blob: e2ff221bdeb2f1005d2113b21cb16356d75ac8b0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
DEPS = [
def RunSteps(api):
# This normal step checks against regressions in the greenlet spawning
# function. Previously the engine would accidentally add the spawned greenlet
# to this normal step, resulting in deadlock at `fut.result()` below.
api.step('normal step', ['echo', 'I am pretty normal'])
fut = api.futures.spawn(api.step, 'do work', cmd=['something'])
if fut.exception():
assert isinstance(fut.exception(), api.step.StepFailure), (
'Some other exception?')
assert fut.done(), 'What? The future must be done after getting its result.'
api.step('run if success', cmd=None)
def GenTests(api):
yield (
+ api.post_check(lambda check, steps: check(
'run if success' in steps
yield (
+ api.step_data('do work', retcode=1)
+ api.post_check(lambda check, steps: check(
steps['do work'].status == 'FAILURE'
+ api.post_check(lambda check, steps: check(
'run if success' not in steps