blob: f551a25db8a2dde78f60542cfb39b78130cb93a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/bind_helpers.h"
#include "base/test/launcher/unit_test_launcher.h"
#include "base/test/test_suite.h"
#include "base/win/scoped_com_initializer.h"
#include "chrome/chrome_cleaner/os/rebooter.h"
#include "chrome/chrome_cleaner/os/secure_dll_loading.h"
#include "chrome/chrome_cleaner/os/system_util_cleaner.h"
#include "chrome/chrome_cleaner/os/task_scheduler.h"
#include "chrome/chrome_cleaner/test/test_util.h"
#include "sandbox/win/src/sandbox_factory.h"
namespace {
bool IsSandboxedProcess() {
static const bool is_sandboxed_process =
(sandbox::SandboxFactory::GetTargetServices() != nullptr);
return is_sandboxed_process;
} // namespace
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// This must be executed as soon as possible to reduce the number of dlls that
// the code might try to load before we can lock things down.
// We enable secure DLL loading in the test suite to be sure that it doesn't
// affect the behaviour of functionality that's tested.
base::TestSuite test_suite(argc, argv);
if (!chrome_cleaner::SetupTestConfigs())
return 1;
if (!chrome_cleaner::CheckTestPrivileges())
return 1;
// Make sure tests will not end up in an infinite reboot loop.
if (chrome_cleaner::Rebooter::IsPostReboot())
return 0;
// ScopedCOMInitializer keeps COM initialized in a specific scope. We don't
// want to initialize it for sandboxed processes, so manage its lifetime with
// a unique_ptr, which will call ScopedCOMInitializer's destructor when it
// goes out of scope below.
std::unique_ptr<base::win::ScopedCOMInitializer> scoped_com_initializer;
if (!IsSandboxedProcess()) {
scoped_com_initializer = std::make_unique<base::win::ScopedCOMInitializer>(
bool success = chrome_cleaner::InitializeCOMSecurity();
DCHECK(success) << "InitializeCOMSecurity() failed.";
success = chrome_cleaner::TaskScheduler::Initialize();
DCHECK(success) << "TaskScheduler::Initialize() failed.";
// Some tests will fail if two tests try to launch test_process.exe
// simultaneously, so run the tests serially. This will still shard them and
// distribute the shards to different swarming bots, but tests will run
// serially on each bot.
const int result = base::LaunchUnitTestsSerially(
argc, argv,
base::BindOnce(&base::TestSuite::Run, base::Unretained(&test_suite)));
if (!IsSandboxedProcess())
return result;