blob: aa61601b5e8263b4ba2635d1ac97fbc904f4b30f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.content.common;
* Contains all of the command line switches that are specific to the content/
* portion of Chromium on Android.
public abstract class ContentSwitches {
// Tell Java to use the official command line, loaded from the
// official-command-line.xml files. WARNING this is not done
// immediately on startup, so early running Java code will not see
// these flags.
public static final String ADD_OFFICIAL_COMMAND_LINE = "add-official-command-line";
// Enables test intent handling.
public static final String ENABLE_TEST_INTENTS = "enable-test-intents";
// Dump frames-per-second to the log
public static final String LOG_FPS = "log-fps";
// Whether Chromium should use a mobile user agent.
public static final String USE_MOBILE_UA = "use-mobile-user-agent";
// Change the url of the JavaScript that gets injected when accessibility mode is enabled.
public static final String ACCESSIBILITY_JAVASCRIPT_URL = "accessibility-js-url";
// Sets the ISO country code that will be used for phone number detection.
public static final String NETWORK_COUNTRY_ISO = "network-country-iso";
// How much of the browser controls need to be shown before they will auto show.
public static final String TOP_CONTROLS_SHOW_THRESHOLD = "top-controls-show-threshold";
// How much of the browser controls need to be hidden before they will auto hide.
public static final String TOP_CONTROLS_HIDE_THRESHOLD = "top-controls-hide-threshold";
// Native switch - shell_switches::kRunLayoutTest
public static final String RUN_LAYOUT_TEST = "run-layout-test";
// Native switch - chrome_switches::kDisablePopupBlocking
public static final String DISABLE_POPUP_BLOCKING = "disable-popup-blocking";
// Native switch kDisableGestureRequirementForPresentation
// Native switch kRendererProcessLimit
public static final String RENDER_PROCESS_LIMIT = "renderer-process-limit";
// Native switch kInProcessGPU
public static final String IN_PROCESS_GPU = "in-process-gpu";
// Native switch kProcessType
public static final String SWITCH_PROCESS_TYPE = "type";
// Native switch kRendererProcess
public static final String SWITCH_RENDERER_PROCESS = "renderer";
// Native switch kUtilityProcess
public static final String SWITCH_UTILITY_PROCESS = "utility";
// Native switch kGPUProcess
public static final String SWITCH_GPU_PROCESS = "gpu-process";
// Use fake device for Media Stream to replace actual camera and microphone.
public static final String USE_FAKE_DEVICE_FOR_MEDIA_STREAM =
// Prevent instantiation.
private ContentSwitches() {}
public static String getSwitchValue(final String[] commandLine, String switchKey) {
if (commandLine == null || switchKey == null) {
return null;
// This format should be matched with the one defined in command_line.h.
final String switchKeyPrefix = "--" + switchKey + "=";
for (String command : commandLine) {
if (command != null && command.startsWith(switchKeyPrefix)) {
return command.substring(switchKeyPrefix.length());
return null;