blob: 1703cc422bc152f1a514efdead0de69b7d33b19e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/sync/base/model_type.h"
#include "components/sync/base/passphrase_enums.h"
#include "components/sync/driver/data_type_encryption_handler.h"
namespace syncer {
// This class encapsulates all the user-configurable bits of Sync.
class SyncUserSettings : public syncer::DataTypeEncryptionHandler {
~SyncUserSettings() override = default;
// Whether the user wants Sync to run, a.k.a. the Sync feature toggle in
// settings. This maps to DISABLE_REASON_USER_CHOICE.
// NOTE: This is true by default, even if the user has never enabled Sync or
// isn't even signed in.
virtual bool IsSyncRequested() const = 0;
virtual void SetSyncRequested(bool requested) = 0;
// Whether Sync is allowed at the platform level (e.g. Android's "MasterSync"
virtual bool IsSyncAllowedByPlatform() const = 0;
virtual void SetSyncAllowedByPlatform(bool allowed) = 0;
// Whether the initial Sync setup has been completed, meaning the user has
// consented to Sync.
// NOTE: On Android and ChromeOS, this gets set automatically, so it doesn't
// really mean anything. See |browser_defaults::kSyncAutoStarts|.
virtual bool IsFirstSetupComplete() const = 0;
virtual void SetFirstSetupComplete() = 0;
// The user's chosen data types. The "sync everything" flag means to sync all
// current and future data types. If it is set, then GetChosenDataTypes() will
// always return "all types". The chosen types are always a subset of
// syncer::UserSelectableTypes().
// NOTE: By default, GetChosenDataTypes() returns "all types", even if the
// user has never enabled Sync, or if only Sync-the-transport is running.
virtual bool IsSyncEverythingEnabled() const = 0;
virtual syncer::ModelTypeSet GetChosenDataTypes() const = 0;
virtual void SetChosenDataTypes(bool sync_everything,
syncer::ModelTypeSet types) = 0;
// Encryption state.
// Note that all of this state may only be queried or modified if the Sync
// engine is initialized.
// Whether the user is allowed to encrypt all their Sync data. For example,
// child accounts are not allowed to encrypt their data.
virtual bool IsEncryptEverythingAllowed() const = 0;
virtual void SetEncryptEverythingAllowed(bool allowed) = 0;
// Whether we are currently set to encrypt all the Sync data.
virtual bool IsEncryptEverythingEnabled() const = 0;
// Turns on encryption for all data. Callers must call SetChosenDataTypes()
// after calling this to force the encryption to occur.
virtual void EnableEncryptEverything() = 0;
// The current set of encrypted data types.
syncer::ModelTypeSet GetEncryptedDataTypes() const override = 0;
// Whether a passphrase is required for encryption or decryption to proceed.
// Note that Sync might still be working fine if the user has disabled all
// encrypted data types.
bool IsPassphraseRequired() const override = 0;
// Whether a passphrase is required to decrypt the data for any currently
// enabled data type.
virtual bool IsPassphraseRequiredForDecryption() const = 0;
// Whether a "secondary" passphrase is in use, which means either a custom or
// a frozen implicit passphrase.
virtual bool IsUsingSecondaryPassphrase() const = 0;
// The time the current explicit passphrase (if any) was set. If no secondary
// passphrase is in use, or no time is available, returns an unset base::Time.
virtual base::Time GetExplicitPassphraseTime() const = 0;
// The type of the passphrase currently in use. This is KEYSTORE_PASSPHRASE if
// "encrypt everything" is disabled, or CUSTOM_PASSPHRASE if
// "encrypt everything" is enabled. There are also some legacy passphrase
// types which may still occur for a small number of users.
virtual syncer::PassphraseType GetPassphraseType() const = 0;
// Asynchronously sets the passphrase to |passphrase| for encryption.
virtual void SetEncryptionPassphrase(const std::string& passphrase) = 0;
// Asynchronously decrypts pending keys using |passphrase|. Returns false
// immediately if the passphrase could not be used to decrypt a locally cached
// copy of encrypted keys; returns true otherwise.
virtual bool SetDecryptionPassphrase(const std::string& passphrase)
} // namespace syncer