blob: 634498ac7caf04af21532e0524c2b8bbf2472a30 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// These have to be sync'd with
var expectedVolume1 = {
volumeId: 'removable:mount_path1',
volumeLabel: 'device_label1',
sourcePath: 'device_path1',
volumeType: 'removable',
deviceType: 'usb',
devicePath: 'system_path_prefix1',
isParentDevice: false,
isReadOnly: false,
isReadOnlyRemovableDevice: false,
hasMedia: false,
configurable: false,
watchable: true,
source: 'device',
profile: {profileId: '', displayName: '', isCurrentProfile: true},
diskFileSystemType: 'exfat'
var expectedVolume2 = {
volumeId: 'removable:mount_path2',
volumeLabel: 'device_label2',
sourcePath: 'device_path2',
volumeType: 'removable',
deviceType: 'mobile',
devicePath: 'system_path_prefix2',
isParentDevice: true,
isReadOnly: true,
isReadOnlyRemovableDevice: true,
hasMedia: true,
configurable: false,
// This is not an MTP device, so it's watchable.
// TODO(mtomasz): Add a test for a real MTP device.
watchable: true,
source: 'device',
profile: {profileId: '', displayName: '', isCurrentProfile: true},
diskFileSystemType: 'exfat'
var expectedVolume3 = {
volumeId: 'removable:mount_path3',
volumeLabel: 'device_label3',
sourcePath: 'device_path3',
volumeType: 'removable',
deviceType: 'optical',
devicePath: 'system_path_prefix3',
isParentDevice: true,
isReadOnly: true,
isReadOnlyRemovableDevice: false,
hasMedia: false,
configurable: false,
watchable: true,
source: 'device',
profile: {profileId: '', displayName: '', isCurrentProfile: true},
diskFileSystemType: 'exfat'
var expectedDownloadsVolume = {
volumeId: /^downloads:Downloads[^\/]*$/,
volumeLabel: '',
volumeType: 'downloads',
isReadOnly: false,
isReadOnlyRemovableDevice: false,
hasMedia: false,
configurable: false,
watchable: true,
source: 'system',
profile: {profileId: '', displayName: '', isCurrentProfile: true},
diskFileSystemType: ''
var expectedDriveVolume = {
volumeId: /^drive:drive[^\/]*$/,
volumeLabel: '',
sourcePath: /^\/special\/drive[^\/]*$/,
volumeType: 'drive',
isReadOnly: false,
isReadOnlyRemovableDevice: false,
hasMedia: false,
configurable: false,
watchable: true,
source: 'network',
profile: {profileId: '', displayName: '', isCurrentProfile: true},
diskFileSystemType: ''
var expectedArchiveVolume = {
volumeId: 'archive:archive_mount_path',
volumeLabel: 'archive_mount_path',
sourcePath: /removable\/mount_path3\/$/,
volumeType: 'archive',
isReadOnly: true,
isReadOnlyRemovableDevice: false,
hasMedia: false,
configurable: false,
watchable: true,
source: 'file',
profile: {profileId: '', displayName: '', isCurrentProfile: true},
diskFileSystemType: ''
var expectedProvidedVolume = {
volumeId: 'provided:',
volumeLabel: '',
volumeType: 'provided',
isReadOnly: true,
isReadOnlyRemovableDevice: false,
hasMedia: false,
configurable: true,
watchable: false,
extensionId: 'testing-extension-id',
source: 'network',
mountContext: 'auto',
fileSystemId: '',
profile: {profileId: '', displayName: '', isCurrentProfile: true},
diskFileSystemType: ''
// List of expected mount points.
// NOTE: this has to be synced with values in
// and values sorted by volumeId.
var expectedVolumeList = [
function validateObject(received, expected, name) {
for (var key in expected) {
if (expected[key] instanceof RegExp) {
if (!expected[key].test(received[key])) {
console.warn('Expected "' + key + '" ' + name + ' property to match: ' +
expected[key] + ', but got: "' + received[key] + '".');
return false;
} else if (expected[key] instanceof Object) {
if (!validateObject(received[key], expected[key], name + "." + key))
return false;
} else if (received[key] != expected[key]) {
console.warn('Expected "' + key + '" ' + name + ' property to be: "' +
expected[key] + '"' + ', but got: "' + received[key] +
'" instead.');
return false;
var expectedKeys = Object.keys(expected);
var receivedKeys = Object.keys(received);
if (expectedKeys.length !== receivedKeys.length) {
var unexpectedKeys = [];
for (var i = 0; i < receivedKeys.length; i++) {
if (!(receivedKeys[i] in expected))
console.warn('Unexpected properties found: ' + unexpectedKeys);
return false;
return true;
function removeMount() {
// We actually check this one on C++ side. If MountLibrary.RemoveMount
// doesn't get called, test will fail.
function getVolumeMetadataList() {
chrome.test.callbackPass(function(result) {
chrome.test.assertEq(expectedVolumeList.length, result.length,
'getMountPoints returned wrong number of mount points.');
for (var i = 0; i < expectedVolumeList.length; i++) {
result[i], expectedVolumeList[i], 'volumeMetadata'),
'getMountPoints result[' + i + '] not as expected');