blob: 35a73205968cabea4f543f80833fec2eaa5fdd42 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.device.nfc;
import android.Manifest;
import android.annotation.TargetApi;
import android.content.Context;
import android.nfc.FormatException;
import android.nfc.NfcAdapter;
import android.nfc.NfcAdapter.ReaderCallback;
import android.nfc.NfcManager;
import android.nfc.Tag;
import android.nfc.TagLostException;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Process;
import org.chromium.base.Log;
import org.chromium.mojo.bindings.Callbacks;
import org.chromium.mojo.system.MojoException;
import org.chromium.mojom.device.nfc.Nfc;
import org.chromium.mojom.device.nfc.NfcClient;
import org.chromium.mojom.device.nfc.NfcError;
import org.chromium.mojom.device.nfc.NfcErrorType;
import org.chromium.mojom.device.nfc.NfcMessage;
import org.chromium.mojom.device.nfc.NfcPushOptions;
import org.chromium.mojom.device.nfc.NfcPushTarget;
import org.chromium.mojom.device.nfc.NfcWatchOptions;
* Android implementation of the NFC mojo service defined in
* device/nfc/nfc.mojom.
public class NfcImpl implements Nfc {
private static final String TAG = "NfcImpl";
* Used to get instance of NFC adapter, @see android.nfc.NfcManager
private final NfcManager mNfcManager;
* NFC adapter. @see android.nfc.NfcAdapter
private final NfcAdapter mNfcAdapter;
* Activity that is in foreground and is used to enable / disable NFC reader mode operations.
* Can be updated when activity associated with web page is changed. @see #setActivity
private Activity mActivity;
* Flag that indicates whether NFC permission is granted.
private final boolean mHasPermission;
* Implementation of android.nfc.NfcAdapter.ReaderCallback. @see ReaderCallbackHandler
private ReaderCallbackHandler mReaderCallbackHandler;
* Object that contains data that was passed to method
* #push(NfcMessage message, NfcPushOptions options, PushResponse callback)
* @see PendingPushOperation
private PendingPushOperation mPendingPushOperation;
* Utility that provides I/O operations for a Tag. Created on demand when Tag is found.
* @see NfcTagHandler
private NfcTagHandler mTagHandler;
public NfcImpl(Context context) {
int permission =
context.checkPermission(Manifest.permission.NFC, Process.myPid(), Process.myUid());
mHasPermission = permission == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED;
if (!mHasPermission || Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) {
Log.w(TAG, "NFC operations are not permitted.");
mNfcAdapter = null;
mNfcManager = null;
} else {
mNfcManager = (NfcManager) context.getSystemService(Context.NFC_SERVICE);
if (mNfcManager == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "NFC is not supported.");
mNfcAdapter = null;
} else {
mNfcAdapter = mNfcManager.getDefaultAdapter();
* Sets Activity that is used to enable / disable NFC reader mode. When Activity is set,
* reader mode is disabled for old Activity and enabled for the new Activity.
protected void setActivity(Activity activity) {
mActivity = activity;
* Sets NfcClient. NfcClient interface is used to notify mojo NFC service client when NFC
* device is in proximity and has NfcMessage that matches NfcWatchOptions criteria.
* @see Nfc#watch(NfcWatchOptions options, WatchResponse callback)
* @param client @see NfcClient
public void setClient(NfcClient client) {
// TODO( Should be implemented when watch() is implemented.
* Pushes NfcMessage to Tag or Peer, whenever NFC device is in proximity. At the moment, only
* passive NFC devices are supported (NfcPushTarget.TAG).
* @param message that should be pushed to NFC device.
* @param options that contain information about timeout and target device type.
* @param callback that is used to notify when push operation is completed.
public void push(NfcMessage message, NfcPushOptions options, PushResponse callback) {
if (!checkIfReady(callback)) return;
if ( == NfcPushTarget.PEER) {;
// If previous pending push operation is not completed, cancel it.
if (mPendingPushOperation != null) {
mPendingPushOperation = new PendingPushOperation(message, options, callback);
* Cancels pending push operation.
* At the moment, only passive NFC devices are supported (NfcPushTarget.TAG).
* @param target @see NfcPushTarget
* @param callback that is used to notify caller when cancelPush() is completed.
public void cancelPush(int target, CancelPushResponse callback) {
if (!checkIfReady(callback)) return;
if (target == NfcPushTarget.PEER) {;
if (mPendingPushOperation == null) {;
} else {
mPendingPushOperation = null;;
* Watch method allows to set filtering criteria for NfcMessages that are found when NFC device
* is within proximity. On success, watch ID is returned to caller through WatchResponse
* callback. When NfcMessage that matches NfcWatchOptions is found, it is passed to NfcClient
* interface together with corresponding watch ID.
* @see NfcClient#onWatch(int[] id, NfcMessage message)
* @param options used to filter NfcMessages, @see NfcWatchOptions.
* @param callback that is used to notify caller when watch() is completed and return watch ID.
public void watch(NfcWatchOptions options, WatchResponse callback) {
if (!checkIfReady(callback)) return;
// TODO( Not implemented., createError(NfcErrorType.NOT_SUPPORTED));
* Cancels NFC watch operation.
* @param id of watch operation.
* @param callback that is used to notify caller when cancelWatch() is completed.
public void cancelWatch(int id, CancelWatchResponse callback) {
if (!checkIfReady(callback)) return;
// TODO( Not implemented.;
* Cancels all NFC watch operations.
* @param callback that is used to notify caller when cancelAllWatches() is completed.
public void cancelAllWatches(CancelAllWatchesResponse callback) {
if (!checkIfReady(callback)) return;
// TODO( Not implemented.;
* Suspends all pending operations. Should be called when web page visibility is lost.
public void suspendNfcOperations() {
* Resumes all pending watch / push operations. Should be called when web page becomes visible.
public void resumeNfcOperations() {
public void close() {
public void onConnectionError(MojoException e) {
* Holds information about pending push operation.
private static class PendingPushOperation {
public final NfcMessage nfcMessage;
public final NfcPushOptions nfcPushOptions;
private final PushResponse mPushResponseCallback;
public PendingPushOperation(
NfcMessage message, NfcPushOptions options, PushResponse callback) {
nfcMessage = message;
nfcPushOptions = options;
mPushResponseCallback = callback;
* Completes pending push operation.
* @param error should be null when operation is completed successfully, otherwise,
* error object with corresponding NfcErrorType should be provided.
public void complete(NfcError error) {
if (mPushResponseCallback != null);
* Helper method that creates NfcError object from NfcErrorType.
private NfcError createError(int errorType) {
NfcError error = new NfcError();
error.errorType = errorType;
return error;
* Checks if NFC funcionality can be used by the mojo service. If permission to use NFC is
* granted and hardware is enabled, returns null.
private NfcError checkIfReady() {
if (!mHasPermission || mActivity == null) {
return createError(NfcErrorType.SECURITY);
} else if (mNfcManager == null || mNfcAdapter == null) {
return createError(NfcErrorType.NOT_SUPPORTED);
} else if (!mNfcAdapter.isEnabled()) {
return createError(NfcErrorType.DEVICE_DISABLED);
return null;
* Uses checkIfReady() method and if NFC cannot be used, calls mojo callback with NfcError.
* @param WatchResponse Callback that is provided to watch() method.
* @return boolean true if NFC functionality can be used, false otherwise.
private boolean checkIfReady(WatchResponse callback) {
NfcError error = checkIfReady();
if (error == null) return true;, error);
return false;
* Uses checkIfReady() method and if NFC cannot be used, calls mojo callback with NfcError.
* @param callback Generic callback that is provided to push(), cancelPush(),
* cancelWatch() and cancelAllWatches() methods.
* @return boolean true if NFC functionality can be used, false otherwise.
private boolean checkIfReady(Callbacks.Callback1<NfcError> callback) {
NfcError error = checkIfReady();
if (error == null) return true;;
return false;
* Implementation of android.nfc.NfcAdapter.ReaderCallback. Callback is called when NFC tag is
* discovered, Tag object is delegated to mojo service implementation method
* NfcImpl.onTagDiscovered().
private static class ReaderCallbackHandler implements ReaderCallback {
private final NfcImpl mNfcImpl;
public ReaderCallbackHandler(NfcImpl impl) {
mNfcImpl = impl;
public void onTagDiscovered(Tag tag) {
* Enables reader mode, allowing NFC device to read / write NFC tags.
* @see android.nfc.NfcAdapter#enableReaderMode
private void enableReaderMode() {
if (mReaderCallbackHandler != null || mActivity == null) return;
// TODO( Check if there are active watch operations.
if (mPendingPushOperation == null) return;
mReaderCallbackHandler = new ReaderCallbackHandler(this);
mNfcAdapter.enableReaderMode(mActivity, mReaderCallbackHandler,
* Disables reader mode.
* @see android.nfc.NfcAdapter#disableReaderMode
private void disableReaderMode() {
mReaderCallbackHandler = null;
if (mActivity != null) {
* Completes pending push operation. On error, invalidates #mTagHandler.
private void pendingPushOperationCompleted(NfcError error) {
if (mPendingPushOperation != null) {
mPendingPushOperation = null;
// TODO( When is implemented, disable reader mode
// only when there are no active watch operations.
if (error != null) mTagHandler = null;
* Checks whether there is a #mPendingPushOperation and writes data to NFC tag. In case of
* exception calls pendingPushOperationCompleted() with appropriate error object.
private void processPendingPushOperation() {
if (mTagHandler == null || mPendingPushOperation == null) return;
if (mTagHandler.isTagOutOfRange()) {
mTagHandler = null;
try {
} catch (InvalidNfcMessageException e) {
Log.w(TAG, "Cannot write data to NFC tag. Invalid NfcMessage.");
} catch (TagLostException e) {
Log.w(TAG, "Cannot write data to NFC tag. Tag is lost.");
} catch (FormatException | IOException e) {
Log.w(TAG, "Cannot write data to NFC tag. IO_ERROR.");
* Called by ReaderCallbackHandler when NFC tag is in proximity.
public void onTagDiscovered(Tag tag) {
mTagHandler = NfcTagHandler.create(tag);