blob: f03406d7873edef96a113c39a49274f5be286804 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "platform/image-decoders/png/PNGImageDecoder.h"
#include "platform/image-decoders/ImageDecoderTestHelpers.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include <memory>
namespace blink {
namespace {
std::unique_ptr<ImageDecoder> createDecoder(
ImageDecoder::AlphaOption alphaOption) {
return wrapUnique(
new PNGImageDecoder(alphaOption, ImageDecoder::ColorSpaceTransformed,
std::unique_ptr<ImageDecoder> createDecoder() {
return createDecoder(ImageDecoder::AlphaNotPremultiplied);
std::unique_ptr<ImageDecoder> createDecoderWithPngData(const char* pngFile) {
auto decoder = createDecoder();
auto data = readFile(pngFile);
decoder->setData(data.get(), true);
return decoder;
void testSize(const char* pngFile, IntSize expectedSize) {
auto decoder = createDecoderWithPngData(pngFile);
EXPECT_EQ(expectedSize, decoder->size());
void testRepetitionCount(const char* pngFile, int expectedRepetitionCount) {
auto decoder = createDecoderWithPngData(pngFile);
// Decoding the frame count sets the repetition count as well.
EXPECT_EQ(expectedRepetitionCount, decoder->repetitionCount());
// Verify that the decoder can successfully decode the first frame when
// initially only half of the frame data is received, resulting in a partially
// decoded image, and then the rest of the image data is received. Verify that
// the bitmap hashes of the two stages are different. Also verify that the final
// bitmap hash is equivalent to the hash when all data is provided at once.
// This verifies that decoder correctly keeps track of where it stopped
// decoding when the image was not yet fully received.
void testProgressiveDecodingContinuesAfterFullData(const char* pngFile,
size_t offsetMidFirstFrame) {
auto fullData = readFile(pngFile);
auto decoderUpfront = createDecoder();
decoderUpfront->setData(fullData.get(), true);
EXPECT_GE(1u, decoderUpfront->frameCount());
const ImageFrame* const frameUpfront = decoderUpfront->frameBufferAtIndex(0);
ASSERT_EQ(ImageFrame::FrameComplete, frameUpfront->getStatus());
const unsigned hashUpfront = hashBitmap(frameUpfront->bitmap());
auto decoder = createDecoder();
RefPtr<SharedBuffer> partialData =
SharedBuffer::create(fullData->data(), offsetMidFirstFrame);
decoder->setData(partialData, false);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, decoder->frameCount());
const ImageFrame* frame = decoder->frameBufferAtIndex(0);
EXPECT_EQ(frame->getStatus(), ImageFrame::FramePartial);
const unsigned hashPartial = hashBitmap(frame->bitmap());
decoder->setData(fullData.get(), true);
frame = decoder->frameBufferAtIndex(0);
EXPECT_EQ(frame->getStatus(), ImageFrame::FrameComplete);
const unsigned hashFull = hashBitmap(frame->bitmap());
EXPECT_NE(hashFull, hashPartial);
EXPECT_EQ(hashFull, hashUpfront);
// Modify the frame data bytes for frame |frameIndex| so that decoding fails.
// Parsing should work fine, and is checked with |expectedFrameCountBefore|. If
// the failure should invalidate the decoder, |expectFailure| should be set to
// true. If not, |expectedFrameCountAfter| should indicate the new frame count
// after the failure.
void testFailureDuringDecode(const char* file,
size_t idatOffset,
size_t frameIndex,
bool expectFailure,
size_t expectedFrameCountBefore,
size_t expectedFrameCountAfter = 0u) {
RefPtr<SharedBuffer> fullData = readFile(file);
// This is the offset where the frame data chunk frame |frameIndex| starts.
RefPtr<SharedBuffer> data =
SharedBuffer::create(fullData->data(), idatOffset + 8u);
// Repeat the first 8 bytes of the frame data. This should result in a
// successful parse, since frame data is not analyzed in that step, but
// should give an error during decoding.
data->append(fullData->data() + idatOffset, 8u);
data->append(fullData->data() + idatOffset + 16u,
fullData->size() - idatOffset - 16u);
auto decoder = createDecoder();
decoder->setData(data.get(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(expectedFrameCountBefore, decoder->frameCount());
const ImageFrame* const frame = decoder->frameBufferAtIndex(frameIndex);
EXPECT_EQ(expectFailure, decoder->failed());
if (!expectFailure) {
EXPECT_EQ(expectedFrameCountAfter, decoder->frameCount());
EXPECT_EQ(ImageFrame::FrameEmpty, frame->getStatus());
} // Anonymous namespace
// Static PNG tests
TEST(StaticPNGTests, repetitionCountTest) {
TEST(StaticPNGTests, sizeTest) {
testSize("/LayoutTests/images/resources/png-simple.png", IntSize(111, 29));
TEST(StaticPNGTests, MetaDataTest) {
const size_t expectedFrameCount = 1;
const size_t expectedDuration = 0;
auto decoder =
EXPECT_EQ(expectedFrameCount, decoder->frameCount());
EXPECT_EQ(expectedDuration, decoder->frameDurationAtIndex(0));
TEST(StaticPNGTests, ProgressiveDecoding) {
"/LayoutTests/images/resources/png-simple.png", 11u);
TEST(StaticPNGTests, ProgressiveDecodingContinuesAfterFullData) {
"/LayoutTests/images/resources/png-simple.png", 1000u);
TEST(StaticPNGTests, FailureDuringDecodingInvalidatesDecoder) {
85u, // idat offset for frame index 0
0u, // try to decode frame index 0
true, // expect the decoder to be invalidated after the failure
1u); // expected frame count before failure
// For static images, frameIsCompleteAtIndex(0) should return true if and only
// if the frame is successfully decoded, not when it is fully received.
TEST(StaticPNGTests, VerifyFrameCompleteBehavior) {
auto decoder =
EXPECT_EQ(1u, decoder->frameCount());
}; // namespace blink