blob: be10d87903bcb93a818bbd1364026693371c8a22 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef NGLayoutInputNode_h
#define NGLayoutInputNode_h
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "platform/heap/Handle.h"
namespace blink {
class ComputedStyle;
class LayoutObject;
class NGBreakToken;
class NGConstraintSpace;
class NGLayoutResult;
struct MinMaxContentSize;
// Represents the input to a layout algorithm for a given node. The layout
// engine should use the style, node type to determine which type of layout
// algorithm to use to produce fragments for this node.
class CORE_EXPORT NGLayoutInputNode
: public GarbageCollectedFinalized<NGLayoutInputNode> {
enum NGLayoutInputNodeType { kLegacyBlock = 0, kLegacyInline = 1 };
bool IsInline() const { return type_ == kLegacyInline; }
bool IsBlock() const { return type_ == kLegacyBlock; }
virtual ~NGLayoutInputNode(){};
// Performs layout on this input node, will return the layout result.
virtual RefPtr<NGLayoutResult> Layout(NGConstraintSpace*, NGBreakToken*) = 0;
// Returns the next sibling.
virtual NGLayoutInputNode* NextSibling() = 0;
// Returns the LayoutObject which is associated with this node.
virtual LayoutObject* GetLayoutObject() = 0;
virtual MinMaxContentSize ComputeMinMaxContentSize() = 0;
virtual const ComputedStyle& Style() const = 0;
NGLayoutInputNodeType Type() const {
return static_cast<NGLayoutInputNodeType>(type_);
explicit NGLayoutInputNode(NGLayoutInputNodeType type) : type_(type) {}
unsigned type_ : 1;
} // namespace blink
#endif // NGLayoutInputNode_h