blob: 5a53071adc9d037ca177b754b208b34c2a51ee55 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/collection_view/collection_view_controller.h"
@class BookmarkEditViewController;
@class BookmarkFolderViewController;
namespace bookmarks {
class BookmarkNode;
} // namespace bookmarks
namespace ios {
class ChromeBrowserState;
} // namespace ios
@protocol BookmarkEditViewControllerDelegate
// Called when the edited bookmark is set for deletion.
// If the delegate returns |YES|, all nodes matching the URL of |bookmark| will
// be deleted.
// If the delegate returns |NO|, only |bookmark| will be deleted.
// If the delegate doesn't implement this method, the default behavior is to
// delete all nodes matching the URL of |bookmark|.
- (BOOL)bookmarkEditor:(BookmarkEditViewController*)controller
shoudDeleteAllOccurencesOfBookmark:(const bookmarks::BookmarkNode*)bookmark;
// Called when the controller should be dismissed.
- (void)bookmarkEditorWantsDismissal:(BookmarkEditViewController*)controller;
// View controller for editing bookmarks. Allows editing of the title, URL and
// the parent folder of the bookmark.
// This view controller will also monitor bookmark model change events and react
// accordingly depending on whether the bookmark and folder it is editing
// changes underneath it.
@interface BookmarkEditViewController : CollectionViewController
@property(nonatomic, assign) id<BookmarkEditViewControllerDelegate> delegate;
// Designated initializer.
// |bookmark|: mustn't be NULL at initialization time. It also mustn't be a
// folder.
- (instancetype)initWithBookmark:(const bookmarks::BookmarkNode*)bookmark
- (instancetype)initWithStyle:(CollectionViewControllerStyle)style
// Closes the edit view as if close button was pressed.
- (void)dismiss;