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<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src='resources/scroll-timeline-util.js'></script>
<script src='../../../resources/testharness.js'></script>
<script src='../../../resources/testharnessreport.js'></script>
// Builds a generic structure that looks like:
// <div class="scroller"> // 100x100 viewport
// <div class="contents"></div> // 500x500
// </div>
// The |scrollerOverrides| and |contentOverrides| parameters are maps which
// are applied to the scroller and contents style after basic setup.
// Returns the outer 'scroller' element.
function setupScrollTimelineTest(
scrollerOverrides = new Map(), contentOverrides = new Map()) {
let scroller = document.createElement('div'); = '100px'; = '100px'; = 'scroll';
for (const [key, value] of scrollerOverrides) {[key] = value;
let contents = document.createElement('div'); = '500px'; = '500px';
for (const [key, value] of contentOverrides) {[key] = value;
return scroller;
// Helper method to calculate the current time, implementing only step 5 of
function calculateCurrentTime(
currentScrollOffset, startScrollOffset, endScrollOffset,
effectiveTimeRange) {
return ((currentScrollOffset - startScrollOffset) /
(endScrollOffset - startScrollOffset)) *
test(function() {
const scrollerOverrides = new Map([['direction', 'rtl']]);
const scroller = setupScrollTimelineTest(scrollerOverrides);
// For simplicity, we set the timeRange such that currentTime maps directly to
// the value scrolled. We have a square scroller/contents, so can just compute
// one edge and use it for all the timelines.
const scrollerSize = scroller.scrollHeight - scroller.clientHeight;
const blockScrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline(
{scrollSource: scroller, timeRange: scrollerSize, orientation: 'block'});
const inlineScrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline(
{scrollSource: scroller, timeRange: scrollerSize, orientation: 'inline'});
const horizontalScrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline({
scrollSource: scroller,
timeRange: scrollerSize,
orientation: 'horizontal'
const verticalScrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline({
scrollSource: scroller,
timeRange: scrollerSize,
orientation: 'vertical'
// Unscrolled, all timelines should read a current time of 0 even though the
// X-axis will have started at the right hand side for rtl.
assert_equals(blockScrollTimeline.currentTime, 0);
assert_equals(inlineScrollTimeline.currentTime, 0);
assert_equals(horizontalScrollTimeline.currentTime, 0);
assert_equals(verticalScrollTimeline.currentTime, 0);
// The offset in the inline/horizontal direction should be inverted. The
// block/vertical direction should be unaffected.
scroller.scrollTop = 50;
scroller.scrollLeft = 75;
assert_equals(blockScrollTimeline.currentTime, 50);
assert_equals(inlineScrollTimeline.currentTime, scrollerSize - 75);
assert_equals(horizontalScrollTimeline.currentTime, scrollerSize - 75);
assert_equals(verticalScrollTimeline.currentTime, 50);
}, 'currentTime handles direction: rtl correctly');
test(function() {
const scrollerOverrides = new Map([['writing-mode', 'vertical-rl']]);
const scroller = setupScrollTimelineTest(scrollerOverrides);
// For simplicity, we set the timeRange such that currentTime maps directly to
// the value scrolled. We have a square scroller/contents, so can just compute
// one edge and use it for all the timelines.
const scrollerSize = scroller.scrollHeight - scroller.clientHeight;
const blockScrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline(
{scrollSource: scroller, timeRange: scrollerSize, orientation: 'block'});
const inlineScrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline(
{scrollSource: scroller, timeRange: scrollerSize, orientation: 'inline'});
const horizontalScrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline({
scrollSource: scroller,
timeRange: scrollerSize,
orientation: 'horizontal'
const verticalScrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline({
scrollSource: scroller,
timeRange: scrollerSize,
orientation: 'vertical'
// Unscrolled, all timelines should read a current time of 0 even though the
// X-axis will have started at the right hand side for vertical-rl.
assert_equals(blockScrollTimeline.currentTime, 0);
assert_equals(inlineScrollTimeline.currentTime, 0);
assert_equals(horizontalScrollTimeline.currentTime, 0);
assert_equals(verticalScrollTimeline.currentTime, 0);
// For vertical-rl, the X-axis starts on the right-hand-side and is the block
// axis. The Y-axis is normal but is the inline axis. For the
// horizontal/vertical cases, horizontal starts on the right-hand-side and
// vertical is normal.
scroller.scrollTop = 50;
scroller.scrollLeft = 75;
assert_equals(blockScrollTimeline.currentTime, scrollerSize - 75);
assert_equals(inlineScrollTimeline.currentTime, 50);
assert_equals(horizontalScrollTimeline.currentTime, scrollerSize - 75);
assert_equals(verticalScrollTimeline.currentTime, 50);
}, 'currentTime handles writing-mode: vertical-rl correctly');
test(function() {
const scrollerOverrides = new Map([['writing-mode', 'vertical-lr']]);
const scroller = setupScrollTimelineTest(scrollerOverrides);
// For simplicity, we set the timeRange such that currentTime maps directly to
// the value scrolled. We have a square scroller/contents, so can just compute
// one edge and use it for all the timelines.
const scrollerSize = scroller.scrollHeight - scroller.clientHeight;
const blockScrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline(
{scrollSource: scroller, timeRange: scrollerSize, orientation: 'block'});
const inlineScrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline(
{scrollSource: scroller, timeRange: scrollerSize, orientation: 'inline'});
const horizontalScrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline({
scrollSource: scroller,
timeRange: scrollerSize,
orientation: 'horizontal'
const verticalScrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline({
scrollSource: scroller,
timeRange: scrollerSize,
orientation: 'vertical'
// Unscrolled, all timelines should read a current time of 0.
assert_equals(blockScrollTimeline.currentTime, 0);
assert_equals(inlineScrollTimeline.currentTime, 0);
assert_equals(horizontalScrollTimeline.currentTime, 0);
assert_equals(verticalScrollTimeline.currentTime, 0);
// For vertical-lr, both axes start at their 'normal' positions but the X-axis
// is the block direction and the Y-axis is the inline direction. This does
// not affect horizontal/vertical.
scroller.scrollTop = 50;
scroller.scrollLeft = 75;
assert_equals(blockScrollTimeline.currentTime, 75);
assert_equals(inlineScrollTimeline.currentTime, 50);
assert_equals(horizontalScrollTimeline.currentTime, 75);
assert_equals(verticalScrollTimeline.currentTime, 50);
}, 'currentTime handles writing-mode: vertical-lr correctly');
test(function() {
const scrollerOverrides = new Map([['direction', 'rtl']]);
const scroller = setupScrollTimelineTest(scrollerOverrides);
// For simplicity, we set the timeRange such that currentTime maps directly to
// the value scrolled. We have a square scroller/contents, so can just compute
// one edge and use it for all the timelines;
const scrollerSize = scroller.scrollHeight - scroller.clientHeight;
const lengthScrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline({
scrollSource: scroller,
timeRange: scrollerSize,
orientation: 'horizontal',
startScrollOffset: '20px'
const percentageScrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline({
scrollSource: scroller,
timeRange: scrollerSize,
orientation: 'horizontal',
startScrollOffset: '20%'
const calcScrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline({
scrollSource: scroller,
timeRange: scrollerSize,
orientation: 'horizontal',
startScrollOffset: 'calc(20% - 5px)'
// Unscrolled, all timelines should read a current time of unresolved, since
// the current offset (0) will be less than the startScrollOffset.
assert_equals(lengthScrollTimeline.currentTime, null);
assert_equals(percentageScrollTimeline.currentTime, null);
assert_equals(calcScrollTimeline.currentTime, null);
// With direction rtl offsets are inverted, such that scrollLeft ==
// scrollerSize is the 'zero' point for currentTime. However the
// startScrollOffset is an absolute distance along the offset, so doesn't
// need adjusting.
// Check the length-based ScrollTimeline.
scroller.scrollLeft = scrollerSize;
assert_equals(lengthScrollTimeline.currentTime, null);
scroller.scrollLeft = scrollerSize - 20;
assert_equals(lengthScrollTimeline.currentTime, 0);
scroller.scrollLeft = scrollerSize - 50;
calculateCurrentTime(50, 20, scrollerSize, scrollerSize));
scroller.scrollLeft = scrollerSize - 200;
calculateCurrentTime(200, 20, scrollerSize, scrollerSize));
// Check the percentage-based ScrollTimeline.
scroller.scrollLeft = scrollerSize - (0.19 * scrollerSize);
assert_equals(percentageScrollTimeline.currentTime, null);
scroller.scrollLeft = scrollerSize - (0.20 * scrollerSize);
assert_equals(percentageScrollTimeline.currentTime, 0);
scroller.scrollLeft = scrollerSize - (0.4 * scrollerSize);
0.4 * scrollerSize, 0.2 * scrollerSize, scrollerSize, scrollerSize));
// Check the calc-based ScrollTimeline.
scroller.scrollLeft = scrollerSize - (0.2 * scrollerSize - 10);
assert_equals(calcScrollTimeline.currentTime, null);
scroller.scrollLeft = scrollerSize - (0.2 * scrollerSize - 5);
assert_equals(calcScrollTimeline.currentTime, 0);
scroller.scrollLeft = scrollerSize - (0.2 * scrollerSize);
0.2 * scrollerSize, 0.2 * scrollerSize - 5, scrollerSize,
scroller.scrollLeft = scrollerSize - (0.4 * scrollerSize);
0.4 * scrollerSize, 0.2 * scrollerSize - 5, scrollerSize,
}, 'currentTime handles startScrollOffset with direction: rtl correctly');
test(function() {
const scrollerOverrides = new Map([['direction', 'rtl']]);
const scroller = setupScrollTimelineTest(scrollerOverrides);
// For simplicity, we set the timeRange such that currentTime maps directly to
// the value scrolled. We have a square scroller/contents, so can just compute
// one edge and use it for all the timelines;
const scrollerSize = scroller.scrollHeight - scroller.clientHeight;
const lengthScrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline({
scrollSource: scroller,
timeRange: scrollerSize,
orientation: 'horizontal',
endScrollOffset: (scrollerSize - 20) + 'px'
const percentageScrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline({
scrollSource: scroller,
timeRange: scrollerSize,
orientation: 'horizontal',
endScrollOffset: '80%'
const calcScrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline({
scrollSource: scroller,
timeRange: scrollerSize,
orientation: 'horizontal',
endScrollOffset: 'calc(80% + 5px)'
// With direction rtl offsets are inverted, such that scrollLeft ==
// scrollerSize is the 'zero' point for currentTime. However the
// endScrollOffset is an absolute distance along the offset, so doesn't need
// adjusting.
// Check the length-based ScrollTimeline.
scroller.scrollLeft = 0;
assert_equals(lengthScrollTimeline.currentTime, null);
scroller.scrollLeft = 20;
scrollerSize - 20, 0, scrollerSize - 20, scrollerSize));
scroller.scrollLeft = 50;
scrollerSize - 50, 0, scrollerSize - 20, scrollerSize));
scroller.scrollLeft = 200;
scrollerSize - 200, 0, scrollerSize - 20, scrollerSize));
// Check the percentage-based ScrollTimeline.
scroller.scrollLeft = 0.19 * scrollerSize;
assert_equals(percentageScrollTimeline.currentTime, null);
scroller.scrollLeft = 0.20 * scrollerSize;
0.8 * scrollerSize, 0, 0.8 * scrollerSize, scrollerSize));
scroller.scrollLeft = 0.4 * scrollerSize;
0.6 * scrollerSize, 0, 0.8 * scrollerSize, scrollerSize));
// Check the calc-based ScrollTimeline. 80% + 5px
scroller.scrollLeft = 0.2 * scrollerSize - 10;
assert_equals(calcScrollTimeline.currentTime, null);
scroller.scrollLeft = 0.2 * scrollerSize - 5;
0.8 * scrollerSize + 5, 0, 0.8 * scrollerSize + 5, scrollerSize));
scroller.scrollLeft = 0.2 * scrollerSize;
0.8 * scrollerSize, 0, 0.8 * scrollerSize + 5, scrollerSize));
scroller.scrollLeft = 0.6 * scrollerSize;
0.4 * scrollerSize, 0, 0.8 * scrollerSize + 5, scrollerSize));
}, 'currentTime handles endScrollOffset with direction: rtl correctly');