blob: c77c4844ea5c85cc186157f5f643049e0347b2a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "components/sync/driver/sync_user_settings.h"
namespace syncer {
class TestSyncService;
// Test implementation of SyncUserSettings that mostly forwards calls to a
// TestSyncService.
class TestSyncUserSettings : public SyncUserSettings {
explicit TestSyncUserSettings(TestSyncService* service);
~TestSyncUserSettings() override;
bool IsSyncRequested() const override;
void SetSyncRequested(bool requested) override;
bool IsSyncAllowedByPlatform() const override;
void SetSyncAllowedByPlatform(bool allowed) override;
bool IsFirstSetupComplete() const override;
void SetFirstSetupComplete() override;
bool IsSyncEverythingEnabled() const override;
ModelTypeSet GetChosenDataTypes() const override;
void SetChosenDataTypes(bool sync_everything, ModelTypeSet types) override;
bool IsEncryptEverythingAllowed() const override;
void SetEncryptEverythingAllowed(bool allowed) override;
bool IsEncryptEverythingEnabled() const override;
void EnableEncryptEverything() override;
bool IsPassphraseRequired() const override;
bool IsPassphraseRequiredForDecryption() const override;
bool IsUsingSecondaryPassphrase() const override;
base::Time GetExplicitPassphraseTime() const override;
PassphraseType GetPassphraseType() const override;
void SetEncryptionPassphrase(const std::string& passphrase) override;
bool SetDecryptionPassphrase(const std::string& passphrase) override;
void SetFirstSetupComplete(bool first_setup_complete);
TestSyncService* service_;
bool first_setup_complete_ = true;
bool sync_everything_enabled_ = true;
} // namespace syncer