ChromeFrame HTTP requests would randomly fail if we navigated to multiple HTTP sites. This was because
the automation resource message filter tracked HTTP requests based on the request ids which are generated
by the renderer process. As a result a new request would get created say with id 0, while an existing request
would end in ChromeFrame causing the new request to incorrectly shutdown.

Fix is to revert back to the original way of tracking requests with an auto incrementing id. The automation url
job maintains both ids now, i.e. the automation request id and the chrome request id. The download notification
receives the automation id and basically looks up the associated automation request id and sends the notification
back to ChromeFrame.

This fixes bug

Other fixes in this CL include the following:-
1. The active document instance would never get destroyed. This was because we call ShowUI on the doc host 
   which maintains a reference. We need to call HideUI in Setsite of NULL, which releases the reference.

2. When the active x instance is shutting down we try to shutdown all running requests in the OnDestroy handler.
   To ensure that the request is deleted from the request map and released in the same thread which created it
   we post a task back to the ui thread which never runs as the window is being destroyed. Fix is to create
   a message only window with every urlmonrequest instance which supports task marshaling.

Tests in a future CL.


Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
10 files changed