files, err := scanPackageDir(ctx, filepath.Join(tempDir, "dir"))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(len(files), ShouldEqual, 0)
Convey("scanPackageDir works", func() {
runScanPackageDir := func() sort.StringSlice {
files, err := scanPackageDir(ctx, filepath.Join(tempDir, "dir"))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
names := sort.StringSlice{}
for _, f := range files {
names = append(names, f.Name)
return names
// Symlinks doesn't work on Windows, test them only on Posix.
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
Convey("works on Windows", func() {
So(runScanPackageDir(), ShouldResemble, sort.StringSlice{
} else {
Convey("works on Posix", func() {
ensureLink("dir/a/sym_link", "target")
So(runScanPackageDir(), ShouldResemble, sort.StringSlice{
func TestDeployInstance(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
Convey("Given a temp directory", t, func() {
tempDir := mkTempDir()
Convey("Try to deploy package instance with bad package name", func() {
_, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(
ctx, "", makeTestInstance("../test/package", nil, pkg.InstallModeCopy))
So(err, ShouldErrLike, "invalid package name")
Convey("Try to deploy package instance with bad instance ID", func() {
inst := makeTestInstance("test/package", nil, pkg.InstallModeCopy)
inst.instanceID = "../000000000"
_, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "", inst)
So(err, ShouldErrLike, "not a valid package instance ID")
Convey("Try to deploy package instance in bad subdir", func() {
inst := makeTestInstance("test/package", nil, pkg.InstallModeCopy)
inst.instanceID = "../000000000"
_, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "/abspath", inst)
So(err, ShouldErrLike, "bad subdir")
func TestDeployInstanceSymlinkMode(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
t.Skip("Skipping on Windows: no symlinks")
ctx := context.Background()
Convey("Given a temp directory", t, func() {
tempDir := mkTempDir()
Convey("DeployInstance new empty package instance", func() {
inst := makeTestInstance("test/package", nil, pkg.InstallModeSymlink)
info, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(info, ShouldResemble, inst.Pin())
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
fInfo, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(tempDir, ".cipd", "pkgs", "0"))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(fInfo.Mode(), ShouldEqual, os.FileMode(0755)|os.ModeDir)
Convey("in subdir", func() {
info, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "subdir", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(info, ShouldResemble, inst.Pin())
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
Convey("DeployInstance new non-empty package instance", func() {
inst := makeTestInstance("test/package", []fs.File{
fs.NewTestFile("some/file/path", "data a", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/executable", "data b", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
fs.NewTestSymlink("some/symlink", "executable"),
fs.NewTestFile(".cipd/pkg/0/description.json", "{}", fs.TestFileOpts{}), // should be ignored
}, pkg.InstallModeSymlink)
_, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
// Ensure symlinks are actually traversable.
body, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(tempDir, "some", "file", "path"))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(string(body), ShouldEqual, "data a")
// Symlink to symlink is traversable too.
body, err = ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(tempDir, "some", "symlink"))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(string(body), ShouldEqual, "data b")
Convey("in subdir", func() {
_, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "subdir", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
// Ensure symlinks are actually traversable.
body, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(tempDir, "subdir", "some", "file", "path"))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(string(body), ShouldEqual, "data a")
// Symlink to symlink is traversable too.
body, err = ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(tempDir, "subdir", "some", "symlink"))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(string(body), ShouldEqual, "data b")
Convey("Redeploy same package instance", func() {
inst := makeTestInstance("test/package", []fs.File{
fs.NewTestFile("some/file/path", "data a", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/executable", "data b", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
fs.NewTestSymlink("some/symlink", "executable"),
}, pkg.InstallModeSymlink)
_, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
_, err = New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
Convey("in subdir", func() {
_, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "subdir", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
_, err = New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "subdir", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
Convey("DeployInstance package update", func() {
oldPkg := makeTestInstance("test/package", []fs.File{
fs.NewTestFile("some/file/path", "data a old", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/executable", "data b old", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/to-be-empty-dir/file", "data", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("old only", "data c old", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
fs.NewTestFile("mode change 1", "data d", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
fs.NewTestFile("mode change 2", "data e", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestSymlink("symlink unchanged", "target"),
fs.NewTestSymlink("symlink changed", "old target"),
fs.NewTestSymlink("symlink removed", "target"),
}, pkg.InstallModeSymlink)
oldPkg.instanceID = "000000000_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"
newPkg := makeTestInstance("test/package", []fs.File{
fs.NewTestFile("some/file/path", "data a new", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/executable", "data b new", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
fs.NewTestFile("mode change 1", "data d", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("mode change 2", "data d", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
fs.NewTestSymlink("symlink unchanged", "target"),
fs.NewTestSymlink("symlink changed", "new target"),
}, pkg.InstallModeSymlink)
newPkg.instanceID = "111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"
_, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "", oldPkg)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
_, err = New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "", newPkg)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
".cipd/pkgs/0/111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC/mode change 1",
".cipd/pkgs/0/111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC/mode change 2*",
".cipd/pkgs/0/111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC/symlink changed:new target",
".cipd/pkgs/0/111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC/symlink unchanged:target",
"mode change 1:.cipd/pkgs/0/_current/mode change 1",
"mode change 2:.cipd/pkgs/0/_current/mode change 2",
"symlink changed:.cipd/pkgs/0/_current/symlink changed",
"symlink unchanged:.cipd/pkgs/0/_current/symlink unchanged",
Convey("in subdir", func() {
_, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "subdir", oldPkg)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
_, err = New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "subdir", newPkg)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
".cipd/pkgs/0/111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC/mode change 1",
".cipd/pkgs/0/111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC/mode change 2*",
".cipd/pkgs/0/111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC/symlink changed:new target",
".cipd/pkgs/0/111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC/symlink unchanged:target",
".cipd/pkgs/1/111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC/mode change 1",
".cipd/pkgs/1/111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC/mode change 2*",
".cipd/pkgs/1/111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC/symlink changed:new target",
".cipd/pkgs/1/111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC/symlink unchanged:target",
"mode change 1:.cipd/pkgs/0/_current/mode change 1",
"mode change 2:.cipd/pkgs/0/_current/mode change 2",
"subdir/mode change 1:../.cipd/pkgs/1/_current/mode change 1",
"subdir/mode change 2:../.cipd/pkgs/1/_current/mode change 2",
"subdir/symlink changed:../.cipd/pkgs/1/_current/symlink changed",
"subdir/symlink unchanged:../.cipd/pkgs/1/_current/symlink unchanged",
"symlink changed:.cipd/pkgs/0/_current/symlink changed",
"symlink unchanged:.cipd/pkgs/0/_current/symlink unchanged",
Convey("DeployInstance two different packages", func() {
pkg1 := makeTestInstance("test/package", []fs.File{
fs.NewTestFile("some/file/path", "data a old", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/executable", "data b old", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
fs.NewTestFile("pkg1 file", "data c", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
}, pkg.InstallModeSymlink)
pkg1.instanceID = "000000000_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"
// Nesting in package names is allowed.
pkg2 := makeTestInstance("test/package/another", []fs.File{
fs.NewTestFile("some/file/path", "data a new", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/executable", "data b new", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
fs.NewTestFile("pkg2 file", "data d", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
}, pkg.InstallModeSymlink)
pkg2.instanceID = "111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"
_, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "", pkg1)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
_, err = New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "", pkg2)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// TODO: Conflicting symlinks point to last installed package, it is not
// very deterministic.
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
".cipd/pkgs/0/000000000_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC/pkg1 file",
".cipd/pkgs/1/111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC/pkg2 file",
"pkg1 file:.cipd/pkgs/0/_current/pkg1 file",
"pkg2 file:.cipd/pkgs/1/_current/pkg2 file",
Convey("in subdir", func() {
_, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "subdir", pkg1)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
_, err = New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "subdir", pkg2)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// TODO: Conflicting symlinks point to last installed package, it is not
// very deterministic.
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
".cipd/pkgs/0/000000000_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC/pkg1 file",
".cipd/pkgs/1/111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC/pkg2 file",
".cipd/pkgs/2/000000000_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC/pkg1 file",
".cipd/pkgs/3/111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC/pkg2 file",
"pkg1 file:.cipd/pkgs/0/_current/pkg1 file",
"pkg2 file:.cipd/pkgs/1/_current/pkg2 file",
"subdir/pkg1 file:../.cipd/pkgs/2/_current/pkg1 file",
"subdir/pkg2 file:../.cipd/pkgs/3/_current/pkg2 file",
func TestDeployInstanceCopyModePosix(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
t.Skip("Skipping on windows")
ctx := context.Background()
Convey("Given a temp directory", t, func() {
tempDir := mkTempDir()
Convey("DeployInstance new empty package instance", func() {
inst := makeTestInstance("test/package", nil, pkg.InstallModeCopy)
info, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(info, ShouldResemble, inst.Pin())
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
Convey("in subdir", func() {
inst := makeTestInstance("test/package", nil, pkg.InstallModeCopy)
info, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "subdir", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(info, ShouldResemble, inst.Pin())
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
Convey("DeployInstance new non-empty package instance", func() {
inst := makeTestInstance("test/package", []fs.File{
fs.NewTestFile("some/file/path", "data a", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/executable", "data b", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
fs.NewTestSymlink("some/symlink", "executable"),
fs.NewTestFile(".cipd/pkg/0/description.json", "{}", fs.TestFileOpts{}), // should be ignored
}, pkg.InstallModeCopy)
_, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
Convey("in subdir", func() {
_, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "subdir", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
Convey("Redeploy same package instance", func() {
inst := makeTestInstance("test/package", []fs.File{
fs.NewTestFile("some/file/path", "data a", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/executable", "data b", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
fs.NewTestSymlink("some/symlink", "executable"),
}, pkg.InstallModeCopy)
_, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
_, err = New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
Convey("in subdir", func() {
_, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "somedir", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
_, err = New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "somedir", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
Convey("DeployInstance package update", func() {
oldPkg := makeTestInstance("test/package", []fs.File{
fs.NewTestFile("some/file/path", "data a old", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/executable", "data b old", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/to-be-empty-dir/file", "data", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("old only", "data c old", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
fs.NewTestFile("mode change 1", "data d", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
fs.NewTestFile("mode change 2", "data e", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestSymlink("symlink unchanged", "target"),
fs.NewTestSymlink("symlink changed", "old target"),
fs.NewTestSymlink("symlink removed", "target"),
}, pkg.InstallModeCopy)
oldPkg.instanceID = "000000000_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"
newPkg := makeTestInstance("test/package", []fs.File{
fs.NewTestFile("some/file/path", "data a new", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/executable", "data b new", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
fs.NewTestFile("mode change 1", "data d", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("mode change 2", "data d", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
fs.NewTestSymlink("symlink unchanged", "target"),
fs.NewTestSymlink("symlink changed", "new target"),
}, pkg.InstallModeCopy)
newPkg.instanceID = "111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"
_, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "", oldPkg)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
_, err = New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "", newPkg)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
"mode change 1",
"mode change 2*",
"symlink changed:new target",
"symlink unchanged:target",
Convey("in subdir", func() {
_, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "subdir", oldPkg)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
_, err = New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "subdir", newPkg)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
"mode change 1",
"mode change 2*",
"subdir/mode change 1",
"subdir/mode change 2*",
"subdir/symlink changed:new target",
"subdir/symlink unchanged:target",
"symlink changed:new target",
"symlink unchanged:target",
Convey("DeployInstance two different packages", func() {
pkg1 := makeTestInstance("test/package", []fs.File{
fs.NewTestFile("some/file/path", "data a old", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/executable", "data b old", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
fs.NewTestFile("pkg1 file", "data c", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
}, pkg.InstallModeCopy)
pkg1.instanceID = "000000000_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"
// Nesting in package names is allowed.
pkg2 := makeTestInstance("test/package/another", []fs.File{
fs.NewTestFile("some/file/path", "data a new", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/executable", "data b new", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
fs.NewTestFile("pkg2 file", "data d", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
}, pkg.InstallModeCopy)
pkg2.instanceID = "111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"
_, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "", pkg1)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
_, err = New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "", pkg2)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
"pkg1 file",
"pkg2 file",
Convey("in subdir", func() {
_, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "somedir", pkg1)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
_, err = New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "somedir", pkg2)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
"pkg1 file",
"pkg2 file",
"somedir/pkg1 file",
"somedir/pkg2 file",
func TestDeployInstanceCopyModeWindows(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS != "windows" {
t.Skip("Skipping on posix")
ctx := context.Background()
Convey("Given a temp directory", t, func() {
tempDir := mkTempDir()
Convey("DeployInstance new empty package instance", func() {
inst := makeTestInstance("test/package", nil, pkg.InstallModeCopy)
info, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(info, ShouldResemble, inst.Pin())
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
cur := readFile(tempDir, ".cipd/pkgs/0/_current.txt")
So(cur, ShouldEqual, "-wEu41lw0_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC")
Convey("in subdir", func() {
info, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "subdir", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(info, ShouldResemble, inst.Pin())
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
cur := readFile(tempDir, ".cipd/pkgs/0/_current.txt")
So(cur, ShouldEqual, "-wEu41lw0_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC")
cur = readFile(tempDir, ".cipd/pkgs/1/_current.txt")
So(cur, ShouldEqual, "-wEu41lw0_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC")
Convey("DeployInstance new non-empty package instance", func() {
inst := makeTestInstance("test/package", []fs.File{
fs.NewTestFile("some/file/path", "data a", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/executable", "data b", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
fs.NewTestFile(".cipd/pkg/0/description.json", "{}", fs.TestFileOpts{}), // should be ignored
}, pkg.InstallModeCopy)
_, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
cur := readFile(tempDir, ".cipd/pkgs/0/_current.txt")
So(cur, ShouldEqual, "-wEu41lw0_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC")
Convey("in subdir", func() {
_, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "subdir", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
cur := readFile(tempDir, ".cipd/pkgs/0/_current.txt")
So(cur, ShouldEqual, "-wEu41lw0_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC")
cur = readFile(tempDir, ".cipd/pkgs/1/_current.txt")
So(cur, ShouldEqual, "-wEu41lw0_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC")
Convey("Redeploy same package instance", func() {
inst := makeTestInstance("test/package", []fs.File{
fs.NewTestFile("some/file/path", "data a", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/executable", "data b", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
}, pkg.InstallModeCopy)
_, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
_, err = New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
cur := readFile(tempDir, ".cipd/pkgs/0/_current.txt")
So(cur, ShouldEqual, "-wEu41lw0_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC")
Convey("in subdir", func() {
_, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "subdir", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
_, err = New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "subdir", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
cur := readFile(tempDir, ".cipd/pkgs/0/_current.txt")
So(cur, ShouldEqual, "-wEu41lw0_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC")
cur = readFile(tempDir, ".cipd/pkgs/1/_current.txt")
So(cur, ShouldEqual, "-wEu41lw0_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC")
Convey("DeployInstance package update", func() {
oldPkg := makeTestInstance("test/package", []fs.File{
fs.NewTestFile("some/file/path", "data a old", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/executable", "data b old", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/to-be-empty-dir/file", "data", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("old only", "data c old", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
fs.NewTestFile("mode change 1", "data d", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
fs.NewTestFile("mode change 2", "data e", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
}, pkg.InstallModeCopy)
oldPkg.instanceID = "000000000_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"
newPkg := makeTestInstance("test/package", []fs.File{
fs.NewTestFile("some/file/path", "data a new", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/executable", "data b new", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
fs.NewTestFile("mode change 1", "data d", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("mode change 2", "data d", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
}, pkg.InstallModeCopy)
newPkg.instanceID = "111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"
_, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "", oldPkg)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
_, err = New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "", newPkg)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
"mode change 1",
"mode change 2",
cur := readFile(tempDir, ".cipd/pkgs/0/_current.txt")
So(cur, ShouldEqual, "111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC")
Convey("in subdir", func() {
_, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "subdir", oldPkg)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
_, err = New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "subdir", newPkg)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
"mode change 1",
"mode change 2",
"subdir/mode change 1",
"subdir/mode change 2",
cur := readFile(tempDir, ".cipd/pkgs/0/_current.txt")
So(cur, ShouldEqual, "111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC")
cur = readFile(tempDir, ".cipd/pkgs/1/_current.txt")
So(cur, ShouldEqual, "111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC")
Convey("DeployInstance two different packages", func() {
pkg1 := makeTestInstance("test/package", []fs.File{
fs.NewTestFile("some/file/path", "data a old", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/executable", "data b old", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
fs.NewTestFile("pkg1 file", "data c", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
}, pkg.InstallModeCopy)
pkg1.instanceID = "000000000_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"
// Nesting in package names is allowed.
pkg2 := makeTestInstance("test/package/another", []fs.File{
fs.NewTestFile("some/file/path", "data a new", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/executable", "data b new", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
fs.NewTestFile("pkg2 file", "data d", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
}, pkg.InstallModeCopy)
pkg2.instanceID = "111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"
_, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "", pkg1)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
_, err = New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "", pkg2)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
"pkg1 file",
"pkg2 file",
cur1 := readFile(tempDir, ".cipd/pkgs/1/_current.txt")
So(cur1, ShouldEqual, "111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC")
cur2 := readFile(tempDir, ".cipd/pkgs/0/_current.txt")
So(cur2, ShouldEqual, "000000000_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC")
Convey("in subdir", func() {
_, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "subdir", pkg1)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
_, err = New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "subdir", pkg2)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
"pkg1 file",
"pkg2 file",
"subdir/pkg1 file",
"subdir/pkg2 file",
cur1 := readFile(tempDir, ".cipd/pkgs/1/_current.txt")
So(cur1, ShouldEqual, "111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC")
cur2 := readFile(tempDir, ".cipd/pkgs/0/_current.txt")
So(cur2, ShouldEqual, "000000000_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC")
func TestDeployInstanceSwitchingModes(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
t.Skip("Skipping on Windows: no symlinks")
ctx := context.Background()
Convey("Given a temp directory", t, func() {
tempDir := mkTempDir()
files := []fs.File{
fs.NewTestFile("some/file/path", "data a", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/executable", "data b", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
fs.NewTestSymlink("some/symlink", "executable"),
Convey("InstallModeCopy => InstallModeSymlink", func() {
inst := makeTestInstance("test/package", files, pkg.InstallModeCopy)
inst.instanceID = "000000000_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"
_, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
inst = makeTestInstance("test/package", files, pkg.InstallModeSymlink)
inst.instanceID = "111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"
_, err = New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
Convey("in subidr", func() {
inst := makeTestInstance("test/package", files, pkg.InstallModeCopy)
inst.instanceID = "000000000_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"
_, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "subdir", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
inst = makeTestInstance("test/package", files, pkg.InstallModeSymlink)
inst.instanceID = "111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"
_, err = New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "subdir", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
Convey("InstallModeSymlink => InstallModeCopy", func() {
inst := makeTestInstance("test/package", files, pkg.InstallModeSymlink)
inst.instanceID = "000000000_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"
_, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
inst = makeTestInstance("test/package", files, pkg.InstallModeCopy)
inst.instanceID = "111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"
_, err = New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
Convey("in subdir", func() {
inst := makeTestInstance("test/package", files, pkg.InstallModeSymlink)
inst.instanceID = "000000000_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"
_, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "subdir", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
inst = makeTestInstance("test/package", files, pkg.InstallModeCopy)
inst.instanceID = "111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"
_, err = New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "subdir", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
func TestDeployInstanceUpgradeFileToDir(t *testing.T) {
Convey("DeployInstance can replace files with directories", t, func() {
ctx := withMemLogger()
tempDir := mkTempDir()
// Here "some/path" is a file.
oldPkg := makeTestInstance("test/package", []fs.File{
fs.NewTestFile("some/path", "data old", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
}, pkg.InstallModeCopy)
oldPkg.instanceID = "000000000_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"
// And here "some/path" is a directory.
newPkg := makeTestInstance("test/package", []fs.File{
fs.NewTestFile("some/path/file", "data new", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
}, pkg.InstallModeCopy)
newPkg.instanceID = "111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"
// Note: specifically use '/' even on Windows here, to make sure deployer
// guts do slash conversion correctly inside.
_, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "sub/dir", oldPkg)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
_, err = New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "sub/dir", newPkg)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// The new file is deployed successfully.
So(readFile(tempDir, "sub/dir/some/path/file"), ShouldEqual, "data new")
// No complaints during the upgrade.
So(loggerWarnings(ctx), ShouldResemble, []string(nil))
func TestDeployInstanceDirAndSymlinkSwaps(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
t.Skip("Skipping on windows")
Convey("With packages", t, func() {
ctx := withMemLogger()
tempDir := mkTempDir()
// Here "some/path" is a directory.
pkgWithDir := makeTestInstance("test/package", []fs.File{
fs.NewTestFile("some/path/file1", "old data 1", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/path/a/file2", "old data 2", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/path/a/b/file3", "old data 3", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
}, pkg.InstallModeCopy)
pkgWithDir.instanceID = "000000000_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"
// And here "some/path" is a symlink to some new directory that also has
// the same files (and a bunch more).
pkgWithSym := makeTestInstance("test/package", []fs.File{
fs.NewTestSymlink("some/path", "another"),
fs.NewTestFile("some/another/file1", "new data 1", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/another/a/file2", "new data 2", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/another/a/b/file3", "new data 3", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/another/a/file4", "new data 4", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
}, pkg.InstallModeCopy)
pkgWithSym.instanceID = "111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"
Convey("Replace directory with symlink", func() {
_, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "sub/dir", pkgWithDir)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
_, err = New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "sub/dir", pkgWithSym)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(scanDir(filepath.Join(tempDir, "sub", "dir")), ShouldResemble, []string{
So(readFile(tempDir, "sub/dir/some/path/file1"), ShouldEqual, "new data 1")
So(readFile(tempDir, "sub/dir/some/path/a/file2"), ShouldEqual, "new data 2")
So(loggerWarnings(ctx), ShouldResemble, []string(nil))
Convey("Replace symlink with directory", func() {
_, err := New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "sub/dir", pkgWithSym)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
_, err = New(tempDir).DeployInstance(ctx, "sub/dir", pkgWithDir)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(scanDir(filepath.Join(tempDir, "sub", "dir")), ShouldResemble, []string{
So(readFile(tempDir, "sub/dir/some/path/file1"), ShouldEqual, "old data 1")
So(readFile(tempDir, "sub/dir/some/path/a/file2"), ShouldEqual, "old data 2")
So(loggerWarnings(ctx), ShouldResemble, []string(nil))
func TestDeployInstanceChangeInCase(t *testing.T) {
Convey("DeployInstance handle change in file name case", t, func(c C) {
ctx := withMemLogger()
tempDir := mkTempDir()
deployer := New(tempDir).(*deployerImpl)
caseSensitiveFS, err := deployer.fs.CaseSensitive()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
c.Printf("File system is case-sensitive: %v", caseSensitiveFS)
pkg1 := makeTestInstance("test/package", []fs.File{
fs.NewTestFile("keep", "keep", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/dir/file_b", "old data 1", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/D/f1", "old data 2", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/d/f2", "old data 3", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/path/file_a", "old data 4", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
}, pkg.InstallModeCopy)
pkg1.instanceID = "000000000_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"
pkg2 := makeTestInstance("test/package", []fs.File{
fs.NewTestFile("keep", "keep", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/DIR/file_b", "new data 1", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/D/f2", "new data 2", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/d/f1", "new data 3", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/path/file_A", "new data 4", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
}, pkg.InstallModeCopy)
pkg2.instanceID = "111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"
_, err = deployer.DeployInstance(ctx, "sub/dir", pkg1)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
_, err = deployer.DeployInstance(ctx, "sub/dir", pkg2)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
got := scanDir(filepath.Join(tempDir, "sub", "dir"))
if caseSensitiveFS {
// File case matches pkg2 exactly.
So(got, ShouldResemble, []string{
} else {
// Case of the files is somewhat random... It shouldn't really matter much
// (since the file system is case-insensitive anyway).
So(got[:len(got)-1], ShouldResemble, []string{
// On some file systems the original case (fila_a) is preserved, on some
// it is switched to a new case (file_A). Go figure...
So(got[len(got)-1], ShouldBeIn, []string{
// Can read files through their new names, regardless of case-sensitivity of
// the file system.
So(readFile(tempDir, "sub/dir/some/DIR/file_b"), ShouldEqual, "new data 1")
So(readFile(tempDir, "sub/dir/some/D/f2"), ShouldEqual, "new data 2")
So(readFile(tempDir, "sub/dir/some/d/f1"), ShouldEqual, "new data 3")
So(readFile(tempDir, "sub/dir/some/path/file_A"), ShouldEqual, "new data 4")
So(loggerWarnings(ctx), ShouldResemble, []string(nil))
func TestFindDeployed(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
Convey("Given a temp directory", t, func() {
tempDir := mkTempDir()
Convey("FindDeployed works with empty dir", func() {
out, err := New(tempDir).FindDeployed(ctx)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(out, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("FindDeployed works", func() {
d := New(tempDir)
// Deploy a bunch of stuff.
_, err := d.DeployInstance(ctx, "", makeTestInstance("test/pkg/123", nil, pkg.InstallModeCopy))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
_, err = d.DeployInstance(ctx, "", makeTestInstance("test/pkg/456", nil, pkg.InstallModeCopy))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
_, err = d.DeployInstance(ctx, "", makeTestInstance("test/pkg", nil, pkg.InstallModeCopy))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
_, err = d.DeployInstance(ctx, "", makeTestInstance("test", nil, pkg.InstallModeCopy))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
_, err = d.DeployInstance(ctx, "subdir", makeTestInstance("test/pkg/123", nil, pkg.InstallModeCopy))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
_, err = d.DeployInstance(ctx, "subdir", makeTestInstance("test/pkg/456", nil, pkg.InstallModeCopy))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
_, err = d.DeployInstance(ctx, "subdir", makeTestInstance("test/pkg", nil, pkg.InstallModeCopy))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
_, err = d.DeployInstance(ctx, "subdir", makeTestInstance("test", nil, pkg.InstallModeCopy))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// including some broken packages
_, err = d.DeployInstance(ctx, "", makeTestInstance("broken", nil, pkg.InstallModeCopy))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
err = os.Remove(filepath.Join(tempDir, fs.SiteServiceDir, "pkgs", "8", "_current.txt"))
} else {
err = os.Remove(filepath.Join(tempDir, fs.SiteServiceDir, "pkgs", "8", "_current"))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// Verify it is discoverable.
out, err := d.FindDeployed(ctx)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(out, ShouldResemble, PinSliceBySubdir{
"": PinSlice{
{"test", "-wEu41lw0_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"},
{"test/pkg", "-wEu41lw0_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"},
{"test/pkg/123", "-wEu41lw0_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"},
{"test/pkg/456", "-wEu41lw0_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"},
"subdir": PinSlice{
{"test", "-wEu41lw0_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"},
{"test/pkg", "-wEu41lw0_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"},
{"test/pkg/123", "-wEu41lw0_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"},
{"test/pkg/456", "-wEu41lw0_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"},
func TestRemoveDeployedCommon(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
Convey("Given a temp directory", t, func() {
tempDir := mkTempDir()
Convey("RemoveDeployed works with missing package", func() {
err := New(tempDir).RemoveDeployed(ctx, "", "package/path")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
err = New(tempDir).RemoveDeployed(ctx, "subdir", "package/path")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
func TestRemoveDeployedPosix(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
t.Skip("Skipping on windows")
ctx := context.Background()
Convey("Given a temp directory", t, func() {
tempDir := mkTempDir()
Convey("RemoveDeployed works", func() {
d := New(tempDir)
// Deploy some instance (to keep it).
inst := makeTestInstance("test/package/123", []fs.File{
fs.NewTestFile("some/file/path1", "data a", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/executable1", "data b", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
}, pkg.InstallModeCopy)
_, err := d.DeployInstance(ctx, "", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// Deploy another instance (to remove it).
inst2 := makeTestInstance("test/package", []fs.File{
fs.NewTestFile("some/file/path2", "data a", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/to-be-empty-dir/file", "data", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/executable2", "data b", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
fs.NewTestSymlink("some/symlink", "executable"),
}, pkg.InstallModeCopy)
_, err = d.DeployInstance(ctx, "", inst2)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// Now remove the second package.
err = d.RemoveDeployed(ctx, "", "test/package")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// Verify the final state (only first package should survive).
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
Convey("in subdir", func() {
// Deploy some instance (to keep it).
_, err := d.DeployInstance(ctx, "subdir", inst2)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// Deploy another instance (to remove it).
_, err = d.DeployInstance(ctx, "subdir", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// Now remove the second package.
err = d.RemoveDeployed(ctx, "subdir", "test/package")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// Verify the final state (only first package should survive).
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
// it's 2 because we flipped inst2 and inst in the installation order.
// When we RemoveDeployed, we remove index 1.
func TestRemoveDeployedWindows(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS != "windows" {
t.Skip("Skipping on posix")
ctx := context.Background()
Convey("Given a temp directory", t, func() {
tempDir := mkTempDir()
Convey("RemoveDeployed works", func() {
d := New(tempDir)
// Deploy some instance (to keep it).
inst := makeTestInstance("test/package/123", []fs.File{
fs.NewTestFile("some/file/path1", "data a", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/executable1", "data b", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
}, pkg.InstallModeCopy)
_, err := d.DeployInstance(ctx, "", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// Deploy another instance (to remove it).
inst2 := makeTestInstance("test/package", []fs.File{
fs.NewTestFile("some/file/path2", "data a", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/executable2", "data b", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/to-be-empty-dir/file", "data", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
}, pkg.InstallModeCopy)
_, err = d.DeployInstance(ctx, "", inst2)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// Now remove the second package.
err = d.RemoveDeployed(ctx, "", "test/package")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// Verify the final state (only first package should survive).
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
Convey("in subdir", func() {
// Deploy some instance (to keep it).
_, err := d.DeployInstance(ctx, "subdir", inst2)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// Deploy another instance (to remove it).
_, err = d.DeployInstance(ctx, "subdir", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// Now remove the second package.
err = d.RemoveDeployed(ctx, "subdir", "test/package")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// Verify the final state (only first package should survive).
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
func TestCheckDeployedAndRepair(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
Convey("Given a temp directory", t, func() {
tempDir := mkTempDir()
dep := New(tempDir)
deployInst := func(mode pkg.InstallMode, f ...fs.File) pkg.Instance {
inst := makeTestInstance("test/package", f, mode)
inst.instanceID = "111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"
_, err := dep.DeployInstance(ctx, "subdir", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
return inst
rm := func(p string) {
So(os.Remove(filepath.Join(tempDir, filepath.FromSlash(p))), ShouldBeNil)
check := func(expected *DeployedPackage) *DeployedPackage {
dp, err := dep.CheckDeployed(ctx, "subdir", "test/package", CheckPresence, pkg.WithoutManifest)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(dp.Manifest, ShouldNotBeNil)
dp.Manifest = nil
So(dp, ShouldResemble, expected)
return dp
repair := func(p *DeployedPackage, inst pkg.Instance) {
if len(p.ToRedeploy) == 0 {
inst = nil
err := dep.RepairDeployed(ctx, "subdir", p.Pin, RepairParams{
Instance: inst,
ToRedeploy: p.ToRedeploy,
ToRelink: p.ToRelink,
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
checkHealty := func() {
dp, err := dep.CheckDeployed(ctx, "subdir", "test/package", CheckPresence, pkg.WithoutManifest)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(dp.Deployed, ShouldBeTrue)
So(dp.ToRedeploy, ShouldHaveLength, 0)
So(dp.ToRelink, ShouldHaveLength, 0)
Convey("Copy install mode, no symlinks", func() {
inst := deployInst(pkg.InstallModeCopy,
fs.NewTestFile("some/file/path", "data a", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("another-file", "data b", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/executable", "data c", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
expected := check(&DeployedPackage{
Deployed: true,
Pin: inst.Pin(),
Subdir: "subdir",
InstallMode: pkg.InstallModeCopy,
packagePath: filepath.Join(tempDir, ".cipd/pkgs/0"),
instancePath: filepath.Join(tempDir, ".cipd/pkgs/0/"+inst.Pin().InstanceID),
expected.ToRedeploy = []string{"some/file/path", "another-file"}
repair(expected, inst)
if runtime.GOOS != "windows" {
Convey("Copy install mode, with symlink files", func() {
inst := deployInst(pkg.InstallModeCopy,
fs.NewTestFile("some/file/path", "data a", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("another-file", "data b", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/executable", "data c", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
fs.NewTestSymlink("some/symlink", "executable"),
fs.NewTestSymlink("working_abs_symlink", "/bin"),
// Even though this symlink points to a missing file, it should not
// be considered broken, since it was specified like this in the
// package file (so "repairing" it won't change anything).
fs.NewTestSymlink("broken_abs_symlink", "/i_hope_this_dir_is_missing_on_bots"),
expected := check(&DeployedPackage{
Deployed: true,
Pin: inst.Pin(),
Subdir: "subdir",
InstallMode: pkg.InstallModeCopy,
packagePath: filepath.Join(tempDir, ".cipd/pkgs/0"),
instancePath: filepath.Join(tempDir, ".cipd/pkgs/0/"+inst.Pin().InstanceID),
Convey("Symlink itself is gone but the target is not", func() {
expected.ToRelink = []string{"some/symlink"}
repair(expected, inst)
Convey("Target is gone, but the symlink is not", func() {
expected.ToRedeploy = []string{"some/executable"}
expected.ToRelink = []string{"some/symlink"} // ~ noop
repair(expected, inst)
Convey("Absolute symlinks are gone", func() {
expected.ToRelink = []string{"working_abs_symlink", "broken_abs_symlink"}
repair(expected, inst)
Convey("Symlink install mode", func() {
inst := deployInst(pkg.InstallModeSymlink,
fs.NewTestFile("some/file/path", "data a", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("another-file", "data b", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("some/executable", "data c", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
fs.NewTestSymlink("some/symlink", "executable"),
fs.NewTestSymlink("working_abs_symlink", "/bin"),
fs.NewTestSymlink("broken_abs_symlink", "/i_hope_this_dir_is_missing_on_bots"),
expected := check(&DeployedPackage{
Deployed: true,
Pin: inst.Pin(),
Subdir: "subdir",
InstallMode: pkg.InstallModeSymlink,
packagePath: filepath.Join(tempDir, ".cipd/pkgs/0"),
instancePath: filepath.Join(tempDir, ".cipd/pkgs/0/"+inst.Pin().InstanceID),
Convey("Site root files are gone, but gut files are OK", func() {
expected.ToRelink = []string{"some/file/path", "some/symlink", "broken_abs_symlink"}
repair(expected, inst)
Convey("Regular gut files are gone", func() {
expected.ToRedeploy = []string{"some/executable"}
expected.ToRelink = []string{"some/symlink"}
repair(expected, inst)
Convey("Rel symlink gut files are gone", func() {
expected.ToRelink = []string{"some/symlink"}
repair(expected, inst)
Convey("Abs symlink gut files are gone", func() {
expected.ToRelink = []string{"working_abs_symlink", "broken_abs_symlink"}
repair(expected, inst)
func TestUpgradeOldPkgDir(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
Convey("Given an old-style pkgs dir", t, func() {
tempDir := mkTempDir()
d := New(tempDir)
trashDir := filepath.Join(tempDir, fs.SiteServiceDir, "trash")
fs := fs.NewFileSystem(tempDir, trashDir)
inst := makeTestInstance("test/package", nil, pkg.InstallModeSymlink)
_, err := d.DeployInstance(ctx, "", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
currentLine := func(folder, inst string) string {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
return fmt.Sprintf(".cipd/pkgs/%s/_current.txt", folder)
return fmt.Sprintf(".cipd/pkgs/%s/_current:%s", folder, inst)
pkg0 := filepath.Join(tempDir, ".cipd", "pkgs", "0")
pkgOldStyle := filepath.Join(tempDir, ".cipd", "pkgs", "test_package-deadbeef")
So(fs.EnsureFileGone(ctx, filepath.Join(pkg0, descriptionName)), ShouldBeNil)
So(fs.Replace(ctx, pkg0, pkgOldStyle), ShouldBeNil)
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
currentLine("test_package-deadbeef", "-wEu41lw0_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"),
Convey("reading the packages finds it", func() {
pins, err := d.FindDeployed(ctx)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(pins, ShouldResemble, PinSliceBySubdir{
"": PinSlice{
{"test/package", "-wEu41lw0_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"},
Convey("and upgrades the package", func() {
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
currentLine("test_package-deadbeef", "-wEu41lw0_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"),
Convey("can deploy new instance", func() {
inst.instanceID = "111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"
_, err := d.DeployInstance(ctx, "", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
currentLine("test_package-deadbeef", "111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"),
Convey("can deploy other package", func() {
inst.packageName = "something/cool"
inst.instanceID = "111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"
_, err := d.DeployInstance(ctx, "", inst)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
currentLine("0", "111111111_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"),
currentLine("test_package-deadbeef", "-wEu41lw0_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC"),
func TestNumSet(t *testing.T) {
Convey("numSet", t, func() {
ns := numSet{}
Convey("can add numbers out of order", func() {
for _, n := range []int{392, 1, 7, 29, 4} {
So(ns, ShouldResemble, numSet{1, 4, 7, 29, 392})
Convey("and rejects duplicates", func() {
So(ns, ShouldResemble, numSet{1, 4, 7, 29, 392})
Convey("smallestNewNum", func() {
ns = numSet{1, 4, 7, 29, 392}
smallNums := []int{0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8}
for _, sn := range smallNums {
So(ns.smallestNewNum(), ShouldEqual, sn)
func TestResolveValidPackageDirs(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
Convey("resolveValidPackageDirs", t, func() {
tempDir := mkTempDir()
d := New(tempDir).(*deployerImpl)
pkgdir, err := d.fs.RootRelToAbs(filepath.FromSlash(packagesDir))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
writeFiles := func(files ...fs.File) {
for _, f := range files {
name := filepath.Join(tempDir, f.Name())
if f.Symlink() {
targ, err := f.SymlinkTarget()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
err = d.fs.EnsureSymlink(ctx, name, targ)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
} else {
err := d.fs.EnsureFile(ctx, name, func(wf *os.File) error {
reader, err := f.Open()
if err != nil {
return err
defer reader.Close()
_, err = io.Copy(wf, reader)
return err
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
desc := func(pkgFolder, subdir, packageName string) fs.File {
return fs.NewTestFile(
fmt.Sprintf(".cipd/pkgs/%s/description.json", pkgFolder),
fmt.Sprintf(`{"subdir": %q, "package_name": %q}`, subdir, packageName),
resolve := func() (numSet, map[description]string) {
nums, all := d.resolveValidPackageDirs(ctx, pkgdir)
for desc, absPath := range all {
rel, err := filepath.Rel(tempDir, absPath)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
all[desc] = strings.Replace(filepath.Clean(rel), "\\", "/", -1)
return nums, all
Convey("packagesDir with just description.json", func() {
desc("0", "", "some/package/name"),
nums, all := resolve()
So(nums, ShouldResemble, numSet{0})
So(all, ShouldResemble, map[description]string{
{"", "some/package/name"}: ".cipd/pkgs/0",
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
Convey("packagesDir with duplicates", func() {
desc("0", "", "some/package/name"),
desc("some_other", "", "some/package/name"),
desc("1", "", "some/package/name"),
nums, all := resolve()
So(nums, ShouldResemble, numSet{0})
So(all, ShouldResemble, map[description]string{
{"", "some/package/name"}: ".cipd/pkgs/0",
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
Convey("bogus file", func() {
fs.NewTestFile(".cipd/pkgs/wat", "hello", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
nums, all := resolve()
So(nums, ShouldResemble, numSet(nil))
So(all, ShouldResemble, map[description]string{})
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{".cipd/pkgs!"})
Convey("bad description.json", func() {
fs.NewTestFile(".cipd/pkgs/0/description.json", "hello", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
nums, all := resolve()
So(nums, ShouldResemble, numSet(nil))
So(all, ShouldResemble, map[description]string{})
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{".cipd/pkgs!"})
Convey("package with no manifest", func() {
fs.NewTestFile(".cipd/pkgs/0/deadbeef/something", "hello", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestSymlink(".cipd/pkgs/0/_current", "deadbeef"),
nums, all := resolve()
So(nums, ShouldResemble, numSet(nil))
So(all, ShouldResemble, map[description]string{})
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{".cipd/pkgs!"})
Convey("package with manifest", func() {
curLink := fs.NewTestSymlink(".cipd/pkgs/oldskool/_current", "-wEu41lw0_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC")
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
curLink = fs.NewTestFile(".cipd/pkgs/oldskool/_current.txt", "-wEu41lw0_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC", fs.TestFileOpts{})
fs.NewTestFile(".cipd/pkgs/oldskool/-wEu41lw0_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC/something", "hello", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
`{"format_version": "1", "package_name": "cool/cats"}`, fs.TestFileOpts{}),
nums, all := resolve()
So(nums, ShouldResemble, numSet(nil))
So(all, ShouldResemble, map[description]string{
{"", "cool/cats"}: ".cipd/pkgs/oldskool",
linkExpect := curLink.Name()
if curLink.Symlink() {
targ, err := curLink.SymlinkTarget()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
linkExpect = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", curLink.Name(), targ)
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{
func TestRemoveEmptyTrees(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
Convey("Given a temp directory", t, func() {
tempDir := mkTempDir()
absPath := func(rel string) string {
return filepath.Join(tempDir, filepath.FromSlash(rel))
touch := func(rel string) {
abs := absPath(rel)
err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(abs), 0777)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
f, err := os.Create(abs)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
delete := func(rel string) {
So(os.Remove(absPath(rel)), ShouldBeNil)
dirSet := func(rel ...string) stringset.Set {
out := stringset.New(len(rel))
for _, r := range rel {
return out
Convey("Simple case", func() {
removeEmptyTrees(ctx, absPath("1/2"), dirSet("1/2/3"))
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{"1!"})
Convey("Non empty", func() {
removeEmptyTrees(ctx, absPath("1/2"), dirSet("1/2/3"))
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{"1/2/3/4"})
Convey("Multiple empty", func() {
removeEmptyTrees(ctx, absPath("1/2"), dirSet("1/2/3a", "1/2/3b"))
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{"1!"})
Convey("Respects 'empty' set", func() {
removeEmptyTrees(ctx, absPath("1/2"), dirSet("1/2/3b"))
So(scanDir(tempDir), ShouldResemble, []string{"1/2/3a!"})
type testPackageInstance struct {
packageName string
instanceID string
files []fs.File
installMode pkg.InstallMode
// makeTestInstance returns pkg.Instance implementation with mocked guts.
func makeTestInstance(name string, files []fs.File, installMode pkg.InstallMode) *testPackageInstance {
// Generate and append manifest file.
out := bytes.Buffer{}
err := pkg.WriteManifest(&pkg.Manifest{
FormatVersion: pkg.ManifestFormatVersion,
PackageName: name,
InstallMode: installMode,
}, &out)
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to write a manifest")
files = append(files, fs.NewTestFile(pkg.ManifestName, string(out.Bytes()), fs.TestFileOpts{}))
return &testPackageInstance{
packageName: name,
instanceID: "-wEu41lw0_aOomrCDp4gKs0uClIlMg25S2j-UMHKwFYC", // some "representative" SHA256 IID
files: files,
func (f *testPackageInstance) Pin() Pin { return Pin{f.packageName, f.instanceID} }
func (f *testPackageInstance) Files() []fs.File { return f.files }
func (f *testPackageInstance) Source() io.ReadSeeker { panic("Not implemented") }
func (f *testPackageInstance) Close(context.Context, bool) error { return nil }
// scanDir returns list of files (regular, symlinks and directories if they are
// empty) it finds in a directory. Symlinks are returned as "path:target".
// Empty directories are suffixed with '!'. Regular executable files are
// suffixed with '*'. All paths are relative to the scanned directory and slash
// separated. Symlink targets are slash separated too, but otherwise not
// modified. Does not look inside symlinked directories.
func scanDir(root string) (out []string) {
err := filepath.Walk(root, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
rel, err := filepath.Rel(root, path)
switch {
case err != nil:
return err
case rel == ".":
return nil
case info.Mode().IsDir() && !isEmptyDir(path):
return nil
rel = filepath.ToSlash(rel)
item := rel
if !info.Mode().IsRegular() && !info.Mode().IsDir() { // probably a symlink
if target, err := os.Readlink(path); err == nil {
item = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", rel, filepath.ToSlash(target))
} else {
item = fmt.Sprintf("%s:??????", rel)
suffix := ""
switch {
case info.Mode().IsRegular() && (info.Mode().Perm()&0100) != 0:
suffix = "*"
case info.Mode().IsDir():
suffix = "!"
out = append(out, item+suffix)
return nil
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to walk a directory: %s", err))
// isEmptyDir return true if 'path' refers to an empty directory.
func isEmptyDir(path string) bool {
infos, err := ioutil.ReadDir(path)
return err == nil && len(infos) == 0
// readFile reads content of an existing text file. Root path is provided as
// a native path, rel - as a slash-separated path.
func readFile(root, rel string) string {
body, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(root, filepath.FromSlash(rel)))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
return string(body)