blob: ad1e9e997e72e28f26d34f27bc25656fc627a628 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "components/data_use_measurement/core/data_use_user_data.h"
#include "components/image_fetcher/image_data_fetcher.h"
namespace base {
class TaskRunner;
namespace net {
class URLRequestContextGetter;
class GURL;
namespace image_fetcher {
// Callback that informs of the download of an image encoded in |data|.
using IOSImageDataFetcherCallback = void (^)(NSData* data);
class IOSImageDataFetcherWrapper {
using DataUseServiceName = data_use_measurement::DataUseUserData::ServiceName;
// The TaskRunner is used to decode the image if it is WebP-encoded.
net::URLRequestContextGetter* url_request_context_getter,
const scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner>& task_runner);
virtual ~IOSImageDataFetcherWrapper();
// Start downloading the image at the given |image_url|. The |callback| will
// be called with the downloaded image, or nil if any error happened or the
// http response header is not HTTP_OK (200). If the url is a data URL, the
// http response header is considered to be HTTP_OK.
// |callback| cannot be nil.
virtual void FetchImageDataWebpDecoded(const GURL& image_url,
IOSImageDataFetcherCallback callback);
// Sets a service name against which to track data usage.
void SetDataUseServiceName(DataUseServiceName data_use_service_name);
// The task runner used to decode images if necessary.
const scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner> task_runner_;
ImageDataFetcher image_data_fetcher_;
} // namespace image_fetcher