blob: 1e8134b53c02fa04529233ff350743f56f25a8b9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_block_layout_algorithm.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_constraint_space.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_constraint_space_builder.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_fragment_builder.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_fragment.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_layout_opportunity_iterator.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_length_utils.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_units.h"
#include "core/style/ComputedStyle.h"
#include "platform/LengthFunctions.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
LayoutUnit ComputeCollapsedMarginBlockStart(
const NGMarginStrut& prev_margin_strut,
const NGMarginStrut& curr_margin_strut) {
return std::max(prev_margin_strut.margin_block_end,
curr_margin_strut.margin_block_start) -
// Creates an exclusion from the fragment that will be placed in the provided
// layout opportunity.
NGLogicalRect CreateExclusion(const NGFragment& fragment,
const NGLayoutOpportunity& opportunity,
LayoutUnit float_offset,
NGBoxStrut margins) {
NGLogicalRect exclusion;
exclusion.offset = opportunity.offset;
exclusion.offset.inline_offset += float_offset;
exclusion.size.inline_size = fragment.InlineSize();
exclusion.size.block_size = fragment.BlockSize();
// Adjust to child's margin.
exclusion.size.block_size += margins.BlockSum();
exclusion.size.inline_size += margins.InlineSum();
return exclusion;
// Finds a layout opportunity for the fragment.
// It iterates over all layout opportunities in the constraint space and returns
// the first layout opportunity that is wider than the fragment or returns the
// last one which is always the widest.
// @param space Constraint space that is used to find layout opportunity for
// the fragment.
// @param fragment Fragment that needs to be placed.
// @param margins Margins of the fragment.
// @return Layout opportunity for the fragment.
const NGLayoutOpportunity FindLayoutOpportunityForFragment(
NGConstraintSpace* space,
const NGFragment& fragment,
const NGBoxStrut& margins) {
NGLayoutOpportunityIterator* opportunity_iter = space->LayoutOpportunities();
NGLayoutOpportunity opportunity;
NGLayoutOpportunity opportunity_candidate = opportunity_iter->Next();
while (!opportunity_candidate.IsEmpty()) {
opportunity = opportunity_candidate;
// Checking opportunity's block size is not necessary as a float cannot be
// positioned on top of another float inside of the same constraint space.
auto fragment_inline_size = fragment.InlineSize() + margins.InlineSum();
if (opportunity.size.inline_size > fragment_inline_size)
opportunity_candidate = opportunity_iter->Next();
return opportunity;
// Calculates the logical offset for opportunity.
NGLogicalOffset CalculateLogicalOffsetForOpportunity(
const NGLayoutOpportunity& opportunity,
NGBoxStrut border_padding,
LayoutUnit float_offset,
NGBoxStrut margins) {
// TODO(layout-ng): create children_constraint_space with an offset for the
// border and padding.
// Offset from parent's border/padding.
LayoutUnit inline_offset = border_padding.inline_start;
LayoutUnit block_offset = border_padding.block_start;
// Adjust to child's margin.
inline_offset += margins.inline_start;
block_offset += margins.block_start;
// Offset from the opportunity's block/inline start.
inline_offset += opportunity.offset.inline_offset;
block_offset += opportunity.offset.block_offset;
inline_offset += float_offset;
return NGLogicalOffset(inline_offset, block_offset);
// Whether an in-flow block-level child creates a new formatting context.
// This will *NOT* check the following cases:
// - The child is out-of-flow, e.g. floating or abs-pos.
// - The child is a inline-level, e.g. "display: inline-block".
// - The child establishes a new formatting context, but should be a child of
// another layout algorithm, e.g. "display: table-caption" or flex-item.
bool IsNewFormattingContextForInFlowBlockLevelChild(
const NGConstraintSpace& space,
const ComputedStyle& style) {
// TODO(layout-dev): This doesn't capture a few cases which can't be computed
// directly from style yet:
// - The child is a <fieldset>.
// - "column-span: all" is set on the child (requires knowledge that we are
// in a multi-col formatting context).
// (
if (style.specifiesColumns() || style.containsPaint() ||
return true;
if (!style.isOverflowVisible())
return true;
EDisplay display = style.display();
if (display == EDisplay::Grid || display == EDisplay::Flex ||
display == EDisplay::Box)
return true;
if (space.WritingMode() != FromPlatformWritingMode(style.getWritingMode()))
return true;
return false;
// Creates a new constraint space for a child.
NGConstraintSpace* CreateConstraintSpaceForChild(
const NGConstraintSpace& space,
const NGBox& child,
NGConstraintSpaceBuilder* builder) {
IsNewFormattingContextForInFlowBlockLevelChild(space, *child.Style()));
return new NGConstraintSpace(space.WritingMode(), space.Direction(),
} // namespace
PassRefPtr<const ComputedStyle> style,
NGBox* first_child,
NGConstraintSpace* constraint_space)
: state_(kStateInit),
is_fragment_margin_strut_block_start_updated_(false) {
bool NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::Layout(NGPhysicalFragment** out) {
switch (state_) {
case kStateInit: {
border_and_padding_ =
ComputeBorders(Style()) + ComputePadding(*constraint_space_, Style());
LayoutUnit inline_size =
ComputeInlineSizeForFragment(*constraint_space_, Style());
LayoutUnit adjusted_inline_size =
inline_size - border_and_padding_.InlineSum();
// TODO(layout-ng): For quirks mode, should we pass blockSize instead of
// -1?
LayoutUnit block_size = ComputeBlockSizeForFragment(
*constraint_space_, Style(), NGSizeIndefinite);
LayoutUnit adjusted_block_size(block_size);
// Our calculated block-axis size may be indefinite at this point.
// If so, just leave the size as NGSizeIndefinite instead of subtracting
// borders and padding.
if (adjusted_block_size != NGSizeIndefinite)
adjusted_block_size -= border_and_padding_.BlockSum();
space_builder_ =
new NGConstraintSpaceBuilder(constraint_space_->WritingMode());
NGLogicalSize(adjusted_inline_size, adjusted_block_size));
NGLogicalSize(adjusted_inline_size, adjusted_block_size));
content_size_ = border_and_padding_.block_start;
builder_ = new NGFragmentBuilder(NGPhysicalFragmentBase::FragmentBox);
current_child_ = first_child_;
if (current_child_)
space_for_current_child_ = CreateConstraintSpaceForChild(
*constraint_space_, *current_child_, space_builder_);
state_ = kStateChildLayout;
return false;
case kStateChildLayout: {
if (current_child_) {
if (!LayoutCurrentChild())
return false;
current_child_ = current_child_->NextSibling();
if (current_child_) {
space_for_current_child_ = CreateConstraintSpaceForChild(
*constraint_space_, *current_child_, space_builder_);
return false;
state_ = kStateFinalize;
return false;
case kStateFinalize: {
content_size_ += border_and_padding_.block_end;
// Recompute the block-axis size now that we know our content size.
LayoutUnit block_size = ComputeBlockSizeForFragment(
*constraint_space_, Style(), content_size_);
*out = builder_->ToFragment();
state_ = kStateInit;
return true;
*out = nullptr;
return true;
bool NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::LayoutCurrentChild() {
NGFragment* fragment;
if (!current_child_->Layout(space_for_current_child_, &fragment))
return false;
NGBoxStrut child_margins = ComputeMargins(
*space_for_current_child_, *current_child_->Style(),
constraint_space_->WritingMode(), constraint_space_->Direction());
NGLogicalOffset fragment_offset;
if (current_child_->Style()->isFloating()) {
fragment_offset = PositionFloatFragment(*fragment, child_margins);
} else {
ApplyAutoMargins(*space_for_current_child_, *current_child_->Style(),
*fragment, &child_margins);
fragment_offset = PositionFragment(*fragment, child_margins);
builder_->AddChild(fragment, fragment_offset);
return true;
NGBoxStrut NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::CollapseMargins(
const NGBoxStrut& margins,
const NGFragment& fragment) {
bool is_zero_height_box = !fragment.BlockSize() && margins.IsEmpty() &&
// Create the current child's margin strut from its children's margin strut or
// use margin strut from the the last non-empty child.
NGMarginStrut curr_margin_strut =
is_zero_height_box ? prev_child_margin_strut_ : fragment.MarginStrut();
// Calculate borders and padding for the current child.
NGBoxStrut border_and_padding =
ComputeBorders(*current_child_->Style()) +
ComputePadding(*constraint_space_, *current_child_->Style());
// Collapse BLOCK-START margins if there is no padding or border between
// parent (current child) and its first in-flow child.
if (border_and_padding.block_start) {
} else {
// Collapse BLOCK-END margins if
// 1) there is no padding or border between parent (current child) and its
// first/last in-flow child
// 2) parent's logical height is auto.
if (current_child_->Style()->logicalHeight().isAuto() &&
!border_and_padding.block_end) {
} else {
NGBoxStrut result_margins;
// Margins of the newly established formatting context do not participate
// in Collapsing Margins:
// - Compute margins block start for adjoining blocks *including* 1st block.
// - Compute margins block end for the last block.
// - Do not set the computed margins to the parent fragment.
if (constraint_space_->IsNewFormattingContext()) {
result_margins.block_start = ComputeCollapsedMarginBlockStart(
prev_child_margin_strut_, curr_margin_strut);
bool is_last_child = !current_child_->NextSibling();
if (is_last_child)
result_margins.block_end = curr_margin_strut.BlockEndSum();
return result_margins;
// Zero-height boxes are ignored and do not participate in margin collapsing.
if (is_zero_height_box)
return result_margins;
// Compute the margin block start for adjoining blocks *excluding* 1st block
if (is_fragment_margin_strut_block_start_updated_) {
result_margins.block_start = ComputeCollapsedMarginBlockStart(
prev_child_margin_strut_, curr_margin_strut);
// Update the parent fragment's margin strut
prev_child_margin_strut_ = curr_margin_strut;
return result_margins;
NGLogicalOffset NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::PositionFragment(
const NGFragment& fragment,
const NGBoxStrut& child_margins) {
const NGBoxStrut collapsed_margins = CollapseMargins(child_margins, fragment);
LayoutUnit inline_offset =
border_and_padding_.inline_start + child_margins.inline_start;
LayoutUnit block_offset = content_size_ + collapsed_margins.block_start;
content_size_ += fragment.BlockSize() + collapsed_margins.BlockSum();
max_inline_size_ = std::max(
max_inline_size_, fragment.InlineSize() + child_margins.InlineSum() +
return NGLogicalOffset(inline_offset, block_offset);
NGLogicalOffset NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::PositionFloatFragment(
const NGFragment& fragment,
const NGBoxStrut& margins) {
// TODO( Support the top edge alignment rule.
// Find a layout opportunity that will fit our float.
const NGLayoutOpportunity opportunity =
FindLayoutOpportunityForFragment(constraint_space_, fragment, margins);
DCHECK(!opportunity.IsEmpty()) << "Opportunity is empty but it shouldn't be";
// Calculate the float offset if needed.
LayoutUnit float_offset;
if (current_child_->Style()->floating() == EFloat::Right) {
float_offset = opportunity.size.inline_size - fragment.InlineSize();
// Add the float as an exclusion.
const NGLogicalRect exclusion =
CreateExclusion(fragment, opportunity, float_offset, margins);
return CalculateLogicalOffsetForOpportunity(opportunity, border_and_padding_,
float_offset, margins);
void NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::UpdateMarginStrut(const NGMarginStrut& from) {
if (!is_fragment_margin_strut_block_start_updated_) {
is_fragment_margin_strut_block_start_updated_ = true;
DEFINE_TRACE(NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm) {
} // namespace blink