blob: 2049d4798a3f32691273cd6b029ad92a34e7eabe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "content/public/common/page_type.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace base {
class FilePath;
namespace gfx {
class Point;
class Range;
class Rect;
// A collections of functions designed for use with content_shell based browser
// tests.
// Note: if a function here also works with browser_tests, it should be in
// content\public\test\browser_test_utils.h
namespace content {
class MessageLoopRunner;
class RenderFrameHost;
class RenderWidgetHost;
class Shell;
// Generate the file path for testing a particular test.
// The file for the tests is all located in
// content/test/data/dir/<file>
// The returned path is FilePath format.
// A null |dir| indicates the root directory - i.e.
// content/test/data/<file>
base::FilePath GetTestFilePath(const char* dir, const char* file);
// Generate the URL for testing a particular test.
// HTML for the tests is all located in
// test_root_directory/dir/<file>
// The returned path is GURL format.
// A null |dir| indicates the root directory - i.e.
// content/test/data/<file>
GURL GetTestUrl(const char* dir, const char* file);
// Navigates |window| to |url|, blocking until the navigation finishes.
// Returns true if the page was loaded successfully and the last committed
// URL matches |url|.
// TODO(alexmos): any tests that use this function and expect successful
// navigations should do EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateToURL()).
bool NavigateToURL(Shell* window, const GURL& url);
void LoadDataWithBaseURL(Shell* window,
const GURL& url,
const std::string& data,
const GURL& base_url);
// Navigates |window| to |url|, blocking until the given number of navigations
// finishes.
void NavigateToURLBlockUntilNavigationsComplete(Shell* window,
const GURL& url,
int number_of_navigations);
// Navigates |window| to |url|, blocks until the navigation finishes, and
// checks that the navigation did not commit (e.g., due to a crash or
// download).
bool NavigateToURLAndExpectNoCommit(Shell* window, const GURL& url);
// Reloads |window|, blocking until the given number of navigations finishes.
void ReloadBlockUntilNavigationsComplete(Shell* window,
int number_of_navigations);
// Reloads |window| with bypassing cache flag, and blocks until the given number
// of navigations finishes.
void ReloadBypassingCacheBlockUntilNavigationsComplete(
Shell* window,
int number_of_navigations);
// Wait until an application modal dialog is requested.
void WaitForAppModalDialog(Shell* window);
// Extends the ToRenderFrameHost mechanism to content::Shells.
RenderFrameHost* ConvertToRenderFrameHost(Shell* shell);
// Used to wait for a new Shell window to be created. Instantiate this object
// before the operation that will create the window.
class ShellAddedObserver {
// Will run a message loop to wait for the new window if it hasn't been
// created since the constructor.
Shell* GetShell();
void ShellCreated(Shell* shell);
Shell* shell_;
scoped_refptr<MessageLoopRunner> runner_;
#if defined OS_MACOSX
void SetWindowBounds(gfx::NativeWindow window, const gfx::Rect& bounds);
// This method will request the string (word) at |point| inside the |rwh| where
// |point| is with respect to the |rwh| coordinates. |result_callback| is called
// with the word as well as |baselinePoint| when the result comes back from the
// renderer. The baseline point is the position of the pop-up in AppKit
// coordinate system (inverted y-axis).
void GetStringAtPointForRenderWidget(
RenderWidgetHost* rwh,
const gfx::Point& point,
base::Callback<void(const std::string&, const gfx::Point&)>
// This method will request the string identified by |range| inside the |rwh|.
// When the result comes back, |result_callback| is invoked with the given text
// and its position in AppKit coordinates (inverted-y axis).
void GetStringFromRangeForRenderWidget(
RenderWidgetHost* rwh,
const gfx::Range& range,
base::Callback<void(const std::string&, const gfx::Point&)>
} // namespace content