blob: fc6812fc60014bc3e0a6b9d591d2d6edbe5daa69 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "components/sync/model/entity_change.h"
#include "components/sync/model/entity_data.h"
namespace autofill {
class AutofillProfile;
class AutofillTable;
class CreditCard;
struct PaymentsCustomerData;
// Returns the specified |id| encoded in / decoded from base 64.
std::string GetBase64EncodedId(const std::string& id);
std::string GetBase64DecodedId(const std::string& id);
// Returns the storage key to be used for wallet metadata for the specified
// wallet metadata |type| and |specifics_id|.
std::string GetStorageKeyForWalletMetadataTypeAndSpecificsId(
sync_pb::WalletMetadataSpecifics::Type type,
const std::string& specifics_id);
// Sets the fields of the |wallet_specifics| based on the the specified
// |address|. If |enforce_utf8|, ids are encoded into UTF-8.
void SetAutofillWalletSpecificsFromServerProfile(
const AutofillProfile& address,
sync_pb::AutofillWalletSpecifics* wallet_specifics,
bool enforce_utf8 = false);
// Sets the fields of the |wallet_specifics| based on the the specified |card|.
// If |enforce_utf8|, ids are encoded into UTF-8.
void SetAutofillWalletSpecificsFromServerCard(
const CreditCard& card,
sync_pb::AutofillWalletSpecifics* wallet_specifics,
bool enforce_utf8 = false);
// Sets the fields of the |wallet_specifics| based on the specified
// |customer_data|.
void SetAutofillWalletSpecificsFromPaymentsCustomerData(
const PaymentsCustomerData& customer_data,
sync_pb::AutofillWalletSpecifics* wallet_specifics);
// TODO(sebsg): This should probably copy the converted state for the address
// too.
// Copies the metadata from the local cards (if present) to the corresponding
// server cards so that they don't get overwritten. This is because the wallet
// data does not include those. They are handled by the
// AutofillWalletMetadataSyncBridge.
void CopyRelevantWalletMetadataFromDisk(
const AutofillTable& table,
std::vector<CreditCard>* cards_from_server);
// Populates the wallet datatypes from the sync data and uses the sync data to
// link the card to its billing address. If |wallet_addresses| is a nullptr,
// this function will not extract addresses.
void PopulateWalletTypesFromSyncData(
const ::syncer::EntityChangeList& entity_data,
std::vector<CreditCard>* wallet_cards,
std::vector<AutofillProfile>* wallet_addresses,
std::vector<PaymentsCustomerData>* customer_data);
} // namespace autofill