Resize the "For quick access..." and "Import bookmarks now..." components shown in the bookmark bar when there are no bookmarks in the bar, when the window resizes. Show ellipses when each gets trimmed and hide them when they get too small.

BookmarkBar.xib changes: Connect the "Import bookmarks now..." button up to the importBookmarksButton_ outlet in the BookmarkBarView.

TEST=1) Start up a browser with no bookmarks on the bookmarks bar.
2) Verify that the "For quick access..." and "Import bookmarks now..." test fully shows.
3) Start shrinking the width of the browser window.
4) Verify that the "Import bookmarks now..." text is shrunk/clipped and finally disappears as the window gets narrower.
5) Continue shrinking the width and verify that the "For quick access..." text is shrunk/clipped with ellipses as the window gets narrower.
6) Grow the window and verify that the "For quick access..." reappears and then the "Import book now..." does.

Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
7 files changed