blob: de48825bae6b51e3f420d49b431d536febdfb2e0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "core/layout/line/InlineFlowBox.h"
#include "core/CSSPropertyNames.h"
#include "core/dom/Document.h"
#include "core/layout/HitTestResult.h"
#include "core/layout/api/LineLayoutAPIShim.h"
#include "core/layout/api/LineLayoutBox.h"
#include "core/layout/api/LineLayoutInline.h"
#include "core/layout/api/LineLayoutListMarker.h"
#include "core/layout/api/LineLayoutRubyBase.h"
#include "core/layout/api/LineLayoutRubyRun.h"
#include "core/layout/api/LineLayoutRubyText.h"
#include "core/layout/line/GlyphOverflow.h"
#include "core/layout/line/InlineTextBox.h"
#include "core/layout/line/RootInlineBox.h"
#include "core/paint/BoxPainter.h"
#include "core/paint/InlineFlowBoxPainter.h"
#include "core/style/ShadowList.h"
#include "platform/fonts/Font.h"
#include "wtf/PtrUtil.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <math.h>
namespace blink {
struct SameSizeAsInlineFlowBox : public InlineBox {
void* pointers[5];
uint32_t bitfields : 23;
static_assert(sizeof(InlineFlowBox) == sizeof(SameSizeAsInlineFlowBox), "InlineFlowBox should stay small");
if (!m_hasBadChildList)
for (InlineBox* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextOnLine())
LayoutUnit InlineFlowBox::getFlowSpacingLogicalWidth()
LayoutUnit totWidth = marginBorderPaddingLogicalLeft() + marginBorderPaddingLogicalRight();
for (InlineBox* curr = firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextOnLine()) {
if (curr->isInlineFlowBox())
totWidth += toInlineFlowBox(curr)->getFlowSpacingLogicalWidth();
return totWidth;
LayoutRect InlineFlowBox::frameRect() const
return LayoutRect(topLeft(), size());
static void setHasTextDescendantsOnAncestors(InlineFlowBox* box)
while (box && !box->hasTextDescendants()) {
box = box->parent();
void InlineFlowBox::addToLine(InlineBox* child)
if (!m_firstChild) {
m_firstChild = child;
m_lastChild = child;
} else {
m_lastChild = child;
if (child->isText()) {
if (child->getLineLayoutItem().parent() == getLineLayoutItem())
m_hasTextChildren = true;
} else if (child->isInlineFlowBox()) {
if (toInlineFlowBox(child)->hasTextDescendants())
if (descendantsHaveSameLineHeightAndBaseline() && !child->getLineLayoutItem().isOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
const ComputedStyle& parentStyle = getLineLayoutItem().styleRef(isFirstLineStyle());
const ComputedStyle& childStyle = child->getLineLayoutItem().styleRef(isFirstLineStyle());
bool shouldClearDescendantsHaveSameLineHeightAndBaseline = false;
if (child->getLineLayoutItem().isAtomicInlineLevel()) {
shouldClearDescendantsHaveSameLineHeightAndBaseline = true;
} else if (child->isText()) {
if (child->getLineLayoutItem().isBR() || (child->getLineLayoutItem().parent() != getLineLayoutItem())) {
if (!parentStyle.font().getFontMetrics().hasIdenticalAscentDescentAndLineGap(childStyle.font().getFontMetrics())
|| parentStyle.lineHeight() != childStyle.lineHeight()
|| (parentStyle.verticalAlign() != VerticalAlignBaseline && !isRootInlineBox()) || childStyle.verticalAlign() != VerticalAlignBaseline)
shouldClearDescendantsHaveSameLineHeightAndBaseline = true;
if (childStyle.hasTextCombine() || childStyle.getTextEmphasisMark() != TextEmphasisMarkNone)
shouldClearDescendantsHaveSameLineHeightAndBaseline = true;
if (isFirstLineStyle() && child->isInlineTextBox())
} else {
if (child->getLineLayoutItem().isBR()) {
// FIXME: This is dumb. We only turn off because current layout test results expect the <br> to be 0-height on the baseline.
// Other than making a zillion tests have to regenerate results, there's no reason to ditch the optimization here.
shouldClearDescendantsHaveSameLineHeightAndBaseline = true;
} else {
InlineFlowBox* childFlowBox = toInlineFlowBox(child);
// Check the child's bit, and then also check for differences in font, line-height, vertical-align
if (!childFlowBox->descendantsHaveSameLineHeightAndBaseline()
|| !parentStyle.font().getFontMetrics().hasIdenticalAscentDescentAndLineGap(childStyle.font().getFontMetrics())
|| parentStyle.lineHeight() != childStyle.lineHeight()
|| (parentStyle.verticalAlign() != VerticalAlignBaseline && !isRootInlineBox()) || childStyle.verticalAlign() != VerticalAlignBaseline
|| childStyle.hasBorder() || childStyle.hasPadding() || childStyle.hasTextCombine())
shouldClearDescendantsHaveSameLineHeightAndBaseline = true;
if (shouldClearDescendantsHaveSameLineHeightAndBaseline)
if (!child->getLineLayoutItem().isOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
if (child->isText()) {
const ComputedStyle& childStyle = child->getLineLayoutItem().styleRef(isFirstLineStyle());
if (childStyle.letterSpacing() < 0 || childStyle.textShadow() || childStyle.getTextEmphasisMark() != TextEmphasisMarkNone || childStyle.textStrokeWidth())
} else if (child->getLineLayoutItem().isAtomicInlineLevel()) {
LineLayoutBox box = LineLayoutBox(child->getLineLayoutItem());
if (box.hasOverflowModel() || box.hasSelfPaintingLayer())
} else if (!child->getLineLayoutItem().isBR() && (child->getLineLayoutItem().style(isFirstLineStyle())->boxShadow() || child->boxModelObject().hasSelfPaintingLayer()
|| (child->getLineLayoutItem().isListMarker() && !LineLayoutListMarker(child->getLineLayoutItem()).isInside())
|| child->getLineLayoutItem().style(isFirstLineStyle())->hasBorderImageOutsets()
|| child->getLineLayoutItem().style(isFirstLineStyle())->hasOutline())) {
if (knownToHaveNoOverflow() && child->isInlineFlowBox() && !toInlineFlowBox(child)->knownToHaveNoOverflow())
void InlineFlowBox::removeChild(InlineBox* child, MarkLineBoxes markDirty)
if (markDirty == MarkLineBoxesDirty && !isDirty())
if (child == m_firstChild)
m_firstChild = child->nextOnLine();
if (child == m_lastChild)
m_lastChild = child->prevOnLine();
if (child->nextOnLine())
if (child->prevOnLine())
void InlineFlowBox::deleteLine()
InlineBox* child = firstChild();
InlineBox* next = nullptr;
while (child) {
ASSERT(this == child->parent());
next = child->nextOnLine();
child = next;
m_firstChild = nullptr;
m_lastChild = nullptr;
void InlineFlowBox::removeLineBoxFromLayoutObject()
void InlineFlowBox::extractLine()
if (!extracted())
for (InlineBox* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextOnLine())
void InlineFlowBox::extractLineBoxFromLayoutObject()
void InlineFlowBox::attachLine()
if (extracted())
for (InlineBox* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextOnLine())
void InlineFlowBox::attachLineBoxToLayoutObject()
void InlineFlowBox::move(const LayoutSize& delta)
for (InlineBox* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextOnLine()) {
if (child->getLineLayoutItem().isOutOfFlowPositioned())
if (m_overflow)
m_overflow->move(delta.width(), delta.height()); // FIXME: Rounding error here since overflow was pixel snapped, but nobody other than list markers passes non-integral values here.
LineBoxList* InlineFlowBox::lineBoxes() const
return LineLayoutInline(getLineLayoutItem()).lineBoxes();
static inline bool isLastChildForLayoutObject(LineLayoutItem ancestor, LineLayoutItem child)
if (!child)
return false;
if (child == ancestor)
return true;
LineLayoutItem curr = child;
LineLayoutItem parent = curr.parent();
while (parent && (!parent.isLayoutBlock() || parent.isInline())) {
if (parent.slowLastChild() != curr)
return false;
if (parent == ancestor)
return true;
curr = parent;
parent = curr.parent();
return true;
static bool isAncestorAndWithinBlock(LineLayoutItem ancestor, LineLayoutItem child)
LineLayoutItem item = child;
while (item && (!item.isLayoutBlock() || item.isInline())) {
if (item == ancestor)
return true;
item = item.parent();
return false;
void InlineFlowBox::determineSpacingForFlowBoxes(bool lastLine, bool isLogicallyLastRunWrapped, LineLayoutItem logicallyLastRunLayoutObject)
// All boxes start off open. They will not apply any margins/border/padding on
// any side.
bool includeLeftEdge = false;
bool includeRightEdge = false;
// The root inline box never has borders/margins/padding.
if (parent()) {
bool ltr = getLineLayoutItem().style()->isLeftToRightDirection();
// Check to see if all initial lines are unconstructed. If so, then
// we know the inline began on this line (unless we are a continuation).
LineBoxList* lineBoxList = lineBoxes();
if (!lineBoxList->firstLineBox()->isConstructed() && !getLineLayoutItem().isInlineElementContinuation()) {
if (getLineLayoutItem().style()->boxDecorationBreak() == BoxDecorationBreakClone)
includeLeftEdge = includeRightEdge = true;
else if (ltr && lineBoxList->firstLineBox() == this)
includeLeftEdge = true;
else if (!ltr && lineBoxList->lastLineBox() == this)
includeRightEdge = true;
if (!lineBoxList->lastLineBox()->isConstructed()) {
LineLayoutInline inlineFlow = LineLayoutInline(getLineLayoutItem());
LineLayoutItem logicallyLastRunLayoutItem(logicallyLastRunLayoutObject);
bool isLastObjectOnLine = !isAncestorAndWithinBlock(getLineLayoutItem(), logicallyLastRunLayoutItem) || (isLastChildForLayoutObject(getLineLayoutItem(), logicallyLastRunLayoutItem) && !isLogicallyLastRunWrapped);
// We include the border under these conditions:
// (1) The next line was not created, or it is constructed. We check the previous line for rtl.
// (2) The logicallyLastRun is not a descendant of this layout object.
// (3) The logicallyLastRun is a descendant of this layout object, but it is the last child of this layout object and it does not wrap to the next line.
// (4) The decoration break is set to clone therefore there will be borders on every sides.
if (getLineLayoutItem().style()->boxDecorationBreak() == BoxDecorationBreakClone) {
includeLeftEdge = includeRightEdge = true;
} else if (ltr) {
if (!nextLineBox()
&& ((lastLine || isLastObjectOnLine) && !inlineFlow.continuation()))
includeRightEdge = true;
} else {
if ((!prevLineBox() || prevLineBox()->isConstructed())
&& ((lastLine || isLastObjectOnLine) && !inlineFlow.continuation()))
includeLeftEdge = true;
setEdges(includeLeftEdge, includeRightEdge);
// Recur into our children.
for (InlineBox* currChild = firstChild(); currChild; currChild = currChild->nextOnLine()) {
if (currChild->isInlineFlowBox()) {
InlineFlowBox* currFlow = toInlineFlowBox(currChild);
currFlow->determineSpacingForFlowBoxes(lastLine, isLogicallyLastRunWrapped, logicallyLastRunLayoutObject);
LayoutUnit InlineFlowBox::placeBoxesInInlineDirection(LayoutUnit logicalLeft, bool& needsWordSpacing)
// Set our x position.
LayoutUnit startLogicalLeft = logicalLeft;
logicalLeft += borderLogicalLeft() + paddingLogicalLeft();
LayoutUnit minLogicalLeft = startLogicalLeft;
LayoutUnit maxLogicalRight = logicalLeft;
placeBoxRangeInInlineDirection(firstChild(), nullptr, logicalLeft, minLogicalLeft, maxLogicalRight, needsWordSpacing);
logicalLeft += borderLogicalRight() + paddingLogicalRight();
endPlacingBoxRangesInInlineDirection(startLogicalLeft, logicalLeft, minLogicalLeft, maxLogicalRight);
return logicalLeft;
// TODO(wkorman): needsWordSpacing may not need to be a reference in the below. Seek a test case.
void InlineFlowBox::placeBoxRangeInInlineDirection(InlineBox* firstChild, InlineBox* lastChild,
LayoutUnit& logicalLeft, LayoutUnit& minLogicalLeft, LayoutUnit& maxLogicalRight, bool& needsWordSpacing)
for (InlineBox* curr = firstChild; curr && curr != lastChild; curr = curr->nextOnLine()) {
if (curr->getLineLayoutItem().isText()) {
InlineTextBox* text = toInlineTextBox(curr);
LineLayoutText rt = text->getLineLayoutItem();
LayoutUnit space;
if (rt.textLength()) {
if (needsWordSpacing && isSpaceOrNewline(rt.characterAt(text->start())))
space = LayoutUnit(>font().getFontDescription().wordSpacing());
needsWordSpacing = !isSpaceOrNewline(rt.characterAt(text->end()));
if (isLeftToRightDirection()) {
logicalLeft += space;
} else {
logicalLeft += space;
if (knownToHaveNoOverflow())
minLogicalLeft = std::min(logicalLeft, minLogicalLeft);
logicalLeft += text->logicalWidth();
if (knownToHaveNoOverflow())
maxLogicalRight = std::max(logicalLeft, maxLogicalRight);
} else {
if (curr->getLineLayoutItem().isOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
if (curr->getLineLayoutItem().parent().style()->isLeftToRightDirection()) {
} else {
// Our offset that we cache needs to be from the edge of the right border box and
// not the left border box. We have to subtract |x| from the width of the block
// (which can be obtained from the root line box).
curr->setLogicalLeft(root().block().logicalWidth() - logicalLeft);
continue; // The positioned object has no effect on the width.
if (curr->getLineLayoutItem().isLayoutInline()) {
InlineFlowBox* flow = toInlineFlowBox(curr);
logicalLeft += flow->marginLogicalLeft();
if (knownToHaveNoOverflow())
minLogicalLeft = std::min(logicalLeft, minLogicalLeft);
logicalLeft = flow->placeBoxesInInlineDirection(logicalLeft, needsWordSpacing);
if (knownToHaveNoOverflow())
maxLogicalRight = std::max(logicalLeft, maxLogicalRight);
logicalLeft += flow->marginLogicalRight();
} else if (!curr->getLineLayoutItem().isListMarker() || LineLayoutListMarker(curr->getLineLayoutItem()).isInside()) {
// The box can have a different writing-mode than the overall line, so this is a bit complicated.
// Just get all the physical margin and overflow values by hand based off |isHorizontal|.
LineLayoutBoxModel box = curr->boxModelObject();
LayoutUnit logicalLeftMargin;
LayoutUnit logicalRightMargin;
if (isHorizontal()) {
logicalLeftMargin = box.marginLeft();
logicalRightMargin = box.marginRight();
} else {
logicalLeftMargin = box.marginTop();
logicalRightMargin = box.marginBottom();
logicalLeft += logicalLeftMargin;
if (knownToHaveNoOverflow())
minLogicalLeft = std::min(logicalLeft, minLogicalLeft);
logicalLeft += curr->logicalWidth();
if (knownToHaveNoOverflow())
maxLogicalRight = std::max(logicalLeft, maxLogicalRight);
logicalLeft += logicalRightMargin;
// If we encounter any space after this inline block then ensure it is treated as the space between two words.
needsWordSpacing = true;
FontBaseline InlineFlowBox::dominantBaseline() const
// Use "central" (Ideographic) baseline if writing-mode is vertical-* and text-orientation is not sideways-*.
if (!isHorizontal() && getLineLayoutItem().style(isFirstLineStyle())->getFontDescription().isVerticalAnyUpright())
return IdeographicBaseline;
return AlphabeticBaseline;
void InlineFlowBox::adjustMaxAscentAndDescent(int& maxAscent, int& maxDescent, int maxPositionTop, int maxPositionBottom)
int originalMaxAscent = maxAscent;
int originalMaxDescent = maxDescent;
for (InlineBox* curr = firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextOnLine()) {
// The computed lineheight needs to be extended for the
// positioned elements
if (curr->getLineLayoutItem().isOutOfFlowPositioned())
continue; // Positioned placeholders don't affect calculations.
if (curr->verticalAlign() == VerticalAlignTop || curr->verticalAlign() == VerticalAlignBottom) {
int lineHeight = curr->lineHeight().round();
if (curr->verticalAlign() == VerticalAlignTop) {
if (maxAscent + maxDescent < lineHeight)
maxDescent = lineHeight - maxAscent;
} else {
if (maxAscent + maxDescent < lineHeight)
maxAscent = lineHeight - maxDescent;
if (maxAscent + maxDescent >= std::max(maxPositionTop, maxPositionBottom))
maxAscent = originalMaxAscent;
maxDescent = originalMaxDescent;
if (curr->isInlineFlowBox())
toInlineFlowBox(curr)->adjustMaxAscentAndDescent(maxAscent, maxDescent, maxPositionTop, maxPositionBottom);
void InlineFlowBox::computeLogicalBoxHeights(RootInlineBox* rootBox, LayoutUnit& maxPositionTop, LayoutUnit& maxPositionBottom, int& maxAscent, int& maxDescent, bool& setMaxAscent, bool& setMaxDescent, bool noQuirksMode, GlyphOverflowAndFallbackFontsMap& textBoxDataMap, FontBaseline baselineType, VerticalPositionCache& verticalPositionCache)
// The primary purpose of this function is to compute the maximal ascent and descent values for
// a line.
// The maxAscent value represents the distance of the highest point of any box (typically including line-height) from
// the root box's baseline. The maxDescent value represents the distance of the lowest point of any box
// (also typically including line-height) from the root box baseline. These values can be negative.
// A secondary purpose of this function is to store the offset of every box's baseline from the root box's
// baseline. This information is cached in the logicalTop() of every box. We're effectively just using
// the logicalTop() as scratch space.
// Because a box can be positioned such that it ends up fully above or fully below the
// root line box, we only consider it to affect the maxAscent and maxDescent values if some
// part of the box (EXCLUDING leading) is above (for ascent) or below (for descent) the root box's baseline.
bool affectsAscent = false;
bool affectsDescent = false;
bool checkChildren = !descendantsHaveSameLineHeightAndBaseline();
if (isRootInlineBox()) {
// Examine our root box.
int ascent = 0;
int descent = 0;
rootBox->ascentAndDescentForBox(rootBox, textBoxDataMap, ascent, descent, affectsAscent, affectsDescent);
if (noQuirksMode || hasTextChildren() || (!checkChildren && hasTextDescendants())) {
if (maxAscent < ascent || !setMaxAscent) {
maxAscent = ascent;
setMaxAscent = true;
if (maxDescent < descent || !setMaxDescent) {
maxDescent = descent;
setMaxDescent = true;
if (!checkChildren)
for (InlineBox* curr = firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextOnLine()) {
if (curr->getLineLayoutItem().isOutOfFlowPositioned())
continue; // Positioned placeholders don't affect calculations.
InlineFlowBox* inlineFlowBox = curr->isInlineFlowBox() ? toInlineFlowBox(curr) : nullptr;
bool affectsAscent = false;
bool affectsDescent = false;
// The verticalPositionForBox function returns the distance between the child box's baseline
// and the root box's baseline. The value is negative if the child box's baseline is above the
// root box's baseline, and it is positive if the child box's baseline is below the root box's baseline.
curr->setLogicalTop(rootBox->verticalPositionForBox(curr, verticalPositionCache));
int ascent = 0;
int descent = 0;
rootBox->ascentAndDescentForBox(curr, textBoxDataMap, ascent, descent, affectsAscent, affectsDescent);
LayoutUnit boxHeight(ascent + descent);
if (curr->verticalAlign() == VerticalAlignTop) {
if (maxPositionTop < boxHeight)
maxPositionTop = boxHeight;
} else if (curr->verticalAlign() == VerticalAlignBottom) {
if (maxPositionBottom < boxHeight)
maxPositionBottom = boxHeight;
} else if (!inlineFlowBox || noQuirksMode || inlineFlowBox->hasTextChildren() || (inlineFlowBox->descendantsHaveSameLineHeightAndBaseline() && inlineFlowBox->hasTextDescendants()) || inlineFlowBox->boxModelObject().hasInlineDirectionBordersOrPadding()) {
// Note that these values can be negative. Even though we only affect the maxAscent and maxDescent values
// if our box (excluding line-height) was above (for ascent) or below (for descent) the root baseline, once you factor in line-height
// the final box can end up being fully above or fully below the root box's baseline! This is ok, but what it
// means is that ascent and descent (including leading), can end up being negative. The setMaxAscent and
// setMaxDescent booleans are used to ensure that we're willing to initially set maxAscent/Descent to negative
// values.
ascent -= curr->logicalTop().round();
descent += curr->logicalTop().round();
if (affectsAscent && (maxAscent < ascent || !setMaxAscent)) {
maxAscent = ascent;
setMaxAscent = true;
if (affectsDescent && (maxDescent < descent || !setMaxDescent)) {
maxDescent = descent;
setMaxDescent = true;
if (inlineFlowBox)
inlineFlowBox->computeLogicalBoxHeights(rootBox, maxPositionTop, maxPositionBottom, maxAscent, maxDescent, setMaxAscent, setMaxDescent, noQuirksMode, textBoxDataMap, baselineType, verticalPositionCache);
void InlineFlowBox::placeBoxesInBlockDirection(LayoutUnit top, LayoutUnit maxHeight, int maxAscent, bool noQuirksMode, LayoutUnit& lineTop, LayoutUnit& lineBottom, LayoutUnit& selectionBottom, bool& setLineTop, LayoutUnit& lineTopIncludingMargins, LayoutUnit& lineBottomIncludingMargins, bool& hasAnnotationsBefore, bool& hasAnnotationsAfter, FontBaseline baselineType)
bool isRootBox = isRootInlineBox();
if (isRootBox) {
const FontMetrics& fontMetrics = getLineLayoutItem().style(isFirstLineStyle())->getFontMetrics();
// RootInlineBoxes are always placed at pixel boundaries in their logical y direction. Not doing
// so results in incorrect layout of text decorations, most notably underlines.
setLogicalTop(LayoutUnit(roundToInt(top + maxAscent - fontMetrics.ascent(baselineType))));
LayoutUnit adjustmentForChildrenWithSameLineHeightAndBaseline;
if (descendantsHaveSameLineHeightAndBaseline()) {
adjustmentForChildrenWithSameLineHeightAndBaseline = logicalTop();
if (parent())
adjustmentForChildrenWithSameLineHeightAndBaseline += boxModelObject().borderAndPaddingOver();
for (InlineBox* curr = firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextOnLine()) {
if (curr->getLineLayoutItem().isOutOfFlowPositioned())
continue; // Positioned placeholders don't affect calculations.
if (descendantsHaveSameLineHeightAndBaseline()) {
InlineFlowBox* inlineFlowBox = curr->isInlineFlowBox() ? toInlineFlowBox(curr) : nullptr;
bool childAffectsTopBottomPos = true;
if (curr->verticalAlign() == VerticalAlignTop) {
} else if (curr->verticalAlign() == VerticalAlignBottom) {
curr->setLogicalTop((top + maxHeight - curr->lineHeight()));
} else {
if (!noQuirksMode && inlineFlowBox && !inlineFlowBox->hasTextChildren() && !curr->boxModelObject().hasInlineDirectionBordersOrPadding()
&& !(inlineFlowBox->descendantsHaveSameLineHeightAndBaseline() && inlineFlowBox->hasTextDescendants()))
childAffectsTopBottomPos = false;
int posAdjust = maxAscent - curr->baselinePosition(baselineType);
curr->setLogicalTop(curr->logicalTop() + top + posAdjust);
LayoutUnit newLogicalTop = curr->logicalTop();
LayoutUnit newLogicalTopIncludingMargins = newLogicalTop;
LayoutUnit boxHeight = curr->logicalHeight();
LayoutUnit boxHeightIncludingMargins = boxHeight;
LayoutUnit borderPaddingHeight;
if (curr->isText() || curr->isInlineFlowBox()) {
const FontMetrics& fontMetrics = curr->getLineLayoutItem().style(isFirstLineStyle())->getFontMetrics();
newLogicalTop += curr->baselinePosition(baselineType) - fontMetrics.ascent(baselineType);
if (curr->isInlineFlowBox()) {
LineLayoutBoxModel boxObject = LineLayoutBoxModel(curr->getLineLayoutItem());
newLogicalTop -= boxObject.borderAndPaddingOver();
borderPaddingHeight = boxObject.borderAndPaddingLogicalHeight();
newLogicalTopIncludingMargins = newLogicalTop;
} else if (!curr->getLineLayoutItem().isBR()) {
LineLayoutBox box = LineLayoutBox(curr->getLineLayoutItem());
newLogicalTopIncludingMargins = newLogicalTop;
// TODO(kojii): isHorizontal() does not match to m_layoutObject.isHorizontalWritingMode().
// ASSERT(curr->isHorizontal() == curr->getLineLayoutItem().style()->isHorizontalWritingMode());
LayoutUnit overSideMargin = curr->isHorizontal() ? box.marginTop() : box.marginRight();
LayoutUnit underSideMargin = curr->isHorizontal() ? box.marginBottom() : box.marginLeft();
newLogicalTop += overSideMargin;
boxHeightIncludingMargins += overSideMargin + underSideMargin;
if (childAffectsTopBottomPos) {
if (curr->getLineLayoutItem().isRubyRun()) {
// Treat the leading on the first and last lines of ruby runs as not being part of the overall lineTop/lineBottom.
// Really this is a workaround hack for the fact that ruby should have been done as line layout and not done using
// inline-block.
if (getLineLayoutItem().style()->isFlippedLinesWritingMode() == (curr->getLineLayoutItem().style()->getRubyPosition() == RubyPositionAfter))
hasAnnotationsBefore = true;
hasAnnotationsAfter = true;
LineLayoutRubyRun rubyRun = LineLayoutRubyRun(curr->getLineLayoutItem());
if (LineLayoutRubyBase rubyBase = rubyRun.rubyBase()) {
LayoutUnit bottomRubyBaseLeading = (curr->logicalHeight() - rubyBase.logicalBottom()) + rubyBase.logicalHeight() - (rubyBase.lastRootBox() ? rubyBase.lastRootBox()->lineBottom() : LayoutUnit());
LayoutUnit topRubyBaseLeading = rubyBase.logicalTop() + (rubyBase.firstRootBox() ? rubyBase.firstRootBox()->lineTop() : LayoutUnit());
newLogicalTop += !getLineLayoutItem().style()->isFlippedLinesWritingMode() ? topRubyBaseLeading : bottomRubyBaseLeading;
boxHeight -= (topRubyBaseLeading + bottomRubyBaseLeading);
if (curr->isInlineTextBox()) {
TextEmphasisPosition emphasisMarkPosition;
if (toInlineTextBox(curr)->getEmphasisMarkPosition(curr->getLineLayoutItem().styleRef(isFirstLineStyle()), emphasisMarkPosition)) {
bool emphasisMarkIsOver = emphasisMarkPosition == TextEmphasisPositionOver;
if (emphasisMarkIsOver != curr->getLineLayoutItem().style(isFirstLineStyle())->isFlippedLinesWritingMode())
hasAnnotationsBefore = true;
hasAnnotationsAfter = true;
if (!setLineTop) {
setLineTop = true;
lineTop = newLogicalTop;
lineTopIncludingMargins = std::min(lineTop, newLogicalTopIncludingMargins);
} else {
lineTop = std::min(lineTop, newLogicalTop);
lineTopIncludingMargins = std::min(lineTop, std::min(lineTopIncludingMargins, newLogicalTopIncludingMargins));
selectionBottom = std::max(selectionBottom, newLogicalTop + boxHeight - borderPaddingHeight);
lineBottom = std::max(lineBottom, newLogicalTop + boxHeight);
lineBottomIncludingMargins = std::max(lineBottom, std::max(lineBottomIncludingMargins, newLogicalTopIncludingMargins + boxHeightIncludingMargins));
// Adjust boxes to use their real box y/height and not the logical height (as dictated by
// line-height).
if (inlineFlowBox)
inlineFlowBox->placeBoxesInBlockDirection(top, maxHeight, maxAscent, noQuirksMode, lineTop, lineBottom, selectionBottom, setLineTop, lineTopIncludingMargins, lineBottomIncludingMargins, hasAnnotationsBefore, hasAnnotationsAfter, baselineType);
if (isRootBox) {
if (noQuirksMode || hasTextChildren() || (descendantsHaveSameLineHeightAndBaseline() && hasTextDescendants())) {
if (!setLineTop) {
setLineTop = true;
lineTop = LayoutUnit(pixelSnappedLogicalTop());
lineTopIncludingMargins = lineTop;
} else {
lineTop = std::min(lineTop, LayoutUnit(pixelSnappedLogicalTop()));
lineTopIncludingMargins = std::min(lineTop, lineTopIncludingMargins);
selectionBottom = std::max(selectionBottom, LayoutUnit(pixelSnappedLogicalBottom()));
lineBottom = std::max(lineBottom, LayoutUnit(pixelSnappedLogicalBottom()));
lineBottomIncludingMargins = std::max(lineBottom, lineBottomIncludingMargins);
if (getLineLayoutItem().style()->isFlippedLinesWritingMode())
flipLinesInBlockDirection(lineTopIncludingMargins, lineBottomIncludingMargins);
void InlineFlowBox::computeMaxLogicalTop(LayoutUnit& maxLogicalTop) const
for (InlineBox* curr = firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextOnLine()) {
if (curr->getLineLayoutItem().isOutOfFlowPositioned())
continue; // Positioned placeholders don't affect calculations.
if (descendantsHaveSameLineHeightAndBaseline())
maxLogicalTop = std::max<LayoutUnit>(maxLogicalTop, curr->y());
LayoutUnit localMaxLogicalTop;
if (curr->isInlineFlowBox())
maxLogicalTop = std::max<LayoutUnit>(maxLogicalTop, localMaxLogicalTop);
void InlineFlowBox::flipLinesInBlockDirection(LayoutUnit lineTop, LayoutUnit lineBottom)
// Flip the box on the line such that the top is now relative to the lineBottom instead of the lineTop.
setLogicalTop(lineBottom - (logicalTop() - lineTop) - logicalHeight());
for (InlineBox* curr = firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextOnLine()) {
if (curr->getLineLayoutItem().isOutOfFlowPositioned())
continue; // Positioned placeholders aren't affected here.
if (curr->isInlineFlowBox())
toInlineFlowBox(curr)->flipLinesInBlockDirection(lineTop, lineBottom);
curr->setLogicalTop(lineBottom - (curr->logicalTop() - lineTop) - curr->logicalHeight());
inline void InlineFlowBox::addBoxShadowVisualOverflow(LayoutRect& logicalVisualOverflow)
const ComputedStyle& style = getLineLayoutItem().styleRef(isFirstLineStyle());
// box-shadow on the block element applies to the block and not to the lines,
// unless it is modified by :first-line pseudo element.
if (!parent() && (!isFirstLineStyle() || &style == getLineLayoutItem().style()))
WritingMode writingMode = style.getWritingMode();
ShadowList* boxShadow = style.boxShadow();
if (!boxShadow)
LayoutRectOutsets outsets(boxShadow->rectOutsetsIncludingOriginal());
// Similar to how glyph overflow works, if our lines are flipped, then it's actually the opposite shadow that applies, since
// the line is "upside down" in terms of block coordinates.
LayoutRectOutsets logicalOutsets(outsets.logicalOutsetsWithFlippedLines(writingMode));
LayoutRect shadowBounds(logicalFrameRect());
inline void InlineFlowBox::addBorderOutsetVisualOverflow(LayoutRect& logicalVisualOverflow)
const ComputedStyle& style = getLineLayoutItem().styleRef(isFirstLineStyle());
// border-image-outset on the block element applies to the block and not to the lines,
// unless it is modified by :first-line pseudo element.
if (!parent() && (!isFirstLineStyle() || &style == getLineLayoutItem().style()))
if (!style.hasBorderImageOutsets())
// Similar to how glyph overflow works, if our lines are flipped, then it's actually the opposite border that applies, since
// the line is "upside down" in terms of block coordinates. vertical-rl is the flipped line mode.
LayoutRectOutsets logicalOutsets = style.borderImageOutsets().logicalOutsetsWithFlippedLines(style.getWritingMode());
if (!includeLogicalLeftEdge())
if (!includeLogicalRightEdge())
LayoutRect borderOutsetBounds(logicalFrameRect());
inline void InlineFlowBox::addOutlineVisualOverflow(LayoutRect& logicalVisualOverflow)
// Outline on root line boxes is applied to the block and not to the lines.
if (!parent())
const ComputedStyle& style = getLineLayoutItem().styleRef(isFirstLineStyle());
if (!style.hasOutline())
inline void InlineFlowBox::addTextBoxVisualOverflow(InlineTextBox* textBox, GlyphOverflowAndFallbackFontsMap& textBoxDataMap, LayoutRect& logicalVisualOverflow)
if (textBox->knownToHaveNoOverflow())
const ComputedStyle& style = textBox->getLineLayoutItem().styleRef(isFirstLineStyle());
GlyphOverflowAndFallbackFontsMap::iterator it = textBoxDataMap.find(textBox);
GlyphOverflow* glyphOverflow = it == textBoxDataMap.end() ? nullptr : &it->value.second;
bool isFlippedLine = style.isFlippedLinesWritingMode();
float topGlyphEdge = glyphOverflow ? (isFlippedLine ? glyphOverflow->bottom : glyphOverflow->top) : 0;
float bottomGlyphEdge = glyphOverflow ? (isFlippedLine ? glyphOverflow->top : glyphOverflow->bottom) : 0;
float leftGlyphEdge = glyphOverflow ? glyphOverflow->left : 0;
float rightGlyphEdge = glyphOverflow ? glyphOverflow->right : 0;
float strokeOverflow = style.textStrokeWidth() / 2.0f;
float topGlyphOverflow = -strokeOverflow - topGlyphEdge;
float bottomGlyphOverflow = strokeOverflow + bottomGlyphEdge;
float leftGlyphOverflow = -strokeOverflow - leftGlyphEdge;
float rightGlyphOverflow = strokeOverflow + rightGlyphEdge;
TextEmphasisPosition emphasisMarkPosition;
if (style.getTextEmphasisMark() != TextEmphasisMarkNone && textBox->getEmphasisMarkPosition(style, emphasisMarkPosition)) {
float emphasisMarkHeight = style.font().emphasisMarkHeight(style.textEmphasisMarkString());
if ((emphasisMarkPosition == TextEmphasisPositionOver) == (!style.isFlippedLinesWritingMode()))
topGlyphOverflow = std::min(topGlyphOverflow, -emphasisMarkHeight);
bottomGlyphOverflow = std::max(bottomGlyphOverflow, emphasisMarkHeight);
// If letter-spacing is negative, we should factor that into right layout overflow. Even in RTL, letter-spacing is
// applied to the right, so this is not an issue with left overflow.
rightGlyphOverflow -= std::min(0.0f, style.font().getFontDescription().letterSpacing());
LayoutRectOutsets textShadowLogicalOutsets;
if (ShadowList* textShadow = style.textShadow())
textShadowLogicalOutsets = LayoutRectOutsets(textShadow->rectOutsetsIncludingOriginal()).logicalOutsets(style.getWritingMode());
// FIXME: This code currently uses negative values for expansion of the top
// and left edges. This should be cleaned up.
LayoutUnit textShadowLogicalTop =;
LayoutUnit textShadowLogicalBottom = textShadowLogicalOutsets.bottom();
LayoutUnit textShadowLogicalLeft = -textShadowLogicalOutsets.left();
LayoutUnit textShadowLogicalRight = textShadowLogicalOutsets.right();
LayoutUnit childOverflowLogicalTop(std::min(textShadowLogicalTop + topGlyphOverflow, topGlyphOverflow));
LayoutUnit childOverflowLogicalBottom(std::max(textShadowLogicalBottom + bottomGlyphOverflow, bottomGlyphOverflow));
LayoutUnit childOverflowLogicalLeft(std::min(textShadowLogicalLeft + leftGlyphOverflow, leftGlyphOverflow));
LayoutUnit childOverflowLogicalRight(std::max(textShadowLogicalRight + rightGlyphOverflow, rightGlyphOverflow));
int enclosingLogicalTopWithOverflow = (textBox->logicalTop() + childOverflowLogicalTop).floor();
int enclosingLogicalBottomWithOverflow = (textBox->logicalBottom() + childOverflowLogicalBottom).ceil();
int enclosingLogicalLeftWithOverflow = (textBox->logicalLeft() + childOverflowLogicalLeft).floor();
int enclosingLogicalRightWithOverflow = (textBox->logicalRight() + childOverflowLogicalRight).ceil();
LayoutUnit logicalTopVisualOverflow = std::min(LayoutUnit(enclosingLogicalTopWithOverflow), logicalVisualOverflow.y());
LayoutUnit logicalBottomVisualOverflow = std::max(LayoutUnit(enclosingLogicalBottomWithOverflow), logicalVisualOverflow.maxY());
LayoutUnit logicalLeftVisualOverflow = std::min(LayoutUnit(enclosingLogicalLeftWithOverflow), logicalVisualOverflow.x());
LayoutUnit logicalRightVisualOverflow = std::max(LayoutUnit(enclosingLogicalRightWithOverflow), logicalVisualOverflow.maxX());
logicalVisualOverflow = LayoutRect(logicalLeftVisualOverflow, logicalTopVisualOverflow, logicalRightVisualOverflow - logicalLeftVisualOverflow, logicalBottomVisualOverflow - logicalTopVisualOverflow);
if (logicalVisualOverflow != textBox->logicalFrameRect())
inline void InlineFlowBox::addReplacedChildOverflow(const InlineBox* inlineBox, LayoutRect& logicalLayoutOverflow, LayoutRect& logicalVisualOverflow)
LineLayoutBox box = LineLayoutBox(inlineBox->getLineLayoutItem());
// Visual overflow only propagates if the box doesn't have a self-painting layer. This rectangle does not include
// transforms or relative positioning (since those objects always have self-painting layers), but it does need to be adjusted
// for writing-mode differences.
if (!box.hasSelfPaintingLayer()) {
LayoutRect childLogicalVisualOverflow = box.logicalVisualOverflowRectForPropagation(getLineLayoutItem().styleRef());
childLogicalVisualOverflow.move(inlineBox->logicalLeft(), inlineBox->logicalTop());
// Layout overflow internal to the child box only propagates if the child box doesn't have overflow clip set.
// Otherwise the child border box propagates as layout overflow. This rectangle must include transforms and relative positioning
// and be adjusted for writing-mode differences.
LayoutRect childLogicalLayoutOverflow = box.logicalLayoutOverflowRectForPropagation(getLineLayoutItem().styleRef());
childLogicalLayoutOverflow.move(inlineBox->logicalLeft(), inlineBox->logicalTop());
void InlineFlowBox::computeOverflow(LayoutUnit lineTop, LayoutUnit lineBottom, GlyphOverflowAndFallbackFontsMap& textBoxDataMap)
// If we know we have no overflow, we can just bail.
if (knownToHaveNoOverflow()) {
if (m_overflow)
// Visual overflow just includes overflow for stuff we need to issues paint invalidations for ourselves. Self-painting layers are ignored.
// Layout overflow is used to determine scrolling extent, so it still includes child layers and also factors in
// transforms, relative positioning, etc.
LayoutRect logicalLayoutOverflow(logicalFrameRectIncludingLineHeight(lineTop, lineBottom));
LayoutRect logicalVisualOverflow(logicalLayoutOverflow);
for (InlineBox* curr = firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextOnLine()) {
if (curr->getLineLayoutItem().isOutOfFlowPositioned())
continue; // Positioned placeholders don't affect calculations.
if (curr->getLineLayoutItem().isText()) {
InlineTextBox* text = toInlineTextBox(curr);
LineLayoutText rt = text->getLineLayoutItem();
if (rt.isBR())
LayoutRect textBoxOverflow(text->logicalFrameRect());
addTextBoxVisualOverflow(text, textBoxDataMap, textBoxOverflow);
} else if (curr->getLineLayoutItem().isLayoutInline()) {
InlineFlowBox* flow = toInlineFlowBox(curr);
flow->computeOverflow(lineTop, lineBottom, textBoxDataMap);
if (!flow->boxModelObject().hasSelfPaintingLayer())
logicalVisualOverflow.unite(flow->logicalVisualOverflowRect(lineTop, lineBottom));
LayoutRect childLayoutOverflow = flow->logicalLayoutOverflowRect(lineTop, lineBottom);
} else {
addReplacedChildOverflow(curr, logicalLayoutOverflow, logicalVisualOverflow);
setOverflowFromLogicalRects(logicalLayoutOverflow, logicalVisualOverflow, lineTop, lineBottom);
void InlineFlowBox::setLayoutOverflow(const LayoutRect& rect, const LayoutRect& frameBox)
if (frameBox.contains(rect) || rect.isEmpty())
if (!m_overflow)
m_overflow = wrapUnique(new SimpleOverflowModel(frameBox, frameBox));
void InlineFlowBox::setVisualOverflow(const LayoutRect& rect, const LayoutRect& frameBox)
if (frameBox.contains(rect) || rect.isEmpty())
if (!m_overflow)
m_overflow = wrapUnique(new SimpleOverflowModel(frameBox, frameBox));
void InlineFlowBox::setOverflowFromLogicalRects(const LayoutRect& logicalLayoutOverflow, const LayoutRect& logicalVisualOverflow, LayoutUnit lineTop, LayoutUnit lineBottom)
LayoutRect frameBox = frameRectIncludingLineHeight(lineTop, lineBottom);
LayoutRect layoutOverflow(isHorizontal() ? logicalLayoutOverflow : logicalLayoutOverflow.transposedRect());
setLayoutOverflow(layoutOverflow, frameBox);
LayoutRect visualOverflow(isHorizontal() ? logicalVisualOverflow : logicalVisualOverflow.transposedRect());
setVisualOverflow(visualOverflow, frameBox);
bool InlineFlowBox::nodeAtPoint(HitTestResult& result, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, LayoutUnit lineTop, LayoutUnit lineBottom)
LayoutRect overflowRect(visualOverflowRect(lineTop, lineBottom));
if (!locationInContainer.intersects(overflowRect))
return false;
// We need to hit test both our inline children (Inline Boxes) and culled inlines
// (LayoutObjects). We check our inlines in the same order as line layout but
// for each inline we additionally need to hit test its culled inline parents.
// While hit testing culled inline parents, we can stop once we reach
// a non-inline parent or a culled inline associated with a different inline box.
InlineBox* prev;
for (InlineBox* curr = lastChild(); curr; curr = prev) {
prev = curr->prevOnLine();
// Layers will handle hit testing themselves.
if (!curr->boxModelObject() || !curr->boxModelObject().hasSelfPaintingLayer()) {
if (curr->nodeAtPoint(result, locationInContainer, accumulatedOffset, lineTop, lineBottom)) {
getLineLayoutItem().updateHitTestResult(result, locationInContainer.point() - toLayoutSize(accumulatedOffset));
return true;
// If the current inline box's layout object and the previous inline box's layout object are same,
// we should yield the hit-test to the previous inline box.
if (prev && curr->getLineLayoutItem() == prev->getLineLayoutItem())
// Hit test the culled inline if necessary.
LineLayoutItem currLayoutItem = curr->getLineLayoutItem();
while (true) {
// If the previous inline box is not a descendant of a current inline's parent,
// the parent is a culled inline and we hit test it.
// Otherwise, move to the previous inline box because we hit test first all
// candidate inline boxes under the parent to take a pre-order tree traversal in reverse.
bool hasSibling = currLayoutItem.previousSibling() || currLayoutItem.nextSibling();
LineLayoutItem culledParent = currLayoutItem.parent();
if (culledParent == getLineLayoutItem() || (hasSibling && prev && prev->getLineLayoutItem().isDescendantOf(culledParent)))
if (culledParent.isLayoutInline() && LineLayoutInline(culledParent).hitTestCulledInline(result, locationInContainer, accumulatedOffset))
return true;
currLayoutItem = culledParent;
if (getLineLayoutItem().style()->hasBorderRadius()) {
LayoutPoint adjustedLocation = accumulatedOffset + overflowRect.location();
if (getLineLayoutItem().isBox() && toLayoutBox(LineLayoutAPIShim::layoutObjectFrom(getLineLayoutItem()))->hitTestClippedOutByRoundedBorder(locationInContainer, adjustedLocation))
return false;
LayoutRect borderRect = logicalFrameRect();
FloatRoundedRect border = getLineLayoutItem().style()->getRoundedBorderFor(borderRect, includeLogicalLeftEdge(), includeLogicalRightEdge());
if (!locationInContainer.intersects(border))
return false;
// Now check ourselves.
LayoutRect rect = InlineFlowBoxPainter(*this).frameRectClampedToLineTopAndBottomIfNeeded();
// Pixel snap hit testing.
rect = LayoutRect(pixelSnappedIntRect(rect));
if (visibleToHitTestRequest(result.hitTestRequest()) && locationInContainer.intersects(rect)) {
getLineLayoutItem().updateHitTestResult(result, flipForWritingMode(locationInContainer.point() - toLayoutSize(accumulatedOffset))); // Don't add in m_topLeft here, we want coords in the containing block's space.
if (result.addNodeToListBasedTestResult(getLineLayoutItem().node(), locationInContainer, rect) == StopHitTesting)
return true;
return false;
void InlineFlowBox::paint(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset, LayoutUnit lineTop, LayoutUnit lineBottom) const
InlineFlowBoxPainter(*this).paint(paintInfo, paintOffset, lineTop, lineBottom);
bool InlineFlowBox::boxShadowCanBeAppliedToBackground(const FillLayer& lastBackgroundLayer) const
// The checks here match how paintFillLayer() decides whether to clip (if it does, the shadow
// would be clipped out, so it has to be drawn separately).
StyleImage* image = lastBackgroundLayer.image();
bool hasFillImage = image && image->canRender();
return (!hasFillImage && !getLineLayoutItem().style()->hasBorderRadius()) || (!prevLineBox() && !nextLineBox()) || !parent();
InlineBox* InlineFlowBox::firstLeafChild() const
InlineBox* leaf = nullptr;
for (InlineBox* child = firstChild(); child && !leaf; child = child->nextOnLine())
leaf = child->isLeaf() ? child : toInlineFlowBox(child)->firstLeafChild();
return leaf;
InlineBox* InlineFlowBox::lastLeafChild() const
InlineBox* leaf = nullptr;
for (InlineBox* child = lastChild(); child && !leaf; child = child->prevOnLine())
leaf = child->isLeaf() ? child : toInlineFlowBox(child)->lastLeafChild();
return leaf;
SelectionState InlineFlowBox::getSelectionState() const
return SelectionNone;
bool InlineFlowBox::canAccommodateEllipsis(bool ltr, int blockEdge, int ellipsisWidth) const
for (InlineBox* box = firstChild(); box; box = box->nextOnLine()) {
if (!box->canAccommodateEllipsis(ltr, blockEdge, ellipsisWidth))
return false;
return true;
LayoutUnit InlineFlowBox::placeEllipsisBox(bool ltr, LayoutUnit blockLeftEdge, LayoutUnit blockRightEdge, LayoutUnit ellipsisWidth, LayoutUnit &truncatedWidth, bool& foundBox)
LayoutUnit result(-1);
// We iterate over all children, the foundBox variable tells us when we've found the
// box containing the ellipsis. All boxes after that one in the flow are hidden.
// If our flow is ltr then iterate over the boxes from left to right, otherwise iterate
// from right to left. Varying the order allows us to correctly hide the boxes following the ellipsis.
InlineBox* box = ltr ? firstChild() : lastChild();
// NOTE: these will cross after foundBox = true.
int visibleLeftEdge = blockLeftEdge.toInt();
int visibleRightEdge = blockRightEdge.toInt();
while (box) {
int currResult = box->placeEllipsisBox(ltr, LayoutUnit(visibleLeftEdge), LayoutUnit(visibleRightEdge),
ellipsisWidth, truncatedWidth, foundBox).toInt();
if (currResult != -1 && result == -1)
result = LayoutUnit(currResult);
if (ltr) {
visibleLeftEdge += box->logicalWidth().round();
box = box->nextOnLine();
} else {
visibleRightEdge -= box->logicalWidth().round();
box = box->prevOnLine();
return result;
void InlineFlowBox::clearTruncation()
for (InlineBox* box = firstChild(); box; box = box->nextOnLine())
LayoutUnit InlineFlowBox::computeOverAnnotationAdjustment(LayoutUnit allowedPosition) const
LayoutUnit result;
for (InlineBox* curr = firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextOnLine()) {
if (curr->getLineLayoutItem().isOutOfFlowPositioned())
continue; // Positioned placeholders don't affect calculations.
if (curr->isInlineFlowBox())
result = std::max(result, toInlineFlowBox(curr)->computeOverAnnotationAdjustment(allowedPosition));
if (curr->getLineLayoutItem().isAtomicInlineLevel() && curr->getLineLayoutItem().isRubyRun() && curr->getLineLayoutItem().style()->getRubyPosition() == RubyPositionBefore) {
LineLayoutRubyRun rubyRun = LineLayoutRubyRun(curr->getLineLayoutItem());
LineLayoutRubyText rubyText = rubyRun.rubyText();
if (!rubyText)
if (!>isFlippedLinesWritingMode()) {
LayoutUnit topOfFirstRubyTextLine = rubyText.logicalTop() + (rubyText.firstRootBox() ? rubyText.firstRootBox()->lineTop() : LayoutUnit());
if (topOfFirstRubyTextLine >= 0)
topOfFirstRubyTextLine += curr->logicalTop();
result = std::max(result, allowedPosition - topOfFirstRubyTextLine);
} else {
LayoutUnit bottomOfLastRubyTextLine = rubyText.logicalTop() + (rubyText.lastRootBox() ? rubyText.lastRootBox()->lineBottom() : rubyText.logicalHeight());
if (bottomOfLastRubyTextLine <= curr->logicalHeight())
bottomOfLastRubyTextLine += curr->logicalTop();
result = std::max(result, bottomOfLastRubyTextLine - allowedPosition);
if (curr->isInlineTextBox()) {
const ComputedStyle& style = curr->getLineLayoutItem().styleRef(isFirstLineStyle());
TextEmphasisPosition emphasisMarkPosition;
if (style.getTextEmphasisMark() != TextEmphasisMarkNone && toInlineTextBox(curr)->getEmphasisMarkPosition(style, emphasisMarkPosition) && emphasisMarkPosition == TextEmphasisPositionOver) {
if (!style.isFlippedLinesWritingMode()) {
int topOfEmphasisMark = (curr->logicalTop() - style.font().emphasisMarkHeight(style.textEmphasisMarkString())).toInt();
result = std::max(result, allowedPosition - topOfEmphasisMark);
} else {
int bottomOfEmphasisMark = (curr->logicalBottom() + style.font().emphasisMarkHeight(style.textEmphasisMarkString())).toInt();
result = std::max(result, bottomOfEmphasisMark - allowedPosition);
return result;
LayoutUnit InlineFlowBox::computeUnderAnnotationAdjustment(LayoutUnit allowedPosition) const
LayoutUnit result;
for (InlineBox* curr = firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextOnLine()) {
if (curr->getLineLayoutItem().isOutOfFlowPositioned())
continue; // Positioned placeholders don't affect calculations.
if (curr->isInlineFlowBox())
result = std::max(result, toInlineFlowBox(curr)->computeUnderAnnotationAdjustment(allowedPosition));
if (curr->getLineLayoutItem().isAtomicInlineLevel() && curr->getLineLayoutItem().isRubyRun() && curr->getLineLayoutItem().style()->getRubyPosition() == RubyPositionAfter) {
LineLayoutRubyRun rubyRun = LineLayoutRubyRun(curr->getLineLayoutItem());
LineLayoutRubyText rubyText = rubyRun.rubyText();
if (!rubyText)
if (>isFlippedLinesWritingMode()) {
LayoutUnit topOfFirstRubyTextLine = rubyText.logicalTop() + (rubyText.firstRootBox() ? rubyText.firstRootBox()->lineTop() : LayoutUnit());
if (topOfFirstRubyTextLine >= 0)
topOfFirstRubyTextLine += curr->logicalTop();
result = std::max(result, allowedPosition - topOfFirstRubyTextLine);
} else {
LayoutUnit bottomOfLastRubyTextLine = rubyText.logicalTop() + (rubyText.lastRootBox() ? rubyText.lastRootBox()->lineBottom() : rubyText.logicalHeight());
if (bottomOfLastRubyTextLine <= curr->logicalHeight())
bottomOfLastRubyTextLine += curr->logicalTop();
result = std::max(result, bottomOfLastRubyTextLine - allowedPosition);
if (curr->isInlineTextBox()) {
const ComputedStyle& style = curr->getLineLayoutItem().styleRef(isFirstLineStyle());
if (style.getTextEmphasisMark() != TextEmphasisMarkNone && style.getTextEmphasisPosition() == TextEmphasisPositionUnder) {
if (!style.isFlippedLinesWritingMode()) {
LayoutUnit bottomOfEmphasisMark = curr->logicalBottom() + style.font().emphasisMarkHeight(style.textEmphasisMarkString());
result = std::max(result, bottomOfEmphasisMark - allowedPosition);
} else {
LayoutUnit topOfEmphasisMark = curr->logicalTop() - style.font().emphasisMarkHeight(style.textEmphasisMarkString());
result = std::max(result, allowedPosition - topOfEmphasisMark);
return result;
void InlineFlowBox::collectLeafBoxesInLogicalOrder(Vector<InlineBox*>& leafBoxesInLogicalOrder, CustomInlineBoxRangeReverse customReverseImplementation) const
InlineBox* leaf = firstLeafChild();
// FIXME: The reordering code is a copy of parts from BidiResolver::createBidiRunsForLine, operating directly on InlineBoxes, instead of BidiRuns.
// Investigate on how this code could possibly be shared.
unsigned char minLevel = 128;
unsigned char maxLevel = 0;
// First find highest and lowest levels, and initialize leafBoxesInLogicalOrder with the leaf boxes in visual order.
for (; leaf; leaf = leaf->nextLeafChild()) {
minLevel = std::min(minLevel, leaf->bidiLevel());
maxLevel = std::max(maxLevel, leaf->bidiLevel());
if (getLineLayoutItem().style()->rtlOrdering() == VisualOrder)
// Reverse of reordering of the line (L2 according to Bidi spec):
// L2. From the highest level found in the text to the lowest odd level on each line,
// reverse any contiguous sequence of characters that are at that level or higher.
// Reversing the reordering of the line is only done up to the lowest odd level.
if (!(minLevel % 2))
Vector<InlineBox*>::iterator end = leafBoxesInLogicalOrder.end();
while (minLevel <= maxLevel) {
Vector<InlineBox*>::iterator it = leafBoxesInLogicalOrder.begin();
while (it != end) {
while (it != end) {
if ((*it)->bidiLevel() >= minLevel)
Vector<InlineBox*>::iterator first = it;
while (it != end) {
if ((*it)->bidiLevel() < minLevel)
Vector<InlineBox*>::iterator last = it;
if (customReverseImplementation)
(*customReverseImplementation)(first, last);
std::reverse(first, last);
const char* InlineFlowBox::boxName() const
return "InlineFlowBox";
#ifndef NDEBUG
void InlineFlowBox::showLineTreeAndMark(const InlineBox* markedBox1, const char* markedLabel1, const InlineBox* markedBox2, const char* markedLabel2, const LayoutObject* obj, int depth) const
InlineBox::showLineTreeAndMark(markedBox1, markedLabel1, markedBox2, markedLabel2, obj, depth);
for (const InlineBox* box = firstChild(); box; box = box->nextOnLine())
box->showLineTreeAndMark(markedBox1, markedLabel1, markedBox2, markedLabel2, obj, depth + 1);
void InlineFlowBox::checkConsistency() const
const InlineBox* prev = nullptr;
for (const InlineBox* child = m_firstChild; child; child = child->nextOnLine()) {
ASSERT(child->parent() == this);
ASSERT(child->prevOnLine() == prev);
prev = child;
ASSERT(prev == m_lastChild);
} // namespace blink