blob: 8dd9d8cb74092b1654197f5dc9a5c0d8d7749745 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/browser/download_danger_type.h"
#include "content/public/browser/download_item.h"
#include "content/public/browser/download_url_parameters.h"
namespace content {
class DownloadItemImpl;
class BrowserContext;
// Delegate for operations that a DownloadItemImpl can't do for itself.
// The base implementation of this class does nothing (returning false
// on predicates) so interfaces not of interest to a derived class may
// be left unimplemented.
class CONTENT_EXPORT DownloadItemImplDelegate {
typedef base::Callback<void(
const base::FilePath&, // Target path
DownloadItem::TargetDisposition, // overwrite/uniquify target
const base::FilePath& // Intermediate file path
)> DownloadTargetCallback;
// The boolean argument indicates whether or not the download was
// actually opened.
typedef base::Callback<void(bool)> ShouldOpenDownloadCallback;
virtual ~DownloadItemImplDelegate();
// Used for catching use-after-free errors.
void Attach();
void Detach();
// Request determination of the download target from the delegate.
virtual void DetermineDownloadTarget(
DownloadItemImpl* download, const DownloadTargetCallback& callback);
// Allows the delegate to delay completion of the download. This function
// will either return true (if the download may complete now) or will return
// false and call the provided callback at some future point. This function
// may be called repeatedly.
virtual bool ShouldCompleteDownload(
DownloadItemImpl* download,
const base::Closure& complete_callback);
// Allows the delegate to override the opening of a download. If it returns
// true then it's reponsible for opening the item.
virtual bool ShouldOpenDownload(
DownloadItemImpl* download, const ShouldOpenDownloadCallback& callback);
// Tests if a file type should be opened automatically.
virtual bool ShouldOpenFileBasedOnExtension(const base::FilePath& path);
// Checks whether a downloaded file still exists and updates the
// file's state if the file is already removed.
// The check may or may not result in a later asynchronous call
// to OnDownloadedFileRemoved().
virtual void CheckForFileRemoval(DownloadItemImpl* download_item);
// Return a GUID string used for identifying the application to the system AV
// function for scanning downloaded files. If an empty or invalid GUID string
// is returned, no client identification will be given to the AV function.
virtual std::string GetApplicationClientIdForFileScanning() const;
// Called when an interrupted download is resumed.
virtual void ResumeInterruptedDownload(
scoped_ptr<content::DownloadUrlParameters> params,
uint32_t id);
// For contextual issues like language and prefs.
virtual BrowserContext* GetBrowserContext() const;
// Update the persistent store with our information.
virtual void UpdatePersistence(DownloadItemImpl* download);
// Opens the file associated with this download.
virtual void OpenDownload(DownloadItemImpl* download);
// Shows the download via the OS shell.
virtual void ShowDownloadInShell(DownloadItemImpl* download);
// Handle any delegate portions of a state change operation on the
// DownloadItem.
virtual void DownloadRemoved(DownloadItemImpl* download);
// Assert consistent state for delgate object at various transitions.
virtual void AssertStateConsistent(DownloadItemImpl* download) const;
// For "Outlives attached DownloadItemImpl" invariant assertion.
int count_;
} // namespace content