blob: 94dd293cdce59bc7bbcb2ad4d80020f9f1c9917c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Nikolas Zimmermann <>
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Rob Buis <>
* Copyright (C) 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2011. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "core/svg/SVGLengthContext.h"
#include "core/css/CSSPrimitiveValue.h"
#include "core/css/CSSResolutionUnits.h"
#include "core/css/CSSToLengthConversionData.h"
#include "core/dom/NodeComputedStyle.h"
#include "core/frame/LocalFrameView.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutObject.h"
#include "core/layout/api/LayoutViewItem.h"
#include "core/style/ComputedStyle.h"
#include "core/svg/SVGSVGElement.h"
#include "platform/LengthFunctions.h"
#include "platform/fonts/FontMetrics.h"
namespace blink {
static inline float DimensionForLengthMode(SVGLengthMode mode,
const FloatSize& viewport_size) {
switch (mode) {
case SVGLengthMode::kWidth:
return viewport_size.Width();
case SVGLengthMode::kHeight:
return viewport_size.Height();
case SVGLengthMode::kOther:
return sqrtf(viewport_size.DiagonalLengthSquared() / 2);
return 0;
static float ConvertValueFromPercentageToUserUnits(
const SVGLength& value,
const FloatSize& viewport_size) {
return CSSPrimitiveValue::ClampToCSSLengthRange(value.ScaleByPercentage(
DimensionForLengthMode(value.UnitMode(), viewport_size)));
static const ComputedStyle* ComputedStyleForLengthResolving(
const SVGElement* context) {
if (!context)
return nullptr;
const ContainerNode* current_context = context;
do {
if (current_context->GetLayoutObject())
return current_context->GetLayoutObject()->Style();
current_context = current_context->parentNode();
} while (current_context);
// We can end up here if trying to resolve values for elements in an
// inactive document.
return nullptr;
static const ComputedStyle* RootElementStyle(const Node* context) {
if (!context)
return nullptr;
const Document& document = context->GetDocument();
Node* document_element = document.documentElement();
const ComputedStyle* document_style = document.GetComputedStyle();
const ComputedStyle* style = document_element && context != document_element
? document_element->GetComputedStyle()
: document_style;
if (!style)
style = document_style;
return style;
static float ConvertValueFromUserUnitsToEMS(const ComputedStyle* style,
float value) {
if (!style)
return 0;
float font_size = style->SpecifiedFontSize();
if (!font_size)
return 0;
return value / font_size;
static float ConvertValueFromEMSToUserUnits(const ComputedStyle* style,
float value) {
if (!style)
return 0;
return value * style->SpecifiedFontSize();
static inline float ViewportLengthPercent(const float width_or_height) {
return width_or_height / 100;
static inline float ViewportMinPercent(const FloatSize& viewport_size) {
return std::min(viewport_size.Width(), viewport_size.Height()) / 100;
static inline float ViewportMaxPercent(const FloatSize& viewport_size) {
return std::max(viewport_size.Width(), viewport_size.Height()) / 100;
static inline float DimensionForViewportUnit(const SVGElement* context,
CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType unit) {
if (!context)
return 0;
const Document& document = context->GetDocument();
LocalFrameView* view = document.View();
if (!view)
return 0;
const ComputedStyle* style = ComputedStyleForLengthResolving(context);
if (!style)
return 0;
FloatSize viewport_size(view->Width(), view->Height());
switch (unit) {
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kViewportWidth:
return ViewportLengthPercent(viewport_size.Width()) /
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kViewportHeight:
return ViewportLengthPercent(viewport_size.Height()) /
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kViewportMin:
return ViewportMinPercent(viewport_size) / style->EffectiveZoom();
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kViewportMax:
return ViewportMaxPercent(viewport_size) / style->EffectiveZoom();
return 0;
SVGLengthContext::SVGLengthContext(const SVGElement* context)
: context_(context) {}
FloatRect SVGLengthContext::ResolveRectangle(const SVGElement* context,
SVGUnitTypes::SVGUnitType type,
const FloatRect& viewport,
const SVGLength& x,
const SVGLength& y,
const SVGLength& width,
const SVGLength& height) {
DCHECK_NE(SVGUnitTypes::kSvgUnitTypeUnknown, type);
if (type != SVGUnitTypes::kSvgUnitTypeUserspaceonuse) {
const FloatSize& viewport_size = viewport.Size();
return FloatRect(
ConvertValueFromPercentageToUserUnits(x, viewport_size) + viewport.X(),
ConvertValueFromPercentageToUserUnits(y, viewport_size) + viewport.Y(),
ConvertValueFromPercentageToUserUnits(width, viewport_size),
ConvertValueFromPercentageToUserUnits(height, viewport_size));
SVGLengthContext length_context(context);
return FloatRect(x.Value(length_context), y.Value(length_context),
width.Value(length_context), height.Value(length_context));
FloatPoint SVGLengthContext::ResolvePoint(const SVGElement* context,
SVGUnitTypes::SVGUnitType type,
const SVGLength& x,
const SVGLength& y) {
DCHECK_NE(SVGUnitTypes::kSvgUnitTypeUnknown, type);
if (type == SVGUnitTypes::kSvgUnitTypeUserspaceonuse) {
SVGLengthContext length_context(context);
return FloatPoint(x.Value(length_context), y.Value(length_context));
// FIXME: valueAsPercentage() won't be correct for eg. cm units. They need to
// be resolved in user space and then be considered in objectBoundingBox
// space.
return FloatPoint(x.ValueAsPercentage(), y.ValueAsPercentage());
float SVGLengthContext::ResolveLength(const SVGElement* context,
SVGUnitTypes::SVGUnitType type,
const SVGLength& x) {
DCHECK_NE(SVGUnitTypes::kSvgUnitTypeUnknown, type);
if (type == SVGUnitTypes::kSvgUnitTypeUserspaceonuse) {
SVGLengthContext length_context(context);
return x.Value(length_context);
// FIXME: valueAsPercentage() won't be correct for eg. cm units. They need to
// be resolved in user space and then be considered in objectBoundingBox
// space.
return x.ValueAsPercentage();
float SVGLengthContext::ValueForLength(const UnzoomedLength& unzoomed_length,
SVGLengthMode mode) const {
return ValueForLength(unzoomed_length.length(), 1, mode);
float SVGLengthContext::ValueForLength(const Length& length,
const ComputedStyle& style,
SVGLengthMode mode) const {
return ValueForLength(length, style.EffectiveZoom(), mode);
float SVGLengthContext::ValueForLength(const Length& length,
float zoom,
SVGLengthMode mode) const {
float dimension = 0;
if (length.IsPercentOrCalc()) {
FloatSize viewport_size;
// The viewport will be unaffected by zoom.
dimension = DimensionForLengthMode(mode, viewport_size);
return ValueForLength(length, zoom, dimension);
float SVGLengthContext::ValueForLength(const Length& length,
const ComputedStyle& style,
float dimension) {
return ValueForLength(length, style.EffectiveZoom(), dimension);
float SVGLengthContext::ValueForLength(const Length& length,
float zoom,
float dimension) {
DCHECK_NE(zoom, 0);
// isIntrinsic can occur for 'width' and 'height', but has no
// real meaning for svg.
if (length.IsIntrinsic())
return 0;
return FloatValueForLength(length, dimension * zoom) / zoom;
float SVGLengthContext::ConvertValueToUserUnits(
float value,
SVGLengthMode mode,
CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType from_unit) const {
double user_units = value;
switch (from_unit) {
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kPixels:
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kNumber:
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kInteger:
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kUserUnits:
user_units = value;
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kPercentage: {
FloatSize viewport_size;
if (!DetermineViewport(viewport_size))
return 0;
user_units = value * DimensionForLengthMode(mode, viewport_size) / 100;
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kEms:
user_units = ConvertValueFromEMSToUserUnits(
ComputedStyleForLengthResolving(context_), value);
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kExs:
user_units = ConvertValueFromEXSToUserUnits(value);
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kCentimeters:
user_units = value * kCssPixelsPerCentimeter;
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kMillimeters:
user_units = value * kCssPixelsPerMillimeter;
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kQuarterMillimeters:
user_units = value * kCssPixelsPerQuarterMillimeter;
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kInches:
user_units = value * kCssPixelsPerInch;
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kPoints:
user_units = value * kCssPixelsPerPoint;
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kPicas:
user_units = value * kCssPixelsPerPica;
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kRems:
user_units =
ConvertValueFromEMSToUserUnits(RootElementStyle(context_), value);
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kChs:
user_units = ConvertValueFromCHSToUserUnits(value);
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kViewportWidth:
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kViewportHeight:
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kViewportMin:
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kViewportMax:
user_units = value * DimensionForViewportUnit(context_, from_unit);
// Since we mix css <length> values with svg's length values we need to
// clamp values to the narrowest range, otherwise it can result in
// rendering issues.
return CSSPrimitiveValue::ClampToCSSLengthRange(user_units);
float SVGLengthContext::ConvertValueFromUserUnits(
float value,
SVGLengthMode mode,
CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType to_unit) const {
switch (to_unit) {
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kPixels:
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kNumber:
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kInteger:
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kUserUnits:
return value;
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kPercentage: {
FloatSize viewport_size;
if (!DetermineViewport(viewport_size))
return 0;
float dimension = DimensionForLengthMode(mode, viewport_size);
if (!dimension)
return 0;
// LengthTypePercentage is represented with 100% = 100.0.
// Good for accuracy but could eventually be changed.
return value * 100 / dimension;
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kEms:
return ConvertValueFromUserUnitsToEMS(
ComputedStyleForLengthResolving(context_), value);
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kExs:
return ConvertValueFromUserUnitsToEXS(value);
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kRems:
return ConvertValueFromUserUnitsToEMS(RootElementStyle(context_), value);
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kChs:
return ConvertValueFromUserUnitsToCHS(value);
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kCentimeters:
return value / kCssPixelsPerCentimeter;
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kMillimeters:
return value / kCssPixelsPerMillimeter;
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kQuarterMillimeters:
return value / kCssPixelsPerQuarterMillimeter;
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kInches:
return value / kCssPixelsPerInch;
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kPoints:
return value / kCssPixelsPerPoint;
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kPicas:
return value / kCssPixelsPerPica;
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kViewportWidth:
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kViewportHeight:
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kViewportMin:
case CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kViewportMax:
return value / DimensionForViewportUnit(context_, to_unit);
return 0;
float SVGLengthContext::ConvertValueFromUserUnitsToCHS(float value) const {
const ComputedStyle* style = ComputedStyleForLengthResolving(context_);
if (!style)
return 0;
const SimpleFontData* font_data = style->GetFont().PrimaryFont();
if (!font_data)
return 0;
float zero_width =
font_data->GetFontMetrics().ZeroWidth() / style->EffectiveZoom();
if (!zero_width)
return 0;
return value / zero_width;
float SVGLengthContext::ConvertValueFromCHSToUserUnits(float value) const {
const ComputedStyle* style = ComputedStyleForLengthResolving(context_);
if (!style)
return 0;
const SimpleFontData* font_data = style->GetFont().PrimaryFont();
if (!font_data)
return 0;
return value * font_data->GetFontMetrics().ZeroWidth() /
float SVGLengthContext::ConvertValueFromUserUnitsToEXS(float value) const {
const ComputedStyle* style = ComputedStyleForLengthResolving(context_);
if (!style)
return 0;
const SimpleFontData* font_data = style->GetFont().PrimaryFont();
if (!font_data)
return 0;
// Use of ceil allows a pixel match to the W3Cs expected output of
// coords-units-03-b.svg, if this causes problems in real world cases maybe it
// would be best to remove this.
float x_height =
ceilf(font_data->GetFontMetrics().XHeight() / style->EffectiveZoom());
if (!x_height)
return 0;
return value / x_height;
float SVGLengthContext::ConvertValueFromEXSToUserUnits(float value) const {
const ComputedStyle* style = ComputedStyleForLengthResolving(context_);
if (!style)
return 0;
const SimpleFontData* font_data = style->GetFont().PrimaryFont();
if (!font_data)
return 0;
// Use of ceil allows a pixel match to the W3Cs expected output of
// coords-units-03-b.svg, if this causes problems in real world cases maybe it
// would be best to remove this.
return value *
ceilf(font_data->GetFontMetrics().XHeight() / style->EffectiveZoom());
bool SVGLengthContext::DetermineViewport(FloatSize& viewport_size) const {
if (!context_)
return false;
// Root <svg> element lengths are resolved against the top level viewport.
if (context_->IsOutermostSVGSVGElement()) {
viewport_size = ToSVGSVGElement(context_)->CurrentViewportSize();
return true;
// Take size from nearest viewport element.
SVGElement* viewport_element = context_->viewportElement();
if (!IsSVGSVGElement(viewport_element))
return false;
const SVGSVGElement& svg = ToSVGSVGElement(*viewport_element);
viewport_size = svg.CurrentViewBoxRect().Size();
if (viewport_size.IsEmpty())
viewport_size = svg.CurrentViewportSize();
return true;
float SVGLengthContext::ResolveValue(const CSSPrimitiveValue& primitive_value,
SVGLengthMode mode) const {
const ComputedStyle* style = ComputedStyleForLengthResolving(context_);
if (!style)
return 0;
const ComputedStyle* root_style = RootElementStyle(context_);
if (!root_style)
return 0;
CSSToLengthConversionData conversion_data = CSSToLengthConversionData(
style, root_style, context_->GetDocument().GetLayoutViewItem(), 1.0f);
Length length = primitive_value.ConvertToLength(conversion_data);
return ValueForLength(length, 1.0f, mode);
} // namespace blink