blob: c23228def121abea0c93f4ec31e92ebcaf346e05 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Implementation of VolumeInfoList for FilteredVolumeManager.
* In foreground/ we want to enforce this list to be filtered, so we forbid
* adding/removing/splicing of the list.
* The inner list ownership is shared between FilteredVolumeInfoList and
* FilteredVolumeManager to enforce these constraints.
* @implements {VolumeInfoList}
class FilteredVolumeInfoList {
* @param {!cr.ui.ArrayDataModel} list
constructor(list) {
/** @private */
this.list_ = list;
/** @override */
get length() {
return this.list_.length;
/** @override */
addEventListener(type, handler) {
this.list_.addEventListener(type, handler);
/** @override */
removeEventListener(type, handler) {
this.list_.removeEventListener(type, handler);
/** @override */
add(volumeInfo) {
throw new Error('FilteredVolumeInfoList.add not allowed in foreground');
/** @override */
remove(volumeInfo) {
throw new Error('FilteredVolumeInfoList.remove not allowed in foreground');
/** @override */
item(index) {
return /** @type {!VolumeInfo} */ (this.list_.item(index));
* Thin wrapper for VolumeManager. This should be an interface proxy to talk
* to VolumeManager. This class also filters some "disallowed" volumes;
* for example, Drive volumes are dropped if Drive is disabled, and read-only
* volumes are dropped in save-as dialogs.
* @constructor
* @extends {cr.EventTarget}
* @implements {VolumeManager}
* @param {!AllowedPaths} allowedPaths Which paths are supported in the Files
* app dialog.
* @param {boolean} writableOnly If true, only writable volumes are returned.
* @param {Window=} opt_backgroundPage Window object of the background
* page. If this is specified, the class skips to get background page.
* TODO(hirono): Let all clients of the class pass the background page and
* make the argument not optional.
function FilteredVolumeManager(allowedPaths, writableOnly, opt_backgroundPage) {;
this.allowedPaths_ = allowedPaths;
this.writableOnly_ = writableOnly;
// Internal list holds filtered VolumeInfo instances.
/** @private */
this.list_ = new cr.ui.ArrayDataModel([]);
// Public VolumeManager.volumeInfoList property accessed by callers.
this.volumeInfoList = new FilteredVolumeInfoList(this.list_);
this.volumeManager_ = null;
this.pendingTasks_ = [];
this.onEventBound_ = this.onEvent_.bind(this);
this.onVolumeInfoListUpdatedBound_ =
this.disposed_ = false;
// Start initialize the VolumeManager.
var queue = new AsyncUtil.Queue();
if (opt_backgroundPage) {
this.backgroundPage_ = opt_backgroundPage;
} else { {
chrome.runtime.getBackgroundPage(/** @type {function(Window=)} */(
function(opt_backgroundPage) {
this.backgroundPage_ = opt_backgroundPage;
} {
function(volumeManager) {
* Extends cr.EventTarget.
FilteredVolumeManager.prototype.__proto__ = cr.EventTarget.prototype;
* Checks if a volume type is allowed.
* Note that even if a volume type is allowed, a volume of that type might be
* disallowed for other restrictions. To check if a specific volume is allowed
* or not, use isAllowedVolume_() instead.
* @param {VolumeManagerCommon.VolumeType} volumeType
* @return {boolean}
FilteredVolumeManager.prototype.isAllowedVolumeType_ = function(volumeType) {
switch (this.allowedPaths_) {
case AllowedPaths.ANY_PATH:
case AllowedPaths.ANY_PATH_OR_URL:
return true;
case AllowedPaths.NATIVE_OR_DRIVE_PATH:
return (VolumeManagerCommon.VolumeType.isNative(volumeType) ||
volumeType == VolumeManagerCommon.VolumeType.DRIVE);
case AllowedPaths.NATIVE_PATH:
return VolumeManagerCommon.VolumeType.isNative(volumeType);
return false;
* Checks if a volume is allowed.
* @param {!VolumeInfo} volumeInfo
* @return {boolean}
FilteredVolumeManager.prototype.isAllowedVolume_ = function(volumeInfo) {
if (!this.isAllowedVolumeType_(volumeInfo.volumeType))
return false;
if (this.writableOnly_ && volumeInfo.isReadOnly)
return false;
return true;
* Called when the VolumeManager gets ready for post initialization.
* @param {VolumeManager} volumeManager The initialized VolumeManager instance.
* @private
FilteredVolumeManager.prototype.onReady_ = function(volumeManager) {
if (this.disposed_)
this.volumeManager_ = volumeManager;
// Subscribe to VolumeManager.
'drive-connection-changed', this.onEventBound_);
'externally-unmounted', this.onEventBound_);
VolumeManagerCommon.ARCHIVE_OPENED_EVENT_TYPE, this.onEventBound_);
// Dispatch 'drive-connection-changed' to listeners, since the return value of
// FilteredVolumeManager.getDriveConnectionState() can be changed by setting
// this.volumeManager_.
cr.dispatchSimpleEvent(this, 'drive-connection-changed');
// Cache volumeInfoList.
var volumeInfoList = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.volumeManager_.volumeInfoList.length; i++) {
var volumeInfo = this.volumeManager_.volumeInfoList.item(i);
// TODO(hidehiko): Filter mounted volumes located on Drive File System.
if (!this.isAllowedVolume_(volumeInfo))
this.list_, [0, this.volumeInfoList.length].concat(volumeInfoList));
// Subscribe to VolumeInfoList.
// In VolumeInfoList, we only use 'splice' event.
'splice', this.onVolumeInfoListUpdatedBound_);
// Run pending tasks.
var pendingTasks = this.pendingTasks_;
this.pendingTasks_ = null;
for (var i = 0; i < pendingTasks.length; i++)
* Disposes the instance. After the invocation of this method, any other
* method should not be called.
FilteredVolumeManager.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.disposed_ = true;
if (!this.volumeManager_)
'drive-connection-changed', this.onEventBound_);
'externally-unmounted', this.onEventBound_);
'splice', this.onVolumeInfoListUpdatedBound_);
* Called on events sent from VolumeManager. This has responsibility to
* re-dispatch the event to the listeners.
* @param {!Event} event Event object sent from VolumeManager.
* @private
FilteredVolumeManager.prototype.onEvent_ = function(event) {
switch (event.type) {
case 'drive-connection-changed':
if (this.isAllowedVolumeType_(VolumeManagerCommon.VolumeType.DRIVE))
case 'externally-unmounted':
event = /** @type {!ExternallyUnmountedEvent} */ (event);
if (this.isAllowedVolume_(event.volumeInfo))
case VolumeManagerCommon.ARCHIVE_OPENED_EVENT_TYPE:
* Called on events of modifying VolumeInfoList.
* @param {Event} event Event object sent from VolumeInfoList.
* @private
FilteredVolumeManager.prototype.onVolumeInfoListUpdated_ = function(event) {
// Filters some volumes.
var index = event.index;
for (var i = 0; i < event.index; i++) {
var volumeInfo = this.volumeManager_.volumeInfoList.item(i);
if (!this.isAllowedVolume_(volumeInfo))
var numRemovedVolumes = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < event.removed.length; i++) {
var volumeInfo = event.removed[i];
if (this.isAllowedVolume_(volumeInfo))
var addedVolumes = [];
for (var i = 0; i < event.added.length; i++) {
var volumeInfo = event.added[i];
if (this.isAllowedVolume_(volumeInfo)) {
this.list_, [index, numRemovedVolumes].concat(addedVolumes));
* Returns whether the VolumeManager is initialized or not.
* @return {boolean} True if the VolumeManager is initialized.
FilteredVolumeManager.prototype.isInitialized = function() {
return this.pendingTasks_ === null;
* Ensures the VolumeManager is initialized, and then invokes callback.
* If the VolumeManager is already initialized, callback will be called
* immediately.
* @param {function()} callback Called on initialization completion.
FilteredVolumeManager.prototype.ensureInitialized = function(callback) {
if (!this.isInitialized()) {
this.pendingTasks_.push(this.ensureInitialized.bind(this, callback));
* @return {VolumeManagerCommon.DriveConnectionState} Current drive connection
* state.
FilteredVolumeManager.prototype.getDriveConnectionState = function() {
if (!this.isAllowedVolumeType_(VolumeManagerCommon.VolumeType.DRIVE) ||
!this.volumeManager_) {
return {
type: VolumeManagerCommon.DriveConnectionType.OFFLINE,
reason: VolumeManagerCommon.DriveConnectionReason.NO_SERVICE
return this.volumeManager_.getDriveConnectionState();
/** @override */
FilteredVolumeManager.prototype.getVolumeInfo = function(entry) {
return this.filterDisallowedVolume_(
this.volumeManager_ && this.volumeManager_.getVolumeInfo(entry));
* Obtains a volume information of the current profile.
* @param {VolumeManagerCommon.VolumeType} volumeType Volume type.
* @return {VolumeInfo} Found volume info.
FilteredVolumeManager.prototype.getCurrentProfileVolumeInfo =
function(volumeType) {
return this.filterDisallowedVolume_(
this.volumeManager_ &&
/** @override */
FilteredVolumeManager.prototype.getDefaultDisplayRoot =
function(callback) {
this.ensureInitialized(function() {
var defaultVolume = this.getCurrentProfileVolumeInfo(
if (defaultVolume) {
defaultVolume.resolveDisplayRoot(callback, function() {
// defaultVolume is DOWNLOADS and resolveDisplayRoot should succeed.
throw new Error(
'Unexpectedly failed to obtain the default display root.');
} else {
console.warn('Unexpectedly failed to obtain the default display root.');
* Obtains location information from an entry.
* @param {(!Entry|!FilesAppEntry)} entry File or directory entry.
* @return {EntryLocation} Location information.
FilteredVolumeManager.prototype.getLocationInfo = function(entry) {
var locationInfo =
this.volumeManager_ && this.volumeManager_.getLocationInfo(entry);
if (!locationInfo)
return null;
if (locationInfo.volumeInfo &&
return null;
return locationInfo;
/** @override */
FilteredVolumeManager.prototype.findByDevicePath = function(devicePath) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.volumeInfoList.length; i++) {
const volumeInfo = this.volumeInfoList.item(i);
if (volumeInfo.devicePath && volumeInfo.devicePath === devicePath)
return this.filterDisallowedVolume_(volumeInfo);
return null;
* Returns a promise that will be resolved when volume info, identified
* by {@code volumeId} is created.
* @param {string} volumeId
* @return {!Promise<!VolumeInfo>} The VolumeInfo. Will not resolve
* if the volume is never mounted.
FilteredVolumeManager.prototype.whenVolumeInfoReady = function(volumeId) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
this.volumeManager_.whenVolumeInfoReady(volumeId).then((volumeInfo) => {
volumeInfo = this.filterDisallowedVolume_(volumeInfo);
if (volumeInfo)
* Requests to mount the archive file.
* @param {string} fileUrl The path to the archive file to be mounted.
* @param {function(VolumeInfo)} successCallback Called with the VolumeInfo
* instance.
* @param {function(VolumeManagerCommon.VolumeError)} errorCallback Called when
* an error occurs.
FilteredVolumeManager.prototype.mountArchive = function(
fileUrl, successCallback, errorCallback) {
if (this.pendingTasks_) {
this.mountArchive.bind(this, fileUrl, successCallback, errorCallback));
this.volumeManager_.mountArchive(fileUrl, successCallback, errorCallback);
* Requests unmount the specified volume.
* @param {!VolumeInfo} volumeInfo Volume to be unmounted.
* @param {function()} successCallback Called on success.
* @param {function(VolumeManagerCommon.VolumeError)} errorCallback Called when
* an error occurs.
FilteredVolumeManager.prototype.unmount = function(
volumeInfo, successCallback, errorCallback) {
if (this.pendingTasks_) {
this.unmount.bind(this, volumeInfo, successCallback, errorCallback));
this.volumeManager_.unmount(volumeInfo, successCallback, errorCallback);
* Requests configuring of the specified volume.
* @param {!VolumeInfo} volumeInfo Volume to be configured.
* @return {!Promise} Fulfilled on success, otherwise rejected with an error
* message.
FilteredVolumeManager.prototype.configure = function(volumeInfo) {
if (this.pendingTasks_) {
return new Promise(function(fulfill, reject) {
this.pendingTasks_.push(function() {
return this.volumeManager_.configure(volumeInfo).then(fulfill, reject);
return this.volumeManager_.configure(volumeInfo);
* Filters volume info by isAllowedVolume_().
* @param {VolumeInfo} volumeInfo Volume info.
* @return {VolumeInfo} Null if the volume is disallowed. Otherwise just returns
* the volume.
* @private
FilteredVolumeManager.prototype.filterDisallowedVolume_ =
function(volumeInfo) {
if (volumeInfo && this.isAllowedVolume_(volumeInfo)) {
return volumeInfo;
} else {
return null;