blob: 436fd064dde05e63567137491b3745efffb4b43d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "chrome/browser/resources/chromeos/zip_archiver/cpp/volume_archive.h"
#include "third_party/minizip/src/unzip.h"
#include "third_party/minizip/src/zip.h"
// Defines an implementation of VolumeArchive that wraps all minizip
// operations.
class VolumeArchiveMinizip : public VolumeArchive {
explicit VolumeArchiveMinizip(std::unique_ptr<VolumeReader> reader);
~VolumeArchiveMinizip() override;
// See volume_archive_interface.h.
bool Init(const std::string& encoding) override;
// See volume_archive_interface.h.
VolumeArchive::Result GetCurrentFileInfo(std::string* path_name,
bool* isEncodedInUtf8,
int64_t* size,
bool* is_directory,
time_t* modification_time) override;
VolumeArchive::Result GoToNextFile() override;
// See volume_archive_interface.h.
bool SeekHeader(const std::string& path_name) override;
// See volume_archive_interface.h.
int64_t ReadData(int64_t offset,
int64_t length,
const char** buffer) override;
// See volume_archive_interface.h.
void MaybeDecompressAhead() override;
// Stream functions used by minizip. In all cases, |archive| points to |this|.
static uint32_t MinizipRead(void* archive,
void* stream,
void* buf,
uint32_t size);
static long MinizipTell(void* archive, void* stream);
static long MinizipSeek(void* archive,
void* stream,
uint32_t offset,
int origin);
// Implementation of stream functions used by minizip.
uint32_t StreamRead(void* buf, uint32_t size);
long StreamTell();
long StreamSeek(uint32_t offset, int origin);
// Read cache.
int64_t DynamicCache(int64_t unz_size);
// Decompress length bytes of data starting from offset.
void DecompressData(int64_t offset, int64_t length);
// The size of the requested data from VolumeReader.
int64_t reader_data_size_;
// The minizip correspondent archive object.
zipFile zip_file_;
// We use two kinds of cache strategies here: dynamic and static.
// Dynamic cache is a common cache strategy used in most of IO streams such as
// fread. When a file chunk is requested and if the size of the requested
// chunk is small, we load larger size of bytes from the archive and cache
// them in dynamic_cache_. If the range of the next requested chunk is within
// the cache, we don't read the archive and just return the data in the cache.
std::unique_ptr<char[]> dynamic_cache_;
// The offset from which dynamic_cache_ has the data of the archive.
int64_t dynamic_cache_offset_;
// The size of the data in dynamic_cache_.
int64_t dynamic_cache_size_;
// Although dynamic cache works in most situations, it doesn't work when
// MiniZip is looking for the front index of the central directory. Since
// MiniZip reads the data little by little backwards from the end to find the
// index, dynamic_cache will be reloaded every time. To avoid this, we first
// cache a certain length of data from the end into static_cache_. The data
// in this buffer is also used when the data in the central directory is
// requested by MiniZip later.
std::unique_ptr<char[]> static_cache_;
// The offset from which static_cache_ has the data of the archive.
int64_t static_cache_offset_;
// The size of the data in static_cache_. The End Of Central Directory header
// is guaranteed to be in the last 64(global comment) + 1(other fields) of the
// file. This cache is used to store the header.
int64_t static_cache_size_;
// The data offset, which will be offset + length after last read
// operation, where offset and length are method parameters for
// VolumeArchiveMinizip::ReadData. Data offset is used to improve
// performance for consecutive calls to VolumeArchiveMinizip::ReadData.
// Intead of starting the read from the beginning for every
// VolumeArchiveMinizip::ReadData, the next call will start
// from last_read_data_offset_ in case the offset parameter of
// VolumeArchiveMinizip::ReadData has the same value as
// last_read_data_offset_. This avoids decompressing again the bytes at
// the begninning of the file, which is the average case scenario.
// But in case the offset parameter is different than last_read_data_offset_,
// then dummy_buffer_ will be used to ignore unused bytes.
int64_t last_read_data_offset_;
// The length of the last VolumeArchiveMinizip::ReadData. Used for
// decompress ahead.
int64_t last_read_data_length_;
// Dummy buffer for unused data read using VolumeArchiveMinizip::ReadData.
// Sometimes VolumeArchiveMinizip::ReadData can require reading from
// offsets different from last_read_data_offset_. In this case some bytes
// must be skipped. Because seeking is not possible inside compressed files,
// the bytes will be discarded using this buffer.
std::unique_ptr<char[]> dummy_buffer_;
// The address where the decompressed data starting from
// decompressed_offset_ is stored. It should point to a valid location
// inside decompressed_data_buffer_. Necesssary in order to NOT throw
// away unused decompressed bytes as throwing them away would mean in some
// situations restarting decompressing the file from the beginning.
char* decompressed_data_;
// The actual buffer that contains the decompressed data.
std::unique_ptr<char[]> decompressed_data_buffer_;
// The size of valid data starting from decompressed_data_ that is stored
// inside decompressed_data_buffer_.
int64_t decompressed_data_size_;
// True if VolumeArchiveMinizip::DecompressData failed.
bool decompressed_error_;
// The password cache to access password protected files.
base::Optional<std::string> password_cache_;