blob: 25eade05f052a89e1a45f6fc9d6ee07ed197e936 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Installs Passwords management functions on the __gCrWeb object.
* It scans the DOM, extracting and storing password forms and returns a JSON
* string representing an array of objects, each of which represents an Passord
* form with information about a form to be filled and/or submitted and it can
* be translated to struct FormData for further processing.
/* Beginning of anonymous object. */
(function() {
* Namespace for this file. It depends on |__gCrWeb| having already been
* injected.
__gCrWeb.passwords = {};
__gCrWeb['passwords'] = __gCrWeb.passwords;
* Finds all password forms in the window and returns form data as a JSON
* string.
* @return {string} Form data as a JSON string.
__gCrWeb.passwords['findPasswordForms'] = function() {
var formDataList = [];
if (hasPasswordField_(window)) {
getPasswordFormDataList_(formDataList, window);
return __gCrWeb.stringify(formDataList);
/** Returns true if the supplied window or any frames inside contain an input
* field of type 'password'.
* @private
* @param {Window} win Whether the supplied window or any frames inside
* contain an input field of type 'password'.
* @return {boolean}
var hasPasswordField_ = function(win) {
var doc = win.document;
// We may will not be allowed to read the 'document' property from a frame
// that is in a different domain.
if (!doc) {
return false;
if (doc.querySelector('input[type=password]')) {
return true;
return getSameOriginFrames_(win).some(hasPasswordField_);
* Returns the contentWindow of all iframes that are from the the same origin
* as the containing window.
* @param {Window} win The window in which to look for frames.
* @return {Array.<Window>} Array of the same-origin frames found.
var getSameOriginFrames_ = function(win) {
var frames = win.document.getElementsByTagName('iframe');
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) {
if (!frames[i].src ||
__gCrWeb.common.isSameOrigin(win.location.href, frames[i].src)) {
return result;
* If |form| has no submit elements and exactly 1 button that button
* is assumed to be a submit button. This function adds onSubmitButtonClick_
* as a handler for touchend event of this button. Touchend event is used as
* a proxy for onclick event because onclick handling might be prevented by
* the site JavaScript.
var addSubmitButtonTouchEndHandler_ = function(form) {
if (form.querySelector('input[type=submit]'))
// Try to find buttons of type submit at first.
var buttons = form.querySelectorAll('button[type="submit"]');
if (buttons.length == 0) {
// Try to check all buttons. If there is only one button, assume that this
// is the submit button.
buttons = form.querySelectorAll('button');
if (buttons.length != 1)
for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; ++i)
buttons[0].addEventListener('touchend', onSubmitButtonTouchEnd_);
* Click handler for the submit button. It sends to the host
* form.submitButtonClick command.
var onSubmitButtonTouchEnd_ = function(evt) {
var form = evt.currentTarget.form;
var formData = __gCrWeb.passwords.getPasswordFormData(form);
if (!formData)
formData['command'] = 'passwordForm.submitButtonClick';
* Returns the element from |inputs| which has the field identifier equal to
* |identifier| and null if there is no such element.
* @param {Array.<HTMLInputElement>} inputs
* @param {string} identifier
* @return {HTMLInputElement}
var findInputByFieldIdentifier_ = function(inputs, identifier) {
for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i) {
if (identifier == __gCrWeb.form.getFieldIdentifier(inputs[i])) {
return inputs[i];
return null;
* Returns the password form with the given |identifier| as a JSON string
* from the frame |win| and all its same-origin subframes.
* @param {Window} win The window in which to look for forms.
* @param {string} identifier The name of the form to extract.
* @return {HTMLFormElement} The password form.
var getPasswordFormElement_ = function(win, identifier) {
var el = win.__gCrWeb.form.getFormElementFromIdentifier(identifier);
if (el)
return el;
var frames = getSameOriginFrames_(win);
for (var i = 0; i < frames.length; ++i) {
el = getPasswordFormElement_(frames[i], identifier);
if (el)
return el;
return null;
* Returns an array of input elements in a form.
* @param {HTMLFormElement} form A form element for which the input elements
* are returned.
* @return {Array<HTMLInputElement>}
var getFormInputElements_ = function(form) {
return __gCrWeb.form.getFormControlElements(form).filter(function(element) {
return element.tagName === 'INPUT';
* Returns the password form with the given |identifier| as a JSON string.
* @param {string} identifier The identifier of the form to extract.
* @return {string} The password form.
__gCrWeb.passwords['getPasswordFormDataAsString'] = function(identifier) {
var el = getPasswordFormElement_(window, identifier);
if (!el)
return '{}';
var formData = __gCrWeb.passwords.getPasswordFormData(el);
if (!formData)
return '{}';
return __gCrWeb.stringify(formData);
* Finds the form described by |formData| and fills in the
* username and password values.
* This is a public function invoked by Chrome. There is no information
* passed to this function that the page does not have access to anyway.
* @param {AutofillFormData} formData Form data.
* @param {string} username The username to fill.
* @param {string} password The password to fill.
* @param {string=} opt_normalizedOrigin The origin URL to compare to.
* @return {boolean} Whether a form field has been filled.
__gCrWeb.passwords['fillPasswordForm'] = function(
formData, username, password, opt_normalizedOrigin) {
var normalizedOrigin = opt_normalizedOrigin ||
var origin = /** @type {string} */ (formData['origin']);
if (!__gCrWeb.common.isSameOrigin(origin, normalizedOrigin)) {
return false;
return fillPasswordFormWithData_(
formData, username, password, window, opt_normalizedOrigin);
* Given a description of a form (origin, action and input fields),
* finds that form on the page and fills in the specified username
* and password.
* @param {AutofillFormData} formData Form data.
* @param {string} username The username to fill.
* @param {string} password The password to fill.
* @param {Window} win A window or a frame containing formData.
* @param {string=} opt_normalizedOrigin The origin URL to compare to.
* @return {boolean} Whether a form field has been filled.
var fillPasswordFormWithData_ = function(
formData, username, password, win, opt_normalizedOrigin) {
var doc = win.document;
var forms = doc.forms;
var filled = false;
for (var i = 0; i < forms.length; i++) {
var form = forms[i];
var normalizedFormAction =
opt_normalizedOrigin || __gCrWeb.fill.getCanonicalActionForForm(form);
if (formData.action != normalizedFormAction)
var inputs = getFormInputElements_(form);
var usernameInput =
findInputByFieldIdentifier_(inputs, formData.fields[0].name);
if (usernameInput == null || !__gCrWeb.common.isTextField(usernameInput) ||
var passwordInput =
findInputByFieldIdentifier_(inputs, formData.fields[1].name);
if (passwordInput == null || passwordInput.type != 'password' ||
passwordInput.readOnly || passwordInput.disabled)
// If username was provided on a read-only field and it matches the
// requested username, fill the form.
if (usernameInput.readOnly) {
if (usernameInput.value == username) {
passwordInput.value = password;
filled = true;
} else {
// Setting input fields via .value assignment does not trigger all
// the events that a web site can observe. This has the effect of
// certain web sites rejecting an autofilled sign in form as not
// signed in because the user didn't actually "typed" into the field.
// Adding the .focus() works around this problems.
usernameInput.value = username;
passwordInput.value = password;
filled = true;
// Recursively invoke for all iframes.
var frames = getSameOriginFrames_(win);
for (var i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) {
if (fillPasswordFormWithData_(
formData, username, password, frames[i], opt_normalizedOrigin)) {
filled = true;
return filled;
* Finds all forms with passwords in the supplied window or frame and appends
* JS objects containing the form data to |formDataList|.
* @param {!Array.<Object>} formDataList A list that this function populates
* with descriptions of discovered forms.
* @param {Window} win A window (or frame) in which the function should
* look for password forms.
var getPasswordFormDataList_ = function(formDataList, win) {
var doc = win.document;
var forms = doc.forms;
for (var i = 0; i < forms.length; i++) {
var formData = __gCrWeb.passwords.getPasswordFormData(forms[i]);
if (formData) {
// Recursively invoke for all iframes.
var frames = getSameOriginFrames_(win);
for (var i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) {
getPasswordFormDataList_(formDataList, frames[i]);
* Returns a JS object containing the data from |formElement|.
* @param {HTMLFormElement} formElement An HTML Form element.
* @return {Object} Object of data from formElement.
__gCrWeb.passwords.getPasswordFormData = function(formElement) {
var extractMask = __gCrWeb.fill.EXTRACT_MASK_VALUE;
var formData = {};
var ok = __gCrWeb.fill.webFormElementToFormData(
window, formElement, null /* formControlElement */, extractMask, formData,
null /* field */);
return ok ? formData : null;
}()); // End of anonymous object