blob: b119224d3f3639c8e5e3127e5563fe5b5914e78c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* (C) 2008 Torch Mobile Inc. All rights reserved.
* (
* Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_text_control_single_line.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css_value_keywords.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/shadow_root.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/frame_selection.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/local_frame.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/shadow/shadow_element_names.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/input/keyboard_event_manager.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/input_type_names.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/hit_test_result.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_analyzer.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_theme.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/text_control_single_line_painter.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/simple_font_data.h"
namespace blink {
using namespace HTMLNames;
HTMLInputElement* element)
: LayoutTextControl(element), should_draw_caps_lock_indicator_(false) {}
LayoutTextControlSingleLine::~LayoutTextControlSingleLine() = default;
inline Element* LayoutTextControlSingleLine::ContainerElement() const {
return InputElement()->UserAgentShadowRoot()->getElementById(
inline Element* LayoutTextControlSingleLine::EditingViewPortElement() const {
return InputElement()->UserAgentShadowRoot()->getElementById(
inline HTMLElement* LayoutTextControlSingleLine::InnerSpinButtonElement()
const {
return ToHTMLElement(InputElement()->UserAgentShadowRoot()->getElementById(
void LayoutTextControlSingleLine::Paint(const PaintInfo& paint_info) const {
void LayoutTextControlSingleLine::UpdateLayout() {
LayoutAnalyzer::Scope analyzer(*this);
LayoutBox* inner_editor_layout_object = InnerEditorElement()->GetLayoutBox();
Element* container = ContainerElement();
LayoutBox* container_layout_object =
container ? container->GetLayoutBox() : nullptr;
// Center the child block in the block progression direction (vertical
// centering for horizontal text fields).
if (!container && inner_editor_layout_object &&
inner_editor_layout_object->Size().Height() != ContentLogicalHeight()) {
LayoutUnit logical_height_diff =
inner_editor_layout_object->LogicalHeight() - ContentLogicalHeight();
inner_editor_layout_object->LogicalTop() -
(logical_height_diff / 2 + LayoutMod(logical_height_diff, 2)));
} else if (container && container_layout_object &&
container_layout_object->Size().Height() !=
ContentLogicalHeight()) {
LayoutUnit logical_height_diff =
container_layout_object->LogicalHeight() - ContentLogicalHeight();
container_layout_object->LogicalTop() -
(logical_height_diff / 2 + LayoutMod(logical_height_diff, 2)));
HTMLElement* placeholder_element = InputElement()->PlaceholderElement();
if (LayoutBox* placeholder_box =
placeholder_element ? placeholder_element->GetLayoutBox() : nullptr) {
LayoutUnit inner_editor_logical_width;
if (inner_editor_layout_object)
inner_editor_logical_width = inner_editor_layout_object->LogicalWidth();
bool needed_layout = placeholder_box->NeedsLayout();
LayoutPoint text_offset;
if (inner_editor_layout_object)
text_offset = inner_editor_layout_object->Location();
if (EditingViewPortElement() && EditingViewPortElement()->GetLayoutBox())
text_offset +=
if (container_layout_object)
text_offset += ToLayoutSize(container_layout_object->Location());
if (inner_editor_layout_object) {
// We use inlineBlockBaseline() for innerEditor because it has no
// inline boxes when we show the placeholder.
LayoutUnit inner_editor_baseline =
// We use firstLineBoxBaseline() for placeholder.
// TODO(tkent): It's inconsistent with innerEditorBaseline. However
// placeholderBox->inlineBlockBase() is unexpectedly larger.
LayoutUnit placeholder_baseline = placeholder_box->FirstLineBoxBaseline();
text_offset += LayoutSize(LayoutUnit(),
inner_editor_baseline - placeholder_baseline);
// The placeholder gets layout last, after the parent text control and its
// other children, so in order to get the correct overflow from the
// placeholder we need to recompute it now.
if (needed_layout)
bool LayoutTextControlSingleLine::NodeAtPoint(
HitTestResult& result,
const HitTestLocation& location_in_container,
const LayoutPoint& accumulated_offset,
HitTestAction hit_test_action) {
if (!LayoutTextControl::NodeAtPoint(result, location_in_container,
accumulated_offset, hit_test_action))
return false;
// Say that we hit the inner text element if
// - we hit a node inside the inner text element,
// - we hit the <input> element (e.g. we're over the border or padding), or
// - we hit regions not in any decoration buttons.
Element* container = ContainerElement();
if (result.InnerNode()->IsDescendantOf(InnerEditorElement()) ||
result.InnerNode() == GetNode() ||
(container && container == result.InnerNode())) {
LayoutPoint point_in_parent = location_in_container.Point();
if (container && EditingViewPortElement()) {
if (EditingViewPortElement()->GetLayoutBox())
point_in_parent -=
if (container->GetLayoutBox())
point_in_parent -= ToLayoutSize(container->GetLayoutBox()->Location());
HitInnerEditorElement(result, point_in_parent, accumulated_offset);
return true;
void LayoutTextControlSingleLine::CapsLockStateMayHaveChanged() {
if (!GetNode())
// Only draw the caps lock indicator if these things are true:
// 1) The field is a password field
// 2) The frame is active
// 3) The element is focused
// 4) The caps lock is on
bool should_draw_caps_lock_indicator = false;
if (LocalFrame* frame = GetDocument().GetFrame())
should_draw_caps_lock_indicator =
InputElement()->type() == InputTypeNames::password &&
frame->Selection().FrameIsFocusedAndActive() &&
GetDocument().FocusedElement() == GetNode() &&
if (should_draw_caps_lock_indicator != should_draw_caps_lock_indicator_) {
should_draw_caps_lock_indicator_ = should_draw_caps_lock_indicator;
bool LayoutTextControlSingleLine::HasControlClip() const {
return true;
LayoutRect LayoutTextControlSingleLine::ControlClipRect(
const LayoutPoint& additional_offset) const {
LayoutRect clip_rect = PaddingBoxRect();
return clip_rect;
float LayoutTextControlSingleLine::GetAvgCharWidth(
const AtomicString& family) const {
// Match the default system font to the width of MS Shell Dlg, the default
// font for textareas in Firefox, Safari Win and IE for some encodings (in
// IE, the default font is encoding specific). 901 is the avgCharWidth value
// in the OS/2 table for MS Shell Dlg.
if (LayoutTheme::GetTheme().NeedsHackForTextControlWithFontFamily(family))
return ScaleEmToUnits(901);
return LayoutTextControl::GetAvgCharWidth(family);
LayoutUnit LayoutTextControlSingleLine::PreferredContentLogicalWidth(
float char_width) const {
int factor;
bool includes_decoration =
if (factor <= 0)
factor = 20;
LayoutUnit result = LayoutUnit::FromFloatCeil(char_width * factor);
float max_char_width = 0.f;
const Font& font = StyleRef().GetFont();
AtomicString family = font.GetFontDescription().Family().Family();
// Match the default system font to the width of MS Shell Dlg, the default
// font for textareas in Firefox, Safari Win and IE for some encodings (in
// IE, the default font is encoding specific). 4027 is the (xMax - xMin)
// value in the "head" font table for MS Shell Dlg.
if (LayoutTheme::GetTheme().NeedsHackForTextControlWithFontFamily(family))
max_char_width = ScaleEmToUnits(4027);
else if (HasValidAvgCharWidth(font.PrimaryFont(), family))
max_char_width = roundf(font.PrimaryFont()->MaxCharWidth());
// For text inputs, IE adds some extra width.
if (max_char_width > 0.f)
result += max_char_width - char_width;
if (includes_decoration) {
HTMLElement* spin_button = InnerSpinButtonElement();
if (LayoutBox* spin_layout_object =
spin_button ? spin_button->GetLayoutBox() : nullptr) {
result += spin_layout_object->BorderAndPaddingLogicalWidth();
// Since the width of spinLayoutObject is not calculated yet,
// spinLayoutObject->logicalWidth() returns 0.
// So ensureComputedStyle()->logicalWidth() is used instead.
result += spin_button->EnsureComputedStyle()->LogicalWidth().Value();
return result;
LayoutUnit LayoutTextControlSingleLine::ComputeControlLogicalHeight(
LayoutUnit line_height,
LayoutUnit non_content_height) const {
return line_height + non_content_height;
void LayoutTextControlSingleLine::Autoscroll(const IntPoint& position) {
LayoutBox* layout_object = InnerEditorElement()->GetLayoutBox();
if (!layout_object)
LayoutUnit LayoutTextControlSingleLine::ScrollWidth() const {
if (LayoutBox* inner = InnerEditorElement()
? InnerEditorElement()->GetLayoutBox()
: nullptr) {
// Adjust scrollWidth to inculde input element horizontal paddings and
// decoration width
LayoutUnit adjustment = ClientWidth() - inner->ClientWidth();
return inner->ScrollWidth() + adjustment;
return LayoutBlockFlow::ScrollWidth();
LayoutUnit LayoutTextControlSingleLine::ScrollHeight() const {
if (LayoutBox* inner = InnerEditorElement()
? InnerEditorElement()->GetLayoutBox()
: nullptr) {
// Adjust scrollHeight to include input element vertical paddings and
// decoration height
LayoutUnit adjustment = ClientHeight() - inner->ClientHeight();
return inner->ScrollHeight() + adjustment;
return LayoutBlockFlow::ScrollHeight();
LayoutUnit LayoutTextControlSingleLine::ScrollLeft() const {
if (InnerEditorElement())
return LayoutUnit(InnerEditorElement()->scrollLeft());
return LayoutBlockFlow::ScrollLeft();
LayoutUnit LayoutTextControlSingleLine::ScrollTop() const {
if (InnerEditorElement())
return LayoutUnit(InnerEditorElement()->scrollTop());
return LayoutBlockFlow::ScrollTop();
void LayoutTextControlSingleLine::SetScrollLeft(LayoutUnit new_left) {
if (InnerEditorElement())
void LayoutTextControlSingleLine::SetScrollTop(LayoutUnit new_top) {
if (InnerEditorElement())
void LayoutTextControlSingleLine::AddOverflowFromChildren() {
// If the INPUT content height is smaller than the font height, the
// inner-editor element overflows the INPUT box intentionally, however it
// shouldn't affect outside of the INPUT box. So we ignore child overflow.
HTMLInputElement* LayoutTextControlSingleLine::InputElement() const {
return ToHTMLInputElement(GetNode());
} // namespace blink