blob: 40ff1c25f2a91fdc420b688cabfa8a7bbcd3a744 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Torben Weis <>
* 1999-2001 Lars Knoll <>
* 1999-2001 Antti Koivisto <>
* 2000-2001 Simon Hausmann <>
* 2000-2001 Dirk Mueller <>
* 2000 Stefan Schimanski <>
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Apple Inc. All rights
* reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)
* Copyright (C) 2008 Eric Seidel <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef LocalFrame_h
#define LocalFrame_h
#include <memory>
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "core/dom/WeakIdentifierMap.h"
#include "core/frame/Frame.h"
#include "core/frame/LocalFrameView.h"
#include "core/loader/FrameLoader.h"
#include "core/page/FrameTree.h"
#include "core/paint/PaintPhase.h"
#include "platform/Supplementable.h"
#include "platform/graphics/ImageOrientation.h"
#include "platform/heap/Handle.h"
#include "platform/scroll/ScrollTypes.h"
#include "platform/wtf/HashSet.h"
namespace blink {
class Color;
class ContentSettingsClient;
class Document;
class Editor;
template <typename Traversal>
class EditingAlgorithm;
class Element;
template <typename Strategy>
class EphemeralRangeTemplate;
class EventHandler;
class FetchParameters;
class FloatSize;
class FrameConsole;
class FrameResourceCoordinator;
class FrameSelection;
class InputMethodController;
class CoreProbeSink;
class InterfaceProvider;
class InterfaceRegistry;
class IntPoint;
class IntSize;
class LayoutView;
class LayoutViewItem;
class LocalDOMWindow;
class LocalWindowProxy;
class LocalFrameClient;
class NavigationScheduler;
class Node;
class NodeTraversal;
class PerformanceMonitor;
template <typename Strategy>
class PositionWithAffinityTemplate;
class PluginData;
class ScriptController;
class SpellChecker;
class WebFrameScheduler;
class WebPluginContainerBase;
class WebURLLoader;
extern template class CORE_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_EXPORT Supplement<LocalFrame>;
class CORE_EXPORT LocalFrame final : public Frame,
public Supplementable<LocalFrame> {
static LocalFrame* Create(LocalFrameClient*,
InterfaceProvider* = nullptr,
InterfaceRegistry* = nullptr);
void Init();
void SetView(LocalFrameView*);
void CreateView(const IntSize&,
const Color&,
ScrollbarMode = kScrollbarAuto,
bool horizontal_lock = false,
ScrollbarMode = kScrollbarAuto,
bool vertical_lock = false);
// Frame overrides:
~LocalFrame() override;
void Navigate(Document& origin_document,
const KURL&,
bool replace_current_item,
UserGestureStatus) override;
void Navigate(const FrameLoadRequest&) override;
void Reload(FrameLoadType, ClientRedirectPolicy) override;
void Detach(FrameDetachType) override;
bool ShouldClose() override;
SecurityContext* GetSecurityContext() const override;
void PrintNavigationErrorMessage(const Frame&, const char* reason) override;
void PrintNavigationWarning(const String&) override;
bool PrepareForCommit() override;
void DidChangeVisibilityState() override;
void DetachChildren();
void DocumentAttached();
Frame* FindFrameForNavigation(const AtomicString& name,
LocalFrame& active_frame);
// Note: these two functions are not virtual but intentionally shadow the
// corresponding method in the Frame base class to return the
// LocalFrame-specific subclass.
LocalWindowProxy* WindowProxy(DOMWrapperWorld&);
LocalDOMWindow* DomWindow() const;
void SetDOMWindow(LocalDOMWindow*);
LocalFrameView* View() const override;
Document* GetDocument() const;
void SetPagePopupOwner(Element&);
Element* PagePopupOwner() const { return page_popup_owner_.Get(); }
// Root of the layout tree for the document contained in this frame.
LayoutView* ContentLayoutObject() const;
LayoutViewItem ContentLayoutItem() const;
Editor& GetEditor() const;
EventHandler& GetEventHandler() const;
FrameLoader& Loader() const;
NavigationScheduler& GetNavigationScheduler() const;
FrameSelection& Selection() const;
InputMethodController& GetInputMethodController() const;
ScriptController& GetScriptController() const;
SpellChecker& GetSpellChecker() const;
FrameConsole& Console() const;
// This method is used to get the highest level LocalFrame in this
// frame's in-process subtree.
// FIXME: This is a temporary hack to support RemoteFrames, and callers
// should be updated to avoid storing things on the main frame.
LocalFrame& LocalFrameRoot() const;
// Note that the result of this function should not be cached: a frame is
// not necessarily detached when it is navigated, so the return value can
// change.
// In addition, this function will always return true for a detached frame.
// TODO(dcheng): Move this to LocalDOMWindow and figure out the right
// behavior for detached windows.
bool IsCrossOriginSubframe() const;
CoreProbeSink* GetProbeSink() { return probe_sink_.Get(); }
// =========================================================================
// All public functions below this point are candidates to move out of
// LocalFrame into another class.
// See GraphicsLayerClient.h for accepted flags.
String GetLayerTreeAsTextForTesting(unsigned flags = 0) const;
void SetPrinting(bool printing,
const FloatSize& page_size,
const FloatSize& original_page_size,
float maximum_shrink_ratio);
bool ShouldUsePrintingLayout() const;
FloatSize ResizePageRectsKeepingRatio(const FloatSize& original_size,
const FloatSize& expected_size) const;
bool InViewSourceMode() const;
void SetInViewSourceMode(bool = true);
void SetPageZoomFactor(float);
float PageZoomFactor() const { return page_zoom_factor_; }
void SetTextZoomFactor(float);
float TextZoomFactor() const { return text_zoom_factor_; }
void SetPageAndTextZoomFactors(float page_zoom_factor,
float text_zoom_factor);
void DeviceScaleFactorChanged();
double DevicePixelRatio() const;
String SelectedText() const;
String SelectedTextForClipboard() const;
PositionForPoint(const IntPoint& frame_point);
Document* DocumentAtPoint(const IntPoint&);
EphemeralRangeTemplate<EditingAlgorithm<NodeTraversal>> RangeForPoint(
const IntPoint& frame_point);
bool ShouldReuseDefaultView(const KURL&) const;
void RemoveSpellingMarkersUnderWords(const Vector<String>& words);
bool ShouldThrottleRendering() const;
// Returns the frame scheduler, creating one if needed.
WebFrameScheduler* FrameScheduler();
void ScheduleVisualUpdateUnlessThrottled();
bool IsNavigationAllowed() const { return navigation_disable_count_ == 0; }
bool CanNavigate(const Frame&);
// This method is deprecated. Please use
// LocalFrameClient::GetInterfaceProvider() instead.
// TODO( Remove this method.
InterfaceProvider* GetInterfaceProvider() { return interface_provider_; }
InterfaceRegistry* GetInterfaceRegistry() { return interface_registry_; }
LocalFrameClient* Client() const;
ContentSettingsClient* GetContentSettingsClient();
FrameResourceCoordinator* GetFrameResourceCoordinator() {
// can be null
return frame_resource_coordinator_;
PluginData* GetPluginData() const;
PerformanceMonitor* GetPerformanceMonitor() { return performance_monitor_; }
// Convenience function to allow loading image placeholders for the request if
// either the flag in Settings() for using image placeholders is set, or if
// the embedder decides that Client Lo-Fi should be used for this request.
void MaybeAllowImagePlaceholder(FetchParameters&) const;
std::unique_ptr<WebURLLoader> CreateURLLoader();
using FrameInitCallback = void (*)(LocalFrame*);
// Allows for the registration of a callback that is invoked whenever a new
// LocalFrame is initialized. Callbacks are executed in the order that they
// were added using registerInitializationCallback, and there are no checks
// for adding a callback multiple times.
static void RegisterInitializationCallback(FrameInitCallback);
// If the frame hosts a PluginDocument, this method returns the
// WebPluginContainerBase that hosts the plugin. If the provided node is a
// plugin, then it returns its WebPluginContainerBase. Otherwise, uses the
// currently focused element (if any).
// TODO(slangley): Refactor this method to extract the logic of looking up
// focused element or passed node into explicit methods.
WebPluginContainerBase* GetWebPluginContainerBase(Node* = nullptr) const;
// Called on a view for a LocalFrame with a RemoteFrame parent. This makes
// viewport intersection available that accounts for remote ancestor frames
// and their respective scroll positions, clips, etc.
void SetViewportIntersectionFromParent(const IntRect&);
IntRect RemoteViewportIntersection() { return remote_viewport_intersection_; }
friend class FrameNavigationDisabler;
// Intentionally private to prevent redundant checks when the type is
// already LocalFrame.
bool IsLocalFrame() const override { return true; }
bool IsRemoteFrame() const override { return false; }
void EnableNavigation() { --navigation_disable_count_; }
void DisableNavigation() { ++navigation_disable_count_; }
bool CanNavigateWithoutFramebusting(const Frame&, String& error_reason);
std::unique_ptr<WebFrameScheduler> frame_scheduler_;
mutable FrameLoader loader_;
Member<NavigationScheduler> navigation_scheduler_;
// Cleared by LocalFrame::detach(), so as to keep the observable lifespan
// of LocalFrame::view().
Member<LocalFrameView> view_;
// Usually 0. Non-null if this is the top frame of PagePopup.
Member<Element> page_popup_owner_;
const Member<ScriptController> script_controller_;
const Member<Editor> editor_;
const Member<SpellChecker> spell_checker_;
const Member<FrameSelection> selection_;
const Member<EventHandler> event_handler_;
const Member<FrameConsole> console_;
const Member<InputMethodController> input_method_controller_;
int navigation_disable_count_;
float page_zoom_factor_;
float text_zoom_factor_;
bool in_view_source_mode_;
Member<CoreProbeSink> probe_sink_;
Member<PerformanceMonitor> performance_monitor_;
InterfaceProvider* const interface_provider_;
InterfaceRegistry* const interface_registry_;
IntRect remote_viewport_intersection_;
Member<FrameResourceCoordinator> frame_resource_coordinator_;
inline FrameLoader& LocalFrame::Loader() const {
return loader_;
inline NavigationScheduler& LocalFrame::GetNavigationScheduler() const {
return *navigation_scheduler_.Get();
inline LocalFrameView* LocalFrame::View() const {
return view_.Get();
inline ScriptController& LocalFrame::GetScriptController() const {
return *script_controller_;
inline FrameSelection& LocalFrame::Selection() const {
return *selection_;
inline Editor& LocalFrame::GetEditor() const {
return *editor_;
inline SpellChecker& LocalFrame::GetSpellChecker() const {
return *spell_checker_;
inline FrameConsole& LocalFrame::Console() const {
return *console_;
inline InputMethodController& LocalFrame::GetInputMethodController() const {
return *input_method_controller_;
inline bool LocalFrame::InViewSourceMode() const {
return in_view_source_mode_;
inline void LocalFrame::SetInViewSourceMode(bool mode) {
in_view_source_mode_ = mode;
inline EventHandler& LocalFrame::GetEventHandler() const {
return *event_handler_;
class FrameNavigationDisabler {
explicit FrameNavigationDisabler(LocalFrame&);
Member<LocalFrame> frame_;
// A helper class for attributing cost inside a scope to a LocalFrame, with
// output written to the trace log. The class is irrelevant to the core logic
// of LocalFrame. Sample usage:
// void foo(LocalFrame* frame)
// {
// ScopedFrameBlamer frameBlamer(frame);
// TRACE_EVENT0("blink", "foo");
// // Do some real work...
// }
// In Trace Viewer, we can find the cost of slice |foo| attributed to |frame|.
// Design doc:
// This class is used in performance-sensitive code (like V8 entry), so care
// should be taken to ensure that it has an efficient fast path (for the common
// case where we are not tracking this).
class ScopedFrameBlamer {
explicit ScopedFrameBlamer(LocalFrame*);
~ScopedFrameBlamer() {
if (UNLIKELY(frame_))
void LeaveContext();
Member<LocalFrame> frame_;
} // namespace blink
#endif // LocalFrame_h