blob: 63a17bb6059a32a4124e69805c81cc7e83228d26 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include <memory>
#include "base/mac/scoped_nsobject.h"
class FullscreenObserver;
namespace content {
class WebContents;
// A class that controls the WebContents view. It internally creates a container
// view (the NSView accessed by calling |-view|) which manages the layout and
// display of the WebContents view.
// Client code that inserts [controller view] into the view hierarchy needs to
// call -ensureContentsVisibleInSuperview:(NSView*)superview to match the
// container to the [superview bounds] and avoid multiple resize messages being
// sent to the renderer, which triggers redundant and costly layouts.
// AutoEmbedFullscreen mode: When enabled, TabContentsController will observe
// for WebContents fullscreen changes and automatically swap the normal
// WebContents view with the fullscreen view (if different). In addition, if a
// WebContents is being screen-captured, the view will be centered within the
// container view, sized to the aspect ratio of the capture video resolution,
// and scaling will be avoided whenever possible.
@interface TabContentsController : NSViewController {
content::WebContents* contents_; // weak
// When |fullscreenObserver_| is not-NULL, TabContentsController monitors for
// and auto-embeds fullscreen widgets as a subview.
std::unique_ptr<FullscreenObserver> fullscreenObserver_;
// Set to true while TabContentsController is embedding a fullscreen widget
// view as a subview instead of the normal WebContentsView render view.
// Note: This will be false in the case of non-Flash fullscreen.
BOOL isEmbeddingFullscreenWidget_;
// Set to true if the window is a popup.
BOOL isPopup_;
// Reference to the FullscreenPlaceholderView displayed in the main window
// for the tab when our WebContentsView is in the SeparateFullscreenWindow.
NSView* fullscreenPlaceholderView_;
// Reference to the fullscreen window created to display the WebContents
// view separately.
NSWindow* separateFullscreenWindow_;
@property(readonly, nonatomic) content::WebContents* webContents;
// This flag is set to true when we don't want the fullscreen widget to
// resize. This is done so that we can avoid resizing the fullscreen widget
// to intermediate sizes during the fullscreen transition.
// As a result, we would prevent janky movements during the transition and
// Pepper Fullscreen from blowing up.
@property(assign, nonatomic) BOOL blockFullscreenResize;
// Create the contents of a tab represented by |contents|.
- (id)initWithContents:(content::WebContents*)contents isPopup:(BOOL)popup;
// Call to insert the container view into the view hierarchy, sizing it to match
// |superview|. Then, this method will select either the WebContents view or
// the fullscreen view and swap it into the container for display.
- (void)ensureContentsVisibleInSuperview:(NSView*)superview;
// Called after we enter fullscreen to ensure that the fullscreen widget will
// have the right frame.
- (void)updateFullscreenWidgetFrame;
// Call to change the underlying web contents object. View is not changed,
// call |-ensureContentsVisible| to display the |newContents|'s render widget
// host view.
- (void)changeWebContents:(content::WebContents*)newContents;
// Called when the tab contents is the currently selected tab and is about to be
// removed from the view hierarchy.
- (void)willBecomeUnselectedTab;
// Called when the tab contents is about to be put into the view hierarchy as
// the selected tab. Handles things such as ensuring the toolbar is correctly
// enabled.
- (void)willBecomeSelectedTab;
// Called when the tab contents is updated in some non-descript way (the
// notification from the model isn't specific). |updatedContents| could reflect
// an entirely new tab contents object.
- (void)tabDidChange:(content::WebContents*)updatedContents;
// Called to switch the container's subview to the WebContents-owned fullscreen
// widget or back to WebContentsView's widget.
- (void)toggleFullscreenWidget:(BOOL)enterFullscreen;