blob: ba8ac7b266fa767c49daa9fa6f349dbba6736b3b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/browser/frame_host/render_frame_host_manager.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/debug/crash_logging.h"
#include "base/debug/dump_without_crashing.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h"
#include "content/browser/child_process_security_policy_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/devtools/render_frame_devtools_agent_host.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/debug_urls.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/frame_navigation_entry.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/interstitial_page_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/navigation_controller_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/navigation_entry_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/navigation_handle_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/navigation_request.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/navigator.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/render_frame_host_factory.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/render_frame_host_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/render_frame_proxy_host.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_process_host_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_factory.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/site_instance_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/webui/web_ui_controller_factory_registry.h"
#include "content/common/frame_messages.h"
#include "content/common/frame_owner_properties.h"
#include "content/common/site_isolation_policy.h"
#include "content/common/view_messages.h"
#include "content/public/browser/child_process_security_policy.h"
#include "content/public/browser/content_browser_client.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_process_host_observer.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_widget_host_iterator.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_widget_host_view.h"
#include "content/public/common/browser_side_navigation_policy.h"
#include "content/public/common/content_switches.h"
#include "content/public/common/referrer.h"
#include "content/public/common/url_constants.h"
#include "content/public/common/url_utils.h"
namespace content {
FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node,
RenderFrameHostDelegate* render_frame_delegate,
RenderWidgetHostDelegate* render_widget_delegate,
Delegate* delegate)
: frame_tree_node_(frame_tree_node),
weak_factory_(this) {
RenderFrameHostManager::~RenderFrameHostManager() {
if (pending_render_frame_host_)
if (speculative_render_frame_host_)
// Delete any RenderFrameProxyHosts and swapped out RenderFrameHosts.
// It is important to delete those prior to deleting the current
// RenderFrameHost, since the CrossProcessFrameConnector (owned by
// RenderFrameProxyHost) points to the RenderWidgetHostView associated with
// the current RenderFrameHost and uses it during its destructor.
// We should always have a current RenderFrameHost except in some tests.
void RenderFrameHostManager::Init(SiteInstance* site_instance,
int32_t view_routing_id,
int32_t frame_routing_id,
int32_t widget_routing_id,
bool renderer_initiated_creation) {
// TODO(avi): While RenderViewHostImpl is-a RenderWidgetHostImpl, this must
// hold true to avoid having two RenderWidgetHosts for the top-level frame.
DCHECK(!frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame() ||
view_routing_id == widget_routing_id);
SetRenderFrameHost(CreateRenderFrameHost(site_instance, view_routing_id,
frame_routing_id, widget_routing_id,
// Notify the delegate of the creation of the current RenderFrameHost.
// Do this only for subframes, as the main frame case is taken care of by
// WebContentsImpl::Init.
if (!frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame()) {
nullptr, render_frame_host_.get(), false);
RenderViewHostImpl* RenderFrameHostManager::current_host() const {
if (!render_frame_host_)
return nullptr;
return render_frame_host_->render_view_host();
RenderViewHostImpl* RenderFrameHostManager::pending_render_view_host() const {
if (!pending_render_frame_host_)
return nullptr;
return pending_render_frame_host_->render_view_host();
WebUIImpl* RenderFrameHostManager::GetNavigatingWebUI() const {
if (IsBrowserSideNavigationEnabled()) {
if (speculative_render_frame_host_)
return speculative_render_frame_host_->web_ui();
} else {
if (pending_render_frame_host_)
return pending_render_frame_host_->web_ui();
return render_frame_host_->pending_web_ui();
RenderWidgetHostView* RenderFrameHostManager::GetRenderWidgetHostView() const {
if (delegate_->GetInterstitialForRenderManager())
return delegate_->GetInterstitialForRenderManager()->GetView();
if (render_frame_host_)
return render_frame_host_->GetView();
return nullptr;
bool RenderFrameHostManager::ForInnerDelegate() {
return delegate_->GetOuterDelegateFrameTreeNodeId() !=
RenderFrameHostManager::GetOuterRenderWidgetHostForKeyboardInput() {
if (!ForInnerDelegate() || !frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame())
return nullptr;
FrameTreeNode* outer_contents_frame_tree_node =
return outer_contents_frame_tree_node->parent()
FrameTreeNode* RenderFrameHostManager::GetOuterDelegateNode() {
int outer_contents_frame_tree_node_id =
return FrameTreeNode::GloballyFindByID(outer_contents_frame_tree_node_id);
RenderFrameProxyHost* RenderFrameHostManager::GetProxyToParent() {
if (frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame())
return nullptr;
return GetRenderFrameProxyHost(frame_tree_node_->parent()
RenderFrameProxyHost* RenderFrameHostManager::GetProxyToOuterDelegate() {
int outer_contents_frame_tree_node_id =
FrameTreeNode* outer_contents_frame_tree_node =
if (!outer_contents_frame_tree_node ||
!outer_contents_frame_tree_node->parent()) {
return nullptr;
return GetRenderFrameProxyHost(outer_contents_frame_tree_node->parent()
void RenderFrameHostManager::RemoveOuterDelegateFrame() {
FrameTreeNode* outer_delegate_frame_tree_node =
RenderFrameHostImpl* RenderFrameHostManager::Navigate(
const GURL& dest_url,
const FrameNavigationEntry& frame_entry,
const NavigationEntryImpl& entry,
bool is_reload) {
TRACE_EVENT1("navigation", "RenderFrameHostManager:Navigate",
"FrameTreeNode id", frame_tree_node_->frame_tree_node_id());
// Create a pending RenderFrameHost to use for the navigation.
RenderFrameHostImpl* dest_render_frame_host = UpdateStateForNavigate(
dest_url, frame_entry.source_site_instance(), frame_entry.site_instance(),
entry.GetTransitionType(), entry.restore_type() != RestoreType::NONE,
entry.IsViewSourceMode(), entry.transferred_global_request_id(),
entry.bindings(), is_reload);
if (!dest_render_frame_host)
return nullptr; // We weren't able to create a pending render frame host.
// If the renderer isn't live, then try to create a new one to satisfy this
// navigation request.
if (!dest_render_frame_host->IsRenderFrameLive()) {
// Instruct the destination render frame host to set up a Mojo connection
// with the new render frame if necessary. Note that this call needs to
// occur before initializing the RenderView; the flow of creating the
// RenderView can cause browser-side code to execute that expects the this
// RFH's service_manager::InterfaceRegistry to be initialized (e.g., if the
// site is a
// WebUI site that is handled via Mojo, then Mojo WebUI code in //chrome
// will add an interface to this RFH's InterfaceRegistry).
if (!ReinitializeRenderFrame(dest_render_frame_host))
return nullptr;
if (GetNavigatingWebUI()) {
// A new RenderFrame was created and there is a navigating WebUI which
// never interacted with it. So notify the WebUI using
// RenderFrameCreated.
// Now that we've created a new renderer, be sure to hide it if it isn't
// our primary one. Otherwise, we might crash if we try to call Show()
// on it later.
if (dest_render_frame_host != render_frame_host_.get()) {
if (dest_render_frame_host->GetView())
} else {
// TODO(nasko): This is a very ugly hack. The Chrome extensions process
// manager still uses NotificationService and expects to see a
// RenderViewHost changed notification after WebContents and
// RenderFrameHostManager are completely initialized. This should be
// removed once the process manager moves away from NotificationService.
// See
nullptr, render_frame_host_->render_view_host());
// If entry includes the request ID of a request that is being transferred,
// the destination render frame will take ownership, so release ownership of
// the transferring NavigationHandle.
if (transfer_navigation_handle_.get() &&
transfer_navigation_handle_->GetGlobalRequestID() ==
entry.transferred_global_request_id()) {
// The navigating RenderFrameHost should take ownership of the
// NavigationHandle that came from the transferring RenderFrameHost.
return dest_render_frame_host;
void RenderFrameHostManager::Stop() {
// If a cross-process navigation is happening, the pending RenderFrameHost
// should stop. This will lead to a DidFailProvisionalLoad, which will
// properly destroy it.
if (pending_render_frame_host_) {
pending_render_frame_host_->Send(new FrameMsg_Stop(
// PlzNavigate: a loading speculative RenderFrameHost should also stop.
if (IsBrowserSideNavigationEnabled()) {
if (speculative_render_frame_host_ &&
speculative_render_frame_host_->is_loading()) {
new FrameMsg_Stop(speculative_render_frame_host_->GetRoutingID()));
void RenderFrameHostManager::SetIsLoading(bool is_loading) {
if (pending_render_frame_host_) {
void RenderFrameHostManager::OnBeforeUnloadACK(
bool for_cross_site_transition,
bool proceed,
const base::TimeTicks& proceed_time) {
if (for_cross_site_transition) {
// Ignore if we're not in a cross-process navigation.
if (!pending_render_frame_host_)
if (proceed) {
// Ok to unload the current page, so proceed with the cross-process
// navigation.
if (pending_render_frame_host_ &&
pending_render_frame_host_->are_navigations_suspended()) {
} else {
// Current page says to cancel.
} else {
// Non-cross-process transition means closing the entire tab.
bool proceed_to_fire_unload;
delegate_->BeforeUnloadFiredFromRenderManager(proceed, proceed_time,
if (proceed_to_fire_unload) {
// If we're about to close the tab and there's a pending RFH, cancel it.
// Otherwise, if the navigation in the pending RFH completes before the
// close in the current RFH, we'll lose the tab close.
if (pending_render_frame_host_) {
// PlzNavigate: clean up the speculative RenderFrameHost if there is one.
if (IsBrowserSideNavigationEnabled() && speculative_render_frame_host_)
// This is not a cross-process navigation; the tab is being closed.
void RenderFrameHostManager::OnCrossSiteResponse(
RenderFrameHostImpl* transferring_render_frame_host,
const GlobalRequestID& global_request_id,
const std::vector<GURL>& transfer_url_chain,
const Referrer& referrer,
ui::PageTransition page_transition,
bool should_replace_current_entry) {
// A transfer should only have come from our pending or current RFH. If it
// started as a cross-process navigation via OpenURL, this is the pending
// one. If it wasn't cross-process until the transfer, this is the current
// one.
// Note that having a pending RFH does not imply that it was the one that
// made the request. Suppose that during a pending cross-site navigation,
// the frame performs a different same-site navigation which redirects
// cross-site. In this case, there will be a pending RFH, but this request
// is made by the current RFH. Later, this will create a new pending RFH and
// clean up the old one.
// TODO(creis): We need to handle the case that the pending RFH has changed
// in the mean time, while this was being posted from the IO thread. We
// should probably cancel the request in that case.
DCHECK(transferring_render_frame_host == pending_render_frame_host_.get() ||
transferring_render_frame_host == render_frame_host_.get());
// Check if the FrameTreeNode is loading. This will be used later to notify
// the FrameTreeNode that the load stop if the transfer fails.
bool frame_tree_node_was_loading = frame_tree_node_->IsLoading();
// Store the NavigationHandle to give it to the appropriate RenderFrameHost
// after it started navigating.
transfer_navigation_handle_ =
// Set the transferring RenderFrameHost as not loading, so that it does not
// emit a DidStopLoading notification if it is destroyed when creating the
// new navigating RenderFrameHost.
// Treat the last URL in the chain as the destination and the remainder as
// the redirect chain.
GURL transfer_url = transfer_url_chain.back();
std::vector<GURL> rest_of_chain = transfer_url_chain;
// |extra_headers| passed to RequestTransferURL below are always empty for
// now, because there are no known scenarios where headers (from POST request
// made from one renderer) need to be forwarded into the renderer where that
// request ends up being transfered to. In particular, XSSAuditor doesn't
// look at the headers (e.g. the Content-Type header) when analyzing the body
// of the POST request.
std::string extra_headers;
transferring_render_frame_host, transfer_url, nullptr, rest_of_chain,
referrer, page_transition, global_request_id,
transfer_navigation_handle_->IsPost() ? "POST" : "GET",
transfer_navigation_handle_->GetResourceRequestBody(), extra_headers);
// If the navigation continued, the NavigationHandle should have been
// transfered to a RenderFrameHost. In the other cases, it should be cleared.
// If the NavigationHandle wasn't claimed, this will lead to the cancelation
// of the request in the network stack.
if (transfer_navigation_handle_) {
// If the navigation in the new renderer did not start, inform the
// FrameTreeNode that it stopped loading.
if (!frame_tree_node_->IsLoading() && frame_tree_node_was_loading)
void RenderFrameHostManager::DidNavigateFrame(
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
bool was_caused_by_user_gesture) {
CommitPendingIfNecessary(render_frame_host, was_caused_by_user_gesture);
// Make sure any dynamic changes to this frame's sandbox flags and feature
// policy that were made prior to navigation take effect.
void RenderFrameHostManager::CommitPendingIfNecessary(
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
bool was_caused_by_user_gesture) {
if (!pending_render_frame_host_ && !speculative_render_frame_host_) {
// There's no pending/speculative RenderFrameHost so it must be that the
// current renderer process completed a navigation.
// We should only hear this from our current renderer.
DCHECK_EQ(render_frame_host_.get(), render_frame_host);
// If the current RenderFrameHost has a pending WebUI it must be committed.
// Note: When one tries to move same-site commit logic into RenderFrameHost
// itself, mind that the focus setting logic inside CommitPending also needs
// to be moved there.
if (render_frame_host_->pending_web_ui())
if (render_frame_host == pending_render_frame_host_.get() ||
render_frame_host == speculative_render_frame_host_.get()) {
// A cross-process navigation completed, so show the new renderer. If a
// same-process navigation is also ongoing, it will be canceled when the
// pending/speculative RenderFrameHost replaces the current one in the
// commit call below.
if (IsBrowserSideNavigationEnabled())
frame_tree_node_->ResetNavigationRequest(false, true);
} else if (render_frame_host == render_frame_host_.get()) {
// A same-process navigation committed while a simultaneous cross-process
// navigation is still ongoing.
// If the current RenderFrameHost has a pending WebUI it must be committed.
if (render_frame_host_->pending_web_ui())
// A navigation in the original page has taken place. Cancel the pending
// one. Only do it for user gesture originated navigations to prevent page
// doing any shenanigans to prevent user from navigating. See
if (was_caused_by_user_gesture) {
if (IsBrowserSideNavigationEnabled()) {
frame_tree_node_->ResetNavigationRequest(false, true);
} else {
} else {
// No one else should be sending us DidNavigate in this state.
void RenderFrameHostManager::DidChangeOpener(
int opener_routing_id,
SiteInstance* source_site_instance) {
FrameTreeNode* opener = nullptr;
if (opener_routing_id != MSG_ROUTING_NONE) {
RenderFrameHostImpl* opener_rfhi = RenderFrameHostImpl::FromID(
source_site_instance->GetProcess()->GetID(), opener_routing_id);
// If |opener_rfhi| is null, the opener RFH has already disappeared. In
// this case, clear the opener rather than keeping the old opener around.
if (opener_rfhi)
opener = opener_rfhi->frame_tree_node();
if (frame_tree_node_->opener() == opener)
for (const auto& pair : proxy_hosts_) {
if (pair.second->GetSiteInstance() == source_site_instance)
if (render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance() != source_site_instance)
// Notify the pending and speculative RenderFrameHosts as well. This is
// necessary in case a process swap has started while the message was in
// flight.
if (pending_render_frame_host_ &&
pending_render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance() != source_site_instance) {
if (speculative_render_frame_host_ &&
speculative_render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance() !=
source_site_instance) {
void RenderFrameHostManager::CommitPendingFramePolicy() {
// Return early if there were no pending updates to sandbox flags or container
// policy.
if (!frame_tree_node_->CommitPendingFramePolicy())
// Policy updates can only happen when the frame has a parent.
// There should be no children of this frame; any policy changes should only
// happen on navigation commit.
// Notify all of the frame's proxies about updated policies, excluding
// the parent process since it already knows the latest state.
SiteInstance* parent_site_instance =
for (const auto& pair : proxy_hosts_) {
if (pair.second->GetSiteInstance() != parent_site_instance) {
pair.second->Send(new FrameMsg_DidUpdateFramePolicy(
void RenderFrameHostManager::OnDidSetActiveSandboxFlags() {
for (const auto& pair : proxy_hosts_) {
pair.second->Send(new FrameMsg_DidSetActiveSandboxFlags(
pair.second->GetRoutingID(), frame_tree_node_->active_sandbox_flags()));
void RenderFrameHostManager::SwapOutOldFrame(
std::unique_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> old_render_frame_host) {
TRACE_EVENT1("navigation", "RenderFrameHostManager::SwapOutOldFrame",
"FrameTreeNode id", frame_tree_node_->frame_tree_node_id());
// Tell the renderer to suppress any further modal dialogs so that we can swap
// it out. This must be done before canceling any current dialog, in case
// there is a loop creating additional dialogs.
// Now close any modal dialogs that would prevent us from swapping out. This
// must be done separately from SwapOut, so that the ScopedPageLoadDeferrer is
// no longer on the stack when we send the SwapOut message.
// If the old RFH is not live, just return as there is no further work to do.
// It will be deleted and there will be no proxy created.
if (!old_render_frame_host->IsRenderFrameLive())
// Create a replacement proxy for the old RenderFrameHost. (There should not
// be one yet.) This is done even if there are no active frames besides this
// one to simplify cleanup logic on the renderer side (see
// for motivation).
RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy =
// Reset any NavigationHandle in the RenderFrameHost. This will prevent any
// ongoing navigation from attempting to transfer.
// Tell the old RenderFrameHost to swap out and be replaced by the proxy.
old_render_frame_host->SwapOut(proxy, true);
// SwapOut creates a RenderFrameProxy, so set the proxy to be initialized.
// |old_render_frame_host| will be deleted when its SwapOut ACK is received,
// or when the timer times out, or when the RFHM itself is deleted (whichever
// comes first).
void RenderFrameHostManager::DiscardUnusedFrame(
std::unique_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> render_frame_host) {
// TODO(carlosk): this code is very similar to what can be found in
// SwapOutOldFrame and we should see that these are unified at some point.
// If the SiteInstance for the pending RFH is being used by others, ensure
// that it is replaced by a RenderFrameProxyHost to allow other frames to
// communicate to this frame.
SiteInstanceImpl* site_instance = render_frame_host->GetSiteInstance();
RenderViewHostImpl* rvh = render_frame_host->render_view_host();
RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy = nullptr;
if (site_instance->HasSite() && site_instance->active_frame_count() > 1) {
// Any currently suspended navigations are no longer needed.
// If a proxy already exists for the |site_instance|, just reuse it instead
// of creating a new one. There is no need to call SwapOut on the
// |render_frame_host|, as this method is only called to discard a pending
// or speculative RenderFrameHost, i.e. one that has never hosted an actual
// document.
proxy = GetRenderFrameProxyHost(site_instance);
if (!proxy)
proxy = CreateRenderFrameProxyHost(site_instance, rvh);
// Doing this is important in the case where the replacement proxy is created
// above, as the RenderViewHost will continue to exist and should be
// considered swapped out if it is ever reused. When there's no replacement
// proxy, this doesn't really matter, as the RenderViewHost will be destroyed
// shortly, since |render_frame_host| is its last active frame and will be
// deleted below. See
if (frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame()) {
// If a new RenderFrameProxyHost was created above, or if the old proxy isn't
// live, create the RenderFrameProxy in the renderer, so that other frames
// can still communicate with this frame. See
if (proxy && !proxy->is_render_frame_proxy_live())
bool RenderFrameHostManager::DeleteFromPendingList(
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host) {
for (RFHPendingDeleteList::iterator iter = pending_delete_hosts_.begin();
iter != pending_delete_hosts_.end();
iter++) {
if (iter->get() == render_frame_host) {
return true;
return false;
void RenderFrameHostManager::ResetProxyHosts() {
for (const auto& pair : proxy_hosts_) {
void RenderFrameHostManager::ClearRFHsPendingShutdown() {
void RenderFrameHostManager::ClearWebUIInstances() {
if (pending_render_frame_host_)
// PlzNavigate
if (speculative_render_frame_host_)
// PlzNavigate
void RenderFrameHostManager::DidCreateNavigationRequest(
NavigationRequest* request) {
RenderFrameHostImpl* dest_rfh = GetFrameHostForNavigation(*request);
dest_rfh == render_frame_host_.get()
? NavigationRequest::AssociatedSiteInstanceType::CURRENT
: NavigationRequest::AssociatedSiteInstanceType::SPECULATIVE);
// PlzNavigate
RenderFrameHostImpl* RenderFrameHostManager::GetFrameHostForNavigation(
const NavigationRequest& request) {
// The appropriate RenderFrameHost to commit the navigation.
RenderFrameHostImpl* navigation_rfh = nullptr;
// First compute the SiteInstance to use for the navigation.
SiteInstance* current_site_instance = render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance();
scoped_refptr<SiteInstance> dest_site_instance =
// The SiteInstance determines whether to switch RenderFrameHost or not.
bool use_current_rfh = current_site_instance == dest_site_instance;
bool notify_webui_of_rf_creation = false;
if (use_current_rfh) {
// GetFrameHostForNavigation will be called more than once during a
// navigation (currently twice, on request and when it's about to commit in
// the renderer). In the follow up calls an existing pending WebUI should
// not be recreated if the URL didn't change. So instead of calling
// CleanUpNavigation just discard the speculative RenderFrameHost if one
// exists.
if (speculative_render_frame_host_) {
// If the speculative RenderFrameHost is trying to commit a navigation,
// inform the NavigationController that the load of the corresponding
// NavigationEntry stopped.
if (speculative_render_frame_host_->navigation_handle()) {
// Short-term solution: avoid creating a WebUI for subframes because
// non-PlzNavigate code path doesn't do it and some WebUI pages don't
// support it.
// TODO( Make WebUI objects always be per-frame instead.
if (frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame()) {
navigation_rfh = render_frame_host_.get();
} else {
// If the current RenderFrameHost cannot be used a speculative one is
// created with the SiteInstance for the current URL. If a speculative
// RenderFrameHost already exists we try as much as possible to reuse it and
// its associated WebUI.
// Check if an existing speculative RenderFrameHost can be reused.
if (!speculative_render_frame_host_ ||
speculative_render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance() !=
dest_site_instance.get()) {
// If a previous speculative RenderFrameHost didn't exist or if its
// SiteInstance differs from the one for the current URL, a new one needs
// to be created.
bool success = CreateSpeculativeRenderFrameHost(current_site_instance,
// Short-term solution: avoid creating a WebUI for subframes because
// non-PlzNavigate code path doesn't do it and some WebUI pages don't
// support it.
// TODO( Make WebUI objects always be per-frame instead.
if (frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame()) {
bool changed_web_ui = speculative_render_frame_host_->UpdatePendingWebUI(
request.common_params().url, request.bindings());
DCHECK_EQ(GetNavigatingWebUI(), speculative_render_frame_host_->web_ui());
notify_webui_of_rf_creation =
changed_web_ui && speculative_render_frame_host_->web_ui();
navigation_rfh = speculative_render_frame_host_.get();
// Check if our current RFH is live.
if (!render_frame_host_->IsRenderFrameLive()) {
// The current RFH is not live. There's no reason to sit around with a
// sad tab or a newly created RFH while we wait for the navigation to
// complete. Just switch to the speculative RFH now and go back to normal.
// (Note that we don't care about on{before}unload handlers if the current
// RFH isn't live.)
// If the corresponding RenderFrame is currently associated with a proxy,
// send a SwapIn message to ensure that the RenderFrame swaps into the
// frame tree and replaces that proxy on the renderer side. Normally
// this happens at navigation commit time, but in this case this must be
// done earlier to keep browser and renderer state in sync. This is
// important to do before CommitPending(), which destroys the
// corresponding proxy. See
if (GetRenderFrameProxyHost(dest_site_instance.get())) {
new FrameMsg_SwapIn(navigation_rfh->GetRoutingID()));
// Notify the WebUI about the new RenderFrame if needed (the newly
// created WebUI has just been committed by CommitPending, so
// GetNavigatingWebUI() below will return false).
if (notify_webui_of_rf_creation && render_frame_host_->web_ui()) {
notify_webui_of_rf_creation = false;
DCHECK(navigation_rfh &&
(navigation_rfh == render_frame_host_.get() ||
navigation_rfh == speculative_render_frame_host_.get()));
// If the RenderFrame that needs to navigate is not live (its process was just
// created or has crashed), initialize it.
if (!navigation_rfh->IsRenderFrameLive()) {
if (!ReinitializeRenderFrame(navigation_rfh))
return nullptr;
notify_webui_of_rf_creation = true;
if (navigation_rfh == render_frame_host_.get()) {
// TODO(nasko): This is a very ugly hack. The Chrome extensions process
// manager still uses NotificationService and expects to see a
// RenderViewHost changed notification after WebContents and
// RenderFrameHostManager are completely initialized. This should be
// removed once the process manager moves away from NotificationService.
// See
nullptr, render_frame_host_->render_view_host());
// If a WebUI was created in a speculative RenderFrameHost or a new
// RenderFrame was created then the WebUI never interacted with the
// RenderFrame or its RenderView. Notify using RenderFrameCreated.
// Short-term solution: avoid creating a WebUI for subframes because
// non-PlzNavigate code path doesn't do it and some WebUI pages don't
// support it.
// TODO( Make WebUI objects always be per-frame instead.
if (notify_webui_of_rf_creation && GetNavigatingWebUI() &&
frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame()) {
return navigation_rfh;
// PlzNavigate
void RenderFrameHostManager::CleanUpNavigation() {
if (speculative_render_frame_host_) {
// If the speculative RenderFrameHost is trying to commit a navigation,
// inform the NavigationController that the load of the corresponding
// NavigationEntry stopped.
if (speculative_render_frame_host_->navigation_handle()) {
bool was_loading = speculative_render_frame_host_->is_loading();
if (was_loading)
// PlzNavigate
RenderFrameHostManager::UnsetSpeculativeRenderFrameHost() {
return std::move(speculative_render_frame_host_);
void RenderFrameHostManager::OnDidStartLoading() {
for (const auto& pair : proxy_hosts_) {
new FrameMsg_DidStartLoading(pair.second->GetRoutingID()));
void RenderFrameHostManager::OnDidStopLoading() {
for (const auto& pair : proxy_hosts_) {
pair.second->Send(new FrameMsg_DidStopLoading(pair.second->GetRoutingID()));
void RenderFrameHostManager::OnDidUpdateName(const std::string& name,
const std::string& unique_name) {
for (const auto& pair : proxy_hosts_) {
pair.second->Send(new FrameMsg_DidUpdateName(pair.second->GetRoutingID(),
name, unique_name));
void RenderFrameHostManager::OnDidAddContentSecurityPolicies(
const std::vector<ContentSecurityPolicyHeader>& headers) {
for (const auto& pair : proxy_hosts_) {
pair.second->Send(new FrameMsg_AddContentSecurityPolicies(
pair.second->GetRoutingID(), headers));
void RenderFrameHostManager::OnDidResetContentSecurityPolicy() {
for (const auto& pair : proxy_hosts_) {
new FrameMsg_ResetContentSecurityPolicy(pair.second->GetRoutingID()));
void RenderFrameHostManager::OnEnforceInsecureRequestPolicy(
blink::WebInsecureRequestPolicy policy) {
for (const auto& pair : proxy_hosts_) {
pair.second->Send(new FrameMsg_EnforceInsecureRequestPolicy(
pair.second->GetRoutingID(), policy));
void RenderFrameHostManager::OnDidChangeCollapsedState(bool collapsed) {
SiteInstance* parent_site_instance =
// There will be no proxy to represent the pending or speculative RFHs in the
// parent's SiteInstance until the navigation is committed, but the old RFH is
// not swapped out before that happens either, so we can talk to the
// FrameOwner in the parent via the child's current RenderFrame at any time.
if (current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance() == parent_site_instance) {
new FrameMsg_Collapse(current_frame_host()->GetRoutingID(), collapsed));
} else {
RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy_to_parent =
new FrameMsg_Collapse(proxy_to_parent->GetRoutingID(), collapsed));
void RenderFrameHostManager::OnDidUpdateFrameOwnerProperties(
const FrameOwnerProperties& properties) {
// FrameOwnerProperties exist only for frames that have a parent.
SiteInstance* parent_instance =
// Notify the RenderFrame if it lives in a different process from its parent.
if (render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance() != parent_instance) {
render_frame_host_->Send(new FrameMsg_SetFrameOwnerProperties(
render_frame_host_->GetRoutingID(), properties));
// Notify this frame's proxies if they live in a different process from its
// parent. This is only currently needed for the allowFullscreen property,
// since that can be queried on RemoteFrame ancestors.
// TODO(alexmos): It would be sufficient to only send this update to proxies
// in the current FrameTree.
for (const auto& pair : proxy_hosts_) {
if (pair.second->GetSiteInstance() != parent_instance) {
pair.second->Send(new FrameMsg_SetFrameOwnerProperties(
pair.second->GetRoutingID(), properties));
void RenderFrameHostManager::OnDidUpdateOrigin(
const url::Origin& origin,
bool is_potentially_trustworthy_unique_origin) {
for (const auto& pair : proxy_hosts_) {
new FrameMsg_DidUpdateOrigin(pair.second->GetRoutingID(), origin,
BrowserContext* browser_context,
GURL dest_url,
SiteInstanceRelation relation_to_current)
: existing_site_instance(nullptr),
relation(relation_to_current) {}
void RenderFrameHostManager::RenderProcessGone(SiteInstanceImpl* instance) {
void RenderFrameHostManager::CancelPendingIfNecessary(
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host) {
if (render_frame_host == pending_render_frame_host_.get())
else if (render_frame_host == speculative_render_frame_host_.get()) {
// TODO(nasko, clamy): This should just clean up the speculative RFH
// without canceling the request. See
if (frame_tree_node_->navigation_request() &&
frame_tree_node_->navigation_request()->navigation_handle()) {
frame_tree_node_->ResetNavigationRequest(false, true);
void RenderFrameHostManager::OnSetHasReceivedUserGesture() {
for (const auto& pair : proxy_hosts_) {
new FrameMsg_SetHasReceivedUserGesture(pair.second->GetRoutingID()));
void RenderFrameHostManager::ActiveFrameCountIsZero(
SiteInstanceImpl* site_instance) {
// |site_instance| no longer contains any active RenderFrameHosts, so we don't
// need to maintain a proxy there anymore.
RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy = GetRenderFrameProxyHost(site_instance);
RenderFrameProxyHost* RenderFrameHostManager::CreateRenderFrameProxyHost(
SiteInstance* site_instance,
RenderViewHostImpl* rvh) {
int site_instance_id = site_instance->GetId();
CHECK(proxy_hosts_.find(site_instance_id) == proxy_hosts_.end())
<< "A proxy already existed for this SiteInstance.";
RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy_host =
new RenderFrameProxyHost(site_instance, rvh, frame_tree_node_);
proxy_hosts_[site_instance_id] = base::WrapUnique(proxy_host);
return proxy_host;
void RenderFrameHostManager::DeleteRenderFrameProxyHost(
SiteInstance* site_instance) {
bool RenderFrameHostManager::ShouldTransitionCrossSite() {
// False in single-process mode, which does not support cross-process
// navigations or OOPIFs.
return !base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
bool RenderFrameHostManager::ShouldSwapBrowsingInstancesForNavigation(
const GURL& current_effective_url,
bool current_is_view_source_mode,
SiteInstance* new_site_instance,
const GURL& new_effective_url,
bool new_is_view_source_mode) const {
// A subframe must stay in the same BrowsingInstance as its parent.
// TODO(nasko): Ensure that SiteInstance swap is still triggered for subframes
// in the cases covered by the rest of the checks in this method.
if (!frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame())
return false;
// If new_entry already has a SiteInstance, assume it is correct. We only
// need to force a swap if it is in a different BrowsingInstance.
if (new_site_instance) {
return !new_site_instance->IsRelatedSiteInstance(
// Check for reasons to swap processes even if we are in a process model that
// doesn't usually swap (e.g., process-per-tab). Any time we return true,
// the new_entry will be rendered in a new SiteInstance AND BrowsingInstance.
BrowserContext* browser_context =
// Don't force a new BrowsingInstance for debug URLs that are handled in the
// renderer process, like javascript: or chrome://crash.
if (IsRendererDebugURL(new_effective_url))
return false;
// Transitions across BrowserContexts should always require a
// BrowsingInstance swap. For example, this can happen if an extension in a
// normal profile opens an incognito window with a web URL using
// TODO(alexmos): This check should've been enforced earlier in the
// navigation, in chrome::Navigate(). Verify this, and then convert this to
// a CHECK and remove the fallback.
if (browser_context !=
render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance()->GetBrowserContext()) {
return true;
// For security, we should transition between processes when one is a Web UI
// page and one isn't, or if the WebUI types differ.
if (ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::GetInstance()->HasWebUIBindings(
render_frame_host_->GetProcess()->GetID()) ||
browser_context, current_effective_url)) {
// If so, force a swap if destination is not an acceptable URL for Web UI.
// Here, data URLs are never allowed.
if (!WebUIControllerFactoryRegistry::GetInstance()->IsURLAcceptableForWebUI(
browser_context, new_effective_url)) {
return true;
// Force swap if the current WebUI type differs from the one for the
// destination.
if (WebUIControllerFactoryRegistry::GetInstance()->GetWebUIType(
browser_context, current_effective_url) !=
browser_context, new_effective_url)) {
return true;
} else {
// Force a swap if it's a Web UI URL.
if (WebUIControllerFactoryRegistry::GetInstance()->UseWebUIBindingsForURL(
browser_context, new_effective_url)) {
return true;
// Check with the content client as well. Important to pass
// current_effective_url here, which uses the SiteInstance's site if there is
// no current_entry.
if (GetContentClient()->browser()->ShouldSwapBrowsingInstancesForNavigation(
current_effective_url, new_effective_url)) {
return true;
// We can't switch a RenderView between view source and non-view source mode
// without screwing up the session history sometimes (when navigating between
// "view-source:" and "", Blink doesn't treat
// it as a new navigation). So require a BrowsingInstance switch.
if (current_is_view_source_mode != new_is_view_source_mode)
return true;
return false;
const GURL& dest_url,
SiteInstance* source_instance,
SiteInstance* dest_instance,
SiteInstance* candidate_instance,
ui::PageTransition transition,
bool dest_is_restore,
bool dest_is_view_source_mode,
bool was_server_redirect) {
// On renderer-initiated navigations, when the frame initiating the navigation
// and the frame being navigated differ, |source_instance| is set to the
// SiteInstance of the initiating frame. |dest_instance| is present on session
// history navigations. The two cannot be set simultaneously.
DCHECK(!source_instance || !dest_instance);
SiteInstance* current_instance = render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance();
// We do not currently swap processes for navigations in webview tag guests.
if (current_instance->GetSiteURL().SchemeIs(kGuestScheme))
return current_instance;
// Determine if we need a new BrowsingInstance for this entry. If true, this
// implies that it will get a new SiteInstance (and likely process), and that
// other tabs in the current BrowsingInstance will be unable to script it.
// This is used for cases that require a process swap even in the
// process-per-tab model, such as WebUI pages.
// First determine the effective URL of the current RenderFrameHost. This is
// the last URL it successfully committed. If it has yet to commit a URL, this
// falls back to the Site URL of its SiteInstance.
// Note: the effective URL of the current RenderFrameHost may differ from the
// URL of the last committed NavigationEntry, which cannot be used to decide
// whether to use a new SiteInstance. This happens when navigating a subframe,
// or when a new RenderFrameHost has been swapped in at the beginning of a
// navigation to replace a crashed RenderFrameHost.
BrowserContext* browser_context =
const GURL& current_effective_url =
? SiteInstanceImpl::GetEffectiveURL(
browser_context, render_frame_host_->last_successful_url())
: render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance()->GetSiteURL();
// Determine if the current RenderFrameHost is in view source mode.
// TODO(clamy): If the current_effective_url doesn't match the last committed
// NavigationEntry's URL, current_is_view_source_mode should not be computed
// using the NavigationEntry. This can happen when a tab crashed, and a new
// RenderFrameHost was swapped in at the beginning of the navigation. See
const NavigationEntry* current_entry =
bool current_is_view_source_mode = current_entry ?
current_entry->IsViewSourceMode() : dest_is_view_source_mode;
bool force_swap = ShouldSwapBrowsingInstancesForNavigation(
SiteInstanceImpl::GetEffectiveURL(browser_context, dest_url),
SiteInstanceDescriptor new_instance_descriptor =
if (ShouldTransitionCrossSite() || force_swap) {
new_instance_descriptor = DetermineSiteInstanceForURL(
dest_url, source_instance, current_instance, dest_instance, transition,
dest_is_restore, dest_is_view_source_mode, force_swap,
scoped_refptr<SiteInstance> new_instance =
ConvertToSiteInstance(new_instance_descriptor, candidate_instance);
// If |force_swap| is true, we must use a different SiteInstance than the
// current one. If we didn't, we would have two RenderFrameHosts in the same
// SiteInstance and the same frame, breaking lookup of RenderFrameHosts by
// SiteInstance.
if (force_swap)
CHECK_NE(new_instance, current_instance);
if (new_instance == current_instance) {
// If we're navigating to the same site instance, we won't need to use any
// spare RenderProcessHost.
// Double-check that the new SiteInstance is associated with the right
// BrowserContext.
DCHECK_EQ(new_instance->GetBrowserContext(), browser_context);
// If |new_instance| is a new SiteInstance for a subframe with an isolated
// origin, set its process reuse policy so that such subframes are
// consolidated into existing processes for that isolated origin.
SiteInstanceImpl* new_instance_impl =
auto* policy = ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::GetInstance();
if (!frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame() && !new_instance_impl->HasProcess() &&
new_instance_impl->HasSite() &&
url::Origin::Create(new_instance_impl->GetSiteURL()))) {
return new_instance;
const GURL& dest_url,
SiteInstance* source_instance,
SiteInstance* current_instance,
SiteInstance* dest_instance,
ui::PageTransition transition,
bool dest_is_restore,
bool dest_is_view_source_mode,
bool force_browsing_instance_swap,
bool was_server_redirect) {
SiteInstanceImpl* current_instance_impl =
NavigationControllerImpl& controller =
BrowserContext* browser_context = controller.GetBrowserContext();
// If the entry has an instance already we should use it.
if (dest_instance) {
// If we are forcing a swap, this should be in a different BrowsingInstance.
if (force_browsing_instance_swap) {
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(dest_instance);
// If a swap is required, we need to force the SiteInstance AND
// BrowsingInstance to be different ones, using CreateForURL.
if (force_browsing_instance_swap)
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(browser_context, dest_url,
// (UGLY) HEURISTIC, process-per-site only:
// If this navigation is generated, then it probably corresponds to a search
// query. Given that search results typically lead to users navigating to
// other sites, we don't really want to use the search engine hostname to
// determine the site instance for this navigation.
// NOTE: This can be removed once we have a way to transition between
// RenderViews in response to a link click.
if (base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
switches::kProcessPerSite) &&
ui::PageTransitionCoreTypeIs(transition, ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_GENERATED)) {
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(current_instance_impl);
if (!frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame()) {
SiteInstance* parent_site_instance =
// TEMPORARY HACK: Don't create OOPIFs on the NTP. Remove this when the NTP
// supports OOPIFs or is otherwise omitted from site isolation policy.
// See
if (GetContentClient()->browser()->ShouldStayInParentProcessForNTP(
dest_url, parent_site_instance)) {
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(parent_site_instance);
// If we haven't used our SiteInstance (and thus RVH) yet, then we can use it
// for this entry. We won't commit the SiteInstance to this site until the
// navigation commits (in DidNavigate), unless the navigation entry was
// restored or it's a Web UI as described below.
if (!current_instance_impl->HasSite()) {
// If we've already created a SiteInstance for our destination, we don't
// want to use this unused SiteInstance; use the existing one. (We don't
// do this check if the current_instance has a site, because for now, we
// want to compare against the current URL and not the SiteInstance's site.
// In this case, there is no current URL, so comparing against the site is
// ok. See additional comments below.)
// Also, if the URL should use process-per-site mode and there is an
// existing process for the site, we should use it. We can call
// GetRelatedSiteInstance() for this, which will eagerly set the site and
// thus use the correct process.
bool use_process_per_site =
RenderProcessHost::ShouldUseProcessPerSite(browser_context, dest_url) &&
RenderProcessHostImpl::GetProcessHostForSite(browser_context, dest_url);
if (current_instance_impl->HasRelatedSiteInstance(dest_url) ||
use_process_per_site) {
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(browser_context, dest_url,
// For extensions, Web UI URLs (such as the new tab page), and apps we do
// not want to use the |current_instance_impl| if it has no site, since it
// will have a RenderProcessHost of PRIV_NORMAL. Create a new SiteInstance
// for this URL instead (with the correct process type).
if (current_instance_impl->HasWrongProcessForURL(dest_url))
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(browser_context, dest_url,
// View-source URLs must use a new SiteInstance and BrowsingInstance.
// TODO(nasko): This is the same condition as later in the function. This
// should be taken into account when refactoring this method as part of
if (dest_is_view_source_mode)
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(browser_context, dest_url,
// If we are navigating from a blank SiteInstance to a WebUI, make sure we
// create a new SiteInstance.
if (WebUIControllerFactoryRegistry::GetInstance()->UseWebUIForURL(
browser_context, dest_url)) {
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(browser_context, dest_url,
// Normally the "site" on the SiteInstance is set lazily when the load
// actually commits. This is to support better process sharing in case
// the site redirects to some other site: we want to use the destination
// site in the site instance.
// In the case of session restore, as it loads all the pages immediately
// we need to set the site first, otherwise after a restore none of the
// pages would share renderers in process-per-site.
// The embedder can request some urls never to be assigned to SiteInstance
// through the ShouldAssignSiteForURL() content client method, so that
// renderers created for particular chrome urls (e.g. the chrome-native://
// scheme) can be reused for subsequent navigations in the same WebContents.
// See
if (dest_is_restore && SiteInstanceImpl::ShouldAssignSiteForURL(dest_url))
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(current_instance_impl);
// Otherwise, only create a new SiteInstance for a cross-process navigation.
// TODO(creis): Once we intercept links and script-based navigations, we
// will be able to enforce that all entries in a SiteInstance actually have
// the same site, and it will be safe to compare the URL against the
// SiteInstance's site, as follows:
// const GURL& current_url = current_instance_impl->site();
// For now, though, we're in a hybrid model where you only switch
// SiteInstances if you type in a cross-site URL. This means we have to
// compare the entry's URL to the last committed entry's URL.
NavigationEntry* current_entry = controller.GetLastCommittedEntry();
if (delegate_->GetInterstitialForRenderManager()) {
// The interstitial is currently the last committed entry, but we want to
// compare against the last non-interstitial entry.
current_entry = controller.GetEntryAtOffset(-1);
// View-source URLs must use a new SiteInstance and BrowsingInstance.
// We don't need a swap when going from view-source to a debug URL like
// chrome://crash, however.
// TODO(creis): Refactor this method so this duplicated code isn't needed.
// See
if (current_entry &&
current_entry->IsViewSourceMode() != dest_is_view_source_mode &&
!IsRendererDebugURL(dest_url)) {
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(browser_context, dest_url,
// Use the source SiteInstance in case of data URLs, about:srcdoc pages and
// about:blank pages because the content is then controlled and/or scriptable
// by the source SiteInstance.
// One exception to this is when these URLs are
// reached via a server redirect. Normally, redirects to data: or about:
// URLs are disallowed as net::ERR_UNSAFE_REDIRECT, but extensions can still
// redirect arbitary requests to those URLs using webRequest or
// declarativeWebRequest API. For these cases, the content isn't controlled
// by the source SiteInstance, so it need not use it.
GURL about_blank(url::kAboutBlankURL);
GURL about_srcdoc(content::kAboutSrcDocURL);
bool dest_is_data_or_about = dest_url == about_srcdoc ||
dest_url == about_blank ||
dest_url.scheme() == url::kDataScheme;
if (source_instance && dest_is_data_or_about && !was_server_redirect)
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(source_instance);
// Use the current SiteInstance for same site navigations.
if (IsCurrentlySameSite(render_frame_host_.get(), dest_url))
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance());
// Shortcut some common cases for reusing an existing frame's SiteInstance.
// Looking at the main frame and openers is required for TDI mode. It also
// helps with hosted apps, allowing same-site, non-app subframes to be kept
// inside the hosted app process.
// TODO(alexmos): Normally, we'd find these SiteInstances later, as part of
// creating a new related SiteInstance from
// BrowsingInstance::GetSiteInstanceForURL(), but the lookup there does not
// properly deal with hosted apps. Once that's refactored to skip effective
// URLs when necessary, this can be removed. See
if (!frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame()) {
RenderFrameHostImpl* main_frame =
if (IsCurrentlySameSite(main_frame, dest_url))
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(main_frame->GetSiteInstance());
RenderFrameHostImpl* parent =
if (IsCurrentlySameSite(parent, dest_url))
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(parent->GetSiteInstance());
if (frame_tree_node_->opener()) {
RenderFrameHostImpl* opener_frame =
if (IsCurrentlySameSite(opener_frame, dest_url))
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(opener_frame->GetSiteInstance());
if (!frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame() &&
SiteIsolationPolicy::IsTopDocumentIsolationEnabled() &&
dest_url)) {
if (GetContentClient()
dest_url, current_instance)) {
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance());
// This is a cross-site subframe of a non-isolated origin, so place this
// frame in the default subframe site instance.
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(
browser_context, dest_url,
// Keep subframes in the parent's SiteInstance unless a dedicated process is
// required for either the parent or the subframe's destination URL. This
// isn't a strict invariant but rather a heuristic to avoid unnecessary
// OOPIFs; see Note that this shouldn't apply to
// TopDocumentIsolation, so do this after TDI checks above.
if (!frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame()) {
RenderFrameHostImpl* parent =
bool dest_url_requires_dedicated_process =
if (!parent->GetSiteInstance()->RequiresDedicatedProcess() &&
!dest_url_requires_dedicated_process) {
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(parent->GetSiteInstance());
// Start the new renderer in a new SiteInstance, but in the current
// BrowsingInstance.
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(browser_context, dest_url,
bool RenderFrameHostManager::IsRendererTransferNeededForNavigation(
RenderFrameHostImpl* rfh,
const GURL& dest_url) {
// A transfer is not needed if the current SiteInstance doesn't yet have a
// site. This is the case for tests that use NavigateToURL.
// One exception is that a siteless SiteInstance may still have a process,
// which might be unsuitable for |dest_url|. For example, another navigation
// could share that process (e.g., when over process limit) and lock it to a
// different origin before this SiteInstance sets its site. Hence, we also
// check for cases like this. See
// TODO(alexmos): We should always check HasWrongProcessForURL regardless of
// HasSite, but currently we cannot do that because of hosted app workarounds
// (see Revisit this once hosted apps swap
// processes for cross-site web iframes and popups.
if (!rfh->GetSiteInstance()->HasSite())
return rfh->GetSiteInstance()->HasWrongProcessForURL(dest_url);
// We do not currently swap processes for navigations in webview tag guests.
if (rfh->GetSiteInstance()->GetSiteURL().SchemeIs(kGuestScheme))
return false;
BrowserContext* context = rfh->GetSiteInstance()->GetBrowserContext();
// TODO(nasko, nick): These following --site-per-process checks are
// overly simplistic. Update them to match all the cases
// considered by DetermineSiteInstanceForURL.
if (IsCurrentlySameSite(rfh, dest_url)) {
// The same site, no transition needed for security purposes, and we must
// keep the same SiteInstance for correctness of synchronous scripting.
return false;
// The sites differ. If either one requires a dedicated process,
// then a transfer is needed.
if (rfh->GetSiteInstance()->RequiresDedicatedProcess() ||
dest_url)) {
return true;
if (SiteIsolationPolicy::IsTopDocumentIsolationEnabled() &&
(!frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame() ||
rfh->GetSiteInstance()->IsDefaultSubframeSiteInstance())) {
// Always attempt a transfer in these cases.
return true;
return false;
scoped_refptr<SiteInstance> RenderFrameHostManager::ConvertToSiteInstance(
const SiteInstanceDescriptor& descriptor,
SiteInstance* candidate_instance) {
SiteInstanceImpl* current_instance = render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance();
// Note: If the |candidate_instance| matches the descriptor, it will already
// be set to |descriptor.existing_site_instance|.
if (descriptor.existing_site_instance)
return descriptor.existing_site_instance;
// Note: If the |candidate_instance| matches the descriptor,
// GetRelatedSiteInstance will return it.
if (descriptor.relation == SiteInstanceRelation::RELATED)
return current_instance->GetRelatedSiteInstance(descriptor.dest_url);
if (descriptor.relation == SiteInstanceRelation::RELATED_DEFAULT_SUBFRAME)
return current_instance->GetDefaultSubframeSiteInstance();
// At this point we know an unrelated site instance must be returned. First
// check if the candidate matches.
if (candidate_instance &&
!current_instance->IsRelatedSiteInstance(candidate_instance) &&
candidate_instance->GetSiteURL() ==
descriptor.dest_url)) {
return candidate_instance;
// Otherwise return a newly created one.
return SiteInstance::CreateForURL(
bool RenderFrameHostManager::IsCurrentlySameSite(RenderFrameHostImpl* candidate,
const GURL& dest_url) {
BrowserContext* browser_context =
// Don't compare effective URLs for subframe navigations, since we don't want
// to create OOPIFs based on that mechanism (e.g., for hosted apps).
// See
// TODO(creis): This should eventually call out to embedder to help decide,
// if we can find a way to make decisions about popups based on their opener.
bool should_compare_effective_urls = frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame();
// If the process type is incorrect, reject the candidate even if |dest_url|
// is same-site. (The URL may have been installed as an app since
// the last time we visited it.)
// This check must be skipped to keep same-site subframe navigations from a
// hosted app to non-hosted app, and vice versa, in the same process.
// Otherwise, this would return false due to a process privilege level
// mismatch.
bool src_or_dest_has_effective_url =
(SiteInstanceImpl::HasEffectiveURL(browser_context, dest_url) ||
browser_context, candidate->GetSiteInstance()->original_url()));
bool should_check_for_wrong_process =
should_compare_effective_urls || !src_or_dest_has_effective_url;
if (should_check_for_wrong_process &&
return false;
// If we don't have a last successful URL, we can't trust the origin or URL
// stored on the frame, so we fall back to the SiteInstance URL. This case
// matters for newly created frames which haven't committed a navigation yet,
// as well as for net errors. Note that we use the SiteInstance's
// original_url() and not the site URL, so that we can do this comparison
// without the effective URL resolution if needed.
if (candidate->last_successful_url().is_empty()) {
return SiteInstanceImpl::IsSameWebSite(
browser_context, candidate->GetSiteInstance()->original_url(), dest_url,
// In the common case, we use the RenderFrameHost's last successful URL. Thus,
// we compare against the last successful commit when deciding whether to swap
// this time.
if (SiteInstanceImpl::IsSameWebSite(
browser_context, candidate->last_successful_url(), dest_url,
should_compare_effective_urls)) {
return true;
// It is possible that last_successful_url() was a nonstandard scheme (for
// example, "about:blank"). If so, examine the replicated origin to determine
// the site.
if (!candidate->GetLastCommittedOrigin().unique() &&
GURL(candidate->GetLastCommittedOrigin().Serialize()), dest_url,
should_compare_effective_urls)) {
return true;
// Not same-site.
return false;
void RenderFrameHostManager::CreatePendingRenderFrameHost(
SiteInstance* old_instance,
SiteInstance* new_instance) {
if (pending_render_frame_host_)
// The process for the new SiteInstance may (if we're sharing a process with
// another host that already initialized it) or may not (we have our own
// process or the existing process crashed) have been initialized. Calling
// Init multiple times will be ignored, so this is safe.
if (!new_instance->GetProcess()->Init())
CreateProxiesForNewRenderFrameHost(old_instance, new_instance);
pending_render_frame_host_ =
CreateRenderFrame(new_instance, delegate_->IsHidden(), nullptr);
// If RenderViewHost was created along with the pending RenderFrameHost,
// ensure that RenderViewCreated is fired for it. It is important to do this
// after pending_render_frame_host_ is assigned, so that observers processing
// RenderViewCreated can find it via RenderViewHostImpl::GetMainFrame().
if (pending_render_frame_host_)
void RenderFrameHostManager::CreateProxiesForNewRenderFrameHost(
SiteInstance* old_instance,
SiteInstance* new_instance) {
// Only create opener proxies if they are in the same BrowsingInstance.
if (new_instance->IsRelatedSiteInstance(old_instance)) {
CreateOpenerProxies(new_instance, frame_tree_node_);
} else {
// Ensure that the frame tree has RenderFrameProxyHosts for the
// new SiteInstance in all necessary nodes. We do this for all frames in
// the tree, whether they are in the same BrowsingInstance or not. If
// |new_instance| is in the same BrowsingInstance as |old_instance|, this
// will be done as part of CreateOpenerProxies above; otherwise, we do this
// here. We will still check whether two frames are in the same
// BrowsingInstance before we allow them to interact (e.g., postMessage).
frame_tree_node_, new_instance);
void RenderFrameHostManager::CreateProxiesForNewNamedFrame() {
// If this is a top-level frame, create proxies for this node in the
// SiteInstances of its opener's ancestors, which are allowed to discover
// this frame by name (see and part 4 of
// given-a-browsing-context-name).
FrameTreeNode* opener = frame_tree_node_->opener();
if (!opener || !frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame())
SiteInstance* current_instance = render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance();
// Start from opener's parent. There's no need to create a proxy in the
// opener's SiteInstance, since new windows are always first opened in the
// same SiteInstance as their opener, and if the new window navigates
// cross-site, that proxy would be created as part of swapping out.
for (FrameTreeNode* ancestor = opener->parent(); ancestor;
ancestor = ancestor->parent()) {
RenderFrameHostImpl* ancestor_rfh = ancestor->current_frame_host();
if (ancestor_rfh->GetSiteInstance() != current_instance)
SiteInstance* site_instance,
int32_t view_routing_id,
int32_t frame_routing_id,
int32_t widget_routing_id,
bool hidden,
bool renderer_initiated_creation) {
if (frame_routing_id == MSG_ROUTING_NONE)
frame_routing_id = site_instance->GetProcess()->GetNextRoutingID();
// Create a RVH for main frames, or find the existing one for subframes.
FrameTree* frame_tree = frame_tree_node_->frame_tree();
RenderViewHostImpl* render_view_host = nullptr;
if (frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame()) {
render_view_host = frame_tree->CreateRenderViewHost(
site_instance, view_routing_id, frame_routing_id, false, hidden);
// TODO(avi): It's a bit bizarre that this logic lives here instead of in
// CreateRenderFrame(). It turns out that FrameTree::CreateRenderViewHost
// doesn't /always/ create a new RenderViewHost. It first tries to find an
// already existing one to reuse by a SiteInstance lookup. If it finds one,
// then the supplied routing IDs are completely ignored.
// CreateRenderFrame() could do this lookup too, but it seems redundant to
// do this lookup in two places. This is a good yak shave to clean up, or,
// if just ignored, should be an easy cleanup once RenderViewHostImpl has-a
// RenderWidgetHostImpl.
if (view_routing_id == MSG_ROUTING_NONE) {
widget_routing_id = render_view_host->GetRoutingID();
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(view_routing_id, render_view_host->GetRoutingID());
} else {
render_view_host = frame_tree->GetRenderViewHost(site_instance);
return RenderFrameHostFactory::Create(
site_instance, render_view_host, render_frame_delegate_,
render_widget_delegate_, frame_tree, frame_tree_node_, frame_routing_id,
widget_routing_id, hidden, renderer_initiated_creation);
// PlzNavigate
bool RenderFrameHostManager::CreateSpeculativeRenderFrameHost(
SiteInstance* old_instance,
SiteInstance* new_instance) {
CHECK_NE(old_instance, new_instance);
// The process for the new SiteInstance may (if we're sharing a process with
// another host that already initialized it) or may not (we have our own
// process or the existing process crashed) have been initialized. Calling
// Init multiple times will be ignored, so this is safe.
if (!new_instance->GetProcess()->Init())
return false;
CreateProxiesForNewRenderFrameHost(old_instance, new_instance);
speculative_render_frame_host_ =
CreateRenderFrame(new_instance, delegate_->IsHidden(), nullptr);
// If RenderViewHost was created along with the speculative RenderFrameHost,
// ensure that RenderViewCreated is fired for it. It is important to do this
// after speculative_render_frame_host_ is assigned, so that observers
// processing RenderViewCreated can find it via
// RenderViewHostImpl::GetMainFrame().
if (speculative_render_frame_host_) {
return !!speculative_render_frame_host_;
std::unique_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> RenderFrameHostManager::CreateRenderFrame(
SiteInstance* instance,
bool hidden,
int* view_routing_id_ptr) {
int32_t widget_routing_id = MSG_ROUTING_NONE;
RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy = GetRenderFrameProxyHost(instance);
std::unique_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> new_render_frame_host;
bool success = true;
if (view_routing_id_ptr)
*view_routing_id_ptr = MSG_ROUTING_NONE;
// We are creating a pending or speculative RFH here. We should never create
// it in the same SiteInstance as our current RFH.
CHECK_NE(render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance(), instance);
// A RenderFrame in a different process from its parent RenderFrame
// requires a RenderWidget for input/layout/painting.
if (frame_tree_node_->parent() &&
frame_tree_node_->parent()->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance() !=
instance) {
widget_routing_id = instance->GetProcess()->GetNextRoutingID();
new_render_frame_host = CreateRenderFrameHost(
instance, MSG_ROUTING_NONE, MSG_ROUTING_NONE, widget_routing_id, hidden,
RenderViewHostImpl* render_view_host =
// Prevent the process from exiting while we're trying to navigate in it.
if (frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame()) {
success = InitRenderView(render_view_host, proxy);
// If we are reusing the RenderViewHost and it doesn't already have a
// RenderWidgetHostView, we need to create one if this is the main frame.
if (!render_view_host->GetWidget()->GetView())
} else {
if (success) {
if (frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame()) {
// Don't show the main frame's view until we get a DidNavigate from it.
// Only the RenderViewHost for the top-level RenderFrameHost has a
// RenderWidgetHostView; RenderWidgetHosts for out-of-process iframes
// will be created later and hidden.
if (render_view_host->GetWidget()->GetView())
// RenderViewHost for |instance| might exist prior to calling
// CreateRenderFrame. In such a case, InitRenderView will not create the
// RenderFrame in the renderer process and it needs to be done
// explicitly.
success = InitRenderFrame(new_render_frame_host.get());
if (success) {
if (view_routing_id_ptr)
*view_routing_id_ptr = render_view_host->GetRoutingID();
// Return the new RenderFrameHost on successful creation.
if (success) {
DCHECK(new_render_frame_host->GetSiteInstance() == instance);
return new_render_frame_host;
return nullptr;
int RenderFrameHostManager::CreateRenderFrameProxy(SiteInstance* instance) {
// A RenderFrameProxyHost should never be created in the same SiteInstance as
// the current RFH.
CHECK_NE(instance, render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance());
RenderViewHostImpl* render_view_host = nullptr;
// Ensure a RenderViewHost exists for |instance|, as it creates the page
// level structure in Blink.
render_view_host =
if (!render_view_host) {
render_view_host = frame_tree_node_->frame_tree()->CreateRenderViewHost(
instance, MSG_ROUTING_NONE, MSG_ROUTING_NONE, true, true);
RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy = GetRenderFrameProxyHost(instance);
if (proxy && proxy->is_render_frame_proxy_live())
return proxy->GetRoutingID();
if (!proxy)
proxy = CreateRenderFrameProxyHost(instance, render_view_host);
if (frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame()) {
InitRenderView(render_view_host, proxy);
} else {
return proxy->GetRoutingID();
void RenderFrameHostManager::CreateProxiesForChildFrame(FrameTreeNode* child) {
RenderFrameProxyHost* outer_delegate_proxy =
ForInnerDelegate() ? GetProxyToOuterDelegate() : nullptr;
for (const auto& pair : proxy_hosts_) {
// Do not create proxies for subframes in the outer delegate's process,
// since the outer delegate does not need to interact with them.
if (pair.second.get() == outer_delegate_proxy)
void RenderFrameHostManager::EnsureRenderViewInitialized(
RenderViewHostImpl* render_view_host,
SiteInstance* instance) {
if (render_view_host->IsRenderViewLive())
// If the proxy in |instance| doesn't exist, this RenderView is not swapped
// out and shouldn't be reinitialized here.
RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy = GetRenderFrameProxyHost(instance);
if (!proxy)
InitRenderView(render_view_host, proxy);
void RenderFrameHostManager::CreateOuterDelegateProxy(
SiteInstance* outer_contents_site_instance,
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host) {
// We only get here when Delegate for this manager is an inner delegate and is
// based on cross process frames.
RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy =
CreateRenderFrameProxyHost(outer_contents_site_instance, nullptr);
// Swap the outer WebContents's frame with the proxy to inner WebContents.
// We are in the outer WebContents, and its FrameTree would never see
// a load start for any of its inner WebContents. Eventually, that also makes
// the FrameTree never see the matching load stop. Therefore, we always pass
// false to |is_loading| below.
// TODO(lazyboy): This |is_loading| behavior might not be what we want,
// investigate and fix.
render_frame_host->Send(new FrameMsg_SwapOut(
render_frame_host->GetRoutingID(), proxy->GetRoutingID(),
false /* is_loading */,
// There is no longer a RenderFrame associated with this RenderFrameHost.
void RenderFrameHostManager::SetRWHViewForInnerContents(
RenderWidgetHostView* child_rwhv) {
DCHECK(ForInnerDelegate() && frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame());
bool RenderFrameHostManager::InitRenderView(
RenderViewHostImpl* render_view_host,
RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy) {
// Ensure the renderer process is initialized before creating the
// RenderView.
if (!render_view_host->GetProcess()->Init())
return false;
// We may have initialized this RenderViewHost for another RenderFrameHost.
if (render_view_host->IsRenderViewLive())
return true;
int opener_frame_routing_id =
bool created = delegate_->CreateRenderViewForRenderManager(
render_view_host, opener_frame_routing_id,
proxy ? proxy->GetRoutingID() : MSG_ROUTING_NONE,
if (created && proxy)
return created;
const NavigationRequest& request) {
// First, check if the navigation can switch SiteInstances. If not, the
// navigation should use the current SiteInstance.
SiteInstance* current_site_instance = render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance();
bool no_renderer_swap_allowed = false;
bool was_server_redirect = request.navigation_handle() &&
if (frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame()) {
// Renderer-initiated main frame navigations that may require a
// SiteInstance swap are sent to the browser via the OpenURL IPC and are
// afterwards treated as browser-initiated navigations. NavigationRequests
// marked as renderer-initiated are created by receiving a BeginNavigation
// IPC, and will then proceed in the same renderer. In site-per-process
// mode, it is possible for renderer-intiated navigations to be allowed to
// go cross-process. Check it first.
bool can_renderer_initiate_transfer =
render_frame_host_->IsRenderFrameLive() &&
IsURLHandledByNetworkStack(request.common_params().url) &&
no_renderer_swap_allowed |=
request.from_begin_navigation() && !can_renderer_initiate_transfer;
} else {
// Subframe navigations will use the current renderer, unless specifically
// allowed to swap processes.
no_renderer_swap_allowed |= !CanSubframeSwapProcess(
request.common_params().url, request.source_site_instance(),
request.dest_site_instance(), was_server_redirect);
if (no_renderer_swap_allowed)
return scoped_refptr<SiteInstance>(current_site_instance);
// If the navigation can swap SiteInstances, compute the SiteInstance it
// should use.
// TODO(clamy): We should also consider as a candidate SiteInstance the
// speculative SiteInstance that was computed on redirects.
SiteInstance* candidate_site_instance =
? speculative_render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance()
: nullptr;
scoped_refptr<SiteInstance> dest_site_instance = GetSiteInstanceForNavigation(
request.common_params().url, request.source_site_instance(),
request.dest_site_instance(), candidate_site_instance,
request.restore_type() != RestoreType::NONE, request.is_view_source(),
return dest_site_instance;
bool RenderFrameHostManager::InitRenderFrame(
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host) {
if (render_frame_host->IsRenderFrameLive())
return true;
SiteInstance* site_instance = render_frame_host->GetSiteInstance();
int opener_routing_id = MSG_ROUTING_NONE;
if (frame_tree_node_->opener())
opener_routing_id = GetOpenerRoutingID(site_instance);
int parent_routing_id = MSG_ROUTING_NONE;
if (frame_tree_node_->parent()) {
parent_routing_id = frame_tree_node_->parent()
CHECK_NE(parent_routing_id, MSG_ROUTING_NONE);
// At this point, all RenderFrameProxies for sibling frames have already been
// created, including any proxies that come after this frame. To preserve
// correct order for indexed window access (e.g., window.frames[1]), pass the
// previous sibling frame so that this frame is correctly inserted into the
// frame tree on the renderer side.
int previous_sibling_routing_id = MSG_ROUTING_NONE;
FrameTreeNode* previous_sibling = frame_tree_node_->PreviousSibling();
if (previous_sibling) {
previous_sibling_routing_id =
CHECK_NE(previous_sibling_routing_id, MSG_ROUTING_NONE);
// Check whether there is an existing proxy for this frame in this
// SiteInstance. If there is, the new RenderFrame needs to be able to find
// the proxy it is replacing, so that it can fully initialize itself.
// NOTE: This is the only time that a RenderFrameProxyHost can be in the same
// SiteInstance as its RenderFrameHost. This is only the case until the
// RenderFrameHost commits, at which point it will replace and delete the
// RenderFrameProxyHost.
int proxy_routing_id = MSG_ROUTING_NONE;
RenderFrameProxyHost* existing_proxy = GetRenderFrameProxyHost(site_instance);
if (existing_proxy) {
proxy_routing_id = existing_proxy->GetRoutingID();
CHECK_NE(proxy_routing_id, MSG_ROUTING_NONE);
if (!existing_proxy->is_render_frame_proxy_live())
return delegate_->CreateRenderFrameForRenderManager(
render_frame_host, proxy_routing_id, opener_routing_id, parent_routing_id,
bool RenderFrameHostManager::ReinitializeRenderFrame(
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host) {
// This should be used only when the RenderFrame is not live.
// Recreate the opener chain.
CreateOpenerProxies(render_frame_host->GetSiteInstance(), frame_tree_node_);
// Main frames need both the RenderView and RenderFrame reinitialized, so
// use InitRenderView. For cross-process subframes, InitRenderView won't
// recreate the RenderFrame, so use InitRenderFrame instead. Note that for
// subframe RenderFrameHosts, the swapped out RenderView in their
// SiteInstance will be recreated as part of CreateOpenerProxies above.
if (!frame_tree_node_->parent()) {
if (!InitRenderView(render_frame_host->render_view_host(), nullptr))
return false;
} else {
if (!InitRenderFrame(render_frame_host))
return false;
// When a subframe renderer dies, its RenderWidgetHostView is cleared in
// its CrossProcessFrameConnector, so we need to restore it now that it
// is re-initialized.
RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy_to_parent = GetProxyToParent();
if (proxy_to_parent)
return true;
int RenderFrameHostManager::GetRoutingIdForSiteInstance(
SiteInstance* site_instance) {
if (render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance() == site_instance)
return render_frame_host_->GetRoutingID();
RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy = GetRenderFrameProxyHost(site_instance);
if (proxy)
return proxy->GetRoutingID();
void RenderFrameHostManager::CommitPendingWebUI() {
TRACE_EVENT1("navigation", "RenderFrameHostManager::CommitPendingWebUI",
"FrameTreeNode id", frame_tree_node_->frame_tree_node_id());
// First check whether we're going to want to focus the location bar after
// this commit. We do this now because the navigation hasn't formally
// committed yet, so if we've already cleared the pending WebUI the call chain
// this triggers won't be able to figure out what's going on.
bool will_focus_location_bar = delegate_->FocusLocationBarByDefault();
if (will_focus_location_bar)
void RenderFrameHostManager::CommitPending() {
TRACE_EVENT1("navigation", "RenderFrameHostManager::CommitPending",
"FrameTreeNode id", frame_tree_node_->frame_tree_node_id());
DCHECK(pending_render_frame_host_ || speculative_render_frame_host_);
bool is_main_frame = frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame();
// First check whether we're going to want to focus the location bar after
// this commit. We do this now because the navigation hasn't formally
// committed yet, so if we've already cleared the pending WebUI the call chain
// this triggers won't be able to figure out what's going on. Note that
// subframe commits should not be allowed to steal focus from the main frame
// by focusing the location bar (see
bool will_focus_location_bar =
is_main_frame && delegate_->FocusLocationBarByDefault();
// Remember if the page was focused so we can focus the new renderer in
// that case.
bool focus_render_view = !will_focus_location_bar &&
render_frame_host_->GetView() &&
// While the old frame is still current, remove its children from the tree.
// Swap in the pending or speculative frame and make it active. Also ensure
// the FrameTree stays in sync.
std::unique_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> old_render_frame_host;
if (!IsBrowserSideNavigationEnabled()) {
old_render_frame_host =
} else {
// PlzNavigate
old_render_frame_host =
// Save off the old background color before possibly deleting the
// old RenderWidgetHostView.
SkColor old_background_color = SK_ColorWHITE;
bool has_old_background_color = false;
if (old_render_frame_host->GetView()) {
has_old_background_color = true;
old_background_color = old_render_frame_host->GetView()->background_color();
// Show the new view (or a sad tab) if necessary.
bool new_rfh_has_view = !!render_frame_host_->GetView();
if (!delegate_->IsHidden() && new_rfh_has_view) {
// In most cases, we need to show the new view.
// The process will no longer try to exit, so we can decrement the count.
if (!new_rfh_has_view) {
// If the view is gone, then this RenderViewHost died while it was hidden.
// We ignored the RenderProcessGone call at the time, so we should send it
// now to make sure the sad tab shows up, etc.
// For top-level frames, also hide the old RenderViewHost's view.
// TODO(creis): As long as show/hide are on RVH, we don't want to hide on
// subframe navigations or we will interfere with the top-level frame.
if (is_main_frame &&
old_render_frame_host->render_view_host()->GetWidget()->GetView()) {
// Make sure the size is up to date. (Fix for bug 1079768.)
if (will_focus_location_bar) {
} else if (focus_render_view && render_frame_host_->GetView()) {
if (is_main_frame) {
} else {
// The main frame's view is already focused, but we need to set
// page-level focus in the subframe's renderer.
render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance(), true);
// Notify that we've swapped RenderFrameHosts. We do this before shutting down
// the RFH so that we can clean up RendererResources related to the RFH first.
old_render_frame_host.get(), render_frame_host_.get(), is_main_frame);
if (has_old_background_color && render_frame_host_->GetView())
// The RenderViewHost keeps track of the main RenderFrameHost routing id.
// If this is committing a main frame navigation, update it and set the
// routing id in the RenderViewHost associated with the old RenderFrameHost
if (is_main_frame) {
RenderViewHostImpl* rvh = render_frame_host_->render_view_host();
// If the RenderViewHost is transitioning from swapped out to active state,
// it was reused, so dispatch a RenderViewReady event. For example, this
// is necessary to hide the sad tab if one is currently displayed. See
// TODO(alexmos): Remove this and move RenderViewReady consumers to use
// the main frame's RenderFrameCreated instead.
if (!rvh->is_active())
// Swap out the old frame now that the new one is visible.
// This will swap it out and schedule it for deletion when the swap out ack
// arrives (or immediately if the process isn't live).
// Since the new RenderFrameHost is now committed, there must be no proxies
// for its SiteInstance. Delete any existing ones.
// If this is a subframe, it should have a CrossProcessFrameConnector
// created already. Use it to link the new RFH's view to the proxy that
// belongs to the parent frame's SiteInstance. If this navigation causes
// an out-of-process frame to return to the same process as its parent, the
// proxy would have been removed from proxy_hosts_ above.
// Note: We do this after swapping out the old RFH because that may create
// the proxy we're looking for.
RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy_to_parent = GetProxyToParent();
if (proxy_to_parent)
// After all is done, there must never be a proxy in the list which has the
// same SiteInstance as the current RenderFrameHost.
RenderFrameHostImpl* RenderFrameHostManager::UpdateStateForNavigate(
const GURL& dest_url,
SiteInstance* source_instance,
SiteInstance* dest_instance,
ui::PageTransition transition,
bool dest_is_restore,
bool dest_is_view_source_mode,
const GlobalRequestID& transferred_request_id,
int bindings,
bool is_reload) {
SiteInstance* current_instance = render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance();
bool was_server_redirect = transfer_navigation_handle_ &&
scoped_refptr<SiteInstance> new_instance = GetSiteInstanceForNavigation(
dest_url, source_instance, dest_instance, nullptr, transition,
dest_is_restore, dest_is_view_source_mode, was_server_redirect);
// Note: Do not add code here to determine whether the subframe should swap
// or not. Add it to CanSubframeSwapProcess instead.
bool allowed_to_swap_process =
frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame() ||
CanSubframeSwapProcess(dest_url, source_instance, dest_instance,
// Inform the transferring NavigationHandle of a transfer to a different
// SiteInstance. It is important do so now, in order to mark the request as
// transferring on the IO thread before attempting to destroy the pending RFH.
// This ensures the network request will not be destroyed along the pending
// RFH but will persist until it is picked up by the new RFH.
if (transfer_navigation_handle_.get() &&
transfer_navigation_handle_->GetGlobalRequestID() ==
transferred_request_id) {
// The transfer is needed when switching to a new SiteInstance. One
// exception is if the process swap is not allowed and the transfer started
// in the current RFH, the navigation will stay in the current RFH (even
// when there is a new SiteInstance), so avoid calling Transfer() on it.
// This matters for some renderer-initiated data URLs navigations, see
RenderFrameHostImpl* transferring_rfh =
bool transfer_started_from_current_rfh =
transferring_rfh == render_frame_host_.get();
bool should_transfer =
new_instance.get() != transferring_rfh->GetSiteInstance() &&
(!transfer_started_from_current_rfh || allowed_to_swap_process);
if (should_transfer)
// If we are currently navigating cross-process to a pending RFH for a
// different SiteInstance, we want to get back to normal and then navigate as
// usual. We will reuse the pending RFH below if it matches the destination
// SiteInstance.
if (pending_render_frame_host_) {
if (pending_render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance() != new_instance) {
} else {
// When a pending RFH is reused, it should always be live, since it is
// cleared whenever a process dies.
if (new_instance.get() != current_instance && allowed_to_swap_process) {
"RenderFrameHostManager::UpdateStateForNavigate:New SiteInstance",
"current_instance id", current_instance->GetId(),
"new_instance id", new_instance->GetId());
// New SiteInstance: create a pending RFH to navigate.
if (!pending_render_frame_host_)
CreatePendingRenderFrameHost(current_instance, new_instance.get());
if (!pending_render_frame_host_)
return nullptr;
DCHECK_EQ(new_instance, pending_render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance());
pending_render_frame_host_->UpdatePendingWebUI(dest_url, bindings);
DCHECK_EQ(GetNavigatingWebUI(), pending_render_frame_host_->web_ui());
// If a WebUI exists in the pending RenderFrameHost it was just created, as
// well as the RenderFrame, and they never interacted. So notify the WebUI
// using RenderFrameCreated.
if (pending_render_frame_host_->web_ui()) {
// Check if our current RFH is live before we set up a transition.
if (!render_frame_host_->IsRenderFrameLive()) {
// The current RFH is not live. There's no reason to sit around with a
// sad tab or a newly created RFH while we wait for the pending RFH to
// navigate. Just switch to the pending RFH now and go back to normal.
// (Note that we don't care about on{before}unload handlers if the current
// RFH isn't live.)
// If the corresponding RenderFrame is currently associated with a proxy,
// send a SwapIn message to ensure that the RenderFrame swaps into the
// frame tree and replaces that proxy on the renderer side. Normally
// this happens at navigation commit time, but in this case this must be
// done earlier to keep browser and renderer state in sync. This is
// important to do before CommitPending(), which destroys the
// corresponding proxy. See
if (GetRenderFrameProxyHost(new_instance.get())) {
new FrameMsg_SwapIn(pending_render_frame_host_->GetRoutingID()));
return render_frame_host_.get();
// Otherwise, it's safe to treat this as a pending cross-process transition.
bool is_transfer = transferred_request_id != GlobalRequestID();
if (is_transfer) {
// We don't need to stop the old renderer or run beforeunload/unload
// handlers, because those have already been done.
DCHECK(transfer_navigation_handle_ &&
transfer_navigation_handle_->GetGlobalRequestID() ==
} else if (!pending_render_frame_host_->are_navigations_suspended()) {
// If the pending RFH hasn't already been suspended from a previous
// attempt to navigate it, then we need to wait for the beforeunload
// handler to run. Suspend navigations in the pending RFH until we hear
// back from the old RFH's beforeunload handler (via OnBeforeUnloadACK or
// a timeout). If the handler returns false, we'll have to cancel the
// request.
// Also make sure the old RenderFrame stops, in case a load is in
// progress. (We don't want to do this for transfers, since it will
// interrupt the transfer with an unexpected DidStopLoading.)
render_frame_host_->Send(new FrameMsg_Stop(
render_frame_host_->DispatchBeforeUnload(true, is_reload);
return pending_render_frame_host_.get();
// Otherwise the same SiteInstance can be used. Navigate render_frame_host_.
// It's possible to swap out the current RFH and then decide to navigate in it
// anyway (e.g., a cross-process navigation that redirects back to the
// original site). In that case, we have a proxy for the current RFH but
// haven't deleted it yet. The new navigation will swap it back in, so we can
// delete the proxy.
UpdatePendingWebUIOnCurrentFrameHost(dest_url, bindings);
// The renderer can exit view source mode when any error or cancellation
// happen. We must overwrite to recover the mode.
if (dest_is_view_source_mode) {
new FrameMsg_EnableViewSourceMode(render_frame_host_->GetRoutingID()));
return render_frame_host_.get();
void RenderFrameHostManager::UpdatePendingWebUIOnCurrentFrameHost(
const GURL& dest_url,
int entry_bindings) {
bool pending_webui_changed =
render_frame_host_->UpdatePendingWebUI(dest_url, entry_bindings);
DCHECK_EQ(GetNavigatingWebUI(), render_frame_host_->pending_web_ui());
if (render_frame_host_->pending_web_ui() && pending_webui_changed &&
render_frame_host_->IsRenderFrameLive()) {
// If a pending WebUI exists in the current RenderFrameHost and it has been
// updated and the associated RenderFrame is alive, notify the WebUI about
// the RenderFrame.
// Note: If the RenderFrame is not alive at this point the notification
// will happen later, when the RenderFrame is created.
if (render_frame_host_->pending_web_ui() == render_frame_host_->web_ui()) {
// If the active WebUI is being reused it has already interacting with
// this RenderFrame and its RenderView in the past, so call
// RenderFrameReused.
} else {
// If this is a new WebUI it has never interacted with the existing
// RenderFrame so call RenderFrameCreated.
void RenderFrameHostManager::CancelPending() {
TRACE_EVENT1("navigation", "RenderFrameHostManager::CancelPending",
"FrameTreeNode id", frame_tree_node_->frame_tree_node_id());
bool pending_was_loading = pending_render_frame_host_->is_loading();
if (pending_was_loading)
RenderFrameHostManager::UnsetPendingRenderFrameHost() {
std::unique_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> pending_render_frame_host =
// We no longer need to prevent the process from exiting.
return pending_render_frame_host;
std::unique_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> RenderFrameHostManager::SetRenderFrameHost(
std::unique_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> render_frame_host) {
// Swap the two.
std::unique_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> old_render_frame_host =
render_frame_host_ = std::move(render_frame_host);
if (frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame()) {
// Update the count of top-level frames using this SiteInstance. All
// subframes are in the same BrowsingInstance as the main frame, so we only
// count top-level ones. This makes the value easier for consumers to
// interpret.
if (render_frame_host_) {
if (old_render_frame_host) {
return old_render_frame_host;
RenderViewHostImpl* RenderFrameHostManager::GetSwappedOutRenderViewHost(
SiteInstance* instance) const {
RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy = GetRenderFrameProxyHost(instance);
if (proxy)
return proxy->GetRenderViewHost();
return nullptr;
RenderFrameProxyHost* RenderFrameHostManager::GetRenderFrameProxyHost(
SiteInstance* instance) const {
auto it = proxy_hosts_.find(instance->GetId());
if (it != proxy_hosts_.end())
return it->second.get();
return nullptr;
int RenderFrameHostManager::GetProxyCount() {
return proxy_hosts_.size();
void RenderFrameHostManager::CollectOpenerFrameTrees(
std::vector<FrameTree*>* opener_frame_trees,
base::hash_set<FrameTreeNode*>* nodes_with_back_links) {
// Add the FrameTree of the given node's opener to the list of
// |opener_frame_trees| if it doesn't exist there already. |visited_index|
// indicates which FrameTrees in |opener_frame_trees| have already been
// visited (i.e., those at indices less than |visited_index|).
// |nodes_with_back_links| collects FrameTreeNodes with openers in FrameTrees
// that have already been visited (such as those with cycles).
size_t visited_index = 0;
while (visited_index < opener_frame_trees->size()) {
FrameTree* frame_tree = (*opener_frame_trees)[visited_index];
for (FrameTreeNode* node : frame_tree->Nodes()) {
if (!node->opener())
FrameTree* opener_tree = node->opener()->frame_tree();
const auto& existing_tree_it = std::find(
opener_frame_trees->begin(), opener_frame_trees->end(), opener_tree);
if (existing_tree_it == opener_frame_trees->end()) {
// This is a new opener tree that we will need to process.
} else {
// If this tree is already on our processing list *and* we have visited
// it,
// then this node's opener is a back link. This means the node will
// need
// special treatment to process its opener.
size_t position =
std::distance(opener_frame_trees->begin(), existing_tree_it);
if (position < visited_index)
void RenderFrameHostManager::CreateOpenerProxies(
SiteInstance* instance,
FrameTreeNode* skip_this_node) {
std::vector<FrameTree*> opener_frame_trees;
base::hash_set<FrameTreeNode*> nodes_with_back_links;
CollectOpenerFrameTrees(&opener_frame_trees, &nodes_with_back_links);
// Create opener proxies for frame trees, processing furthest openers from
// this node first and this node last. In the common case without cycles,
// this will ensure that each tree's openers are created before the tree's
// nodes need to reference them.
for (int i = opener_frame_trees.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
->CreateOpenerProxiesForFrameTree(instance, skip_this_node);
// Set openers for nodes in |nodes_with_back_links| in a second pass.
// The proxies created at these FrameTreeNodes in
// CreateOpenerProxiesForFrameTree won't have their opener routing ID
// available when created due to cycles or back links in the opener chain.
// They must have their openers updated as a separate step after proxy
// creation.
for (auto* node : nodes_with_back_links) {
RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy =
// If there is no proxy, the cycle may involve nodes in the same process,
// or, if this is a subframe, --site-per-process may be off. Either way,
// there's nothing more to do.
if (!proxy)
int opener_routing_id =
DCHECK_NE(opener_routing_id, MSG_ROUTING_NONE);
proxy->Send(new FrameMsg_UpdateOpener(proxy->GetRoutingID(),
void RenderFrameHostManager::CreateOpenerProxiesForFrameTree(
SiteInstance* instance,
FrameTreeNode* skip_this_node) {
// Currently, this function is only called on main frames. It should
// actually work correctly for subframes as well, so if that need ever
// arises, it should be sufficient to remove this DCHECK.
FrameTree* frame_tree = frame_tree_node_->frame_tree();
// Ensure that all the nodes in the opener's FrameTree have
// RenderFrameProxyHosts for the new SiteInstance. Only pass the node to
// be skipped if it's in the same FrameTree.
if (skip_this_node && skip_this_node->frame_tree() != frame_tree)
skip_this_node = nullptr;
frame_tree->CreateProxiesForSiteInstance(skip_this_node, instance);
int RenderFrameHostManager::GetOpenerRoutingID(SiteInstance* instance) {
if (!frame_tree_node_->opener())
return frame_tree_node_->opener()
void RenderFrameHostManager::SendPageMessage(IPC::Message* msg,
SiteInstance* instance_to_skip) {
DCHECK(IPC_MESSAGE_CLASS(*msg) == PageMsgStart);
// We should always deliver page messages through the main frame.
if ((IPC_MESSAGE_CLASS(*msg) != PageMsgStart) || frame_tree_node_->parent()) {
delete msg;
auto send_msg = [instance_to_skip](IPC::Sender* sender,
int routing_id,
IPC::Message* msg,
SiteInstance* sender_instance) {
if (sender_instance == instance_to_skip)
IPC::Message* copy = new IPC::Message(*msg);
// When sending a PageMessage for an inner WebContents, we don't want to also
// send it to the outer WebContent's frame as well.
RenderFrameProxyHost* outer_delegate_proxy =
ForInnerDelegate() ? GetProxyToOuterDelegate() : nullptr;
for (const auto& pair : proxy_hosts_) {
if (outer_delegate_proxy != pair.second.get()) {
send_msg(pair.second.get(), pair.second->GetRoutingID(), msg,
if (speculative_render_frame_host_) {
speculative_render_frame_host_->GetRoutingID(), msg,
} else if (pending_render_frame_host_) {
pending_render_frame_host_->GetRoutingID(), msg,
if (render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance() != instance_to_skip) {
// Send directly instead of using send_msg() so that |msg| doesn't leak.
} else {
delete msg;
bool RenderFrameHostManager::CanSubframeSwapProcess(
const GURL& dest_url,
SiteInstance* source_instance,
SiteInstance* dest_instance,
bool was_server_redirect) {
// On renderer-initiated navigations, when the frame initiating the navigation
// and the frame being navigated differ, |source_instance| is set to the
// SiteInstance of the initiating frame. |dest_instance| is present on session
// history navigations. The two cannot be set simultaneously.
DCHECK(!source_instance || !dest_instance);
// If dest_url is a unique origin like about:blank, then the need for a swap
// is determined by the source_instance or dest_instance.
GURL resolved_url = dest_url;
if (url::Origin::Create(resolved_url).unique()) {
if (source_instance) {
resolved_url = source_instance->GetSiteURL();
} else if (dest_instance) {
resolved_url = dest_instance->GetSiteURL();
} else {
// If there is no SiteInstance this unique origin can be associated with,
// there are two cases:
// (1) If there was a server redirect, allow a process swap. Normally,
// redirects to data: or about: URLs are disallowed as
// net::ERR_UNSAFE_REDIRECT. However, extensions can still redirect
// arbitary requests to those URLs using the chrome.webRequest or
// chrome.declarativeWebRequest API, which will end up here (for an
// example, see ExtensionWebRequestApiTest.WebRequestDeclarative1). It's
// safest to swap processes for those redirects if we are in an
// appropriate OOPIF-enabled mode.
// (2) Otherwise, avoid a process swap. We can get here during session
// restore, and this avoids putting all data: and about:blank subframes
// in OOPIFs. We can also get here in tests with browser-initiated
// subframe navigations (NavigateFrameToURL).
if (!was_server_redirect)
return false;
// If we are in an OOPIF mode that only applies to some sites, only swap if
// the policy determines that a transfer would have been needed. We can get
// here for session restore.
if (!IsRendererTransferNeededForNavigation(render_frame_host_.get(),
resolved_url)) {
DCHECK(!dest_instance ||
dest_instance == render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance());
return false;
return true;
void RenderFrameHostManager::EnsureRenderFrameHostVisibilityConsistent() {
RenderWidgetHostView* view = GetRenderWidgetHostView();
if (view && static_cast<RenderWidgetHostImpl*>(view->GetRenderWidgetHost())
->is_hidden() != delegate_->IsHidden()) {
if (delegate_->IsHidden()) {
} else {
} // namespace content