blob: bcddfea71f11af86233042db05b3d1deed41937d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/third_party/quic/core/quic_session.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/modules_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/peerconnection/adapters/p2p_quic_stream.h"
namespace blink {
class MODULES_EXPORT P2PQuicStreamImpl final : public P2PQuicStream,
public quic::QuicStream {
P2PQuicStreamImpl(quic::QuicStreamId id, quic::QuicSession* session);
~P2PQuicStreamImpl() override;
// QuicStream overrides.
// Right now this marks the data as consumed and drops it.
// TODO( We need to update this function for
// reading and consuming data properly while the main JavaScript thread is
// busy. See:
void OnDataAvailable() override;
// P2PQuicStream overrides
void SetDelegate(P2PQuicStream::Delegate* delegate) override;
void Reset() override;
void Finish() override;
// quic::QuicStream overrides
// Called by the quic::QuicSession when receiving a RST_STREAM frame from the
// remote side. This closes the stream for reading & writing (if not already
// closed), and sends a RST_STREAM frame if one has not been sent yet.
void OnStreamReset(const quic::QuicRstStreamFrame& frame) override;
// Called when the stream has finished consumed data up to the FIN bit from
// the quic::QuicStreamSequencer. This will close the underlying QuicStream
// for reading. This can be called either by the P2PQuicStreamImpl when
// reading data, or by the quic::QuicStreamSequencer if we're done reading &
// receive a stream frame with the FIN bit.
void OnFinRead() override;
// Called by the quic::QuicSession. This means the stream is closed for
// reading and writing, and can now be deleted by the quic::QuicSession.
void OnClose() override;
// For testing purposes. This is returns true after quic::QuicStream::OnClose
bool IsClosedForTesting();
using quic::QuicStream::Reset;
Delegate* delegate_;
// Set after OnClose gets called.
bool closed_ = false;
} // namespace blink