blob: ad4dbc5071c678217b8fd84572fb83c9e53b1897 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/resources/chromeos/zip_archiver/cpp/volume_reader_javascript_stream.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include "base/files/file.h"
#include "chrome/browser/resources/chromeos/zip_archiver/cpp/javascript_requestor_interface.h"
#include "third_party/minizip/src/unzip.h"
int64_t archive_size,
JavaScriptRequestorInterface* requestor)
: archive_size_(archive_size),
// For first call -1 will force a chunk request from JavaScript as offset
// parameter is 0.
read_ahead_array_buffer_ptr_(&first_array_buffer_) {
// Dummy Map the second buffer as first buffer is used for read ahead by
// read_ahead_array_buffer_ptr_. This operation is required in order for Unmap
// to correctly work in the destructor and VolumeReaderJavaScriptStream::Read.
VolumeReaderJavaScriptStream::~VolumeReaderJavaScriptStream() {
// Unmap last mapped buffer. This is the other buffer to
// read_ahead_array_buffer_ptr_ as read_ahead_array_buffer_ptr_ must be
// available for SetBufferAndSignal to overwrite.
if (read_ahead_array_buffer_ptr_ != &first_array_buffer_)
int64_t VolumeReaderJavaScriptStream::offset() {
return offset_;
int64_t VolumeReaderJavaScriptStream::archive_size() {
return archive_size_;
void VolumeReaderJavaScriptStream::SetBufferAndSignal(
const pp::VarArrayBuffer& array_buffer,
int64_t read_offset) {
DCHECK_GE(read_offset, 0);
// Ignore read ahead in case offset was changed using Skip or Seek and in case
// we already have available data. This can happen in case of 2+ RequestChunk
// calls done in parallel as a result of calling Read, Skip and Seek one after
// another really fast. The usage of the buffer is not guarded so in case we
// overwrite *read_ahead_array_buffer_ptr_ we will end up with memory
// corruption.
// In case read_offset and offset_ are different, then the read ahead data is
// not valid anymore, but in case they are equal and available_data_ is set to
// true then the second read ahead data is the same as the first read ahead
// data so we can just ignore it.
// TODO(mtomasz): We don't need to discard everything. Sometimes part of the
// buffer can still be used. In such case we should use it. That can greatly
// improve traversing headers for archives with small files!
base::AutoLock al(shared_state_lock_);
if (read_offset == offset_ && !available_data_ && !read_error_) {
// Signal VolumeReaderJavaScriptStream::Read to continue execution. Copies
// buffer locally so minizip has the buffer in memory when working with
// it. Though we acquire a lock here this call is blocking only for a few
// moments as VolumeReaderJavaScriptStream::Read will release the lock with
// pthread_cond_wait. So we cannot arrive at a deadlock that will block the
// main thread.
*read_ahead_array_buffer_ptr_ = array_buffer; // Copy operation.
available_data_ = true;
void VolumeReaderJavaScriptStream::ReadErrorSignal() {
base::AutoLock al(shared_state_lock_);
read_error_ = true; // Read error from JavaScript.
void VolumeReaderJavaScriptStream::SetPassphraseAndSignal(
const std::string& passphrase) {
base::AutoLock al(shared_state_lock_);
// Signal VolumeReaderJavaScriptStream::Passphrase to continue execution.
available_passphrase_ = passphrase;
void VolumeReaderJavaScriptStream::PassphraseErrorSignal() {
base::AutoLock al(shared_state_lock_);
passphrase_error_ = true; // Passphrase error from JavaScript.
int64_t VolumeReaderJavaScriptStream::Read(int64_t bytes_to_read,
const void** destination_buffer) {
DCHECK_GT(bytes_to_read, 0);
base::AutoLock al(shared_state_lock_);
// No more data, so signal end of reading.
if (offset_ >= archive_size_) {
return 0;
// Call in case of first read or read after Seek and Skip.
if (last_read_chunk_offset_ != offset_ || !available_data_)
if (!available_data_) {
// Wait for data from JavaScript.
while (!available_data_) { // Check again available data as first call
// was done outside guarded zone.
if (read_error_) {
return -1;
if (read_error_) { // Read ahead failed.
return -1;
// Make data available for minizip custom read. No need to lock this part.
// The reason is that VolumeReaderJavaScriptStream::RequestChunk is the only
// function that can set available_data_ back to false and let
// VolumeReaderJavaScriptStream::SetBufferAndSignal overwrite the buffer. But
// reading ahead is done only at the end of this function after the buffers
// are switched.
*destination_buffer = read_ahead_array_buffer_ptr_->Map();
int64_t bytes_read =
offset_ += bytes_read;
last_read_chunk_offset_ = offset_;
// Ask for more data from JavaScript in the other buffer. This is the only
// time when we switch buffers. The reason is that minizip must
// always work on valid data and that data must be available until next
// VolumeReaderJavaScriptStream::Read call, and as the data can be received
// at any time from JavaScript, we need a buffer to store it in case of
// reading ahead.
read_ahead_array_buffer_ptr_ =
read_ahead_array_buffer_ptr_ != &first_array_buffer_
? &first_array_buffer_
: &second_array_buffer_;
// Unmap old buffer. Only Read and constructor can Map the buffers so Read and
// destructor should be the one to Unmap them. This will work because it is
// called before RequestChunk which is the only method that overwrites the
// buffer. The constructor should also Map a default pp::VarArrayBuffer and
// destructor Unmap the last used array buffer (which is the other buffer than
// read_ahead_array_buffer_ptr_). Unfortunately it's not clear from the
// API description if this call is done automatically on pp::VarArrayBuffer
// destructor.
// Read ahead next chunk with a length similar to current read.
return bytes_read;
int64_t VolumeReaderJavaScriptStream::Seek(int64_t offset,
base::File::Whence whence) {
base::AutoLock al(shared_state_lock_);
int64_t new_offset = offset_;
switch (whence) {
case base::File::FROM_BEGIN:
new_offset = offset;
case base::File::FROM_CURRENT:
new_offset += offset;
case base::File::FROM_END:
new_offset = archive_size_ + offset;
return -1;
if (new_offset < 0) {
return -1;
offset_ = new_offset;
return new_offset;
void VolumeReaderJavaScriptStream::SetRequestId(const std::string& request_id) {
// No lock necessary, as request_id is used by one thread only.
request_id_ = request_id;
base::Optional<std::string> VolumeReaderJavaScriptStream::Passphrase() {
// The error is not recoverable. Once passphrase fails to be provided, it is
// never asked again. Note, that still users are able to retry entering the
// password, unless they click Cancel.
base::AutoLock al(shared_state_lock_);
if (passphrase_error_) {
return {};
// Request the passphrase outside of the lock.
base::AutoLock al(shared_state_lock_);
// Wait for the passphrase from JavaScript.
// TODO(amistry): Handle spurious wakeups.
if (passphrase_error_)
return {};
return base::make_optional<std::string>(available_passphrase_);
void VolumeReaderJavaScriptStream::RequestChunk(int64_t length) {
// Read next chunk only if not at the end of archive.
if (archive_size_ <= offset_)
int64_t bytes_to_read =
std::min(length, archive_size_ - offset_ /* Positive check above. */);
available_data_ = false;
requestor_->RequestFileChunk(request_id_, offset_, bytes_to_read);