blob: 5c9c7931abfe053a9d510433edde8d27c349aeca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_inline_node.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_object.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_text.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_text_fragment.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/layout_ng_text.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_bidi_paragraph.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_inline_break_token.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_inline_item.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_inline_items_builder.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_inline_layout_algorithm.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_line_box_fragment.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_line_breaker.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_offset_mapping.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_physical_line_box_fragment.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_physical_text_fragment.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_text_fragment.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/layout_ng_block_flow.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/legacy_layout_tree_walking.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/list/layout_ng_list_item.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_box_fragment.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_constraint_space_builder.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_fragment_builder.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_fragmentation_utils.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_layout_result.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_length_utils.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_physical_box_fragment.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_positioned_float.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/style/computed_style.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/shaping/harf_buzz_shaper.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/shaping/shape_result_spacing.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/runtime_enabled_features.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/character_names.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
// Templated helper function for CollectInlinesInternal().
template <typename OffsetMappingBuilder>
void ClearNeedsLayoutIfUpdatingLayout(LayoutObject* node) {
// Reset previous items if they cannot be reused to prevent stale items
// for subsequent layouts. Items that can be reused have already been
// added to the builder.
if (node->IsLayoutNGText())
template <>
void ClearNeedsLayoutIfUpdatingLayout<NGOffsetMappingBuilder>(LayoutObject*) {}
// The function is templated to indicate the purpose of collected inlines:
// - With EmptyOffsetMappingBuilder: updating layout;
// - With NGOffsetMappingBuilder: building offset mapping on clean layout.
// This allows code sharing between the two purposes with slightly different
// behaviors. For example, we clear a LayoutObject's need layout flags when
// updating layout, but don't do that when building offset mapping.
// There are also performance considerations, since template saves the overhead
// for condition checking and branching.
template <typename OffsetMappingBuilder>
void CollectInlinesInternal(
LayoutBlockFlow* block,
NGInlineItemsBuilderTemplate<OffsetMappingBuilder>* builder,
String* previous_text) {
LayoutObject* node = GetLayoutObjectForFirstChildNode(block);
while (node) {
if (node->IsText()) {
LayoutText* layout_text = ToLayoutText(node);
// If the LayoutText element hasn't changed, reuse the existing items.
// if the last ended with space and this starts with space, do not allow
// reuse. builder->MightCollapseWithPreceding(*previous_text)
bool item_reused = false;
if (node->IsLayoutNGText() && ToLayoutNGText(node)->HasValidLayout() &&
previous_text) {
item_reused = builder->Append(*previous_text, ToLayoutNGText(node),
// If not create a new item as needed.
if (!item_reused) {
if (UNLIKELY(layout_text->IsWordBreak()))
builder->AppendBreakOpportunity(node->Style(), layout_text);
builder->Append(layout_text->GetText(), node->Style(), layout_text);
} else if (node->IsFloating()) {
// Add floats and positioned objects in the same way as atomic inlines.
// Because these objects need positions, they will be handled in
// NGInlineLayoutAlgorithm.
kObjectReplacementCharacter, nullptr, node);
} else if (node->IsOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
builder->AppendOpaque(NGInlineItem::kOutOfFlowPositioned, nullptr, node);
} else if (node->IsAtomicInlineLevel()) {
if (node->IsLayoutNGListMarker()) {
// LayoutNGListItem produces the 'outside' list marker as an inline
// block. This is an out-of-flow item whose position is computed
// automatically.
builder->AppendOpaque(NGInlineItem::kListMarker, node->Style(), node);
} else {
// For atomic inlines add a unicode "object replacement character" to
// signal the presence of a non-text object to the unicode bidi
// algorithm.
builder->AppendAtomicInline(node->Style(), node);
} else {
// Because we're collecting from LayoutObject tree, block-level children
// should not appear. LayoutObject tree should have created an anonymous
// box to prevent having inline/block-mixed children.
// Traverse to children if they exist.
if (LayoutObject* child = node->SlowFirstChild()) {
node = child;
} else {
// An empty inline node.
// Find the next sibling, or parent, until we reach |block|.
while (true) {
if (LayoutObject* next = node->NextSibling()) {
node = next;
node = GetLayoutObjectForParentNode(node);
if (node == block) {
// Set |node| to |nullptr| to break out of the outer loop.
node = nullptr;
static bool NeedsShaping(const NGInlineItem& item) {
return item.Type() == NGInlineItem::kText && !item.TextShapeResult();
// Determine if reshape is needed for ::first-line style.
bool FirstLineNeedsReshape(const ComputedStyle& first_line_style,
const ComputedStyle& base_style) {
const Font& base_font = base_style.GetFont();
const Font& first_line_font = first_line_style.GetFont();
return &base_font != &first_line_font && base_font != first_line_font;
// Make a string to the specified length, either by truncating if longer, or
// appending space characters if shorter.
void TruncateOrPadText(String* text, unsigned length) {
if (text->length() > length) {
*text = text->Substring(0, length);
} else if (text->length() < length) {
StringBuilder builder;
while (builder.length() < length)
*text = builder.ToString();
} // namespace
NGInlineNode::NGInlineNode(LayoutBlockFlow* block)
: NGLayoutInputNode(block, kInline) {
if (!block->HasNGInlineNodeData())
bool NGInlineNode::InLineHeightQuirksMode() const {
return GetDocument().InLineHeightQuirksMode();
bool NGInlineNode::CanContainFirstFormattedLine() const {
// TODO(kojii): In LayoutNG, leading OOF creates an anonymous block box,
// and that |LayoutBlockFlow::CanContainFirstFormattedLine()| does not work.
LayoutObject* layout_object = GetLayoutBlockFlow();
if (!layout_object->IsAnonymousBlock())
return true;
for (;;) {
layout_object = layout_object->PreviousSibling();
if (!layout_object)
return true;
if (!layout_object->IsFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned())
return false;
NGInlineNodeData* NGInlineNode::MutableData() {
return ToLayoutBlockFlow(box_)->GetNGInlineNodeData();
bool NGInlineNode::IsPrepareLayoutFinished() const {
const NGInlineNodeData* data = ToLayoutBlockFlow(box_)->GetNGInlineNodeData();
return data && !data->text_content.IsNull();
const NGInlineNodeData& NGInlineNode::Data() const {
DCHECK(IsPrepareLayoutFinished() &&
return *ToLayoutBlockFlow(box_)->GetNGInlineNodeData();
void NGInlineNode::InvalidatePrepareLayoutForTest() {
void NGInlineNode::PrepareLayoutIfNeeded() {
std::unique_ptr<NGInlineNodeData> previous_data;
LayoutBlockFlow* block_flow = GetLayoutBlockFlow();
if (IsPrepareLayoutFinished()) {
if (!block_flow->NeedsCollectInlines())
// Scan list of siblings collecting all in-flow non-atomic inlines. A single
// NGInlineNode represent a collection of adjacent non-atomic inlines.
NGInlineNodeData* data = MutableData();
CollectInlines(data, previous_data.get());
ShapeText(data, previous_data.get());
DCHECK_EQ(data, MutableData());
// ComputeOffsetMappingIfNeeded() runs some integrity checks as part of
// creating offset mapping. Run the check, and discard the result.
const NGInlineNodeData& NGInlineNode::EnsureData() {
return Data();
const NGOffsetMapping* NGInlineNode::ComputeOffsetMappingIfNeeded() {
NGInlineNodeData* data = MutableData();
if (!data->offset_mapping) {
// TODO(xiaochengh): ComputeOffsetMappingIfNeeded() discards the
// NGInlineItems and text content built by |builder|, because they are
// already there in NGInlineNodeData. For efficiency, we should make
// |builder| not construct items and text content.
Vector<NGInlineItem> items;
NGInlineItemsBuilderForOffsetMapping builder(&items);
CollectInlinesInternal(GetLayoutBlockFlow(), &builder, nullptr);
String text = builder.ToString();
// The trailing space of the text for offset mapping may be removed. If not,
// share the string instance.
if (text == data->text_content)
text = data->text_content;
// TODO(xiaochengh): This doesn't compute offset mapping correctly when
// text-transform CSS property changes text length.
NGOffsetMappingBuilder& mapping_builder = builder.GetOffsetMappingBuilder();
data->offset_mapping =
return data->offset_mapping.get();
// Depth-first-scan of all LayoutInline and LayoutText nodes that make up this
// NGInlineNode object. Collects LayoutText items, merging them up into the
// parent LayoutInline where possible, and joining all text content in a single
// string to allow bidi resolution and shaping of the entire block.
void NGInlineNode::CollectInlines(NGInlineNodeData* data,
NGInlineNodeData* previous_data) {
LayoutBlockFlow* block = GetLayoutBlockFlow();
String* previous_text =
previous_data ? &previous_data->text_content : nullptr;
NGInlineItemsBuilder builder(&data->items);
CollectInlinesInternal(block, &builder, previous_text);
data->text_content = builder.ToString();
// Set |is_bidi_enabled_| for all UTF-16 strings for now, because at this
// point the string may or may not contain RTL characters.
// |SegmentText()| will analyze the text and reset |is_bidi_enabled_| if it
// doesn't contain any RTL characters.
data->is_bidi_enabled_ =
!data->text_content.Is8Bit() || builder.HasBidiControls();
data->is_empty_inline_ = builder.IsEmptyInline();
void NGInlineNode::SegmentText(NGInlineNodeData* data) {
if (!data->is_bidi_enabled_) {
NGBidiParagraph bidi;
if (!bidi.SetParagraph(data->text_content, Style())) {
// On failure, give up bidi resolving and reordering.
data->is_bidi_enabled_ = false;
if (bidi.IsUnidirectional() && IsLtr(bidi.BaseDirection())) {
// All runs are LTR, no need to reorder.
data->is_bidi_enabled_ = false;
Vector<NGInlineItem>& items = data->items;
unsigned item_index = 0;
for (unsigned start = 0; start < data->text_content.length();) {
UBiDiLevel level;
unsigned end = bidi.GetLogicalRun(start, &level);
DCHECK_EQ(items[item_index].start_offset_, start);
item_index = NGInlineItem::SetBidiLevel(items, item_index, end, level);
start = end;
// Check all items have bidi levels, except trailing non-length items.
// Items that do not create break opportunities such as kOutOfFlowPositioned
// do not have corresponding characters, and that they do not have bidi level
// assigned.
while (item_index < items.size() && !items[item_index].Length())
DCHECK_EQ(item_index, items.size());
void NGInlineNode::ShapeText(NGInlineItemsData* data,
NGInlineItemsData* previous_data) {
// TODO(eae): Add support for shaping latin-1 text?
ShapeText(data->text_content, &data->items,
previous_data ? &previous_data->text_content : nullptr);
void NGInlineNode::ShapeText(const String& text_content,
Vector<NGInlineItem>* items,
const String* previous_text) {
// Provide full context of the entire node to the shaper.
HarfBuzzShaper shaper(text_content.Characters16(), text_content.length());
ShapeResultSpacing<String> spacing(text_content);
for (unsigned index = 0; index < items->size();) {
NGInlineItem& start_item = (*items)[index];
if (start_item.Type() != NGInlineItem::kText) {
const Font& font = start_item.Style()->GetFont();
TextDirection direction = start_item.Direction();
unsigned end_index = index + 1;
unsigned end_offset = start_item.EndOffset();
for (; end_index < items->size(); end_index++) {
const NGInlineItem& item = (*items)[end_index];
if (item.Type() == NGInlineItem::kControl) {
// Do not shape across control characters (line breaks, zero width
// spaces, etc).
if (item.Type() == NGInlineItem::kText) {
// Shape adjacent items together if the font and direction matches to
// allow ligatures and kerning to apply.
// TODO(kojii): Figure out the exact conditions under which this
// behavior is desirable.
if (font != item.Style()->GetFont() || direction != item.Direction())
end_offset = item.EndOffset();
} else if (item.Type() == NGInlineItem::kOpenTag ||
item.Type() == NGInlineItem::kCloseTag ||
item.Type() == NGInlineItem::kOutOfFlowPositioned) {
// These items are opaque to shaping.
// Opaque items cannot have text, such as Object Replacement Characters,
// since such characters can affect shaping.
DCHECK_EQ(0u, item.Length());
} else {
// Shaping a single item. Skip if the existing results remain valid.
if (previous_text && end_offset == start_item.EndOffset() &&
!NeedsShaping(start_item)) {
// Results may only be reused if all items in the range remain valid.
bool has_valid_shape_results = true;
for (unsigned item_index = index; item_index < end_index; item_index++) {
if (NeedsShaping((*items)[item_index])) {
has_valid_shape_results = false;
// When shaping across multiple items checking whether the individual
// items has valid shape results isn't sufficient as items may have been
// re-ordered or removed.
// TODO(layout-dev): It would probably be faster to check for removed or
// moved items but for now comparing the string itself will do.
unsigned text_start = start_item.StartOffset();
DCHECK_GE(end_offset, text_start);
unsigned text_length = end_offset - text_start;
if (has_valid_shape_results && previous_text &&
end_offset <= previous_text->length() &&
StringView(text_content, text_start, text_length) ==
StringView(*previous_text, text_start, text_length)) {
index = end_index;
// Shape each item with the full context of the entire node.
scoped_refptr<ShapeResult> shape_result =
shaper.Shape(&font, direction, start_item.StartOffset(), end_offset);
if (UNLIKELY(spacing.SetSpacing(font.GetFontDescription())))
// If the text is from one item, use the ShapeResult as is.
if (end_offset == start_item.EndOffset()) {
start_item.shape_result_ = std::move(shape_result);
// If the text is from multiple items, split the ShapeResult to
// corresponding items.
for (; index < end_index; index++) {
NGInlineItem& item = (*items)[index];
if (item.Type() != NGInlineItem::kText)
// We don't use SafeToBreak API here because this is not a line break.
// The ShapeResult is broken into multiple results, but they must look
// like they were not broken.
// When multiple code units shape to one glyph, such as ligatures, the
// item that has its first code unit keeps the glyph.
item.shape_result_ =
shape_result->SubRange(item.StartOffset(), item.EndOffset());
// Create Vector<NGInlineItem> with :first-line rules applied if needed.
void NGInlineNode::ShapeTextForFirstLineIfNeeded(NGInlineNodeData* data) {
// First check if the document has any :first-line rules.
LayoutObject* layout_object = GetLayoutObject();
if (!layout_object->GetDocument().GetStyleEngine().UsesFirstLineRules())
// Check if :first-line rules make any differences in the style.
const ComputedStyle* block_style = layout_object->Style();
const ComputedStyle* first_line_style = layout_object->FirstLineStyle();
if (block_style == first_line_style)
auto first_line_items = std::make_unique<NGInlineItemsData>();
first_line_items->text_content = data->text_content;
bool needs_reshape = false;
if (first_line_style->TextTransform() != block_style->TextTransform()) {
// TODO(kojii): This logic assumes that text-transform is applied only to
// ::first-line, and does not work when the base style has text-transform
// and ::first-line has different text-transform.
if (first_line_items->text_content != data->text_content) {
// TODO(kojii): When text-transform changes the length, we need to adjust
// offset in NGInlineItem, or re-collect inlines. Other classes such as
// line breaker need to support the scenario too. For now, we force the
// string to be the same length to prevent them from crashing. This may
// result in a missing or a duplicate character if the length changes.
needs_reshape = true;
for (auto& item : first_line_items->items) {
if (item.style_) {
item.style_ = item.layout_object_->FirstLineStyle();
// Re-shape if the font is different.
if (needs_reshape || FirstLineNeedsReshape(*first_line_style, *block_style))
data->first_line_items_ = std::move(first_line_items);
void NGInlineNode::AssociateItemsWithInlines(NGInlineNodeData* data) {
LayoutObject* last_object = nullptr;
for (auto& item : data->items) {
LayoutObject* object = item.GetLayoutObject();
if (object && object->IsLayoutNGText()) {
LayoutNGText* layout_text = ToLayoutNGText(object);
if (object != last_object)
last_object = object;
scoped_refptr<NGLayoutResult> NGInlineNode::Layout(
const NGConstraintSpace& constraint_space,
NGBreakToken* break_token) {
NGInlineLayoutAlgorithm algorithm(*this, constraint_space,
return algorithm.Layout();
static LayoutUnit ComputeContentSize(NGInlineNode node,
const MinMaxSizeInput& input,
NGLineBreakerMode mode) {
const ComputedStyle& style = node.Style();
WritingMode writing_mode = style.GetWritingMode();
LayoutUnit available_inline_size =
mode == NGLineBreakerMode::kMaxContent ? LayoutUnit::Max() : LayoutUnit();
scoped_refptr<NGConstraintSpace> space =
NGConstraintSpaceBuilder(writing_mode, node.InitialContainingBlockSize())
.SetAvailableSize({available_inline_size, NGSizeIndefinite})
Vector<NGPositionedFloat> positioned_floats;
Vector<scoped_refptr<NGUnpositionedFloat>> unpositioned_floats;
scoped_refptr<NGInlineBreakToken> break_token;
NGLineInfo line_info;
NGExclusionSpace empty_exclusion_space;
NGLineLayoutOpportunity line_opportunity(available_inline_size);
LayoutUnit result;
LayoutUnit previous_floats_inline_size =
input.float_left_inline_size + input.float_right_inline_size;
while (!break_token || !break_token->IsFinished()) {
NGLineBreaker line_breaker(node, mode, *space, &positioned_floats,
nullptr /* container_builder */,
&empty_exclusion_space, 0u, break_token.get());
if (!line_breaker.NextLine(line_opportunity, &line_info))
break_token = line_breaker.CreateBreakToken(line_info, nullptr);
LayoutUnit inline_size = line_info.TextIndent();
for (const NGInlineItemResult item_result : line_info.Results())
inline_size += item_result.inline_size;
// There should be no positioned floats while determining the min/max sizes.
DCHECK_EQ(positioned_floats.size(), 0u);
// These variables are only used for the max-content calculation.
LayoutUnit floats_inline_size = mode == NGLineBreakerMode::kMaxContent
? previous_floats_inline_size
: LayoutUnit();
EFloat previous_float_type = EFloat::kNone;
// Earlier floats can only be assumed to affect the first line, so clear
// them now.
previous_floats_inline_size = LayoutUnit();
for (const auto& unpositioned_float : unpositioned_floats) {
NGBlockNode float_node = unpositioned_float->node;
const ComputedStyle& float_style = float_node.Style();
base::Optional<MinMaxSize> child_minmax;
if (NeedMinMaxSizeForContentContribution(writing_mode, float_style)) {
MinMaxSizeInput zero_input; // Floats don't intrude into floats.
// TODO(layoutng): This is wrong for orthogonal writing modes.
child_minmax = float_node.ComputeMinMaxSize(zero_input);
MinMaxSize child_sizes = ComputeMinAndMaxContentContribution(
writing_mode, float_style, child_minmax);
LayoutUnit child_inline_margins =
ComputeMinMaxMargins(style, float_node).InlineSum();
if (mode == NGLineBreakerMode::kMinContent) {
result = std::max(result, child_sizes.min_size + child_inline_margins);
} else {
const EClear float_clear = float_style.Clear();
// If this float clears the previous float we start a new "line".
// This is subtly different to block layout which will only reset either
// the left or the right float size trackers.
if ((previous_float_type == EFloat::kLeft &&
(float_clear == EClear::kBoth || float_clear == EClear::kLeft)) ||
(previous_float_type == EFloat::kRight &&
(float_clear == EClear::kBoth || float_clear == EClear::kRight))) {
result = std::max(result, inline_size + floats_inline_size);
floats_inline_size = LayoutUnit();
floats_inline_size += child_sizes.max_size + child_inline_margins;
previous_float_type = float_style.Floating();
// NOTE: floats_inline_size will be zero for the min-content calculation,
// and will just take the inline size of the un-breakable line.
result = std::max(result, inline_size + floats_inline_size);
return result;
MinMaxSize NGInlineNode::ComputeMinMaxSize(const MinMaxSizeInput& input) {
// Run line breaking with 0 and indefinite available width.
// TODO(kojii): There are several ways to make this more efficient and faster
// than runnning two line breaking.
// Compute the max of inline sizes of all line boxes with 0 available inline
// size. This gives the min-content, the width where lines wrap at every
// break opportunity.
MinMaxSize sizes;
sizes.min_size =
ComputeContentSize(*this, input, NGLineBreakerMode::kMinContent);
// Compute the sum of inline sizes of all inline boxes with no line breaks.
// TODO(kojii): NGConstraintSpaceBuilder does not allow NGSizeIndefinite
// inline available size. We can allow it, or make this more efficient
// without using NGLineBreaker.
sizes.max_size =
ComputeContentSize(*this, input, NGLineBreakerMode::kMaxContent);
// Negative text-indent can make min > max. Ensure min is the minimum size.
sizes.min_size = std::min(sizes.min_size, sizes.max_size);
return sizes;
void NGInlineNode::CheckConsistency() const {
const Vector<NGInlineItem>& items = Data().items;
for (const NGInlineItem& item : items) {
DCHECK(!item.GetLayoutObject() || !item.Style() ||
item.Style() == item.GetLayoutObject()->Style());
String NGInlineNode::ToString() const {
return String::Format("NGInlineNode");
} // namespace blink