blob: c393066eda6dc79d1338c9b188f2391fffb791e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package symbols
import (
// Loader knows how to load symbols from a starlark file, following references
// to other file it may load (recursively).
// As a result it builds a symbol tree. Intermediate nodes in this tree are
// struct-like definitions (which define namespaces), and leafs hold pointers
// to ast.Nodes with concrete definitions of these symbols (after following
// all possible aliases).
// Consider this Starlark code, for example:
// def _func():
// """Doc string."""
// exported = struct(func = _func, const = 123)
// It will produce the following symbol tree:
// Struct('', *ast.Module, [
// Term('_func', *ast.Function _func),
// Struct('exported', *ast.Namespace exported, [
// Term('func', *ast.Function _func),
// Term('const', *ast.Var const),
// ]),
// ])
// Notice that both '_func' and 'exported.func' point to exact same AST node
// where the function was actually defined.
// This allows to collect the documentation for all exported symbols even if
// they are gathered from many internal modules via load(...) statements,
// assignments and structs.
type Loader struct {
// Source loads module's source code.
Source func(module string) (src string, err error)
loading stringset.Set // set of modules being recursively loaded now
sources map[string]string // all loaded source code, keyed by module name
symbols map[string]*Struct // symbols defined in the corresponding module
// init lazily initializes loader's guts.
func (l *Loader) init() {
if l.loading == nil {
l.loading = stringset.New(1)
l.sources = make(map[string]string, 1)
l.symbols = make(map[string]*Struct, 1)
// Loads loads the module and all modules it references, populating the
// loader's state with information about exported symbols.
// Returns a struct with a list of symbols defined in the module.
// Can be called multiple times with different modules.
func (l *Loader) Load(module string) (syms *Struct, err error) {
defer func() {
err = errors.Annotate(err, "in %s", module).Err()
if !l.loading.Add(module) {
return nil, errors.New("recursive dependency")
defer l.loading.Del(module)
// Already processed it?
if syms, ok := l.symbols[module]; ok {
return syms, nil
// Load and parse the source code into a distilled AST.
src, err := l.Source(module)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
l.sources[module] = src
mod, err := ast.ParseModule(module, src)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Recursively resolve all references in 'mod' to their concrete definitions
// (perhaps in other modules). This returns a struct with a list of all
// symbols defined in the module.
var top *Struct
if top, err = l.resolveRefs(&mod.Namespace, nil); err != nil {
return nil, err
l.symbols[module] = top
return top, nil
// resolveRefs visits nodes in the namespace and follows References and
// ExternalReferences to get the terminal definition of all symbols defined in
// the namespace.
// resolveRefs puts them in a struct and returns it.
// 'top' struct represents the top module scope and it is used to lookup symbols
// when following references. Pass nil when resolveRefs is used to resolve the
// module scope itself.
// When resolving symbols in a struct(k=struct(k=...), ...), 'top' always
// contains symbols from the top-level module scope. There's NO chaining of
// scopes, because the following is NOT a valid definition:
// struct(
// k1 = v,
// nested = struct(k2 = k1), # k1 is undefined!
// )
// Only symbols defined at the module scope (e.g. variables) can be referenced
// from inside struct definitions.
func (l *Loader) resolveRefs(ns *ast.Namespace, top *Struct) (*Struct, error) {
cur := newStruct(ns.Name(), ns)
defer cur.freeze()
// When parsing the module scope, 'cur' IS the top-level scope. All symbols
// defined in 'cur' become immediately visible to all later definitions.
if top == nil {
top = cur
for _, n := range ns.Nodes {
switch val := n.(type) {
case *ast.Reference:
// A reference to a symbol defined elsewhere. Follow it.
cur.addSymbol(newAlias(val.Name(), Lookup(top, val.Path...)))
case *ast.ExternalReference:
// A reference to a symbol in another module. Load the module and follow
// the reference.
external, err := l.Load(val.Module)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cur.addSymbol(newAlias(val.Name(), Lookup(external, val.ExternalName)))
case *ast.Namespace:
// A struct(...) definition. Recursively resolve what's inside it. Allow
// it to reference the symbols in the top scope only. When one struct
// nests another, the inner struct doesn't have access to symbols defined
// in an outer struct. Only what's in the top-level scope.
inner, err := l.resolveRefs(val, top)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Something defined right in this namespace.
cur.addSymbol(newTerm(n.Name(), n))
return cur, nil