blob: 638954e371555de002fc9e88adb3f31d6498e839 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/layout_ng_mixin.h"
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/position_with_affinity.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/hit_test_location.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_inline_node_data.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_physical_line_box_fragment.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_constraint_space.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_layout_result.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_layout_utils.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_length_utils.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_physical_box_fragment.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_relative_utils.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/ng/ng_block_flow_painter.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/ng/ng_paint_fragment.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/paint_layer.h"
namespace blink {
template <typename Base>
LayoutNGMixin<Base>::LayoutNGMixin(Element* element) : Base(element) {
std::is_base_of<LayoutBlockFlow, Base>::value,
"Base class of LayoutNGMixin must be LayoutBlockFlow or derived class.");
template <typename Base>
LayoutNGMixin<Base>::~LayoutNGMixin() = default;
template <typename Base>
bool LayoutNGMixin<Base>::IsOfType(LayoutObject::LayoutObjectType type) const {
return type == LayoutObject::kLayoutObjectNGMixin || Base::IsOfType(type);
template <typename Base>
NGInlineNodeData* LayoutNGMixin<Base>::TakeNGInlineNodeData() {
return ng_inline_node_data_.release();
template <typename Base>
NGInlineNodeData* LayoutNGMixin<Base>::GetNGInlineNodeData() const {
return ng_inline_node_data_.get();
template <typename Base>
void LayoutNGMixin<Base>::ResetNGInlineNodeData() {
ng_inline_node_data_ = std::make_unique<NGInlineNodeData>();
// The current fragment from the last layout cycle for this box.
// When pre-NG layout calls functions of this block flow, fragment and/or
// LayoutResult are required to compute the result.
// TODO(kojii): Use the cached result for now, we may need to reconsider as the
// cache evolves.
template <typename Base>
const NGPhysicalBoxFragment* LayoutNGMixin<Base>::CurrentFragment() const {
if (cached_result_)
return ToNGPhysicalBoxFragment(cached_result_->PhysicalFragment());
return nullptr;
template <typename Base>
void LayoutNGMixin<Base>::ComputeVisualOverflow(
const LayoutRect& previous_visual_overflow_rect,
bool recompute_floats) {
Base::ComputeVisualOverflow(previous_visual_overflow_rect, recompute_floats);
if (Base::VisualOverflowRect() != previous_visual_overflow_rect) {
if (Base::Layer())
template <typename Base>
void LayoutNGMixin<Base>::AddVisualOverflowFromChildren() {
// |ComputeOverflow()| calls this, which is called from
// |CopyFragmentDataToLayoutBox()| and |RecalcOverflowAfterStyleChange()|.
// Add overflow from the last layout cycle.
if (const NGPhysicalBoxFragment* physical_fragment = CurrentFragment()) {
if (Base::ChildrenInline()) {
physical_fragment->Style(), physical_fragment->Size()));
// TODO(kojii): If |RecalcOverflowAfterStyleChange()|, we need to
// re-compute glyph bounding box. How to detect it and how to re-compute
// is TBD.
physical_fragment->Style(), physical_fragment->Size()));
// TODO(kojii): The above code computes visual overflow only, we fallback
// to LayoutBlock for AddLayoutOverflow() for now. It doesn't compute
// correctly without RootInlineBox though.
template <typename Base>
void LayoutNGMixin<Base>::AddLayoutOverflowFromChildren() {
// |ComputeOverflow()| calls this, which is called from
// |CopyFragmentDataToLayoutBox()| and |RecalcOverflow()|.
// Add overflow from the last layout cycle.
// TODO(chrishtr): do we need to condition on CurrentFragment()? Why?
if (CurrentFragment()) {
template <typename Base>
void LayoutNGMixin<Base>::AddScrollingOverflowFromChildren() {
bool children_inline = Base::ChildrenInline();
const NGPhysicalBoxFragment* physical_fragment = CurrentFragment();
// inline-end LayoutOverflow padding spec is still undecided:
// For backwards compatibility, if container clips overflow,
// padding is added to the inline-end for inline children.
base::Optional<NGPhysicalBoxStrut> padding_strut;
if (Base::HasOverflowClip()) {
padding_strut =
NGBoxStrut(LayoutUnit(), Base::PaddingEnd(), LayoutUnit(), LayoutUnit())
NGPhysicalOffsetRect children_overflow;
// Only add overflow for fragments NG has not reflected into Legacy.
// These fragments are:
// - inline fragments,
// - out of flow fragments whose css container is inline box.
// TODO(layout-dev) Transfroms also need to be applied to compute overflow
// correctly. NG is not yet transform-aware.
if (!physical_fragment->Children().IsEmpty()) {
for (const auto& child : physical_fragment->Children()) {
NGPhysicalOffsetRect child_scrollable_overflow;
if (child->IsOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
child_scrollable_overflow = child->ScrollableOverflow();
} else if (children_inline && child->IsLineBox()) {
child_scrollable_overflow =
Base::Style(), physical_fragment->Size());
if (padding_strut)
} else {
child_scrollable_overflow.offset += child.Offset();
// LayoutOverflow takes flipped blocks coordinates, adjust as needed.
LayoutRect children_flipped_overflow = children_overflow.ToLayoutFlippedRect(
physical_fragment->Style(), physical_fragment->Size());
template <typename Base>
void LayoutNGMixin<Base>::AddOutlineRects(
Vector<LayoutRect>& rects,
const LayoutPoint& additional_offset,
NGOutlineType include_block_overflows) const {
if (PaintFragment()) {
PaintFragment()->AddSelfOutlineRect(&rects, additional_offset,
} else {
Base::AddOutlineRects(rects, additional_offset, include_block_overflows);
// Retrieve NGBaseline from the current fragment.
template <typename Base>
base::Optional<LayoutUnit> LayoutNGMixin<Base>::FragmentBaseline(
NGBaselineAlgorithmType type) const {
if (const NGPhysicalFragment* physical_fragment = CurrentFragment()) {
FontBaseline baseline_type = Base::StyleRef().GetFontBaseline();
return ToNGPhysicalBoxFragment(physical_fragment)
->Baseline({type, baseline_type});
return base::nullopt;
template <typename Base>
LayoutUnit LayoutNGMixin<Base>::FirstLineBoxBaseline() const {
if (Base::ChildrenInline()) {
if (base::Optional<LayoutUnit> offset =
FragmentBaseline(NGBaselineAlgorithmType::kFirstLine)) {
return offset.value();
return Base::FirstLineBoxBaseline();
template <typename Base>
LayoutUnit LayoutNGMixin<Base>::InlineBlockBaseline(
LineDirectionMode line_direction) const {
if (Base::ChildrenInline()) {
if (base::Optional<LayoutUnit> offset =
FragmentBaseline(NGBaselineAlgorithmType::kAtomicInline)) {
return offset.value();
return Base::InlineBlockBaseline(line_direction);
template <typename Base>
scoped_refptr<NGLayoutResult> LayoutNGMixin<Base>::CachedLayoutResult(
const NGConstraintSpace& new_space,
const NGBreakToken* break_token) {
if (!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::LayoutNGFragmentCachingEnabled())
return nullptr;
if (!cached_result_ || !Base::cached_constraint_space_ || break_token ||
return nullptr;
const NGConstraintSpace& old_space = *Base::cached_constraint_space_;
// If we used to contain abspos items, we can't reuse the fragment, because
// we can't be sure that the list of items hasn't changed (as we bubble them
// up during layout). In the case of newly-added abspos items to this
// containing block, we will handle those by the NeedsLayout check above for
// now.
// TODO(layout-ng): Come up with a better solution for this
if (cached_result_->OutOfFlowPositionedDescendants().size())
return nullptr;
if (!new_space.MaySkipLayout(old_space))
return nullptr;
// We won't attempt to guess how initial containing block changes might affect
// orthogonal flow root descendants. In that case, just bail if the size has
// changed.
if (cached_result_->HasOrthogonalFlowRoots() &&
new_space.InitialContainingBlockSize() !=
return nullptr;
if (!new_space.AreSizesEqual(old_space)) {
// We need to descend all the way down into BODY if we're in quirks mode,
// since it magically follows the viewport size.
if (NGBlockNode(this).IsQuirkyAndFillsViewport())
return nullptr;
// If the available / percentage sizes have changed in a way that may affect
// layout, we cannot re-use the previous result.
if (SizeMayChange(Base::StyleRef(), new_space, old_space))
return nullptr;
// Check BFC block offset. Even if they don't match, there're some cases we
// can still reuse the fragment.
base::Optional<LayoutUnit> bfc_block_offset =
if (new_space.BfcOffset().block_offset !=
old_space.BfcOffset().block_offset) {
// Earlier floats may affect this box if block offset changes.
if (new_space.HasFloats() || old_space.HasFloats())
return nullptr;
// Even for the first fragment, when block fragmentation is enabled, block
// offset changes should cause re-layout, since we will fragment at other
// locations than before.
if (new_space.HasBlockFragmentation() || old_space.HasBlockFragmentation())
return nullptr;
if (bfc_block_offset.has_value()) {
bfc_block_offset = bfc_block_offset.value() -
old_space.BfcOffset().block_offset +
// The checks above should be enough to bail if layout is incomplete, but
// let's verify:
DCHECK(IsBlockLayoutComplete(old_space, *cached_result_));
return base::AdoptRef(new NGLayoutResult(*cached_result_, bfc_block_offset));
template <typename Base>
void LayoutNGMixin<Base>::SetCachedLayoutResult(
const NGConstraintSpace& constraint_space,
const NGBreakToken* break_token,
const NGLayoutResult& layout_result) {
if (break_token || layout_result.Status() != NGLayoutResult::kSuccess) {
// We can't cache these yet
if (constraint_space.IsIntermediateLayout())
Base::cached_constraint_space_.reset(new NGConstraintSpace(constraint_space));
cached_result_ = &layout_result;
template <typename Base>
void LayoutNGMixin<Base>::ClearCachedLayoutResult() {
template <typename Base>
scoped_refptr<const NGLayoutResult>
LayoutNGMixin<Base>::CachedLayoutResultForTesting() {
return cached_result_;
template <typename Base>
bool LayoutNGMixin<Base>::AreCachedLinesValidFor(
const NGConstraintSpace& constraint_space) const {
if (!Base::cached_constraint_space_)
return false;
const NGConstraintSpace& cached_constraint_space =
if (constraint_space.AvailableSize().inline_size !=
return false;
// Floats in either cached or new constraint space prevents reusing cached
// lines.
if (constraint_space.HasFloats() || cached_constraint_space.HasFloats())
return false;
// Propagating OOF needs re-layout.
if (!cached_result_->OutOfFlowPositionedDescendants().IsEmpty())
return false;
return true;
template <typename Base>
void LayoutNGMixin<Base>::SetPaintFragment(
scoped_refptr<const NGPhysicalFragment> fragment,
NGPhysicalOffset offset,
scoped_refptr<NGPaintFragment>* current) {
*current = fragment ? NGPaintFragment::Create(std::move(fragment), offset,
: nullptr;
template <typename Base>
void LayoutNGMixin<Base>::SetPaintFragment(
const NGBreakToken* break_token,
scoped_refptr<const NGPhysicalFragment> fragment,
NGPhysicalOffset offset) {
// TODO(kojii): There are cases where the first call has break_token.
// Investigate why and handle appropriately.
// DCHECK(!break_token || paint_fragment_);
scoped_refptr<NGPaintFragment>* current =
NGPaintFragment::Find(&paint_fragment_, break_token);
SetPaintFragment(std::move(fragment), offset, current);
template <typename Base>
void LayoutNGMixin<Base>::UpdatePaintFragmentFromCachedLayoutResult(
const NGBreakToken* break_token,
scoped_refptr<const NGPhysicalFragment> fragment,
NGPhysicalOffset fragment_offset) {
// TODO(kojii): There are cases where the first call has break_token.
// Investigate why and handle appropriately.
// DCHECK(!break_token || paint_fragment_);
scoped_refptr<NGPaintFragment>* current =
NGPaintFragment::Find(&paint_fragment_, break_token);
template <typename Base>
void LayoutNGMixin<Base>::InvalidateDisplayItemClients(
PaintInvalidationReason invalidation_reason) const {
if (NGPaintFragment* fragment = PaintFragment()) {
// TODO(koji): Should be in the PaintInvalidator, possibly with more logic
// ported from BlockFlowPaintInvalidator.
ObjectPaintInvalidator object_paint_invalidator(*this);
template <typename Base>
void LayoutNGMixin<Base>::Paint(const PaintInfo& paint_info) const {
if (PaintFragment())
template <typename Base>
bool LayoutNGMixin<Base>::NodeAtPoint(
HitTestResult& result,
const HitTestLocation& location_in_container,
const LayoutPoint& accumulated_offset,
HitTestAction action) {
if (!PaintFragment()) {
return LayoutBlockFlow::NodeAtPoint(result, location_in_container,
accumulated_offset, action);
// In LayoutBox::NodeAtPoint() and subclass overrides, it is guaranteed that
// |accumulated_offset + Location()| equals the physical offset of the current
// LayoutBox in the paint layer, regardless of writing mode or whether the box
// was placed by NG or legacy.
const LayoutPoint physical_offset = accumulated_offset + Base::Location();
if (!this->IsEffectiveRootScroller()) {
// Check if we need to do anything at all.
// If we have clipping, then we can't have any spillout.
LayoutRect overflow_box = Base::HasOverflowClip()
? Base::BorderBoxRect()
: Base::VisualOverflowRect();
if (!location_in_container.Intersects(overflow_box))
return false;
if (Base::IsInSelfHitTestingPhase(action) && Base::HasOverflowClip() &&
Base::HitTestOverflowControl(result, location_in_container,
return true;
return NGBlockFlowPainter(*this).NodeAtPoint(result, location_in_container,
physical_offset, action);
template <typename Base>
PositionWithAffinity LayoutNGMixin<Base>::PositionForPoint(
const LayoutPoint& point) const {
if (Base::IsAtomicInlineLevel()) {
const PositionWithAffinity atomic_inline_position =
if (atomic_inline_position.IsNotNull())
return atomic_inline_position;
if (!Base::ChildrenInline())
return LayoutBlock::PositionForPoint(point);
if (!PaintFragment())
return Base::CreatePositionWithAffinity(0);
const PositionWithAffinity ng_position =
if (ng_position.IsNotNull())
return ng_position;
return Base::CreatePositionWithAffinity(0);
template <typename Base>
void LayoutNGMixin<Base>::DirtyLinesFromChangedChild(
LayoutObject* child,
MarkingBehavior marking_behavior) {
DCHECK_EQ(marking_behavior, kMarkContainerChain);
// We need to dirty line box fragments only if the child is once laid out in
// LayoutNG inline formatting context. New objects are handled in
// NGInlineNode::MarkLineBoxesDirty().
if (child->IsInLayoutNGInlineFormattingContext())
template class CORE_TEMPLATE_EXPORT LayoutNGMixin<LayoutTableCaption>;
template class CORE_TEMPLATE_EXPORT LayoutNGMixin<LayoutTableCell>;
template class CORE_TEMPLATE_EXPORT LayoutNGMixin<LayoutBlockFlow>;
} // namespace blink