blob: e69facabdbdcdc64ade7e780bc68751dad090a31 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "content/shell/test_runner/test_runner_export.h"
#include "content/shell/test_runner/web_view_test_client.h"
#include "content/shell/test_runner/web_widget_test_client.h"
#include "content/shell/test_runner/web_widget_test_proxy.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebDragOperation.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebRect.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebScreenInfo.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebURLError.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebURLRequest.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebDOMMessageEvent.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebHistoryCommitType.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebNavigationPolicy.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebTextDirection.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebViewClient.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebWidgetClient.h"
namespace blink {
class WebDragData;
class WebImage;
class WebLocalFrame;
class WebString;
class WebView;
class WebWidget;
struct WebPoint;
struct WebWindowFeatures;
namespace test_runner {
class AccessibilityController;
class TestInterfaces;
class TestRunnerForSpecificView;
class TextInputController;
class WebTestDelegate;
class WebTestInterfaces;
// WebViewTestProxyBase is the "brain" of WebViewTestProxy in the sense that
// WebViewTestProxy does the bridge between RenderViewImpl and
// WebViewTestProxyBase and when it requires a behavior to be different from the
// usual, it will call WebViewTestProxyBase that implements the expected
// behavior. See WebViewTestProxy class comments for more information.
class TEST_RUNNER_EXPORT WebViewTestProxyBase : public WebWidgetTestProxyBase {
blink::WebView* web_view() { return web_view_; }
void set_web_view(blink::WebView* view) {
web_view_ = view;
void set_view_test_client(
std::unique_ptr<WebViewTestClient> view_test_client) {
view_test_client_ = std::move(view_test_client);
WebTestDelegate* delegate() { return delegate_; }
void set_delegate(WebTestDelegate* delegate) {
delegate_ = delegate;
TestInterfaces* test_interfaces() { return test_interfaces_; }
void SetInterfaces(WebTestInterfaces* web_test_interfaces);
AccessibilityController* accessibility_controller() {
return accessibility_controller_.get();
TestRunnerForSpecificView* view_test_runner() {
return view_test_runner_.get();
void Reset();
void BindTo(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame);
void GetScreenOrientationForTesting(blink::WebScreenInfo&);
blink::WebViewClient* view_test_client() { return view_test_client_.get(); }
TestInterfaces* test_interfaces_;
WebTestDelegate* delegate_;
blink::WebView* web_view_;
blink::WebWidget* web_widget_;
std::unique_ptr<WebViewTestClient> view_test_client_;
std::unique_ptr<AccessibilityController> accessibility_controller_;
std::unique_ptr<TextInputController> text_input_controller_;
std::unique_ptr<TestRunnerForSpecificView> view_test_runner_;
// WebViewTestProxy is used during LayoutTests and always instantiated, at time
// of writing with Base=RenderViewImpl. It does not directly inherit from it for
// layering purposes.
// The intent of that class is to wrap RenderViewImpl for tests purposes in
// order to reduce the amount of test specific code in the production code.
// WebViewTestProxy is only doing the glue between RenderViewImpl and
// WebViewTestProxyBase, that means that there is no logic living in this class
// except deciding which base class should be called (could be both).
// Examples of usage:
// * when a fooClient has a mock implementation, WebViewTestProxy can override
// the fooClient() call and have WebViewTestProxyBase return the mock
// implementation.
// * when a value needs to be overridden by LayoutTests, WebViewTestProxy can
// override RenderViewImpl's getter and call a getter from
// WebViewTestProxyBase instead. In addition, WebViewTestProxyBase will have
// a public setter that could be called from the TestRunner.
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// WebViewTestProxy is a diamond-shaped hierarchy, with WebWidgetClient at the
// root. VS warns when we inherit the WebWidgetClient method implementations
// from RenderWidget. It's safe to ignore that warning.
#pragma warning(disable : 4250)
template <class Base, typename... Args>
class WebViewTestProxy : public Base, public WebViewTestProxyBase {
explicit WebViewTestProxy(Args... args) : Base(args...) {}
// WebWidgetClient implementation.
blink::WebScreenInfo GetScreenInfo() override {
blink::WebScreenInfo info = Base::GetScreenInfo();
blink::WebScreenInfo test_info = widget_test_client()->GetScreenInfo();
if (test_info.orientation_type != blink::kWebScreenOrientationUndefined) {
info.orientation_type = test_info.orientation_type;
info.orientation_angle = test_info.orientation_angle;
return info;
void ScheduleAnimation() override {
bool RequestPointerLock() override {
return widget_test_client()->RequestPointerLock();
void RequestPointerUnlock() override {
bool IsPointerLocked() override {
return widget_test_client()->IsPointerLocked();
void DidFocus(blink::WebLocalFrame* calling_frame) override {
void SetToolTipText(const blink::WebString& text,
blink::WebTextDirection hint) override {
widget_test_client()->SetToolTipText(text, hint);
Base::SetToolTipText(text, hint);
// WebViewClient implementation.
void StartDragging(blink::WebReferrerPolicy policy,
const blink::WebDragData& data,
blink::WebDragOperationsMask mask,
const blink::WebImage& image,
const blink::WebPoint& point) override {
widget_test_client()->StartDragging(policy, data, mask, image, point);
// Don't forward this call to Base because we don't want to do a real
// drag-and-drop.
blink::WebView* CreateView(blink::WebLocalFrame* creator,
const blink::WebURLRequest& request,
const blink::WebWindowFeatures& features,
const blink::WebString& frame_name,
blink::WebNavigationPolicy policy,
bool suppress_opener,
blink::WebSandboxFlags sandbox_flags) override {
if (!view_test_client()->CreateView(creator, request, features, frame_name,
policy, suppress_opener, sandbox_flags))
return nullptr;
return Base::CreateView(creator, request, features, frame_name, policy,
suppress_opener, sandbox_flags);
void PrintPage(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame) override {
blink::WebSpeechRecognizer* SpeechRecognizer() override {
return view_test_client()->SpeechRecognizer();
blink::WebString AcceptLanguages() override {
return view_test_client()->AcceptLanguages();
virtual ~WebViewTestProxy() {}
} // namespace test_runner