blob: b426abefd6fcc631c0fc6c68c85e4a74c860d7ee [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_space_utils.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_block_node.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_layout_input_node.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_writing_mode.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
// Returns max of 2 {@code WTF::Optional} values.
template <typename T>
WTF::Optional<T> OptionalMax(const WTF::Optional<T>& value1,
const WTF::Optional<T>& value2) {
if (value1 && value2) {
return std::max(value1.value(), value2.value());
} else if (value1) {
return value1;
return value2;
bool IsOutOfFlowPositioned(const EPosition& position) {
return position == EPosition::kAbsolute || position == EPosition::kFixed;
} // namespace
bool IsNewFormattingContextForBlockLevelChild(const ComputedStyle& parent_style,
const NGLayoutInputNode& node) {
// TODO(layout-dev): This doesn't capture a few cases which can't be computed
// directly from style yet:
// - The child is a <fieldset>.
// - "column-span: all" is set on the child (requires knowledge that we are
// in a multi-col formatting context).
// (
if (node.IsInline())
return false;
const ComputedStyle& style = node.Style();
if (style.isFloating() || IsOutOfFlowPositioned(style.position()))
return true;
if (style.specifiesColumns() || style.containsPaint() ||
return true;
if (!style.isOverflowVisible())
return true;
EDisplay display = style.display();
if (display == EDisplay::kGrid || display == EDisplay::kFlex ||
display == EDisplay::kWebkitBox)
return true;
if (parent_style.getWritingMode() != style.getWritingMode())
return true;
return false;
WTF::Optional<LayoutUnit> GetClearanceOffset(
const std::shared_ptr<NGExclusions>& exclusions,
const ComputedStyle& style) {
const NGExclusion* right_exclusion = exclusions->last_right_float;
const NGExclusion* left_exclusion = exclusions->last_left_float;
WTF::Optional<LayoutUnit> left_offset;
if (left_exclusion) {
left_offset = left_exclusion->rect.BlockEndOffset();
WTF::Optional<LayoutUnit> right_offset;
if (right_exclusion) {
right_offset = right_exclusion->rect.BlockEndOffset();
switch (style.clear()) {
case EClear::kNone:
return WTF::nullopt; // nothing to do here.
case EClear::kLeft:
return left_offset;
case EClear::kRight:
return right_offset;
case EClear::kBoth:
return OptionalMax<LayoutUnit>(left_offset, right_offset);
return WTF::nullopt;
bool ShouldShrinkToFit(const ComputedStyle& parent_style,
const ComputedStyle& style) {
// Whether the child and the containing block are parallel to each other.
// Example: vertical-rl and vertical-lr
bool is_in_parallel_flow = IsParallelWritingMode(
return style.display() == EDisplay::kInlineBlock || style.isFloating() ||
} // namespace blink