blob: a4bc22c81ec50b56b5ec4829b01d6190c929b0d7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef LayoutLocale_h
#define LayoutLocale_h
#include "platform/PlatformExport.h"
#include "platform/text/Hyphenation.h"
#include "wtf/Forward.h"
#include "wtf/RefCounted.h"
#include "wtf/text/AtomicString.h"
#include <unicode/uscript.h>
struct hb_language_impl_t;
namespace blink {
class Hyphenation;
class PLATFORM_EXPORT LayoutLocale : public RefCounted<LayoutLocale> {
static const LayoutLocale* get(const AtomicString& locale);
static const LayoutLocale& getDefault();
static const LayoutLocale& getSystem();
static const LayoutLocale& valueOrDefault(const LayoutLocale* locale) { return locale ? *locale : getDefault(); }
bool operator==(const LayoutLocale& other) const { return m_string == other.m_string; }
bool operator!=(const LayoutLocale& other) const { return m_string != other.m_string; }
const AtomicString& localeString() const { return m_string; }
static const AtomicString& localeString(const LayoutLocale* locale) { return locale ? locale->m_string : nullAtom; }
operator const AtomicString&() const { return m_string; }
CString ascii() const { return m_string.ascii(); }
const hb_language_impl_t* harfbuzzLanguage() const { return m_harfbuzzLanguage; }
const char* localeForSkFontMgr() const;
UScriptCode script() const { return m_script; }
// Disambiguation of the Unified Han Ideographs.
UScriptCode scriptForHan() const;
bool hasScriptForHan() const;
static const LayoutLocale* localeForHan(const LayoutLocale*);
static void setLocaleForHan(const LayoutLocale*);
const char* localeForHanForSkFontMgr() const;
Hyphenation* getHyphenation() const;
static PassRefPtr<LayoutLocale> createForTesting(const AtomicString&);
static void clearForTesting();
static void setHyphenationForTesting(const AtomicString&, PassRefPtr<Hyphenation>);
explicit LayoutLocale(const AtomicString&);
void computeScriptForHan() const;
AtomicString m_string;
mutable CString m_stringForSkFontMgr;
mutable RefPtr<Hyphenation> m_hyphenation;
// hb_language_t is defined in hb.h, which not all files can include.
const hb_language_impl_t* m_harfbuzzLanguage;
UScriptCode m_script;
mutable UScriptCode m_scriptForHan;
mutable unsigned m_hasScriptForHan : 1;
mutable unsigned m_hyphenationComputed : 1;
static const LayoutLocale* s_default;
static const LayoutLocale* s_system;
static const LayoutLocale* s_defaultForHan;
static bool s_defaultForHanComputed;
} // namespace blink
#endif // LayoutLocale_h